tinyMCE - disable source formatting completely - tinymce

I want to turn off source formatting completely when inserting code (to Source code) into Tiny Mce
Right now title, meta, and link etc. tags are deleted
<meta name="page_type" content="np-template-header-footer-from-plugin">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://test.com/page/page.css" media="screen">
extended_valid_elements: "*[*]",
valid_elements: "*[*]",
valid_children: "*[*]",
verify_html: false,
image_advtab: true,
image_dimensions: false,
cleanup_on_startup: false,
cleanup: false,
trim_span_elements: false,
verify_html: false,
keep_styles: false,
visualblocks_default_state: false,
forced_root_block: false,
force_br_newlines: true,
force_p_newlines: false,
remove_linebreaks: false,
apply_source_formatting: false,
remove_trailing_brs: false,
Tiny MCE cloud demo with settings:


VS code indentation mode changes from spaces to tab

I am using VS code with a number of extensions, including pylance , editorconfig, prettier, . No matter how many times I change the insertSpaces to true for the different languages or any indentation related settings to spaces mode, at some point (sometimes after a couple of minutes of usage, sometimes after reopening VS code) the tab key starts indenting with tab. I notice this mostly by pressing enter. How can I figure out which extension is doing overriding the spaces indentation mode? I don't want to go through the exercise of testing them one by one. Here's my settings.json that I have pruned down to remove nonrelevant settings.
"workbench.statusBar.visible": true,
"editor.insertSpaces": true,
"editor.tabSize": 4,
//"shellformat.useEditorConfig": true,
"editor.fontSize": 10,
"editor.tabCompletion": "on",
"editor.renderWhitespace": "all",
"editor.suggestSelection": "first",
"editor.codeLens": true,
// Generic
"cSpell.enabled": true,
"cSpell.language": "en",
"python.linting.enabled": true,
"python.linting.pylintArgs": [
"--indent-string=\" \""
"python.linting.pylintEnabled": true,
"python.autoComplete.addBrackets": true,
"python.terminal.activateEnvironment": true,
"[python]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-python.vscode-pylance",
"editor.tabSize": 4,
"editor.autoClosingBrackets": "always",
"editor.insertSpaces": true,
"prettier.useEditorConfig": true,
"prettier.tabWidth": 4,
"python.linting.pylintCategorySeverity.convention": "Hint",
"python.linting.pylintCategorySeverity.refactor": "Warning",
"python.linting.maxNumberOfProblems": 200,
"python.linting.pycodestyleArgs": [
"python.jediEnabled": false,
"vsintellicode.python.completionsEnabled": true,
"[json]": {
"editor.insertSpaces": true
// R
"[r]": {
"editor.autoClosingBrackets": "always",
"editor.defaultFormatter": "Ikuyadeu.r",
"editor.comments.insertSpace": true,
"r.interpreter": 0,
"r.linting.enable": true,
"r.lsp.debug": true,
"r.linting.maxLineLength": 105,
"r.editor.tabSize": 2,
"r.linting.noTabs": true,
"editor.detectIndentation": false,
"editor.comments.insertSpace": true,
"prettier.useTabs": false,
"editor.useTabStops": true,
"editor.stickyTabStops": false,
"update.enableWindowsBackgroundUpdates": false,
"breadcrumbs.enabled": true,
// REMOTE connection
"remote.SSH.showLoginTerminal": true,
"remote.SSH.lockfilesInTmp": true,
"window.openFoldersInNewWindow": "on",
"search.showLineNumbers": true,
"r.lsp.diagnostics": false,
"diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace": false,
"workbench.iconTheme": "vscode-icons",
"material-icon-theme.showUpdateMessage": false,
"window.zoomLevel": 3,
"sync.removeExtensions": true,
"sync.syncExtensions": true,
"vsintellicode.modify.editor.suggestSelection": "automaticallyOverrodeDefaultValue",
"python.analysis.extraPaths": [],
"python.terminal.activateEnvInCurrentTerminal": true,
"python.workspaceSymbols.enabled": true,
"python.analysis.completeFunctionParens": true,
"python.languageServer": "None",
"gitlens.currentLine.enabled": false,
"gitlens.hovers.currentLine.over": "line",
"gitlens.statusBar.enabled": false,
"jupyter.askForKernelRestart": false,
"[ignore]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "foxundermoon.shell-format"
"editor.autoIndent": "brackets",
"formattingToggle.affects": [

Prettier extension not working even after creating a config file

I have been trying to set up Prettier for VS Code globally so that I have all the basic features as well as single quotes. Before installing Prettier I uncommented VS Code's default Prettier configurations in settings.json file but it wasn't working.
Then I installed Prettier and enabled what I needed from VS Code's Settings > Extensions > Prettier tab but it still wasn't working. After that I created .prettierrc.json file and put it right beside where VS Code's settings.json file is, which is in c:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Roaming\\Code\\User\\settings.json. Then I added this path in VS Code's Settings > Extensions > Prettier > Config Path field. And guess what, it is still not working.
What am I doing wrong here?
Here's how my settings.json file looks like:
"terminal.integrated.shell.windows": "D:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe",
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.autoClosingBrackets": "always",
"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true,
"editor.maxTokenizationLineLength": 2000000,
"diffEditor.maxFileSize": 0,
"json.maxItemsComputed": 50000000,
"svelte.enable-ts-plugin": true,
"liveServer.settings.donotShowInfoMsg": true,
"bracketPairColorizer.depreciation-notice": false,
"[javascript]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.typescript-language-features"
"javascript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "always",
"workbench.colorTheme": "Community Material Theme Palenight High Contrast",
"reactSnippets.settings.importReactOnTop": false,
"reactSnippets.settings.prettierEnabled": true,
"html.completion.attributeDefaultValue": "singlequotes",
"html.format.indentInnerHtml": true,
"powermode.enabled": true,
"powermode.combo.counterEnabled": "hide",
"powermode.shake.enabled": false,
"powermode.combo.location": "off",
"powermode.presets": "flames",
// "prettier.jsxBracketSameLine": true,
"prettier.jsxSingleQuote": true,
"prettier.singleQuote": true,
// "prettier.tabWidth": 4,
// "prettier.useTabs": true,
"prettier.bracketSpacing": true,
"prettier.tabWidth": 4,
"prettier.useTabs": true,
"prettier.arrowParens": "avoid",
"prettier.configPath": "c:\\\\Users\\\\Admin\\\\AppData\\\\Roaming\\\\Code\\\\User\\\\.prettierrc.json"
// "prettier.bracketSameLine": true,
// "prettier.arrowParens": "avoid",
// "editor.wordWrapColumn": 120
And this is my .prettierrc.json file:
"arrowParens": "avoid",
"bracketSpacing": true,
"endOfLine": "lf",
"htmlWhitespaceSensitivity": "css",
"insertPragma": false,
"jsxBracketSameLine": false,
"jsxSingleQuote": true,
"printWidth": 80,
"proseWrap": "preserve",
"quoteProps": "as-needed",
"requirePragma": false,
"semi": true,
"singleQuote": true,
"tabWidth": 4,
"trailingComma": "es5",
"useTabs": true,
"vueIndentScriptAndStyle": false,
"parser": "json",
"filepath": "c:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Roaming\\Code\\User\\.prettierrc.json"
Any suggestions?

CSS/HTML suggestions in VSCode like in WebStorm

I have a question about the VSCode CSS/HTML suggestions. I would like it to work like in WebStorm.
First problem: when I type whole property name there are no suggestions.
But when I type di and select correct property and press tab/enter I have suggestions but in WebStorm it's always. Even if I press backspace and space again. In VSCode after backspace I cant see any suggestions any more.
Second problem: in HTML I don't see any suggestions (.css saved)
Extensions which I use:
IntelliSense for CSS, SCSS class names in HTML, Slim and SCSS, HTML CSS Support and SCSS IntelliSense
These are my user settings.
"explorer.confirmDragAndDrop": false,
"explorer.confirmDelete": false,
"workbench.iconTheme": "material-icon-theme",
"material-icon-theme.folders.theme": "specific",
"material-icon-theme.hidesExplorerArrows": false,
"material-icon-theme.folders.color": "#90a4ae",
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.wordWrap": "on",
"eslint.enable": false,
"git.autofetch": true,
"git.enableSmartCommit": true,
"files.autoSave": "off",
"workbench.editor.enablePreview": false,
"html-css-class-completion.enableEmmetSupport": true,
"trailing-spaces.trimOnSave": true,
"workbench.colorTheme": "Atom One Dark",
"php.validate.run": "onType",
"php.suggest.basic": true,
"editor.formatOnPaste": true,
"emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab": true,
"emmet.includeLanguages": {
"blade": "html",
"javascript": "javascriptreact"
"editor.tabCompletion": "on",
"editor.find.autoFindInSelection": true,
"editor.snippetSuggestions": "top"
I wonder if it's the fault of my configuration or the lack of any extensions or maybe I have too many of them (21).

In Visual Studio Code, how do I disable all suggestions and other tool-tips?

I've disabled every setting that appears to cause the suggestions and tool tips similar to the one below:
screenshot of the tool-tip
Here is a my settings.json:
"editor.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter": false,
"editor.fontSize": 24,
"editor.hover.enabled": false,
"editor.hover.sticky": false,
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"other": false,
"comments": false,
"strings": false
"editor.quickSuggestionsDelay": 10,
"editor.snippetSuggestions": "none",
"editor.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": false,
"editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "off",
"editor.wordWrap": "on", "editor.hover.enabled": false,
"editor.parameterHints": false,
"editor.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter": false,
"editor.wordBasedSuggestions": false
Is there any other setting that would stop these suggestions/tool-tips?
Here is another screenshot showing similar pop-up even after adding code suggested by P.W
You should add one more option in your settings.json file.
"editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": false,
Put it somewhere after
"editor.parameterHints.enabled": false,
And see if it works.

unexpected code completion when typing div.row

I use bootstrap, and when typing html I want emmet completion for div.row to be:
<div class= "row">
What I get is:
Here are my settings, trying to stop non emmet expansion. What can I do to get the expansion I want?
"html.suggest.angular1": false,
"html.suggest.ionic": false,
"html.suggest.html5": false,
"editor.wordBasedSuggestions": false,
"editor.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter": false,
"editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": false,
"editor.suggestOnTriggerCharacters": false,
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"other": false,
"comments": false,
"strings": false
I had an error in settings json for one project. When i fixed the error emmit is working now.
