Leaflet: Raster Grid on map with different colors - leaflet

I am new to Leaflet and I want to create a raster and add it to my map. The raster is inside inside a polygon, which means I have many polygons (squares). Currently, I am adding just squares, but this makes everything very slow. It should look like this:
I also want to display a popup when hovering over a square with some information related to the square.
What I just tried:
I tried to use the GridLayer class for this but it seems I can mask it so that it just shows only specific squares.
There a various plugins but I do not really understand what they are doing
Has anyone an idea how this can be implemented?
Thank you


How to write text onto a mapbox vector tile

I want to label stations on my map, and I would like to clusterize the stops at different zoom levels to filter them down. So as you zoom out all you get is the start and end, and then finally a single label start->end.
How do I render a text label on a vector tile ?
I could fetch the stations as a geojson and reload on zoom change if there's no easy way to do this with tiles.
Is there a reason you need to encode your data differently per-zoom-level in the tiles or are you mainly concerned with displaying data differently per-zoom-level? If the latter, I would recommend looking for an approach that focuses more on styling the vector tiles you already have rather than trying to generate those tiles in a more complex fashion. You could try using a zoom function to style your data. If you're using Mapbox Studio, you can also set zoom-specific style rules in the Studio UI, which is the route you'll probably want to go if you're using Leaflet (I see the Leaflet tag in your post but it's not entirely clear what your implementation looks like).
If the former, you may need to use a tool like Tippecanoe. This route will likely be a bit more complex, but gives you fine-grained control over how your vector tiles are generated. Keep in mind that once you've created your tiles using Tippecanoe, you'll still need to style them somehow.

Mysterious "markers" using Leaflet (with Omnivore and the MapQuest plugins)

I'm using Leaflet (with omnivore and the MapQuest tile plugins) to display a map with colored polygons. The map and polygons look/work fine, but there are these mysterious blue markers everywhere.
There's nothing in the JS about markers at all, and if I comment out the polygon.addTo(map); line, the markers disappear. So they're definitely related to the polygons, even though they're not directly positioned on the polygons.
Any idea why the markers are appearing, or how I can make them disappear?
SOLVED: It turns out that the problem was that I'm using MSSQL's ".Reduce(n)" function to simplify the polygons (for performance), and if you simplify the polygons too far, the results have "Point(...)" items in them - which leaflet renders as markers!
Now, off to figure out why MSSQL is turning things into points...
Welcome to SO!
Most probably your polygon variable is a Leaflet GeoJSON Layer Group built by the omnivore plugin, and the data you feed it with contains "Point" type geometries.
If you do not specify anything special to handle these points, Leaflet will render them with this default blue marker icon.
In that case, you could simply filter out those point features, whether after omnivore processing (use the ready event) or using a custom GeoJSON Layer Group with its filter option. There should be other posts describing such solutions.
See e.g. Mapbox: Filtering out markers in a Leaflet Omnivore KML layer
If you are not in this case, you would have to provide more information for people to be able to help you. Typically code that you use to build your polygon layer and sample data.

Can leaflet show dynamic arrows aimed at offscreen points of interest?

Using leaflet mobile maps, you can easily get "lost" if you zoom in too far or pan in the wrong direction, so I'd like to display some kind of dynamic hint arrows(?) around the edge of the map which point to those offscreen markers. Something like the illustration below which I stumbled on here while trying to find a solution.
You would probably be interested in Leaflet EdgeMarker plugin (demo):
[…] allows you to indicate Markers, Circles and CircleMarkers that are outside of the current view by displaying [a chosen icon (like an arrow)] at the edges of the map.

Mapbox gl repeat marker

I try to repeat a marker at the same coordinates when I am moving the map to infinity, in the same way that layers.
example : https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/example/geojson-polygon/
Has anyone found how to do that please?
If it's not possible, conversely is it possible to not repeat layers when you moving the map ?
Thank you
The Link example you provided is not using Markers to render the shaded area. It is using a feature, in this case a polygon, included in a layer (a layer can have many features).
In MapBox the rendered map is made up of any number of layers (including the tile data) which is rendered whenever you scroll or drag to a particular area of the map. For example as you keep dragging to the right in the map it will just keep rendering in the relevant layers and tiles.
The Marker functionality has a different purpose which is as a one off selected point which is useful for a user click or hover interaction.

Leafleftjs - OpenstreetMap : Bring road names on top of Overlay layers

I am new to OpenstreetMap and Leafletjs. I am trying to implement a map displaying journey time information on motorways (also called highways in some part of the world) by using different colors to show road congestion and the problem I'm facing is, once the map tiles are rendered, it comes with all information, like town/city names, road names etc.
On the basis of road information that I receive, I create road colorings in an overlay that sits on top of the tile layer. The problem is, once that happens, the road colorings cover the road names that appear on the tile layer. The problem can be seen in the image displayed below.
Is there a way, I could extract the road names so that I could put it in a layer above the road coloring layer so that road names appear on top of road colorings.
Thanks for any sort of help, Looking forward to some replies.
In theory, you could create two sets of tiles: one with the road lines, another with the shields (labels). Render the shields tiles with a transparent background. Then hack Leaflet around to have a second tile layer above the overlay layer.
However... that's a whole bunch of hassle for a fairly simple problem. So: why not render the road numbers alongside the roads, rather than on top of them? That way, your overlay line won't obscure the numbers. Here's an example of a style that does this (disclaimer: my site!).
Assuming you're using Mapnik to render your tiles, you'll want to use TextSymbolizer rather than ShieldSymbolizer. Customising the style is (of course) much easier if you're using TileMill rather than pure Mapnik XML.
As you say, the roadnames (here ref icon symbolizers) are part of the OSM raster map tiles and can't changed easily.
So the easiest solution would be to switch to a mapstyle without labels.
Another idea would be to add more alpha to your cusom GPS track, so it get's more 'hollow' and fits better in the mapstyle. But the default OSM style isn't good for adding informations on top, as this basemap is already to detailed. Maybe it makes sense to use another one: