AHK how to remap Middle Mouse Scroll Click to Left Click + Right Click? - autohotkey

In AHK, I want to remap Middle Mouse Scroll Click to Left Click + Right Click. Tried this syntax, but doesn't work:
Please help!


VSCode keyboard scrolling

When scrolling with keyboard with ctrl + up/down in windows and the cursor still in the first place, so when I leave ctrl button and move cursor with keyboard up/down/left/right keys in order to place the cursor in currently scrolled place, the scroll goes to the first place where the cursor was! is there any way when scrolling with keyboard move cursor along with?

How to make button4 on mouse do command + left arrow?

I want to make button4 on mouse do command + left arrow. I've tried this a lot but don't have enough experience with karabiner and its code to do it. Thanks for helping me out!

Detect when Ctrl is pressed

I'm implementing a ctrl+click solution for links in a textview and am having trouble setting the cursor to a hand when Ctrl is being held. Right now I
set the cursor to a hand in mouse motion when mouse moves inside the textview and control is pressed and the mouse is on top of a link (I use TextTag to style the links, so I just check whether the text below the mouse has this tag.).
set the mouse cursor back to the text edit cursor otherwise
However, when the mouse is on top of the link and I press Ctrl (without moving the mouse) the cursor does not change. Clearly, no mouse motion was detected so this is the expected behavior. My problem is how to implement this. I tried adding a keypress handler to the textview, but
it only fires when the textview has focus. This is not always the case, since I might not click the textview before clicking the link.
event.get_state() only comes with CONTROL_MASK if other key is pressed as well.
I receive no information about the mouse cursor, so I end up not knowing where it is pointing inside the keypress handler.
How can I solve these issues so I can have a Ctrl+click solution that shows adequate cursor when Ctrl is being pressed? I can already solve it by considering only mouse motion. The problem is how to detect Ctrl being pressed and react accordingly without mouse motion.

AutoHotKey: How to click right mouse on selected SysListView and select item from menu

How can I click the right mouse button on a selected list item? (See image: 2nd item with blue background). The mouse position might be somewhere else so I have to identify which item is selected and where it is. And then in the next step I want to press the left mouse button on an item in the menu that opens. Environment: Windows 7.
Looks like a job for the Menu Key/ AppsKey!
Add this piece of code after you have highlighted your box with the AHK script (i.e. where you would otherwise put your right-click)
Send {Appskey}

Eclipse - scroll back after viewing definition

In Eclipse, is it possible to use some key combination to "go back" after control+clicking a field or method to view its definition, so that I don't have to scroll back down whenever I do so?
You can use "Back" button on the toolbar (its icon is a yellow arrow pointing to the left).
Alternatively, use Alt + Left Arrow to get the same result.
Use "Forward" toolbar button (yellow, right-pointing arrow icon) or Alt + Roght Arrow to go forward.