How to round integer number using precision in flutter - flutter

I am trying to make the Y axis intervals of linechart dynamic in flutter. Here the MaxVal will get the maximum value of the Y axis.
int interval = (maxVal/6).toInt();
int length = interval.toString().length.toInt();
So here I have divided the maxVal with 6 so I will get the interval and I will find out the length. Next I need to round the interval according to the length. But I couldn't see any option to add precision for in flutter.
The Expected Output
If maxVal = 10000 then
interval will 1666
then length will 4. Then
I expected rounded value will be 2000

I'm assuming that you're asking to round a (non-negative) integer to its most significant base-10 digit. A general way to round non-negative integers is to add half of the unit you want to round to and to then truncate. For example, if you want to round a non-negative integer to the nearest 1000, you can add 1000/2 = 500, and then discard the hundreds, tens, and ones digits. An easy way to discard those digits is to perform an integer division by 1000 and then to multiply by 1000 again.
The trickiest part is determining what unit you want to round to since that's variable. If you want the most significant base-10 digit, you will need to determine the number of digits. In theory you can compute that with logarithms, but it's usually risky to depend on exact results with floating-point arithmetic, you'd have to deal with 0 as a special case, and it's harder to be confident of correctness. It's simpler and less error-prone to just find the length of the number's string representation. Once we find the number of digits, we can determine which unit to round to computing a corresponding power of 10.
import 'dart:math';
/// Rounds [n] to the nearest multiple of [multiple].
int roundToMultiple(int n, int multiple) {
assert(n >= 0);
assert(multiple > 0);
return (n + (multiple ~/ 2)) ~/ multiple * multiple;
/// Rounds [n] to its most significant digit.
int roundToMostSignificantDigit(int n) {
assert(n >= 0);
var numDigits = n.toString().length;
var magnitude = pow(10, numDigits - 1) as int;
return roundToMultiple(n, magnitude);
void main() {
var inputs = [
for (var n in inputs) {
var rounded = roundToMostSignificantDigit(n);
print('$n => $rounded');
which prints:
0 => 0
1 => 1
5 => 5
9 => 9
10 => 10
11 => 10
16 => 20
19 => 20
20 => 20
21 => 20
49 => 50
50 => 50
51 => 50
99 => 100
100 => 100
469 => 500
833 => 800
1666 => 2000
(The above code should be tweakable to handle negative numbers too if desired, but first you would need to define whether negative numbers should be rounded toward 0 or toward negative infinity.)


Creating an optimal selection of overlapping time intervals

A car dealer rents out the rare 1956 Aston Martin DBR1 (of which Aston Martin only ever made 5).
Since there are so many rental requests, the dealer decides to place bookings for an entire year in advance.
He collects the requests and now needs to figure out which requests to take.
Make a script that selects the rental requests such that greatest number of individual customers
can drive in the rare Aston Martin.
The input of the script is a matrix of days of the year, each row representing the starting and ending
days of the request. The output should be the indices of the customers and their day ranges.
It is encouraged to plan your code first and write your own functions.
At the top of the script, add a comment block with a description of how your code works.
Example of a list with these time intervals:
list = [10 20; 9 15; 16 17; 21 100;];
(It should also work for a list with 100 time intervals)
We could select customers 1 and 4, but then 2 and 3 are impossible, resulting in two happy customers.
Alternatively we could select requests 2, 3 and 4. Hence three happy customers is the optimum here.
The output would be:
customers = [2, 3, 4],
days = [9, 15; 16, 17; 21, 100]
All I can think of is checking if intervals intersect, but I have no clue how to make an overall optimal selection.
My idea:
1) Sort them by start date
2) Make an array of intersections for each one
3) Start to reject from the ones which has the biggest intersection array, removing rejected item from arrays of intersected units
4) Repeat point 3 until only units with empty arrays will remain
In your example we will get data
10 20 [9 15, 16 17]
9 15 [10 20]
16 17 [10 20]
21 100 []
so we reject 10 20 as it has 2 intersections, so we will have only items with empty arrays
9 15 []
16 17 []
21 100 []
so the search is finished
code on javascript
const inputData = ' 50 74; 6 34; 147 162; 120 127; 98 127; 120 136; 53 68; 145 166; 95 106; 242 243; 222 250; 204 207; 69 79; 183 187; 198 201; 184 199; 223 245; 264 291; 100 121; 61 61; 232 247'
// convert string to array of objects
const orders = inputData.split(';')
.map((v, index) => (
id: index,
start: Number(v.split(' ')[1]),
end: Number(v.split(' ')[2]),
intersections: []
// sort them by start value
orders.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start)
// find intersection for each one and add them to intersection array
orders.forEach((item, index) => {
for (let i = index + 1; i < orders.length; i++) {
if (orders[i].start <= item.end) {
} else {
// sort by intersections count
orders.sort((a, b) => a.intersections.length - b.intersections.length)
// loop while at least one item still has intersections
while (orders[orders.length - 1].intersections.length > 0) {
const rejected = orders.pop()
// remove rejected item from other's intersections
rejected.intersections.forEach(item => {
item.intersections = item.intersections.filter(
item => !==
// sort by intersections count
orders.sort((a, b) => a.intersections.length - b.intersections.length)
// sort by start value
orders.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start)
// show result
orders.forEach(item => { console.log(item.start + ' - ' + item.end)})
Wanted to expand/correct a little bit on the acvepted answer.
You should start by sorting by the start date.
Then accept the very last customer.
Go through the list descending from there and accept all request that do not overlap with the already accepted ones.
That's the optimal solution.

Prime numbers print from range 2...100

I have been assigned with a task to print prime numbers from a range 2...100. I've managed to get most of the prime numbers but can't figure out how to get rid of 9 and 15, basically multiples of 3 and 5. Please give me your suggestion on how can I fix this.
for n in 2...20 {
if n % 2 == 0 && n < 3{
} else if n % 2 == 1 {
} else if n % 3 == 0 && n > 6 {
This what it prints so far:
One of effective algorithms to find prime numbers is Sieve of Eratosthenes. It is based on idea that you have sorted array of all numbers in given range and you go from the beginning and you remove all numbers after current number divisible by this number which is prime number. You repeat this until you check last element in the array.
There is my algorithm which should do what I described above:
func primes(upTo rangeEndNumber: Int) -> [Int] {
let firstPrime = 2
guard rangeEndNumber >= firstPrime else {
fatalError("End of range has to be greater than or equal to \(firstPrime)!")
var numbers = Array(firstPrime...rangeEndNumber)
// Index of current prime in numbers array, at the beginning it is 0 so number is 2
var currentPrimeIndex = 0
// Check if there is any number left which could be prime
while currentPrimeIndex < numbers.count {
// Number at currentPrimeIndex is next prime
let currentPrime = numbers[currentPrimeIndex]
// Create array with numbers after current prime and remove all that are divisible by this prime
var numbersAfterPrime = numbers.suffix(from: currentPrimeIndex + 1)
numbersAfterPrime.removeAll(where: { $0 % currentPrime == 0 })
// Set numbers as current numbers up to current prime + numbers after prime without numbers divisible by current prime
numbers = numbers.prefix(currentPrimeIndex + 1) + Array(numbersAfterPrime)
// Increase index for current prime
currentPrimeIndex += 1
return numbers
print(primes(upTo: 100)) // [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97]
print(primes(upTo: 2)) // [2]
print(primes(upTo: 1)) // Fatal error: End of range has to be greater than or equal to 2!
what is the Prime num : Prime numbers are the positive integers having only two factors, 1 and the integer itself,
//Funtion Call
findPrimeNumberlist(fromNumber: 1, toNumber: 100)
//You can print any range Prime number using this fucntion.
func findPrimeNumberlist(fromNumber:Int, toNumber: Int)
for i in fromNumber...toNumber
var isPrime = true
if i <= 1 { // number must be positive integer
isPrime = false
else if i <= 3 {
isPrime = true
else {
for j in 2...i/2 // here i am using loop from 2 to i/2 because it will reduces the iteration.
if i%j == 0 { // number must have only 1 factor except 1. so use break: no need to check further
isPrime = false
if isPrime {
func getPrimeNumbers(rangeOfNum: Int) -> [Int]{
var numArr = [Int]()
var primeNumArr = [Int]()
var currentNum = 0
for i in 0...rangeOfNum{
currentNum = i
var counter = 0
if currentNum > 1{
for j in numArr{
if currentNum % j == 0{
counter += 1
if counter == 1{
return primeNumArr
Then just call the function with the max limit using this
getPrimeNumbers(rangeOfNum: 100)
What is happening in above code:
The numArr is created to keep track of what numbers have been used
Any number that is prime number is added/appended to primeNumArr
Current number shows the number that is being used at the moment
We start from 0 ... upto our range where we need prime numbers upto (with little modification it can be changed if the range starts from other number beside 0)
Remember, for a number to be Prime it should have 2 divisor means should be only completely divisible by 2 numbers. First is 1 and second is itself. (Completely divisible means having remainder 0)
The counter variable is used to keep count of how many numbers divide the current number being worked on.
Since 1 is only has 1 Divisor itself hence its not a Prime number so we start from number > 1.
First as soon as we get in, we add the current number being checked into the number array to keep track of numbers being used
We run for loop to on number array and check if the Current Number (which in our case will always be New and Greater then previous ones) when divided by numbers in numArr leaves a remainder of 0.
If Remainder is 0, we add 1 to the counter.
Since we are already ignoring 1, the max number of counter for a prime number should be 1 which means only divisible by itself (only because we are ignoring it being divisible by 1)
Hence if counter is equal to 1, it confirms that the number is prime and we add it to the primeNumArr
And that's it. This will give you all prime numbers within your range.
PS: This code is written on current version of swift
Optimised with less number of loops
Considered below conditions
Even Number can not be prime number expect 2 so started top loop form 3 adding 2
Any prime number can not multiplier of even number expect 2 so started inner loop form 3 adding 2
Maximum multiplier of any number if half that number
var primeNumbers:[Int] = [2]
for index in stride(from: 3, to: 100, by: 2) {
var count = 0
for indexJ in stride(from: 3, to: index/2, by: 2) {
if index % indexJ == 0 {
count += 1
if count == 1 {
if count == 0 {
print("primeNumbers ===", primeNumbers)
I finally figured it out lol, It might be not pretty but it works haha, Thanks for everyone's answer. I'll post what I came up with if maybe it will help anyone else.
for n in 2...100 {
if n % 2 == 0 && n < 3{
} else if n % 3 == 0 && n > 6 {
} else if n % 5 == 0 && n > 5 {
} else if n % 7 == 0 && n > 7{
} else if n % 2 == 1 {

Finding number position in ranges

I am writing a function that has to find the position of a given number within numerical ranges, the range is a variable within the code, for now lets say the range is 4 so the ranges will look like the following:
[ 0-3 ]
[ 4-7 ]
[ 8-11 ]
[ 12-15 ]
[ 16-19 ]
[ 20-23 ]
[ 24-27 ]
What i would like to achieve is to find the range where a given number belongs to, in the quickest way possibly,as this operation is performed over million of events.
So what i have wrote so far, and it works fine, is the following:
public String findRange(int range,int number2bFound)
int base = 0;
if (number2bFound == 0)
number2bFound = 1.0;
int higher = 0;
while (base <= number2bFound)
higher = base + (range - 1);
if ((base <= number2bFound) && (higher >= number2bFound))
return base + "-" + higher;
base += range;
return null;
So as i said this works, but i am sure this can be done implemented more efficiently, by only using the value of number2bFonud and the range and excluding the very expensive loop.
if all the ranges have the same size and it start from 0, a simple division will do, additionally you can find the position in the sub-range with a modulo operation.
The procedure is simple, find the integer division of your number n against yours range size and that will give you in which sub-range it belong, to find the position inside the sub-range find the modulo of your number again against the range size
here is a example python
def find_position(n,size):
return (n//size, n%size)
with range of size 4
>>> test=[ [0,1,2,3], [4,5,6,7], [8,9,10,11], [12,13,14,15], [16,17,18,19], [20,21,22,23] ]
>>> find_position(6,4)
(1, 2)
>>> test[1][2]
>>> find_position(11,4)
(2, 3)
>>> test[2][3]
with range 5
>>> test=[ [0,1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8,9] ,[10,11,12,13,14],[15,16,17,18,19], [20,21,22,23,24] ]
>>> find_position(11,5)
(2, 1)
>>> test[2][1]
The procedure is a follow, let Size be the size of each sub-range and n the number you wan to locate, then you only need to the be the take the number n you want to find.
translate that to java should be very simple, excuse if my is a little rusty but is something like this I think
public String findRange(int range,int number2bFound){
int sub_ran_pos, pos;
sub_ran_pos = (int) number2bFound/range; //or however the integer division is in java
pos = number2bFound % range; //or however the modulo operation it is in java
return sub_ran_pos + "-" + pos; //or the appropriate return type, for this
(I don't remember, but if java is 1-index then you need to add 1 to each number to get right result)

How to check if a number can be represented as a sum of some given numbers

I've got a list of some integers, e.g. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10]
And I've another integer (N). For example, N = 19.
I want to check if my integer can be represented as a sum of any amount of numbers in my list:
19 = 10 + 5 + 4
19 = 10 + 4 + 3 + 2
Every number from the list can be used only once. N can raise up to 2 thousand or more. Size of the list can reach 200 integers.
Is there a good way to solve this problem?
4 years and a half later, this question is answered by Jonathan.
I want to post two implementations (bruteforce and Jonathan's) in Python and their performance comparison.
def check_sum_bruteforce(numbers, n):
# This bruteforce approach can be improved (for some cases) by
# returning True as soon as the needed sum is found;
sums = []
for number in numbers:
for sum_ in sums[:]:
sums.append(sum_ + number)
return n in sums
def check_sum_optimized(numbers, n):
sums1, sums2 = [], []
numbers1 = numbers[:len(numbers) // 2]
numbers2 = numbers[len(numbers) // 2:]
for sums, numbers_ in ((sums1, numbers1), (sums2, numbers2)):
for number in numbers_:
for sum_ in sums[:]:
sums.append(sum_ + number)
for sum_ in sums1:
if n - sum_ in sums2:
return True
return False
assert check_sum_bruteforce([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10], 19)
assert check_sum_optimized([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10], 19)
import timeit
"Bruteforce approach (10000 times):",
'check_sum_bruteforce([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 200)',
"Optimized approach by Jonathan (10000 times):",
'check_sum_optimized([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 200)',
Output (the float numbers are seconds):
Bruteforce approach (10000 times): 1.830944365834205
Optimized approach by Jonathan (10000 times): 0.34162875449254027
The brute force approach requires generating 2^(array_size)-1 subsets to be summed and compared against target N.
The run time can be dramatically improved by simply splitting the problem in two. Store, in sets, all of the possible sums for one half of the array and the other half separately. It can now be determined by checking for every number n in one set if the complementN-n exists in the other set.
This optimization brings the complexity down to approximately: 2^(array_size/2)-1+2^(array_size/2)-1=2^(array_size/2 + 1)-2
Half of the original.
Here is a c++ implementation using this idea.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
bool sum_search(vector<int> myarray, int N) {
//values for splitting the array in two
int right=myarray.size()-1,middle=(myarray.size()-1)/2;
set<int> all_possible_sums1,all_possible_sums2;
//iterate over the first half of the array
for(int i=0;i<middle;i++) {
//buffer set that will hold new possible sums
set<int> buffer_set;
//every value currently in the set is used to make new possible sums
for(set<int>::iterator set_iterator=all_possible_sums1.begin();set_iterator!=all_possible_sums1.end();set_iterator++)
//transfer buffer into the main set
for(set<int>::iterator set_iterator=buffer_set.begin();set_iterator!=buffer_set.end();set_iterator++)
//iterator over the second half of the array
for(int i=middle;i<right+1;i++) {
set<int> buffer_set;
for(set<int>::iterator set_iterator=all_possible_sums2.begin();set_iterator!=all_possible_sums2.end();set_iterator++)
for(set<int>::iterator set_iterator=buffer_set.begin();set_iterator!=buffer_set.end();set_iterator++)
//for every element in the first set, check if the the second set has the complemenent to make N
for(set<int>::iterator set_iterator=all_possible_sums1.begin();set_iterator!=all_possible_sums1.end();set_iterator++)
return true;
return false;
Ugly and brute force approach:
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10]
b = []
a.size.times do |c|
b << a.combination(c).select{|d| d.reduce(&:+) == 19 }
puts b.flatten(1).inspect

Facebook interview: find out the order that gives max sum by selecting boxes with number in a ring, when the two next to it is destroyed

Didn't find any similar question about this.
This is a final round Facebook question:
You are given a ring of boxes. Each box has a non-negative number on it, can be duplicate.
Write a function/algorithm that will tell you the order at which you select the boxes, that will give you the max sum.
The catch is, if you select a box, it is taken off the ring, and so are the two boxes next to it (to the right and the left of the one you selected).
so if I have a ring of
{10 3 8 12}
If I select 12, 8 and 10 will be destroyed and you are left with 3.
The max will be selecting 8 first then 10, or 10 first then 8.
I tried re-assign the boxes their value by take its own value and then subtracts the two next to is as the cost.
So the old ring is {10 3 8 12}
the new ring is {-5, -15, -7, -6}, and I will pick the highest.
However, this definitely doesn't work if you have { 10, 19, 10, 0}, you should take the two 10s, but the algorithm will take the 19 and 0.
Help please?
It is most likely dynamic programming, but I don't know how.
The ring can be any size.
Here's some python that solves the problem:
def sublist(i,l):
if i == 0:
return l[2:-1]
elif i == len(l)-1:
return l[1:-2]
return l[0:i-1] + l[i+2:]
def val(l):
if len(l) <= 3:
return max(l)
return max([v+val(m) for v,m in [(l[u],sublist(u,l)) for u in range(len(l))]])
def print_indices(l):
while l:
vals = [v+val(m) for v,m in [(l[u],sublist(u,l)) for u in range(len(l)) if sublist(u,l)]]
if vals:
i = vals.index(max(vals))
i = l.index(max(l))
print('choice:',l[i],'index:',i,'new list:',sublist(i,l))
l = sublist(i,l)
Total: 18
choice: 10 index: 0 new list: [8]
choice: 8 index: 0 new list: []
Total: 20
choice: 10 index: 0 new list: [10]
choice: 10 index: 0 new list: []
No doubt it could be optimized a bit. The key bit is val(), which calculates the total value of a given ring. The rest is just bookkeeping.