Getting Values from Nested Mongo DBRefs - mongodb

I'm having an issue with retrieving DBRef values present in an array of sub documents. I've had success using $lookup to retrieve the data from a top level DBRef, but can't seem to put it together when the DBRef is nested inside an array.
In this situation, I have a shipment document that looks like this:
id: '123',
title: 'Example'
shipmentLotDetails: [
lot: DBRef("inventoryLot", ObjectId("12345")),
quantity: 10
lot: DBRef("inventoryLot", ObjectId("16587")),
quantity: 5
The lot document looks like this:
id: '12345',
title: 'Another Example',
cost: 1.50
My goal is to retrieve the cost value for each element in shipmentLotDetails so that I can calculate the cost of units in a shipment. That calculation would just be lot.cost * quantity.
I found a post that describes a process similar to what I'm trying to do here: Mongo Lookup with nested DBRefs. However, the solution process is not explained well enough for me to follow and adapt to my situation.
I know that I need to do a $map on shipmentLotDetails and believe it should look something like this:
$project: {
shipmentCost: {
$map: {
input: "$shipmentLotDetails",
in: { $arrayElemAt: [{ $objectToArray: "$$this" }, 0]}
I know I would also need to do a $lookup to actually pull the lot information from the DBRef, but am not sure where to place that.
Any direction on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


MongoDB: Add field to all objects in array, based on other fields on same object?

I am fairly new to MongoDB and cant seem to find a solution to this problem.
I have a database of documents that has this structure:
id: 1
elements: [ {elementId: 1, nr1: 1, nr2: 3}, {elementId:2, nr1:5, nr2: 10} ]
I am looking for a query that can add a value nr3 which is for example nr2/nr1 to all the objects in the elements array, so that the resulting document would look like this:
id: 1
elements: [ {elementId: 1, nr1: 1, nr2: 3, nr3:3}, {elementId:2, nr1:5, nr2: 10, nr3: 2} ]
So I imagine a query along the lines of this:
db.collection.updateOne({id:1}, {$set:{"elements.$[].nr3": nr2/nr1}})
But I cant find how to get the value of nr2 and nr1 of the same object in the array.
I found some similar questions on stackoverflow stating this is not possible, but they were 5+ years old, so I thought maybe they have added support for something like this.
I realize I can achieve this with first querying the document and iterate over the elements-array doing updates along the way, but for the purpose of learning I would love to see if its possible to do this in one query.
You can use update with aggregation pipeline starting from MongoDB v4.2,
$map to iterate loop of elements
divide nr2 with nr1 using $divide
merge current object and new field nr3 using $mergeObjects
{ id: 1 },
$set: {
elements: {
$map: {
input: "$elements",
in: {
$mergeObjects: [
{ nr3: { $divide: ["$$this.nr2", "$$this.nr1"] } }
{ id:1},
{ "$set": { "elements.$[elem].nr3":elements.$[elem].nr2/elements.$[elem].nr1} },
{ "multi": true }
I guess this should work

How to build a MongoDB query that combines two field temporarily?

I have a schema which has one field named ownerId and a field which is an array named participantIds. In the frontend users can select participants. I'm using these ids to filter documents by querying the participantIds with the $all operator and the list of participantsIds from the frontend. This is perfect except that the participantsIds in the document don't include the ownerId. I thought about using aggregate to add a new field which consists of a list like this one: [participantIds, ownerId] and then querying against this new field with $all and after that delete the field again since it isn't need in the frontend.
How would such a query look like or is there any better way to achieve this behavior? I'm really lost right now since I'm trying to implement this with mongo_dart for the last 3 hours.
This is how the schema looks like:
_id: ObjectId(),
title: 'Title of the Event',
startDate: '2020-09-09T00:00:00.000',
endDate: '2020-09-09T00:00:00.000',
startHour: 1,
durationHours: 1,
ownerId: '5f57ff55202b0e00065fbd10',
participantsIds: ['5f57ff55202b0e00065fbd14', '5f57ff55202b0e00065fbd15', '5f57ff55202b0e00065fbd13'],
classesIds: [],
categoriesIds: [],
roomsIds: [],
creationTime: '2020-09-10T16:42:14.966',
description: 'Some Desc'
Tl;dr I want to query documents with the $all operator on the participantsIds field but the ownerId should be included in this query.
What I want is instead of querying against:
participantsIds: ['5f57ff55202b0e00065fbd14', '5f57ff55202b0e00065fbd15', '5f57ff55202b0e00065fbd13']
I want to query against:
participantsIds: ['5f57ff55202b0e00065fbd14', '5f57ff55202b0e00065fbd15', '5f57ff55202b0e00065fbd13', '5f57ff55202b0e00065fbd10']
Having fun here, by the way, it's better to use Joe answer if you are doing the query frequently, or even better a "All" field on insertion.
Additional Notes: Use projection at the start/end, to get what you need
"$addFields": {
"all": {
$setUnion: [
$match: {
all: {
$all: [
Didn't fully understand what you want to do but maybe this helps:
ownerId: "5f57ff55202b0e00065fbd10",
participantsIds: {
$all: ['5f57ff55202b0e00065fbd14',
You could use the pipeline form of update to either add the owner to the participant list or add a new consolidated field:
allParticipantsIds: {$setUnion: [

MongoDB querying aggregation in one single document

I have a short but important question. I am new to MongoDB and querying.
My database looks like the following: I only have one document stored in my database (sorry for blurring).
The document consists of different fields:
two are blurred and not important
datum -> date
instance -> Array with an Embedded Document Object; Our instance has an id, two not important fields and a code.
Now I want to query how many times an object in my instance array has the group "a" and a text "sample"?
Is this even possible?
I only found methods to count how many documents have something...
I am using Mongo Compass, but i can also use Pymongo, Mongoengine or every other different tool for querying the mongodb.
Thank you in advance and if you have more questions please leave a comment!
You can try this
$unwind: "$instance"
$unwind: "$instance.label"
$match: {
"": "a",
"instance.label.text": "sample",
$group: {
_id: {
group: "$",
text: "$instance.label.text"
count: {
$sum: 1

MongoDB query to find property of first element of array

I have the following data in MongoDB (simplified for what is necessary to my question).
_id: 0,
actions: [
type: "insert",
data: "abc, quite possibly very very large"
_id: 1,
actions: [
type: "update",
data: "def"
type: "delete",
data: "ghi"
What I would like is to find the first action type for each document, e.g.
{_id:0, first_action_type:"insert"}
{_id:1, first_action_type:"update"}
(It's fine if the data structured differently, but I need those values present, somehow.)
EDIT: I've tried db.collection.find({}, {'actions.action_type':1}), but obviously that returns all elements of the actions array.
NoSQL is quite new to me. Before, I would have stored all this in two tables in a relational database and done something like SELECT id, (SELECT type FROM action WHERE document_id = ORDER BY seq LIMIT 1) action_type FROM document d.
You can use $slice operator in projection. (but for what you do i am not sure that the order of the array remain the same when you update it. Just to keep in mind))
You can also use the Aggregation Pipeline introduced in version 2.2:
{ $unwind: '$actions' },
{ $group: { _id: "$_id", first_action_type: { $first: "$actions.type" } } }
Using the $arrayElemAt operator is actually the most elegant way, although the syntax may be unintuitive:
{ $project: {first_action_type: {$arrayElemAt: ["$actions.type", 0]}

Matching for latest documents for a unique set of fields before aggregating

Assuming I have the following document structures:
> db.logs.find()
'id': ObjectId("50ad8d451d41c8fc58000003")
'name': 'Sample Log 1',
'uploaded_at: ISODate("2013-03-14T01:00:00+01:00"),
'case_id: '50ad8d451d41c8fc58000099',
'tag_doc': {
'group_x: ['TAG-1','TAG-2'],
'group_y': ['XYZ']
'id': ObjectId("50ad8d451d41c8fc58000004")
'name': 'Sample Log 2',
'uploaded_at: ISODate("2013-03-15T01:00:00+01:00"),
'case_id: '50ad8d451d41c8fc58000099'
'tag_doc': {
'group_x: ['TAG-1'],
'group_y': ['XYZ']
> db.cases.findOne()
'id': ObjectId("50ad8d451d41c8fc58000099")
'name': 'Sample Case 1'
Is there a way to perform a $match in aggregation framework that will retrieve only all the latest Log for each unique combination of case_id and group_x? I am sure this can be done with multiple $group pipeline but as much as possible, I want to immediately limit the number of documents that will pass through the pipeline via the $match operator. I am thinking of something like the $max operator except it is used in $match.
Any help is very much appreciated.
So far, I can come up with the following:
{$match: {...}}, // some match filters here
{$project: {tag:'$tag_doc.group_x', case:'$case_id', latest:{uploaded_at:1}}},
{$unwind: '$tag'},
{$group: {_id:{tag:'$tag', case:'$case'}, latest: {$max:'$latest'}}},
{$group: {_id:'$_id.tag', total:{$sum:1}}}
As I mentioned, what I want can be done with multiple $group pipeline but this proves to be costly when handling large number of documents. That is why, I wanted to limit the documents as early as possible.
I still haven't come up with a good solution so I am thinking if the document structure itself is not optimized for my use-case. Do I have to update the fields to support what I want to achieve? Suggestions very much appreciated.
I am actually looking for an implementation in mongodb similar to the one expected in How can I SELECT rows with MAX(Column value), DISTINCT by another column in SQL? except it involves two distinct field values. Also, the $match operation is crucial because it makes the resulting set dynamic, with filters ranging to matching tags or within a range of dates.
Due to the complexity of my use-case I tried to use a simple analogy but this proves to be confusing. Above is now the simplified form of the actual use case. Sorry for the confusion I created.
I have done something similar. But it's not possible with match, but only with one group pipeline. The trick is do use multi key with correct sorting:
{ user_id: 1, address: "xyz", date_sent: ISODate("2013-03-14T01:00:00+01:00"), message: "test" }, { user_id: 1, address: "xyz2", date_sent: ISODate("2013-03-14T01:00:00+01:00"), message: "test" }
if i wan't to group on user_id & address and i wan't the message with the latest date we need to create a key like this:
{ user_id:1, address:1, date_sent:-1 }
then you are able to perform aggregate without sort, which is much faster and will work on shards with replicas. if you don't have a key with correct sort order you can add a sort pipeline, but then you can't use it with shards, because all that is transferred to mongos and grouping is done their (also will get memory limit problems)
{ $match: { user_id:1 } },
{ $group: {
_id: "$address",
count: { $sum : 1 },
date_sent: { $max : "$date_sent" },
message: { $first : "$message" },
} }
It's not documented that it should work like this - but it does. We use it on production system.
I'd use another collection to 'create' the search results on the fly - as new posts are posted - by upserting a document in this new collection every time a new blog post is posted.
Every new combination of author/tags is added as a new document in this collection, whereas a new post with an existing combination just updates an existing document with the content (or object ID reference) of the new blog post.
... {'author_id':'50ad8d451d41c8fc58000099', 'tag_doc.tags': ["TAG-1", "TAG-2" ]},
... { $set: { 'Referenceid':ObjectId("5152bc79e8bf3bc79a5a1dd8")}}, // or embed your blog post here
... {upsert:true}
Hmmm, there is no good way of doing this optimally in such a manner that you only need to pick out the latest of each author, instead you will need to pick out all documents, sorted, and then group on author:
{$sort: {created_at:-1}},
{$group: {_id: '$author_id', tags: {$first: '$tag_doc.tags'}}},
{$unwind: '$tags'},
{$group: {_id: {author: '$_id', tag: '$tags'}}}
As you said this is not optimal however, it is all I have come up with.
If I am honest, if you need to perform this query often it might actually be better to pre-aggregate another collection that already contains the information you need in the form of:
_id: {},
author: {},
tag: 'something',
created_at: ISODate(),
post_id: {}
And each time you create a new post you seek out all documents in this unqiue collection which fullfill a $in query of what you need and then update/upsert created_at and post_id to that collection. This would be more optimal.
Here you go:
{"$sort" : { "uploaded_at" : -1 } },
{"$match" : { ... } },
{"$unwind" : "$tag_doc.group_x" },
{"$group" : { "_id" : { "case" :'$case_id', tag:'$tag_doc.group_x'},
"latest" : { "$first" : "$uploaded_at"},
"Name" : { "$first" : "$Name" },
"tag_doc" : { "$first" : "$tag_doc"}
You want to avoid $max when you can $sort and take $first especially if you have an index on uploaded_at which would allow you to avoid any in memory sorts and reduce the pipeline processing costs significantly. Obviously if you have other "data" fields you would add them along with (or instead of) "Name" and "tag_doc".