This rules does not apply to identifier [2] - Rundeck - rundeck

Working on Rundeck enterprise, I had one ruleset which was working fine with the older version but as we moved into new rundeck version same ruleset is throwing this error:
This rules does not apply to identifier [2]
Ruleset I applied for is:
[connection-to-db] run-at-start
[create-instance] run-after:connection-to-db if:export.source_infra_info!=None if:export.instance_count!=0
[sleep] run-after:create-instance if:export.source_infra_info!=None if:export.instance_count!=0
[call-api] run-after:sleep if:export.source_infra_info!=None if:export.instance_count!=0
[decommission-instance] run-after:call-api if:export.source_infra_info!=None if:export.instance_count!=0 if:export.return_code!=200
Now sure where I went wrong, feels like with version update might be some keywords got changed etc.
Would anyone can help on this, please let me know, if any other information required here.
thanks in advance


Vertx Form Login Handler with Postgresql Failure

I am trying to authenticate user using FormLoginHandler and Postgresql Database with SqlAuthentication.
But I get the following error:
Jun 15, 2022 1:14:34 PM io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext
SEVERE: Unhandled exception in router
io.vertx.ext.web.handler.HttpException: Unauthorized
Caused by: io.vertx.core.impl.NoStackTraceThrowable: Invalid username/password
I am providing the right credentials.
The code snippet is:
SqlAuthenticationOptions sauthopts = new SqlAuthenticationOptions();
SqlAuthentication authenticationProvider = SqlAuthentication.create(sqlClient, sauthopts);
router.route("/secure/*").handler(RedirectAuthHandler.create(authenticationProvider, "/login.html"));
FormLoginHandler formLoginHandler = FormLoginHandler.create(authenticationProvider);
Please let me know if I am missing something here; or point me to a sample example.
Thanks in Advance.
Your setup doesn't show anything abnormal at first sight. For security reasons, we cannot "just" log the authentication data, as it would be a critical OWASP bug and security vulnerability.
My best guess is that probably is something not totally correct with the query, so this means you have now 2 options:
debug the application and see the query that is being sent + the arguments
prepare a small complete example that shows the bug and open an issue in vert.x so we can debug it further.
If you're upgrading from an older version, be aware that in vert.x 4.2.0 some changes were made to the base64 encoding to keep it consistent across modules. This could be a reason why authentication could fail as the encoded hashes may be slightly different. If you're just doing 4.3.0 from the start, then this would not be a problem.

OpenModelica IBPSA example error spatialDistribution

I'm quite new to Modelica and I'm trying to understand some basic examples. I'm looking at the example IBPSA.Fluid.FixedResistances.Examples.PlugFlowPipe and checking this model gives me the following error
Number of classes to check: 2
Checking: model IBPSA.Fluid.FixedResistances.Examples.PlugFlowPipe... 0.2350000000001273 seconds -> FAILED!
Error String:
Error Buffer:
Warning: Requested package Modelica of version 3.2.2, but this package was already loaded with version 3.2.3. You might experience problems if these versions are incompatible.
[C:/Program Files/OpenModelica1.14.0-64bit/lib/omlibrary/IBPSA 3.0.0/Fluid/FixedResistances/BaseClasses/] Error: Function argument initialValues={time + pip.cor.timDel.t_in_start, time + pip.cor.timDel.t_out_start} in call to spatialDistribution has variability continuous which is not a parameter expression.
#[-], 0.2350000000001273, IBPSA.Fluid.FixedResistances.Examples.PlugFlowPipe
Checking skipped: package IBPSA.Fluid.FixedResistances.Examples.PlugFlowPipe.Medium...
[2] 11:48:12 Scripting Notification
Number of classes checked / failed: 2/1
It seems that the module pip.cor.timDel uses the function spatialDistributuon. My guess is that there is something wrong with pip.cor.timDel.t_in_start or pip.cor.timDel.t_out_start? It would be greatly appreciated if someone could help me with this.
P.S. I'm using OMEdit v1.14.0 on windows 10 with Modelica library v3.2.3
OpenModelica does not support the function spatialDistribution yet, i opened a ticket on Trac where you can follow for the current development status.

IBM Content Navigator ICN Plugin returns an error when configured but works fine

I am using ICN 3.0.3 IF7. I have a custom plugin that writes the following error to the console when I initially configure it into ICN.
The plugin itself works fine once configured.
Uncaught TypeError: cls is not a constructor
at Object.eval (ecm/widget/layout/AdminPane.js:9845)
at dojo.js.jgz:22442
at runFactory (dojo.js.jgz:611)
at execModule (dojo.js.jgz:691)
at dojo.js.jgz:397
at guardCheckComplete (dojo.js.jgz:699)
at contextRequire (dojo.js.jgz:396)
at req (dojo.js.jgz:32)
at Object._displayPluginConfig (ecm/widget/layout/AdminPane.js:9844)
at Object._pluginRequestCompleted (ecm/widget/layout/AdminPane.js:9759)
In addition, once it is configured, I cannot get the details on it like I can for the included AFP Viewer plugin:
Name: AFP Viewer
Repository types: None
Actions: None
Open Actions: None
Viewers: AFP Viewer
Features: None
Layouts: None
It seems like something is wrong with the plugin structure that doesn't affect its ability to run. I am worried because I just don't like seeing errors. Has anyone seen this before?
Looking at the error it seems like the module you specified in the is either failing to instantiate, or isn't specified at all.
If you have a configuration dijit class configured, then ensure it's actually a widget and that it's constructor and postCreate method (if provided) don't throw an error :).
If you don't have one configured, set it to null to prevent instantiation

TYPO3 Upgrade Wizard Fails on DatabaseRowsUpdateWizard

i updated a project from TYPO3 7.6 to ^8 by following the official guide. latest steps were the composer update. i removed extensions/packages not compatible with ^8 and updated the ones available for ^8. im able to reach the install tool, the TYPO3 admin backend and the frontend (with errors).
so i ended up at the step were i should use the upgrade wizards provided by the install tool. i completed a few wizards without any issues but then faces a pretty one - first i tried to run DatabaseRowsUpdateWizard within the install tool but that failed with a memory error - i tried the cli approach with
php -d memory_limit=-1 vendor/bin/typo3cms upgrade:wizard DatabaseRowsUpdateWizard
the processing worked but it ended up with following error:
[ Helhum\Typo3Console\Mvc\Cli\FailedSubProcessCommandException ]
#1485130941: Executing command "upgrade:subprocess" failed (exit code: "1")
thrown in file vendor/helhum/typo3-console/Classes/Install/Upgrade/UpgradeHandling.php
in line 284
the command initially failed is:
'/usr/bin/php7.2' 'vendor/bin/typo3cms' 'upgrade:subprocess' '--command' 'executeWizard' '--arguments' 'a:3:{i:0;s:24:"DatabaseRowsUpdateWizard";i:1;a:0:{}i:2;b:0;}'
and here is the subprocess exception:
[ Sub-process exception: TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Exception\InvalidPathException ]
#1320286857: File ../disclaimer_de.html is not valid (".." and "//" is not allowed in path).
thrown in file typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Resource/Driver/AbstractHierarchicalFilesystemDriver.php
in line 71
im pretty much lost and dont know were to start to get this fixed - help is much appreciated
Issues like these usually stem from broken URLs in RTE fields as can be seen in the error output:
File ../disclaimer_de.html is not valid (".." and "//" is not allowed in path)
In this case you should manually prepare the database and run SQL statements which replace the broken/obsolete ../ prefix from all affected records. An example query:
UPDATE tt_content
SET bodytext = REPLACE(bodytext, 'href="../', 'href="')
WHERE bodytext LIKE '%href="../';
Notice that this query is very basic and can destroy your data, so make sure you run some SELECT statements first to make sure nothing breaks. Also keep a backup of your database at hand.
Sometime, custom or TER extension also have RTE such as tt_news where you might come across same issue. To fix that, you just need to run the same query with the according table.

CoffeeScript compiler errors suppressed under Node 0.5.10-pre

When my script fails to parse for any reason, I get a stack trace from the compiler, with no insight at all into where in my script the problem lies:
mpurvis#citadel:~/coffee$ coffee -c
return process.binding('stdio').writeError(line + '\n');
Error: No such module
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script/lib/command.js:15:20
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script/lib/command.js:167:7
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script/lib/command.js:115:26
at [object Object].<anonymous> (fs.js:108:5)
at [object Object].emit (events.js:64:17)
at afterRead (fs.js:1074:12)
at Object.wrapper [as oncomplete] (fs.js:246:17)
For now, it's just a toy script to try the system out, so I can usually just experiment until it works again, but that would be impossible in a file of any size. Is there some trick I'm not seeing to get the line where the error occurred?
the latest version from node isn't full compatible with cs..the node_stdio module ws removed...a simple way for fix it is open /usr/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script/lib/command.js and change the line 15
process.binding('stdio').writeError(line + '\n')
process.stderr.write(line + '\n')
always you can get more help from github issues section
good luck and happy coding
This doesn't look like a syntax issue. The error is coming from command.js, which is what defines the coffee command-line utility. If it were a compiler error, it would be from coffee-script.js.
So why is the process.binding('stdio') bit in command.js failing? There are two possibilities I can think of:
You're using a weird shell (or a weirdly configured one) that doesn't play nice with Node's version of stdio. This seems unlikely, but it's possible...
You're using a version of Node.js that CoffeeScript isn't currently compatible with. What do you get when you do node -v? Your safest bet is the latest 0.4.x, since those are stable releases (0.5.x is experimental).
This question is from awhile back.
Node 0.6.x throws a similar error with CoffeeScript 1.1.x; upgrading to 1.3.x does the trick.
Likely 2 different coffee-scripts on your system. check which coffee, than track down the older one and ice it. I had one from an install last summer (v1.1), it's all cleared up now.