What is the efficient way to pass arguments to a Riverpod provider each time it gets initialized in Flutter? - flutter

I am currently trying to create an instance of a widget's state (ChangeNotifier) using a global auto-disposable ChangeNotifierProvider. The notifier instance takes in a few arguments to initialize each time the UI is built from scratch.
Let's assume we have the following simple state (or notifier):
class SomeState extends ChangeNotifier {
int _someValue;
SomeState({required int initialValue})
: _someValue = initialValue;
int get someValue => _someValue;
set someValue(int someValue) {
_someValue = someValue;
I used to use the Provider package before switching to Riverpod, where this could've easily been done like so:
class SomeWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ChangeNotifierProvider(
// Passing 2 into state initializer, which may be
// obtained from a different state, but not necessarily.
create: (_) => SomeState(initialValue: 2),
builder: (context, child) => Consumer<SomeState>(
builder: (context, state, child) {
// Will print 2, as it's currently the default value.
return Text('${state.someValue}');
So with Provider, you can manually call to SomeState constructor with arbitrary arguments when the state is being set up (i.e. provided). However, with Riverpod, it doesn't seem as intuitive to me, mainly because the provider is made to be declared globally:
static final someProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider.autoDispose((ref) => SomeState(2));
Which would end up being used like so:
class SomeWidget extends ConsumerWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
final state = ref.watch(someProvider);
return Text('${state.someValue}');
However, with this approach I can't pass parameters like I did in the example using Provider. I also don't want to use the family modifier because I would need to pass the same parameter each time I read/watch the state, even if it's already created.
If it helps, in my current situation I am trying to pass a function (say String Function()? func) into my state on initialization. It's also not feasible to depend on a different provider in this case which would provide such function.
How could I replicate the same functionality in the Provider example, but with Riverpod?
P.S. Apologies if code has syntax errors, as I hand-typed this and don't have an editor with me at the moment. Also, this is my first post so apologies for lack of clarity or format.

Use provider overrides with the param that you need:
First, let's ensure the ProviderScope in the root of the widget-tree.
// Root
child: MaterialApp(...)
After, create another one in some widget:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ProviderScope(
overrides: [
ChangeNotifierProvider.autoDispose((ref) => SomeState(5)),
child: Consumer(
builder: (context, ref, child) {
final notifier = ref.watch(someProvider);
final value = notifier.someValue;
return Text('$value'); // shows 5 instead of 2

If you do not want to use family then you can put value in another way by combining two providers.
final someValue = StateProvider((ref) => 0);
final someProvider = ChangeNotifierProvider.autoDispose((ref) {
final value = ref.watch(someValue);
return SomeState(value);
class SomeState extends ChangeNotifier {
int _someValue;
SomeState(int initialValue) : _someValue = initialValue;
int get someValue => _someValue;
set someValue(int someValue) {
_someValue = someValue;
// From everywhere you can put new value to your ChangeNotifier.
But in your case, it's better to use the `family method. It's cleaner and less complicated.


Best practice for passing param Riverpod's providers only once

I just want to build a Provider which asks params only one and inits correctly.
Since I am just passing params only once, I don't prefer to use .family methods.
I prefer to use .autoDispose which considered the better way.
Here my tryouts:
I tried to make my own .init() method. But it's disposing as soon as method called if it's .autodispose() and the widget not started to listen my provider yet (that's expected). Therefore I couldn't consider a safe way to do that.
I tried .overrideWith() method in a widget basis. But it's neither worked nor I am sure that it's best practice.
Here is my simple code:
class MyHomePage extends ConsumerWidget {
const MyHomePage({super.key});
final myString = 'Hey';
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
//Not worked
overrides: [messageProvider.overrideWith(() => ViewModel(myString))]);
return Scaffold(
body: ProviderScope(
//Not worked either
overrides: [messageProvider.overrideWith(() => ViewModel(myString))],
child: Center(
//I just didn't use .when to shorter code
child: Text(ref.watch(messageProvider).value!.counter.toString()),
final messageProvider = AsyncNotifierProvider.autoDispose<ViewModel, Model>(
() => throw UnimplementedError());
class ViewModel extends AutoDisposeAsyncNotifier<Model> {
final String param;
FutureOr<Model> build() {
//Make some fetch with param, (only once!)
return Model(param.length);
When I run that. It gives UnimplementedError
Waiting your suggestions & fixes. Thanks in advance!
Works properly.
ViewModel myViewModel(MyViewModelRef ref, String param){
return ViewModel(param);
This is autoDispose by default in Riverpod 2. If you don't want to auto dispose you can use #Riverpod(keepalive:true) instead of #riverpod
If you don't want to pass the param to the provider, you can eliminate it and hardcode the value to the ViewModel, but at that point, if there are no other dependencies, might as well make it a public final variable in some file, since it looks like this is a singleton that never changes so it is questionable what you'd achieve by making it a Riverpod provider.

ProxyProvider - how to call proxy from its sub-providers?

What would be the correct way to call (and pass values to) ProxyProvider from its "sub"providers?
Currently I'm passing a callback function to "sub"provider as a parameter, storing it as a Function and then I can call it when needed.
It works in a sense that ProxyProvider is called (and value is passed), but at the same time it breaks notifyListeners(), which is called next - searches getter in "sub"provider (and can't find it) despite that Consumer is used just for ProxyProvider.
This is the error I receive:
error: org-dartlang-debug:synthetic_debug_expression:1:1: Error: The
getter 'audInd' isn't defined for the class 'AudioModel'.
'AudioModel' is from 'package:quiz_game_new/models/audioModel.dart' ('lib/models/audioModel.dart'). Try correcting the name to the name of
an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'audInd'.
audInd ^^^^^^
Provider (audioModel.dart):
class AudioModel extends ChangeNotifier {
int _audioIndex = -1;
Function? audioIndexChanged;
void setCallbacks(Function _audioPlaybackCompleted, Function _audioIndexChanged) {
audioPlaybackCompleted = _audioPlaybackCompleted;
audioIndexChanged = _audioIndexChanged;
//Some code that changes _audioIndex and afterwards calls audioIndexChanged!(_audioIndex)
ProxyProvider (commonModel.dart)
class CommonModel extends ChangeNotifier {
final AudioModel audioModel;
int _audioIndex = -1;
int get audioIndex => _audioIndex;
void setCallbacksForAudioPlayback() {
audioModel.setCallbacks(audioPlaybackCompleted, audioIndexChanged);
void audioIndexChanged(int audInd) {
_audioIndex = audInd;
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider<STTModel>(create: (context) => STTModel()),
create: (context) => QuestionModel()),
ChangeNotifierProvider<AudioModel>(create: (context) => AudioModel()),
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider3<STTModel, QuestionModel, AudioModel,
create: (BuildContext context) => CommonModel(
Provider.of<STTModel>(context, listen: false),
Provider.of<QuestionModel>(context, listen: false),
Provider.of<AudioModel>(context, listen: false)),
(context, sttModel, questionModel, audioModel, commonModel) =>
CommonModel(sttModel, questionModel, audioModel))
child: MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
initialRoute: '/',
routes: {
'/': (context) => ScreenMainMenu(),
'/game': (context) => ScreenGame(),
What would be the correct way to call (and pass values to)
ProxyProvider from its "sub"providers?
I'm not a big fan of "nested" Providers : it often leads to this kind of issues and doesn't ease the readability.
In my projects, I usually use a Provider for each Feature, which I declare and Consume at the lowest level possible.
In your case, I guess I'd juste have used your STTModel, QuestionModel and AudioModel and would have forgotten the idea of a CommonModel (whom only job is is to merge all your Providers I guess?).
You can still keep your logic, but you should take in consideration the following :
In your AudioModel class, update the method where the _audioIndex and add a notifyListeners()
class AudioModel extends ChangeNotifier {
int get audioIndex => _audioIndex;
void updateIndex(int index) {
_audioIndex = index;
//The rest of your code
The creation of your Providers looks alright, but consider updating the update method of your ChangeNotifierProxyProvider for something like that :
update: (_, sttModel, questionModel, audioModel) =>
commonModel!..update(sttModel, questionModel, audioModel),
and in your CommonModel
void update(SttModel sttModelUpdate, QuestionModel questionModelUpdate, AudioModel audioModelUpdate) {
audioModel = audioModelUpdate;
questionModel = questionModelUpdate;
sttModel = sttModelUpdate;
//Retrieve the index here from your audioModel
_audioIndex = audioModel.audioIndex;
This way, whenever you call your updateIndex method in your AudioModel class, the notifyListeners() will update the CommonModel and you'll have the _audioIndex up to date.
And then it should work fine, no need for your callback methods anymore !

How can I use flutter provider to get data from Firestore?

I used here Future Provider to get data from firestore But it's not allowing me to set the initial Data to null??? It ask me to input a type of . How can I use future Provider to get data from firestore.
class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget {
final _auth = FirebaseAuth.instance;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FutureProvider<DocumentSnapshot>(create: (_)async{
return FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection("User").doc("xxxx").get();}, initialData: ,child: Welcome,)
Widget Welcome (BuildContext context){
final document = Provider.of<DocumentSnapshot>(context).data;
return Container(
child: Text("Loading"),);}
Instead of creating a FutureProvider of DocumentSnaphot, a good solution would be to create a class that wraps the DocumentSnapshot. For example:
class MyClass {
Future<DocumentSnapshot> getData() async {
return await FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection("User").doc("xxxx").get();
And in the provider declaration you might set something like
Provider(create: (_) => MyClass())
This wouldn't require you to set the initial data.
However, for your case and what it seems that you are trying to do, using an StreamProvider would be better.
For more examples and details on this, I recommend checking out the following websites. You'll find more useful information there.

Flutter redux: StoreConnector vs StoreProvider

I've been using flutter_redux for only very few days and I'm wondering what's the difference between:
class BtnCustom extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final store = StoreProvider.of<AppState>(context);
return FlatButton(
onPressed: store.dispatch(MyCustomAction),
child: Text(store.state.MyCustomTxt),
class BtnCustom extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StoreConnector<AppState, _ViewModel>(
converter: (store) => _ViewModel(
txt: store.state.MyCustomTxt,
onPressed: store.dispatch(MyCustomAction)),
builder: (BuildContext context, _ViewModel vm) {
return FlatButton(
onPressed: vm.onPressed,
child: Text(vm.txt),
class _ViewModel {
final String txt;
final void Function() onPressed;
_ViewModel({this.txt, this.onPressed});
The first one seems so handy to use. Are they any advantages or drawbacks of using one over another I should be aware of?
According to the documentation, the StoreConnector will rebuild the widget in it so:
Is it ok to not use a StoreConnector when you don't need to rebuild a widget?
Is it ok to have multiple widgets within a StoreConnector?
StoreConnector gives you more control over widget, especially when you don't want to rebuild it. StoreConnector:
lets you detect whether the ViewModel has changed (whether widget should be rebuilt) if you use distinct: true and override hashCode and == in your ViewModel;
lets you skip widget rebuild altogether by quickly checking some specific store.state:
StoreConnector<AppState, MyViewModel>(
distinct: true,
ignoreChange: (state) {
return state.someVariable == theValueIDontCareAbout;
class MyViewModel{
bool operator ==(other) {
return (other is MyViewModel) && (this.someVmVariable == other.someVmVariable);
int get hashCode {
int result = 17;
result = 37 * result + someVmVariable.hashCode;
return result;
And some more fine-grained controls. Take a look at the documentation of StoreConnector's constructor. If multiple widgets inside store sonnector share the same ViewModel it is natural to have them like that. However, if it's possible to prevent them from rebulding by separating their ViewModels you can use separate StoreConnectors.

Handling variables for stateful widget

I have ListView widget whose contents are loaded dynamically.
So I decided to make myStatelessWidget.
My basic ideas are
Keep variable articles to be shown on ListView in the StatefulWidget or State.
Pass the contents from outside.
So for now, I write like this, but it has error.
Is my basic idea is correct? or where should I fix?
//// to pass the argument from outside.
new BodyLayout(articles: myarticles),
class BodyLayout extends StatefulWidget {
// List<Article> articles // ???I should put here/?
_BodyLayoutState createState() => _BodyLayoutState();
class _BodyLayoutState extends State<BodyLayout>{
// List<Article> articles // ???I should put here/?
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: widget.articles.length, // the getter 'articles' is not defined error....
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return ListTile(
title: Text(widget.articles[index].title),
onTap: () => onTapped(context,widget.articles[index].url),
You only need to use a stateful widget if you are going to call the setState() method to rebuild the widget with some new state. One case in which you might do that, if you need to retrieve the list of articles from some api or database call, is to have the widget return a loading indicator if the articles list is null, make the async call to retrieve the articles in the state class's initState() method, and when it is returned, rebuild the widget by calling setState() with the retrieved list of articles. Like this, maybe:
/// to pass the argument from outside.
new BodyLayout(),
class BodyLayout extends StatefulWidget {
_BodyLayoutState createState() => _BodyLayoutState();
class _BodyLayoutState extends State<BodyLayout>{
List<Article> articles;
bool loading = true;
void initState(){
void getArticles() async {
articles = await Repository.instance.getArticles(); //some async method to retrieve the articles
loading = false;
}); // after the articles are retrieved you can call setState to rebuild the widget
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
if(loading) {
return CircularProgressIndicator();
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: articles.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return ListTile(
title: Text(articles[index].title),
onTap: () => onTapped(context, articles[index].url),
If you have the list of articles to begin with and don't need to rebuild the list, you can just make that a stateless widget and pass in the list of articles.
The error you indicated that you got, seems to be because articles is not actually defined as a variable for that class. Dart supports multiple syntax options for passing instance variables like this but this is how I would define that variable and ensure that it is being passed in when the widget is created (could be stateless or stateful widget):
//// to pass the argument from outside.
new BodyLayout(articles: myarticles),
class BodyLayout extends StatelessWidget {
final List<Article> articles
BodyLayout({this.articles}) : assert(articles != null);
Widget build(BuildContext context){ ... };
If you want to convert your widget to a StatelessWidget, then you can just delete the createState and move the stuff in the build method of the state class into the widget class. This works just fine if your widget doesn't maintain an internal state, but if it has interactive elements (like buttons or such) you will want to delegate them to the parent widget caller via a callback.
To define properties for your custom widget, define the fields as final and instantiate them in the class constructor with this.fieldName. For example:
class BodyLayout extends StatefulWidget {
final List<Article> articles; // Defining the articles property
final void Function(String) onArticleTapped; // Defining the on-tapped callback
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: widget.articles.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
return ListTile(
title: Text(widget.articles[index].title),
onTap: () => onArticleTapped(widget.articles[index].url),
You can then use it like such:
articles: [some list of articles],
onArticleTapped: (url) => <do something with url>