// getOrElse if it failed output value of else
trait Option[+A] {
def orElse[B >: A](f: => Option[B]): Option[B]
def getOrElse[B >: A](f: => B): B
From the code above, I can't think of concrete example that I would prefer one over another.
Can anyone give me example of when to use what?
Or main differences of the two
The use cases are slightly different between getOrElse and orElse.
You use getOrElse(y) when you want to get the value out of an Option monad. In the case of Some(x) you'll get back the x otherwise, you'll get back the y that you specified as a fallback. I use this as the very final step when I want to get the final result of executing a pipeline of operations on optionals.
val greeting: String =
.map("hello, " + _)
.getOrElse("hello, unknown user")
However, for orElse, I usually use this when I'm executing a pipeline of operations and there's a step that I always want to execute even if one the previous steps returns a None. So in a way, you can think of orElse as a way to turn a None into a Some so that it can be used in a subsequent computation.
.orElse(getDefaultMovieRecommendations()) // if any of the previous steps return a None, I still want to return some default movie list
... // do more stuff
Hope this makes sense.
I had spent weeks on trying to understand the idea behind "lifting" in scala.
Originally, it was from the example related to Chapter 4 of book "Functional Programming in Scala"
Then I found below topic "How map work on Options in Scala?"
The selected answer specify that:
def map[B](f: A => B): Option[B] = this match (Let's considered this as (*) )
So, from above code, I assume that function "map" is derived from function match. Hence, the mechanism behind "map"
is a kind of pattern matching to provide a case selection between Some, and None
Then, I created below examples by using function map for Seq, Option, and Map (Let's considered below examples as (**) )
Example 1: map for Seq
val xs = Seq(1, 2, 3)
Example 2: map for Option
val a:Option[Int] = Some(5)
val b:Option[Int] = None
Example 3: map for Map
val capitals = Map("France" -> "Paris", "Japan" -> "Tokyo")
From (*) and (**), I could not know whether "map" is a pattern matching or an iteration, or both.
Thank you for helping me to understand this.
#Jwvh provided a more programming based answer but I want to dig a little bit deeper.
I certainly appreciate you trying to understand how things work in Scala, however if you really want to dig that deep, I am afraid you will need to obtain some basic knowledge of Category Theory since there is no "idea behind lifting in scala" but just the "idea behind lifting"
This is also why functions like "map" can be very confusing. Inherently, programmers are taught map etc. as operations on collections, where as they are actually operations that come with Functors and Natural Transformations (this is normally referred to as fmap in Category Theory and also Haskell).
Before I move on, the short answer is it is a pattern matching in the examples you gave and in some of them it is both. Map is defined specifically to the case, the only condition is that it maintains functoriality
Attention: I will not be defining every single term below, since I would need to write a book to build up to some of the following definitions, interested readers are welcome to research them on their own. You should be able to get some basic understanding by following the types
Let's consider these as Functors, the definition will be something along the lines of this:
In (very very) short, we consider types as objects in the category of our language. The functions between these types (type constructors) are morphisms between types in this category. The set of these transformations are called Endo-Functors (take us from the category of Scala and drop us back in the category of Scala). Functors have to have a polymorphic (which actually has a whole different (extra) definition in category theory) map function, that will take some object A, through some type constructor turn it into object B.
implicit val option: Functor[Option] = new Functor[Option] {
override def map[A,B](optA: Option[A])(f: (A) => B): Option[B] = optA match{
case Some(a) => Some(f(a))
case _ => None
implicit val seq: Functor[Seq[_]] = new Functor[Seq[_]] {
override def map[A,B](sA: Seq[A])(f: (A) => B): Seq[B] = sA match{
case a :: tail => Seq(f(a), map(tail)(f))
case Nil => Nil
As you can see in the second case, there is a little bit of both (more of a recursion than iteration but still).
Now before the internet blows up on me, I will say you cant pattern match on Seq in Scala. It works here because the default Seq is also a List. I just provided this example because it is simpler to understand. The underlying definition something along the lines of that.
Now hold on a second. If you look at these types, you see that they also have flatMap defined on them. This means they are something more special than plain Functors. They are Monads. So beyond satisfying functoriality, they obey the monadic laws.
Turns out Monad has a different kind of meaning in the core scala, more on that here: What exactly makes Option a monad in Scala?
But again very very short, this means that we are now in a category where the endofunctors from our previous category are the objects and the mappings between them are morphisms (natural transformations), this is slightly more accurate because if you think about it when you take a type and transform it, you take (carry over) all of it's internal type constructors (2-cell or internal morphisms) with it, you do not only take this sole idea of a type without it's functions.
implicit val optionMonad: Monad[Option] = new Monad[Option] {
override def flatMap[A, B](optA: Option[A])(f: (A) => Option[B]): Option[B] = optA match{
case Some(a) => f(a)
case _ => None
def pure[A](a: A): Option[A] = Some(a)
//You can define map using pure and flatmap
implicit val seqMonad: Monad[Seq[_]] = new Monad[Seq[_]] {
override def flatMap[A, B](sA: Seq[A])(f: (A) => Seq[B]): Seq[B] = sA match{
case x :: xs => f(a).append(flatMap(tail)(f))
case Nil => Nil
override def pure[A](a: A): Seq[A] = Seq(a)
//Same warning as above, also you can implement map with the above 2 funcs
One thing you can always count on is map being having pattern match (or some if statement). Why?
In order to satisfy the identity laws, we need to have some sort of a "base case", a unit object and in many cases (such as Lists) those types are gonna be what we call either a product or coproduct.
Hopefully, this did not confuse you further. I wish I could get into every detail of this but it would simply take pages, I highly recommend getting into categories to fully understand where these come from.
From the ScalaDocs page we can see that the type profile for the Standard Library map() method is a little different.
def map[B](f: (A) => B): Seq[B]
So the Standard Library map() is the means to transition from a collection of elements of type A to the same collection but the elements are type B. (A and B might be the same type. They aren't required to be different.)
So, yes, it iterates through the collection applying function f() to each element A to create each new element B. And function f() might use pattern matching in its code, but it doesn't have to.
Now consider a.map(println). Every element of a is sent to println which returns Unit. So if a is List[Int] then the result of a.map(println) is List[Unit], which isn't terribly useful.
When all we want is the side effect of sending information to StdOut then we use foreach() which doesn't create a new collection: a.foreach(println)
Function map for Option isn't about pattern matching. The match/case used in your referred link is just one of the many ways to define the function. It could've been defined using if/else. In fact, that's how it's defined in Scala 2.13 source of class Option:
sealed abstract class Option[+A] extends IterableOnce[A] with Product with Serializable {
self =>
final def map[B](f: A => B): Option[B] =
if (isEmpty) None else Some(f(this.get))
If you view Option like a "collection" of either one element (Some(x)) or no elements (None), it might be easier to see the resemblance of how map transforms an Option versus, say, a List:
val f: Int => Int = _ + 1
// res1: List[Int] = List(43)
// res2: List[Int] = List()
// res3: Option[Int] = Some(43)
// res4: Option[Int] = None
Taking in account that any pattern matching on Future result matches Success[A] and Failure[A] (onComplete(), andThen()) (because they expect Try[A] as an argument, directly or through partial function), could there be a case when I would want to say explicitly that a function is of type Future[Try[A]]?
There are various constructs in Scala which carry failure case in them. There are Option, Either, Try and Future. (Futures main point is to abstract asynchronous operations, an error handling is there for convinience). Scalaz have even more: Validation (Disjunction and Maybe are better Either and Option).
They all have a bit different treatment of erroneous values. Yet Try and Future have very similar, both wrap Throwable. So IMHO, Future[Try[A]] doesn't add much information (about the error). Compare to having Future[Future[A]] or Try[Try[A]]. OTOH Future[Option[A]] or Future[Either[MyError, A]] make sense to me.
There might be sitatuon where you have for example potentially failing f: A => B and g: B => C and you'd like to avoid creating too much tasks in the ExecutionContext:
val a: Future[A] = ???
val c: Future[C] = a.map(f).map(g) // two tasks, not good
val c2: Future[Try[C]] = a.map(x => Try { f(x) } map g ) // one task, maybe better
// get will throw, but exception will be catched by Future's map
// Almost no information is lost compared to `c2`
// You cannot anymore distinguish between possible error in `a`
// and exceptions thrown by `f` or `g`.
val c3: Future[C] = a.map(x => Try { f (x) }.map(g).get)
In this case, I'd rather refactor f and g to have better types, at least: f: A => Option[B] and g: B => Option[C] then, ending up with Future[Option[C]].
Try[A] represents a synchronous computation that may fail.
Future[A] represents an asynchronous computation that may fail.
Under this definitions, Future[Try[A]] represents the result of a synchronous computation (that may fail) executed inside of an asynchronous computation (that may fail).
Does it make sense? Not to me, but I'm open to creative interpretations.
As far as I can tell Scalaz's \/ does not have get method. Sometimes I am sure the value contained in \/ is the right value, and I don't want to use getOrElse. I want to get it directly.
("3".right[Int]) getOrElse("123123123") // 3
if (t.isRight) t.get // compilation error, no get method
How can I get the right value directly, if it is guaranteed.
There are two ways I can get the value, but both look a little bit verbose.
1: change to scala Either
val t = "3".right[Int]
val either = t.toEither
if (either.isRight) either.right.get
else either.left.get
2: Use getOrElse
("3".right[Int]) getOrElse("123123123") // but for some cases I don't have this default value
There is no get as get could throw an exception, which isn't cool. Scalaz enforces this by not allowing direct access to the value.
If you provide more information, we can help out with a solution.
t should be safe.
val safe_thing:T = ???
val either: Throwable \/ T = getFromSomewhere
either getOrElse safe_thing
As other answer pointed out, get could throw. But similarly to OP, I also encountered cases when I was sure of a type (in this case \/-), yet the variable in code was of type \/ (super class).
Doing inline pattern matching was very verbose and looked bad.
println(("test".right[String] |> { case \/-(x) => x; case _ => "" }).toUpperCase)
So I wrote this helper:
implicit class ScalazDisjunctionPimps[A, B](e: \/[A, B]) {
def getRight: B = e match {
case \/-(x) => x
case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"$e is not right.")
Usage is simple, here's example:
println("test".right.getRight.toUpperCase) // outputs: TEST
If needed getLeft can be constructed in the same way.
I have a number of functions that return Option values, like this
case class A()
case class B()
case class C()
def optionA(): Option[A] = None
def optionB(): Option[B] = Some(B())
def optionC(): Option[C] = Some(C())
What I want to do is, I want to run these functions in sequence, but only until one of the functions returns an Option with a value (a Some). Then I want to have that value returned, without running the remaining functions.
This is my current implementation
val res:Option[Any] = Stream(
() => optionA(),
() => optionB(),
() => optionC()
) .map(f => f())
.filter(opt => opt.isDefined)
For the function implementations above, this applies optionA and optionB, gives me a Some(B()), and it never runs optionC, which is what I want.
But I'd like to know if there is is a better/simple/alternative implementation.
Something like val findFirst = optionA compose optionB compose optionC?
orElse will not evaluate its argument if this is defined.
Or if you have already the options in a collection/stream, you might do
Say you now have a collection of Options, you can then do this:
coll.foldLeft[Option[Int]](None)(_ orElse _)
Which will return you the first non-None value in the collection
Note that I explicitly mention the type of the collection, because scala can't infer what orElse should do without it... (None is of type Option[Any] by default)
If you have a giant list of options, it might be helpful to write
coll.view.foldLeft[Option[Int]](None)(_ orElse _)
It is quite possible that to know whether a function is defined at some point, a significant part of computing its value has to be done. In a PartialFunction, when implementing isDefined and apply, both methods will have to do that. What to do is this common job is costly?
There is the possibility of caching its result, hoping that apply will be called after isDefined. Definitely ugly.
I often wish that PartialFunction[A,B] would be Function[A, Option[B]], which is clearly isomorphic. Or maybe, there could be another method in PartialFunction, say applyOption(a: A): Option[B]. With some mixins, implementors would have a choice of implementing either isDefined and apply or applyOption. Or all of them to be on the safe side, performance wise. Clients which test isDefined just before calling apply would be encouraged to use applyOption instead.
However, this is not so. Some major methods in the library, among them collect in collections require a PartialFunction. Is there a clean (or not so clean) way to avoid paying for computations repeated between isDefined and apply?
Also, is the applyOption(a: A): Option[B] method reasonable? Does it sound feasible to add it in a future version? Would it be worth it?
Why is caching such a problem? In most cases, you have a local computation, so as long as you write a wrapper for the caching, you needn't worry about it. I have the following code in my utility library:
class DroppedFunction[-A,+B](f: A => Option[B]) extends PartialFunction[A,B] {
private[this] var tested = false
private[this] var arg: A = _
private[this] var ans: Option[B] = None
private[this] def cache(a: A) {
if (!tested || a != arg) {
tested = true
arg = a
ans = f(a)
def isDefinedAt(a: A) = {
def apply(a: A) = {
class DroppableFunction[A,B](f: A => Option[B]) {
def drop = new DroppedFunction(f)
implicit def function_is_droppable[A,B](f: A => Option[B]) = new DroppableFunction(f)
and then if I have an expensive computation, I write a function method A => Option[B] and do something like (f _).drop to use it in collect or whatnot. (If you wanted to do it inline, you could create a method that takes A=>Option[B] and returns a partial function.)
(The opposite transformation--from PartialFunction to A => Option[B]--is called lifting, hence the "drop"; "unlift" is, I think, a more widely used term for the opposite operation.)
Have a look at this thread, Rethinking PartialFunction. You're not the only one wondering about this.
This is an interesting question, and I'll give my 2 cents.
First of resist the urge for premature optimization. Make sure the partial function is the problem. I was amazed at how fast they are on some cases.
Now assuming there is a problem, where would it come from?
Could be a large number of case clauses
Complex pattern matching
Some complex computation on the if causes
One option I'd try to find ways to fail fast. Break the pattern matching into layer, then chain partial functions. This way you can fail the match early. Also extract repeated sub matching. For example:
Lets assume OddEvenList is an extractor that break a list into a odd list and an even list:
var pf1: PartialFuntion[List[Int],R] = {
case OddEvenList(1::ors, 2::ers) =>
case OddEvenList(3::ors, 4::ors) =>
Break to two part, one that matches the split then one that tries to match re result (to avoid repeated computation. However this may require some re-engineering
var pf2: PartialFunction[(List[Int],List[Int],R) = {
case (1 :: ors, 2 :: ers) => R1
case (3 :: ors, 4 :: ors) => R2
var pf1: PartialFuntion[List[Int],R] = {
case OddEvenList(ors, ers) if(pf2.isDefinedAt(ors,ers) => pf2(ors,ers)
I have used this when progressively reading XML files that hard a rather inconstant format.
Another option is to compose partial functions using andThen. Although a quick test here seamed to indicate that only the first was is actually tests.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with caching mechanism inside the partial function, if:
the function returns always the same input, when passed the same argument
it has no side effects
it is completely hidden from the rest of the world
Such cached function is not distiguishable from a plain old pure partial function...