How To Check IIS Logging Status Via Command Line - powershell

Looking online, I have not seen any information on how to capture the status of the logging function on the IIS console and I was hoping to see if anyone knew how to do this via cmd/PowerShell? I am trying to see if the logging component is enabled/disabled via the command-line interface.

you could use the below PowerShell command to check the iis logging is enabled or not and other details:
Import-Module -Name WebAdministration
Get-ItemProperty -Path 'IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site' -Name logfile


Setup IIS Identity in an ApplicationPool using cmd or ps1

is there an example of setting the Identity in IIS for a Custom User in an Application Pool using command line or powershell script?
You can use the following appcmd.exe command line to set an identity in IIS for a custom user in the applicationpool.
appcmd.exe set config /section:applicationPools /[name='APP_POOL_NAME'].processModel.identityType:SpecificUser /[name='APP_POOL_NAME'].processModel.userName:DOMAIN\USER_NAME /[name='APP_POOL_NAME'].processModel.password:PASSWORD
Here is my test steps and result:
1.Run cmd as administrator
2.Change directory to the location where appcmd.exe resides (c:\windows\system32\inetsrv):
cd %WINDIR%\system32\inetsrv
3.Then enter the appcmd.exe command line, you need to replace the content in the red box.
4.Then you can see that the application pool identity is successfully set as a custom account.
Hope my answer can help you!
Should be able to do something like this:
Set-ItemProperty -Path "IIS:\AppPools\$AppPoolName" -Name processModel -Value #{userName=$AppPoolUser;password=$AppPoolUserPw;identitytype=3}
See documentation for processModel here:

Import Powerhsell DNS server module

I am deploying some virtual machines by script, and I would like to check if the FQNA that I adding to my script is already created in the DNS records.
I found the commands to do this, but I can't find what Powershell module I need to use these commands.
Found DNSserver and others, but this doesn't work and I am a bit confused which module should I import/install to be able to use Powershell DNS commands to use like get-dnsserverresourcerecord or Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA etc.
Thank You
I had this issue as well. This module is part of RSAT. If you only want the get-dnsserverresourcerecord or Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA, that is in the feature Rsat.Dns.Tools~~~~
From an elevated prompt in PowerShell:
Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name Rsat.Dns.Tools~~~~
If you want all of the RSAT features:
Get-WindowsCapability -Name RSAT* -Online | Add-WindowsCapability -Online
Verified in PowerShell 7.2.5
Found this information here:
The cmdlets are in the DNSServer module.

Updating SSL bindings for IIS with Powershell 7

I'm trying to update a PS5 script to PS7, mainly because the script does work that requires a PS Core module.
Part of the script involved updating IIS bindings to use a different SSL Certificate. The cert is in the store and ready to be used - I just need to change the thumbprint on the binding.
My PS5 script used Get-WebConfiguration to get the bindings and then just looped through, calling RebindSslCertificate on relevant bindings.
I've tried using Set-WebConfigurationProperty and Set-WebBinding; neither errors but neither actually updates the binding with IIS - example:
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Name 'certificateHash' -Value $newCert.Thumbprint -PSPath "IIS:\\" `
-Filter "/system.applicationHost/sites/site/bindings/binding[#protocol='https'][#bindingInformation='*:443:hostname']" `
Could anyone help point me in the right direction for what I'm missing?
P.S., Apologies if this is a repeat question but all I can find is old stuff that doesn't work or relates to "-Set-Item IIS:\SslBindings" Maybe there is someway to get the IIS drive working with remoting?
Ran into this on 9/10/2021 using Powershell 7.1.4.
As of date of writing, this is an open issue on github for PowerShell.
Link for reference:
Issue is that PowerShell 7 is based on .NET Core and the PS module WebAdministrator is based on .NET Framework.
When you run
Import-Module WebAdministration
WARNING: Module WebAdministration is loaded in Windows PowerShell using WinPSCompatSession remoting session; please note that all input and output of commands from this module will be deserialized objects. If you want to load this module into PowerShell please use 'Import-Module -SkipEditionCheck' syntax.
Notice the mention of 'WinPSCompatSession' in the warning. If the module manifest doesn't indicate that the module is compatible with PowerShell Core, then it gets loaded via the Windows PowerShell Compatibility Feature.
It seems this module partially works in compatibility mode, however if you try to work with IIS:\ then you start getting errors.
Alternatively, if you run the parameter in the warning you get this.
Import-Module -SkipEditionCheck WebAdministration
Import-Module: Could not load type 'System.Management.Automation.PSSnapIn' from assembly 'System.Management.Automation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'.
A quick test in PowerShell 7.1.4 will show you that you can't access the IIS connector.
PS C:\Windows\System32> Import-Module WebAdministration
WARNING: Module WebAdministration is loaded in Windows PowerShell using WinPSCompatSession remoting session; please note that all input and output of commands from this module will be deserialized objects. If you want to load this module into PowerShell please use 'Import-Module -SkipEditionCheck' syntax.
PS C:\Windows\System32> cd IIS:\
Set-Location: Cannot find drive. A drive with the name 'IIS' does not exist.
However, if you open up PowerShell 6 you can do this no problem.
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Import-Module WebAdministration
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> cd IIS:\
PS IIS:\> dir
My next step is trying to get this to work by loading the .NET assembly directly. Will update with the solution

Windows Defender and handling downloaded PowerShell scripts

I use Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned and download some scripts and modules. These are my scripts so they are not signed. I could use Bypass or RemoteSigned or Unrestricted. I feel that Unrestricted feels a bit over the top so I got with RemoteSigned and indeed, even though my scripts are not signed, I can download them and run them... for a while. Then, "Windows Defender" catches up and completely deletes my scripts. My questions are:
After I download a script, is there a programmatic way with PowerShell to instruct Windows Defender to mark that script on the exclusion list?
Would you say that Unrestricted is a bit unsafe? If so, what is the process of making these scripts signed (or self-signed?), or is this not possible? i.e. Set to Unrestricted so that files are not nuked, then download the file, then somehow put it on an exclusion list, then set the ExecutionPolicy back to RemoteSigned?
Downloaded files are marked as from the internet. Your need to unblock them. Use the built-in cmdlet for that.
# Get specifics for a module, cmdlet, or function
(Get-Command -Name Unblock-File).Parameters
(Get-Command -Name Unblock-File).Parameters.Keys
Get-help -Name Unblock-File -Examples
# Results
Unblock-File -Path C:\Users\User01\Documents\Downloads\PowerShellTips.chm
dir C:\Downloads\*PowerShell* | Unblock-File
Get-Item * -Stream "Zone.Identifier" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Get-Item C:\ps-test\Start-ActivityTracker.ps1 | Unblock-File
Get-help -Name Unblock-File -Full
Get-help -Name Unblock-File -Online
Any script you use will be looked at for actions it is performing. Your AV solution (Windows Defender notwithstanding) will take action(s) on it if it appears to be doing unexpected/nefarious things at any point. This has nothing to do with whether they are signed or not, or what ExecutionPolicy you set.
EP = only means allow a script(s) to run, not control what the script does/is going to do and the EP is not a security boundary, as documented in the help files.
Unblock-File Module: Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
Unblocks files that were downloaded from the Internet.
This is all related to Windows ADS.
'windows alternate data streams downloaded file'
### Detecting Alternate Data Streams with PowerShell and DOS
dir /s /r | find ":DATA"
Get-Item –Path 'C:\users\me\desktop\*' -Stream *
Get-Content –Path 'C:\users\me\some_file.exe' -Stream zone.identifier
# Results
Downloaded file via zone 3, we now know that is the Internet Zone as depicted in the chart below.
Value Setting
0 My Computer
1 Local Intranet Zone
2 Trusted sites Zone
3 Internet Zone
4 Restricted Sites Zone
Or using MS SysInternals: streams.exe

IIS 7.5 powershell module usage issues

Has anyone managed to use this module with success, i'm running 32bit Windows 7, where i have opened an administrator shell using run as administrator, i have imported the WebAdministration module and then attempted to use the commands with some issues, have provided two examples here
I created a web site with the following command
new-website -name testsite -port 80 -hostheader testsite -physicalpath c:\temp
Then i attempted to get the sites details using the command
get-website -name testsite
but it always returns all sites, seems to ignore the -name parameter. Only way i can get the site is using a filter
get-website | ? { $ -eq 'testsite' } | get-member
When i use appcmd it works as expected using the following command
C:\> C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list site testsite
When i try to list the apppools using the following command
dir iis:\apppools
i get the following error
Get-ChildItem : Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
Yet when i use appcmd as follows i get all the apppools as expected without any error
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe list apppool
Has anyone successfully managed to use the WebAdministration module ?
Thanks in advance
If you are already running PowerShell as an administrator and have Windows UAC disabled and you are still seeing this error, make sure WAS (Windows Process Activation Service) is running. You can stop W3SVC but PowerShell will definitely give the same head-scratching "access denied" error if WAS is stopped.
You need to make sure that the PowerShell window is running elevated, try right-clicking in the Start Menu and using the "Run as administrator" option to ensure it runs elevated.
Regarding Get-Website ignoring the -Name parameter, this appears to be a bug according to this forum post. The workaround is to use Get-Item
$website = "Default Web Site"
Get-Item "IIS:\sites\$website"
Be sure to use double quotes, variables are not expanded when single quotes are used.
Regarding browsing the application pools I suspect this is a permissions issue as CarlosAg mentioned. Make sure that you are running PowerShell with elevated privileges. I typically launch PowerShell by right-clicking on it and selecting "Run as administrator".