How do I create a valid cursor - roblox

So I am using the Roblox web API to try and list game servers, it uses page cursors. however, I want to create a cursor myself, to be able to skip pages instead of doing a request for each page. When I create a request it always returns a previous page cursor and a next page cursor. the page cursors are base64 encoded but when decoded return a object and some text like the following:
I understand the object above and I want to edit it, but if I don't change the bottom text relatively then it says my cursor is invalid.
Sadly they don't have a documentation that actually says anything other than what the request return, they don't give information about arguments etc...
I want to know how to make the bottom text work. From some testing I concluded that the bottom text DOES NOT CHANGE and is always the same if the object above is the same. Which means (I think) that the bottom text is relative to the object, I think it's hashed or encoded or something but I don't know what to do.
But I know a guy which can do it, he knows how to change the bottom text to make it work with an edited object, however he doesn't want to tell me how. (He doesn't work at roblox or anything, a random guy)


Why are there empty lines after my shape in Word?

This question is related (follows from) this question.
I am dynamically generating Word documents from data in a database. In the generation I need to have the First Page of a section have a different top margin than the other pages in the section. For reason that would take too long to explain properly, I can't just create a new section with a different top margin.
To get around my problem I thought I would create a shape (rectangle) with no border and no fill (invisible) that was the height I wanted my margin to be. I would then place it absolutely at (0,0). I would also make it wrapTopAndBottom so that it pushed the text in the body of the page down. This is working... except for one small problem.
As you can see there is a large, blank area immediately after my shape. There are actual blank lines there. You can see the lines better in this image where I've put text in those lines.
When I look at the header xml file in the Word archive, those lines don't exist. I'm not sure where they are coming from or how to get rid of them. I can manually remove them using Word but every time I regenerate the file they get put back in there. If someone knows why this is happening and / or how to get around it, I'd appreciate the help.
I finally figured this out.
Sorry I couldn't post code up here. First, I'm not using C#, I'm using PHP. Second, the amount of code I'd have to post to show how the header is getting created is prohibitive on a forum like this. Third, I'm not really allowed to post the company's code up here.
In any case, the problem was simple once I saw it. We are placing multiple absolutely positioned objects (shapes, text, images, whatnot) inside the header. In the class that creates these objects each one was being placed inside a <w:p> element. For example, if there were 3 such objects, the XML looked like this.
<p>Some Object</p>
<p>Some Object</p>
<p>Some Object</p>
The problem is that even though each of the objects inside the <p> are absolutely positioned, the <p> element itself creates a line and space for that line. So the header above would have 3 blank lines in it. This became an issue if the header had 6 or 7 objects because the blank lines would push the header's margin down and force the page's content down as well. This was undesired behavior.
The solution is simple. All the absolutely positioned objects can be placed in the same <p> element. This leaves only 1 blank line in the header no matter how many objects you have.

Microsoft-Word: hide overflow in a table-cell

I have a Word-File in which I'm going to add content programmatically.
The content is going to be added into table-cells and thats where the problem starts:
The Word-File looks like this
The cell where it now says "000000873588" is the one being filled by my application. This is working fine until someone enters a string thats too large like so:
The text is being broken down onto the next line which leads to my document actually adding a second page at the end because the whole content doesn't fit anymore.
Now I know the easiest way would be to already truncate the string in the application itself, but this would require me to know the exact cell-size of each cell in the document, which I don't as I have 12 different document-templates that are all being filled programmatically.
Is Word able to set a table-cell to a fixed size and then just cut off the overflow? I can't really imagine it not being able to. I did quite some research but the only thing I found was keeping cells together over page-breaks which is not what I need.

Updating console/logs in-app. I don't really know how to explain it

I need something, a box, where it updates with new text.
I don't really know how to explain it, if you play the game A Dark Room on iOS, it's the console thing on the left. It updates with new text, and you can scroll up and down with it to find previous text (overflow on it I guess.). I'm terrible at explaining. Sorry.
I was thinking about making a list view controller but I don't know how to use it. I'll look it up, though.
If it's only about logs, like if you want to show text body with few paragraphs, you can use textView. Whenever you have new text you can append it to current text in textview and update textview again. Whenever required, user can scroll up and look at the previous text.

need to style input from a form with css in real time

Ok im struggling to find anything on this as im probably searching the wrong keywords.
I have a backed form thats use to display content on a page. When entering the details i want to be able to use a basic text editor to style the text, like bold, bullets, underline.
On top of that i would also like to allow them to wrap section in paragraph tabs, apply a certain style i.e style id="x".
Its more for backend so it doesnt have to be really user friendly but if there was an uncomplicated way of showing the styles in the form as i apply them, basically a WYSIWYG view. If not i will settle for applying the styles without having to see all the hmtl and css tags in the editor but when the information is passed via the INSERT query it will show pass all the relevant code like My Style and so on.
Now im quite happy to spend the time learning how to do this if you point me in the right direction but i have no idea what keywords to search. Ideally if there is a script out there i can just edit to my needs would be great too rather than starting from scratch.
Finally since im learning php and mysql still keeping it dumbed down will help and also since my values im passing is going to be full of characters the code wont like what functions should i look up to pass the code and content into the database to avoid breaking the code
I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but it seems you can achieve what you want using an editor like for example TinyMCE in combination with JQuery?
With JQuery you can show/hide items and ander your css like
$("p").mouseover(function () {

Large scrollview table with buttons

We are trying to write a training manual application for the iPhone. On the top half of the screen is a diagram of a car engine, on the bottom half is some text. At the user repeatedly hits a "next" button, we highlight different parts of the engine, and in concert we highlight different parts of the descriptive text below.
We basically want "living text" in the text half, with the illustration following along on top to where the reader is in the text. What we'd like from the text is 1. user can scroll it using their thumb so possibly a UIScrollView 2. the software can explicitly drive a scroll to any part of the text (when they hit the "next" button). 3. the words in the text are interspersed with hotlinks e.g. "this is the camshaft... this is the piston..." and the user should be able to click on any of the keywords like camshaft, piston, and have the diagram highlight that. (The problem is not highlighting the diagram, its capturing the click). The text would have 300~400 buttons/links/keywords and about 600 words of text.
Since this is fairly similar to using a web browser, we tried using Apple's version of webkit using a UIWebView and handleOpenURL to register a service back to the app itself. But Webkit for internal links a popup comes up asking permission to access that link. Every single the user wants to go to a link (in our case just an internal event that we'd intercept so that we can highlight e.g. the camshaft). Tried to intercept the event from the HTML view, but that didn't work.
It seems like the best we can do is to abandon scrolling text, and make the text part more like flash cards or a power point presentation, breaking the text into custom UIViewCells with buttons inside a UIScrollView. However, this would impose an annoying constraint on the author that they would have to write everything to fit in the UIViewCells, sort of chunky.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
This is definitely something you can use a UIWebView for. Don't use handleOpenURL, rather, set your viewController as the webview's delegate, and override -webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType:. When this gets called, check the request, and pull out your link data from there.
It would probably be easier to implement that completely in JavaScript in the document you load in a UIWebView. You would have to use JavaScript (i.e. [UIWebView stringbyevaluatingjavascriptfromstring:]) anyway to achieve things like scrolling to a certain position.