Agent dependencies to run SPFx & PNP scripts - azure-devops

Please let me know what are the software's/modules required and installed in the agent to execute the builds in azure devops & teamcity
Will Azure DevOps MS agent will take care of PNP & SharePoint frame work scripts by default?
If it is self hosted agent what are the modules, softwires and packaged need to be installed in the agent machine?


Azure Self-hosted Windows agent hook

In Azure DevOps we have a Pipeline and Release created and working. In the release, we have the Azure Self-hosted Windows agent running and publishing to the off-site server without any issues.
Once the agent has completed deployment of the website, we would like to run a script on the Self-hosted server. (example POST HOOK COMMAND > C:\srvscripts\azure-post-hook.ps1)
Where can configure the agent to run a script once the website is published?
Where can configure the agent to run a script once the website is published?
If you want to run a script once the website is published on the on the Self-hosted server, you could add a powershell task after the task your deployment the website:
Since you are running the script on the Self-hosted server, we could directly specify the path C:\srvscripts\azure-post-hook.ps1 where the script is located in the scripts path option:

Automate PostgreSQL scripts from azure devops without installing any client tools/drivers on my local machine

My requirement is - Automate the PostgreSQL scripts from azure devops without installing any client tools/drivers on my local machine. We have couple of .sql, .fct and .prc files in repository. Pipeline should pickup these files and connect azure Postgres server and run the scripts.
PostgreSQL is integrated in the Microsoft hosted agent, you can consider using the hosted agent to run the pipeline.
About the software installed on the hosted agent,please refer to this document.

Anular test and build with Azure devops TFS issue while chrome-headless

I can use and install chrome-headless with puppeteer in azure devops by ( but its not working in azure devops TFS.
Shows error that "chromium install is failed"
For this issue , if the task you installed is VSTS Chromium Build Task, then this task should not be applicable in TFS.
As stated in the task description: This task automates the Process of Installing Chromium on your Hosted Build Agent in VSTS so that you can run your javascript tests with a headless browser.
However, there is no hosted agent in TFS, only self-hosted agent. So chromium installation will fail . At present, chromium can only installed in azure devops service.

Could not able to create an executable(.exe) from Azure Devops pipelines release

I am working for a WPF application, and recently I have migrated TFS to Azure DevOps and I am successfully able to create build artifacts as well, unfortunately, I could not create executable from the artifacts as Azure DevOps does not support InstallShield Package creation with it, now I decided to move the build artifacts to my local build server,again my company law doesn't allow to access my server from outside network, what should do to create executable.
The Build Agent needs to be able to connect to Azure DevOps. It's enough for it to be able to make an outgoing connection over https (443). The agent can be configured to connect through a web proxy server.
What alternatives do you have:
Use the hosted agent and install InstallShield as part of the build process. This will be slow, but it is doable. You'll need to execute this step as part of every build that tries to create the InstallShield package and requires you to do a head-less installation of InstallShield (given that they are the kings of Installers, I suppose this is doable).
Use a private agent in Azure. You can spin up any IaaS server on Azure, install Visual Studio, InstallShield and the Azure DevOps Agent on it and use it as a build server. There is a set of standard images file available which you can use as a basis.

VSTS Continuous Delivery to non-Azure web server

It doesn't look like this is possible but is there a way to use VSTS Continuous Delivery and deploy to a server outside Azure?
Sure. VSTS Continuous Delivery can deploy to anything that can run the VSTS agent or anything that can be targetted from a VSTS agent. Basically you have two options:
Let the VSTS (hosted) agent communicate directly to your deployment target. Out of the box tasks can use MsDeploy or WinRM. There are also tasks for Octopus Deploy, AWS and other systems available through the Marketplace. Powershell has options to connect directly to other systems and you can use many different protocols from a powershell script.
Install the VSTS agent on your target machine (or network). The VSTS agent can be downloaded and installed onto the target server. That way you have full local access to the target machine and can simply copy the files to the target folder straight from the Release Management artefacts. By installing a VSTS agent in you local network, you can use the options listed under 1 to bypass firewalls that might be blocking the hosted agent.