Problems with lauching my Ubuntu on dual boot - operating-system

When I try to run my ubuntu on dusl boot I get message:
/dev/nvme0n1p6: clean, .../.. files, .../... blocks.
How can I repare it or get to my ubuntu?
I have tried to reset it few times and also find on internet some solutions to write something on terminal but in fact I cant get to terminal because I cant launch it. So how can I repare it?

Try to boot into your BIOS. This is on every brand of computer diffrent but most of the time you need to spam press F12, F10, F2.
Once you are booted in Bios you can try to change the default boot drive by the "boot" option.


How to run/start VsCode on Centos 7

I'm a beginner studying centos.
I installed centos and vscode, but there's no response when I click the vscode icon.
And when i enter the [code] at the terminal, only an error message comes out and it can't be executed (the screen below).
​And if you look at the top left of my screen, it says [Activities]. Is this normal?
I saw [Applications] other centos image
enter image description here
enter image description here
Both problems stem from logging in as the root user. This is not a good idea for many reasons (e.g., security, desktop shortcuts do not work correctly, etc.), and, once deployed, your program may not work correctly for non-privileged users.
If you need to run as root, the command from the Terminal is:
code "/home/<your default username>/<optional projects directory>" --user-data-dir="." --no-sandbox
However, if you have no reason to use root over sudo, I strongly recommend you log out as root, and run VS Code as a regular user. Also, VS Code will continue to warn you about being root.
As far as the Gnome desktop, Applications on CentOS 7 and Activities on CentOS 8+.

Remote running of python file X11 issue

i'm using remote-ssh VSC extension to run python files from windows on remote Ubuntu VPS
The problem is, i cant run code with tinkter or some commands like xeyes
They seems running, but there is no window displaying the result appearing.
What should i look at Local and server sides to fix this?
Got it. I need to run Xming on local machine in parallel with vscode. This way xming open window with graphic content in it

MobaXterm stuck at a "progress information" window

I am using MobaXterm Personal Edition v21.2 Build 4642 to access a remote workbench for educational purposes. The workbench has a Linux machine, and I run STM32CubeIDE to program a development board connected to the remote machine. When I create a new project, the wizard works OK, until it tries to open the ".ioc" file. A "progress information" (thi sis the window bar title) shows up, saying "Initializing Device Configuration Tool...". The progress bar keeps moving back and forth, but then the program looks like if it is stuck at this point.
If I kill the process and restart the IDE, I can see that the ".ioc" file is created. It means that the wizard is working. Then, if I try to open this file, I get stuck in the same way.
When I logged in locally at the workbench machine and used the IDE, it worked without problems. I also connected remotely to the workbench using another linux machine and "pure" (command prompt) ssh. The IDE also worked nicely, which gives me a hint that the problem happens when MobaXterm has to close that "progress information" window and open the "Device configuration tool" window.
Any hints on how to fix this problem?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, the remote machine runs Linux Ubuntu 20.04 with Gnome GUI.

Ubuntu 16.04 freezes everytime I run the command 'make qemu'. How can I solve it?

I searched this solution on the internet but couldn't find much. I am doing my Operating System assignment on XV6. I am using the shell file below every time I need to emulate on qemu.
make clean
make qemu
Qemu emulator runs and asks for command. Then it freezes suddenly and makes whole screen shadowy. Mouse pointer disappears and I can't close any window. I can't figure out what's wrong with it as I am new to it. Any solution or link would be helpful. Thank you.

Run Tomcat within Eclipse as a different user

I am running Eclipse Indigo EE on Windows 7, logged in as me.. I have Tomcat running within eclipse right now (under Servers view) but it's running under my user. I'd like to run it as a different user. How do I go about achieving that? I don't want to run it as a Windows service or outside of Eclipse, I want to continue to manage it through Eclipse which makes debugging, shutting down, starting up a lot simpler for me.
Any ideas how to go about setting that up or if it's even possible?
I could not find a way to start the Tomcat server as a different user. Whereas you can achieve this by opening eclipse as a different user. Following are the steps for the same
Open command prompt.
Run following command with intended user name and eclipse exe's location
runas /user:domainName\userName C:\eclipse-jee-mars-R-win32-x86_64\eclipse\eclipse.exe