I'm trying to merge a new branch I have created into develop. There were merge conflicts on the branch which I resolved locally and then pushed the changes to Bitbucket.
Now, you can see here that there are no conflicts flagged and I can happily merge this into our develop branch without any problems.
However, threaded throughout the changes I have things like:
Why are these old conflicts showing? I really don't want to merge and to have these appearing in every PR I raise... but it makes no sense to me that having clearly resolved these conflicts, they are still showing.
The business recently planned to test two separate features in the same sprint, but weren't sure if both of them were going to be deployed. Our solution was to create two feature branches off of Develop, one for each feature, and a third branch off of develop ("the Hybrid Branch") into which those feature branches could be merged. We would only deploy to DEV and QA from the Hybrid Branch, allowing dev and QA to test both features. If one of them was pulled back, the individual feature branch would be merged to develop and deployed without the other.
But we've encountered some strange behavior with one of the feature branches when merging into the hybrid branch.
When creating a pull request, Azure DevOps merges every change from the date that the feature branch was created. It's as if the branch doesn't get rebased properly after a push or merge or what-have-you.
For the other feature branch, it pulls only the set of commits pushed since the last merge. This is how we expect it to work.
This makes reviews of the pull request difficult, as it's difficult to isolate the specific changes for the PR. It also means that resolved conflicts have to be re-resolved for every PR, and the PR acts like previously added or removed files need to be added or removed again.
What could be causing this and how do we resolve it?
I think it's because of squashing. The way git works isn't by tracking a "last merged commit pointer". Every time you merge branches, git looks for any commits that are present on one branch and not present on another. It does it by comparing hashes. So if you merge with squash, then those commits are merged to another branch with different hashes, so the next merge will show them as new commits again.
Regarding one branch working properly, maybe the other branch was rebased to the first? You can check hashes of commits to make sure that they are indeed different on both branches
Keeps track of files in eclipse, who made changes on which branch
Hello Guys, I am using BitBucket for project management, and i Create different branches as per features. Multiple teams works on their own branches and some time multiple teams make changes in same file.
So at the time of release I have to merge all the created branches in one major branch, but at time of merge i get a lot of merge conflicts,
So basically what i want, when developer going to make changes in any file, dev will get to know all submitted changes in another branches for this same file, (where dev going to make changes), So he or she will know the possible scenarios.
An alternative is to ask for a developer to rebase his/her own branch on top of the main branch first.
Then you can merge that branch easily enough.
That way:
if there are any conflicts, they are detected and resolve by the developer (who knows best how to resolve it)
each merge is a trivial one.
I am using the git plugin for eclipse and I have noticed a problem with it and hoping this is a simple configuration change. Can anyone help?
When switching branches, the uncommitted changes are being merged across onto the newly checked out branch (only in certain circumstances). It seems as if this happens every time when it is "safe" to do so. The way to recreate is:
Create feature branch "branch1" from remote repository
Create feature branch "branch2" from same remote repository
Make changes on "branch2" and don't commit changes.
Switch to "branch1"
a. No confirmation message is shown.
b. The uncommitted changes from "branch2" are merged onto "branch1"
I want to be able to force the commit message to appear (just like it does using git-bash). Is this possible?
To my understanding, this behavior is intended by EGit: a checkout is performed as long as the files to be checked out do not collide with the working directory. And uncommitted changes are left as they are.
If you think EGit should offer a different strategy of handling uncommitted changes I suggest to open an enhancement request: https://eclipse.org/egit/support/
In the meanwhile, you may want to (manually) stash uncommitted changes prior to switching branches. That's what I see most people do in this situation.
I'm trying to identify the proper way of working with multiple branches on Gerrit that would match our workflow.
The way we work with branches right now is: we have master & feature branch. Master is the branch we want to polish and make it ready for release, while feature is obviously a field of intensive work. Now, in our particular case whenever somebody works on a bug fix, they:
create a change targeted for master branch
cherry pick it to the feature branch targeted change
once gerrit code review completes, submit both changes.
now the way i understand cherry-pick, it selects individual commit and merges it to the current change. if that is the case, i would expect to have no merge conflicts in the end, and indeed this workflow works perfectly with just GIT. Gerrit, however, most likely due to its nature (branches are not merged remotely the way these are locally and get a different sha tag) lists a tremendous number of conflicting files in the end.
Now, I resolved all these issues by applying merge strategy (ours on feature, theirs on master), but it does not feel right: if anything was not propagated, it just got discarded.
My question is: is there a safe workflow, similar to the above one, that would in the end produce a clean merge with gerrit?
I would say that it's better, in this case, to merge than to cherry pick.
A cherry pick adds the same changes but not the same commit. So while the source is the same on a cherry pick and merge the git tree is different. When the tree is different and you later do a merge git will think that the commit you previously cherry picked is missing and try to merge that change as well, even if the actual code is already there. That's probably why you get a lot of conflicts.
I would propose another way of working.
When you do normal work you develop on feature and push to Gerrit as normal.
When you do a patch (ie bug fix) on the stable production environment you do that directly on master (or local branches if you like but not on feature)
When the patch as been approved in Gerrit it get's merged into the real master and you can make a pull request to get that change to your local copy. Your version of master is now the same as Gerrits master
Now you would merge all new changes on master into feature. Make sure you do a rebase so that the patch ends up before anything you've already done on feature
Once it's time to deploy all new features you can merge feature into master, push to Gerrit (if you have permissions you can by pass gerrit by pushing directly to master instead of refs/for/master as these changes are already reviewed)
Once all changes are on Gerrits master you do a pull on your master and a merge into feature with rebase making feature a clean branch to work on. It's of course totally valid to have a new feature each release. Both work fine.
I'm a little confused, as this flow should work just fine. If other users submit changes before your bug fix is reviewed/verified/submitted, that could result in merge conflicts, but that should be rare.
If you:
Fix a bug on master
Push to review (creating change A in gerrit)
cherry-pick change A on top of the feature branch (resolving any conflicts from master to feature)
Push the cherry-picked change to review (creating change B)
Review/verify/submit changes A & B
Everything will work fine. The only way for merge conflicts to occur is if other users upload and submit changes between steps 1 and 5. Are you seeing different behavior? Can you provide more details?
I am looking forward to merge my code which I developed in a branch of SVN to the trunk. I am using Eclipse and I have been using Team->Commit to commit my updates to the SVN. But I haven't done a merge before. Please help me with this.
First of all make sure you are up to date. Update your working copy of the target branch, ie. where you are merging into. In this example we're working on the trunk of "core" and we want to grab the changes that have happened in the maintenance branch and merge them.
Resolve any conflicts. There should be no conflicts at this stage between the working copy and the repository.
Select the SVN merge option on the working copy. In Eclipse this is going to be found under the "Team" menu and called "Merge Branch".
SVN: Merging in Eclipse
Change the From URL to the specific branch you want to be merged into your working copy. In this example we're looking for the p400 maintenance branch (./core/branches/p400).
Change the From Revision to the last revision that was merged into the target branch. Essentially you don't want to keep merging the whole branch history, you just want to include those changes since the last time you merged. There is no easy way to determine the last merge point at this time in Subversion. You have to review your message log and look for the last commit that talks about merging. If you are disciplined about the commit messages you use for merging this should be easy (see below). Make a note of what that revision is -- you'll need this later when you commit your changes.
SVN: Merge with Eclipse
Change the To Revision to the latest (i.e. head). Make a note of what that revision is -- you'll need this later when you commit your changes.
Click Merge and wait. Depending on how big the differences are this may be quick or Eclipse my just fall over. If you have such an enormous change that you can't get it done in Eclipse you may need to make the range of revisions you are merging smaller. Or you may even have to skip certain revisions and do them manually if they are massive. We've had this problem from time to time when updating large third-party libraries. The vast majority of the time you will be fine.
Review changes and resolve conflicts. Once the merge is complete, look through the changes made to your working copy and make sure you address any conflicts you find.
Once all the changes have been resolved in the target working copy, check them in with a single commit. The reason you're not doing lots of commits is that these are changes that should have been documented in the branch from which you merged. The commit message needs to be in a specific format that details the merge and is easy to find in the future. We use the following format, but you can use anything that works for you -- as long as you stick to it.
Merging [source] to [target]; [repository]. Merge rev [start]:[end]
In eclipse we have an option to merge. Right click the project , you will see "Team" option and on clicking it you will see merge option. There are three different options you can see in the merge.
To successfully merge the changes from the branch to the trunk, we need to switch the local workspace to the trunk (but make sure all the changes are committed to the branch before that). Once we do that we can use merge option and select "2 URLs" option. I put url for trunk as url 1 and the branch I wanted to merge as url 2. I could see all the incoming changes I selected "OK". All the changes are in my local now (at this point my workspace is linked to the trunk). Then I committed my changes to the trunk and hence merge from branch to the trunk was successful.
I would like to add for Point 8 .Review changes and resolve conflicts. ---
When working on conflicts manually- when you do copy from right to left on chunks of code - Be careful
Sometimes chunk of code gets added, sometimes it properly replaces the chunk.
Make sure there is no duplicate chunk of code.
Also, this is helpful-- What is the proper way to do a Subversion merge in Eclipse?