AEM RTE styles plugin able to select more than one option in the dropdown - aem

I have implemented the RTE styles plugin from this documentation but the is one issue. I'm able to select more than one option at the same time from the dropdown
I want only one style selected at a time, just like the paraformat dropdown
I checked other answers regarding this issue but couldn't find any custom plugin or OOTB solution. Please let me know if anybody has developed a solution for this.


Is it possible to configure the wizard in TCA so that I can create a new particular plugin?

How can I create a custom wizard in TCA so that, I can click on add button to create a particluar specific plugin on a page? my TYPO3 Version is 7.6.
click on the image. There is a add button
You can make a custom wizard on your own or use an existing one. Here you can find examples of existing ones and an example to create a custom one:
Note this code area has been rewritten with core v8 - much more powerful 'wizards' are possible, called 'node expansion' and they come with a better API. For details see and the according sections from TCA Reference for details.

How to enable TextColor & FontSize selection option in WYSIWYG editor for web content in liferay DXP

I am having a html field in web content in liferay 7. i am using liferay default WYSIWYG editor. I want to allow user to change the text color and background.
Let me know if anyone has idea to achieve this.
The default inline editor is the AlloyEditor. The dev documentation can be found here There are examples of how to add new control elements.
Another possibility is to switch Liferay to use the old CK editor that was in the previous versions.
I found the configuration to enable the old CKEditor in liferay 7, This might help someone so i am answering my own question. Add below properties in portal-properties file and restart the server.

TYPO3: tx_news add system category selection to a link

I'd need custom buttons (with image) for the various categories, and I'm trying to figure out if I can add the selection to the link for a header or in the RTE with the wizard.
So I link to the list page that should display only the entries tagged with the specific system category that was clicked, like with a category-menu directly as plugin -> category menu
In TYPO3 8 the linkHandler configuration has been improved alot. It allows you to define your own tabs in the link wizards for selecting any records. You may use this function to sys_categories inside the linkwizard and then configure the url to make it work with tx_news.
Check out the new feature here:
EDIT: I guess this feature was already available in TYPO3 7 LTS but I'm not sure its not inside the documentation... not even in the docs of 8 LTS...

TYPO3: Custom options for "insert plugin" in backend

I am learning TYPO3 and extensions, for now, I've created a test extension about image uploading, handling and showing.
I have done the Backend for upload a new image, show a list, and edit image properties (once selected). This part is already implemented and working.
Now I am missing the "include" part, I mean, to insert an image in page via Insert Plugin on BackEnd.
My problem: When I select insert plugin, and I manually select my registered plugin, I want to render there a fluid template with options, image list, and so.
These options are for the user to select an image, a size, and so, for it to be shown in selected page.
I don't know which method have typo3 for showing templates in that part, so I am requesting a hint from where to config a template to be used there by TYPO3.
Note: This is not about asking implementations, just a hint to start and implement it myself.
You should not code that on your own.
I guess you are looking for TCA. In special for your Plugin you are looking for "flexforms". I guess this wiki page can help you get started with some examples.

twitter bootstrap autocomplete dropdown / combobox with Knockoutjs

I have a requirement where I HAVE TO use bootstrap autocomplete dropdown, BUT user can have free form text in that dropdown if they wish. Before you think about TypeAhead, I could use Bootstrap TypeAhead textbox, but I need to have the dropdown becasue we want to give some default values as headstart options in case users dont know what to search for.
I am using this with MVC DropDownListFor as that creates a select control for us.
I found this article which does that for me.
All I had to do was take off the name from the select control and the control was letting me enter free form text. All good so far.
Now, I am using this in conjunction with Knockoutjs. I bind my options and selected value to the select control and then on row rendered of my template, I called (selector).combobox() which makes the select control a bootstrap comobobox and adds an input control and hides the select control in the scenes behind.
The problem now is when I try to get he values to post to server, since the value I put in input box is not a valid options from the options I gave to select control, it is always setting it to the first option by default. This is becasue, I set the binding of the selected value on select control and not on the input box which was created by bootstrap-combobox.js.
My question is how do I get the input box to data-bind to the same porperty as the the select control was bound to.
Any other options??
Let me know if you need more clarification or have questions.
Please suggest.
Have a look at Select2 for Bootstrap. It should be able to do everything you need.
Another good option is Selectize.js. It feels a bit more native to Bootstrap.
Does the basic HTML5 datalist work? It's clean and you don't have to play around with the messy third party code. W3SCHOOL tutorial
The MDN Documentation is very eloquent and features examples.
Select2 for Bootstrap 3 native plugin
this plugin uses select2 jquery plugin
PM> Install-Package Select2-Bootstrap
Fuel UX combobox has all the features you would expect.
Can i suggest, works more like the twitter post suggestion where it gives you a list of users or topics based on # or # tags,
view demo here:
in this one you can easily change the # and # to anything you want
Bootstrap Tokenfield seems good too: