Automatically cancel stuck github actions [duplicate] - github

Normally, my pipelines take 15 minutes to execute.
Recently, for some strange reasons, some pipelines take between 45 minutes and 6 hours to fail.
Is it possible to set a default timeout limit on GitHub Action's pipeline (for example, auto cancel after 30 minutes)?

You can change default time limit in two ways
job.<id>.timeout-minutes sets a timeout for a whole job
job.<id>.steps.timeout-minutes sets a timeout for a single step
Your scenario:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 30


How can you handle retryCountOnTaskFailure and timeoutInMinutes together?

I have a database dumping script
- bash: |
displayName: "Dump RDS"
timeoutInMinutes: "10"
retryCountOnTaskFailure: 3
Which on occassion takes too long so I want it to timeout and retry. However, it seems that if the timeout triggers the retry no longer fires. It seems that timeoutInMinutes takes a higher precedence. This is with agent version 2.200.2.
There's a community feedback that is closed on this
So what I am thinking is to create a template that will do the dump and run for 10 minutes and have it retry three times on something that calls the template.
I use timeout which is available in the Azure DevOps ubuntu agents to handle the timeouts
- bash: |
timeout 600 ./
displayName: "Dump RDS"
retryCountOnTaskFailure: 3

Github actions job timeout

I have a GitHub workflow with long-running job (10 hours). Even though I have configured the timeout-minutes in the job it gets canceled within 6 hours. Is there a limitation?
name: Spawn cluster
- cron: '0 */12 * * *'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 600
- name: CHECKOUT
uses: actions/checkout#v2
uses: azure/login#v1
creds: ${{secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS}}
Yeah, there are some limits
Job execution time - Each job in a workflow can run for up to 6 hours of execution time. If a job reaches this limit, the job is terminated and fails to complete.
Workflow run time - Each workflow run is limited to 72 hours. If a workflow run reaches this limit, the workflow run is cancelled.
API requests - You can execute up to 1000 API requests in an hour across all actions within a repository. If exceeded, additional API calls will fail, which might cause jobs to fail.
Concurrent jobs - The number of concurrent jobs you can run in your account depends on your GitHub plan, as indicated in the following table. If exceeded, any additional jobs are queued.
So probrabky fi you need to run 10 hours job you need to have self-hosted agent. Or try to split this into smaller chunks.

GitHub workflow job timeout-minutes is ignored. Why?

According to
The timeout-minutes parameter defaults to 360 minutes (6 hours).
I parallelized my mutation testing so that my workflow takes around 6.5 hours to run (mutation testing with Stryker of ~1600 mutants on just 2 cores - 9 jobs in parallel). Thus, I’ve set the timeout-minutes to 420 minutes (7 hours) for the mutation job just in case:
This seems to be ignored as the workflow still ends in 6 hours 23min (without warnings/errors):
Why is my value being ignored?
Also, is there anything I can do to use more CPUs on the workflows virtual machine?
GitHub-hosted runners are limited to maximum 6 hours per job.
Usage limits
There are some limits on GitHub Actions usage when using GitHub-hosted runners. These limits are subject to change.
Job execution time - Each job in a workflow can run for up to 6 hours of execution time. If a job reaches this limit, the job is terminated and fails to complete.

Scheduled build job on azure devops stopped scheduling new builds

Had a scheduled job running every 30 minutes of Azure devops, it was running fine, last scheduled build I saw was on 2019-10-02·14:00, and since then there were no changes made to azure devops or even to the repository for which the pipeline builds.
Devops is not triggering any new builds, not sure about the issue and where should I look for issues.
Tried a manual run, thinking that it could invoke the sleeping process somewhere, but it did not help
- master
- cron: "*/30 * * * *"
displayName: Daily half-hourly build
- master
always: true
For your issue ,there could be two reasons why the schedule trigger stopped scheduling new builds.
The first one : Set the schedule trigger in UI
Scheduled triggers defined using the pipeline settings UI take precedence over YAML scheduled triggers.
If your YAML pipeline has both YAML scheduled triggers and UI defined scheduled triggers, only the UI defined scheduled triggers are run. To run the YAML defined scheduled triggers in your YAML pipeline, you must remove the scheduled triggers defined in the pipeline setting UI.
The second one: Each cron schedule has a limit
Each cron schedule has a maximum of 100 pipeline runs per week.From your description: running every 30 minutes, it should exceed the limit of 100 pipelines per week. If you need more, you can split your cron schedule into multiple cron schedules that each result in 100 or less pipeline runs per week.
You can check these two points to see if this is the cause of the issue.For details please refer to this official document.

azure devops build pipeline reduce the timeout to 30 minutes

Is there a way to change the timeout for build pipeline, currently the pipeline time's out after 60 mintues. I want to reduce it to 30 minutes.
I looked at all the organization settings and project settings, but not able to find anything on the UI
Or else can it be set from YAML?
For a YAML pipeline the documentation says you can write
- job: Test
timeoutInMinutes: 10 # how long to run the job before automatically cancelling
cancelTimeoutInMinutes: 2 # how much time to give 'run always even if cancelled tasks' before stopping them
timeoutInMinutes: 0 should also work for individual tasks, and 0 means max value (infinite for self-hosted agents).
azure devops build pipeline reduce the timeout to 30 minutes
Edit the pipeline you want to modify. On the Options tab, there is an option Build job timeout in minutes, which you can set the Build job timeout, the default value is 60 minutes.
This timeout are including all tasks in your build pipeline rather than a particular job, if one of your build step out of time. Then the whole build definition will be canceled by the server. Certainly, the whole build fails and all subsequent steps are aborted.
As per documentation ,
On the Options tab you can specify default values for all jobs in the
pipeline. If you specify a non-zero value for the job timeout, then it
overrides any value that is specified in the pipeline options. If you
specify a zero value, then the timeout value from the pipeline options
is used. If the pipeline value is also set to zero, then there is no
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