Clear notification from notification drawer using Flutter - flutter

Is it possible to clear/hide any received notifications from the notification drawer using flutter programmatically?
I have seen several apps like 'Spren', 'Daywise' to have this behaviour/functionality.


How to navigate from push notification to a particular screen in android app through deep linking using flutter?

When I click on the push notification I land inside the app but not on the particular respective screen whose notification is that .
used this awesome_notifications: ^0.6.21

Flutter problem: On lock screen and background screen notification Icon showing grey

On lock scren and background Notification Icon is showing in grey,
I have added this
You can check the answers in these similar posts:
How to set a Flutter Custom Notification Icon ?,because there is no default notification icon in flutter for fcm
Firebase Notification is grey flutter
Firebase Notification icon is gray

How to open a particular screen when I receive intent in my flutter app?

I am using the receive_sharing_intent package to receive an image in my flutter application.
I understand the example they show and how it works,
but I want that when I receive an intent my application shows a specific screen (not the screen that I have in the main), how can I do this?

To show pop-up on screen after call ends in flutter

How to make a flutter app work always in the background, so that after a call ends, I can show a pop-up on the screen(similar to truecaller app).
How to implement this in dart?
You can checkout Alert Dialog here

How do i implement platform specific notification that when clicked opens the flutter app or a particular widget in the app

I have a platform specific background service in android that shows a notification. i want it to have a functionality - when the notification is been clicked i want the flutter app to start or even better open to a particular widget, is this possible in flutter ?
Open the app is the default behavior when a notification is tapped. To perform a specific operation when the app is open you can pass data in that notification and handle it in a root widget, to intercept it and for example navigate to a specific page in your app.