I have the following in a test case response:
Message Tree:
"scoreList": {
"fico": [
"version": "9",
"value": "638",
I am trying to assert the value of FICO is 638
What is suggested for adding a json assertion.
I have tried the following - it passes with a valid value of 638 but also passes if I changed the value to another number such as 700.
pm.test("ficoScore = 638", function () {
var jsonData = pm.response.json().decisionResponse.applicantSpecificData.applicantData.bureau.scoreList.fico.value;
I have get request in Flutter app, when I test the request in postman I get all data, something like this :
"name" : "somename",
"id": 1,
"value" : 5
"id": 2,
"value" : 15
I call data and print them like this without using models:
var data = json.decode(response.body);
it is print all things expect last one.
where must be the mistake?
Solved, by adding "?sizesView = true" to the link
final response = await http.get(path +'?sizesView = true'):
you should get the index of the last one because it is in a dictionary not a list do this:
print(data['result']['sizes'][0]['id']) // it will get the first index of the sizes list and then get the id key
or you can creat a model of list to get the indexes of your list
I work with scala play and I use WS to make get a response from an URL.
My JSON example :
"object": "001",
"object-description": "MODEL",
"criterion": "TW3",
"criterion-description": "MODELE X07"
"object": "002",
"object-description": "TYPE",
"criterion": "STANDA",
"criterion-description": "STANDARD TYPE"
}, ...
I want to get only "criterion" field where "object" equal "002". So, in this example the value "STANDA".
A Test:
.map { response =>
Right((response.json \ "object="002"" \\ "criterion").map(_.as[String]))
How I can do that ?
Thanks for your help.
Your can transform the whole response into scala classes using automated formatters and then operate on those.
case class Data(`object`: String, criterion: String)
implicit val dataRead = Json.reads[Data]
.filter(_.`object` == "002")
I have changed the object structure from
in API we get list of these objects based on ecosystemid or student access item "X", name or any field..calling like this in API
var acc = await _eco.FindByUser();
var query = await _db.CourseDocuments.FindAsync(w => w.EcosystemId == acc.Identifier);
after query executes i get this error pls help me i need to change structure anywhere after it changed in mongoDB?
I am trying to use a variables (which is a scalar) in a #filter(ge(...)) call, but I run into an error
Given the following query
ua(func: uid(0xfb7f7)) {
start_ua {
sua as index
recorded_in {
actions #filter(ge(index, sua)){
I get the following error
"errors": [
"code": "ErrorInvalidRequest",
"message": "Some variables are defined but not used\nDefined:[sua]\nUsed:[]\n"
"data": null
Now if I remove the sua as ... and the #filter(...) from the query, all works fine.
My Dgraph version is v1.0.13.
I tried replacing #filter(ge(index, sua)) with #filter(ge(index, val(sua))) but I still run into an error:
"errors": [
"code": "ErrorInvalidRequest",
"message": ": No value found for value variable \"sua\""
"data": null
What am I doing wrong?
Here's what the Dgraph docs say about value variables (emphasis added): https://docs.dgraph.io/query-language/#value-variables
Value variables store scalar values. Value variables are a map from the UIDs
of the enclosing block to the corresponding values.
It therefore only makes sense to use the values from a value variable in a
context that matches the same UIDs - if used in a block matching different
UIDs the value variable is undefined.
The start_ua and recorded_in are different subgraphs, which means variables defined in one are undefined in the other within the same query block.
What you can do is use multiple query blocks. Variables can be accessed across blocks:
block1(func: uid(0xfb7f7)) {
start_ua (first: 1) {
sua as index
block2(func: uid(0xfb7f7)) {
recorded_in {
actions #filter(ge(index, val(sua))) {
I also added (first: 1) to the start_ua predicate, so that at most 1 node is fetched and stored the sua variable. If your data is already structured that way, then that's not needed.
val(sua) gets the value of the variable sua.
I am getting an Error when running a script in the Postman Tests tab, When trying to check that a property is not null.
My JSON response:
"statusMessage": "Success",
"timeStamp": "2018-01-23 05:13:16.7",
"numberOfRecords": 7,
"parties": [
"shippingAddress": null,
"shippingDetails": null,
"paExpirationDate": "",
"historyDate": "01/22/2018",
"renewal": {
"renewalRx": "N",
"priorRxNumber": "",
"priorSB": "",
"priorFillNumber": ""
"noOfRefillingRemaining": "1",
"ndc": "00074-3799-06",
"rxId": "7004942",
"fillingNumber": "0"
"shippingAddress": {
"addressLine1": "2150 St",
"addressLine2": "Home Line 2",
"city": "Bronx",
"state": "NY",
"zipCode": "10453",
"addressSeqNumber": "1",
"medFacilityIndicator": "N"
My postman script is:
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
var parties = jsonData.parties;
if(data.shippingAddress!==null && data.shippingAddress.addressLine1 !== null ){
I am getting the following error:
"Error running tests for results: TypeError: Cannot read property 'addressLine1' of null"
You could try this, I changed your code slightly but this would work:
var parties = pm.response.json().parties
for(i = 0; i < parties.length; i++) {
if(parties[i].shippingAddress !== null) {
pm.environment.set("addressLine1", parties[i].shippingAddress.addressLine1)
I tested this locally with the Schema that you provided and that it wrote 2150 St to my environment file.
The schema you posted doesn't seem to be a complete one, I think that the parties array has a shippingAddress property which is either null or it is an object containing the shippingAddress details - I might be wrong but I can't get my head around the data that you posted.
I don't think what you're searching on the in the if statement is correct and it wouldn't work the way you have it because if the first condition is null (like in your response data) it wouldn't ever meet the second condition because the object wouldn't be there and that shippingAddress.addressLine1 reference would always show that error.
Or you could use your code like this:
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody)
var parties = jsonData.parties
parties.forEach(function(data) {
if(data.shippingAddress !== null) {