Convert string field to decimal in Altova Mapforce - type-conversion

I have a column with value in string format i.e 00000036, i want to convert it to decimal i.e it should show 36.000000 in the output or let say if i have 00000006 then it should show 6.0000000, The value always needs to be 8 characters
Please let me know how can i achieve this. I used decimal function but it did not help me get the desired result

try format-number and pad-string-right:


How to extract numbers appearing after decimal from a money format column in tsql?

I have an amount column which is in money format. I have tried using parsename, converting it to varchar to use substring function but unable to extract exact values appearing after decimal. Attaching the screenshot for reference.
select home_currency_amount,
cast(home_currency_amount as varchar(50)) as amt_varchar,
parsename(home_currency_amount, 1) as amt_prsnm
from #temptbl;
---Below is the output:
home_currency_amount amt_varchar amt_prsnm
39396.855 39396.86 86
1112.465 1112.47 47
5635.1824 5635.18 18
E.g. if value is 39396.855, desired output would be 855.
Thanks in advance for the help.
First perform the mod operation on value with 1 to get the decimal part. We will be getting as '0.decimal_part' as we require only decimal part without '0.' so we are replacing it and finally casting as integer. Hope it helps in your case..
select cast(replace(cast( 1.23 % 1 as varchar),'0.','') as int)
enter image description here

How to parse and format an integer with zero decimal places in GWT?

Using GWT NumberFormat, I need to have a decimal format that basically accepts no decimal point character and zero decimal places. For example, 123 should be valid but 123.4 and 123.9 should be rejected. Also, rounding of decimal values into nearest integer is not an option.
I thought the following would work, but it does not:
double val = NumberFormat.getFormat("#0").parse(str);
I definitely need it to support GWT i18n formatting, such as "," separators for large numbers. The input "str" is for example the argument coming to a Parser.parse(text) method, similar to the one in IntegerParser. IntegerParser does not validate zero decimal places properly and only rounds the value rather than rejecting numbers with decimal point.
Any ideas?
Use IntegerParser.
It uses the following method under the covers:
(int) Math.rint(NumberFormat.getDecimalFormat().parse(object.toString()));
Also, you can use LongBox instead of TextBox.
The way I finally solved my problem was by explicitly looking for decimal separator in the input string before trying to parse it using NumberFormat. Here is the code:
if (str.contains(DECIMAL_SEPARATOR))
throw new ParseException("Invalid integer value (" + str + ")", 0);
return (int) Math.rint(NumberFormat.getDecimalFormat().parse(str));
I am still interested in finding a better way to do it using NumberFormat.

Crystal report issue with int to string conversion

I want to convert int to string and then concatenate dot with it. Here is the formula
totext({#SrNo})+ "."
It works perfectly but not what i want. I want to show at as
but it shows me in this way
it means that when i try to convert int to string it convert it into number with precision of two decimal zeros. Can someone tell me how can i show it in proper format. For information i want to tell you that SrNo is running total.
ToText(x, y, z, w) Function can use
x=The number to convert to text
y=The number of decimal places to include in result (optional). The value will be rounded to that decimal place.
z=The character to use as the thousands separator. If you don’t specify one, it will use your application default. (Optional.)
w=The character to use as the decimal separator. If you don’t specify one, it will use your application default. (Optional.)
ToText(12345.678) = > “12345.678″
ToText(12345.678,2) = > “12345.67″
ToText(12345.678,0) = > “12345″
You can try this :
Ohhh I got the answer it was so simple.
totext takes 4 parameters
First parameter is value which is going to be converted
Second parameter is number of decimal previsions.
Third parameter is decimal separator. like (1,432.123) here dot(.) is third parameter.
Forth parameter is thousand separator. like (1,432) here comma(,) is forth parameter.
totext("1,432.1234",2) results 1,432.12
totext("1,432.1234",2,' " ') results 1,432"1234
totext("1,432.1234",2,' " ', ' : ') results 1:432,1234
Although i think this example may be not so good but i just want to give you an idea. This is for int conversion for date it has 2 parameters.
value to be converted and format of date.

Postgresql, treat text as numbers for getting MAX function result

Still didnt fix issue with dates written as strings here comes another problem.
I have text column where only numbers as writen (like text).
By using function MAX I get incorrect result because there 9 is bigger than 30.
Is here any inline function like VAL or CINT or something that I can compare and use textual data (only numbers) like numbers in queries like SELECT, MAX and other similar?
How than can look like in following examples:
mCmd = New OdbcCommand("SELECT MAX(myTextColumn) FROM " & myTable, mCon)
You need to use max(to_number(myTextColumn, '999999'))
More details are in the manual:
If all "numbers" are integers, you can also use the cast operator: max(myTextColumn::int)
If your text values are properly formatted you can simply cast them to double, e.g.: '3.14'::numeric.
If the text is not formatted according to the language settings you need to use to_number() with a format mask containing the decimal separator: to_number('3.14', '9.99')
To get the MAX works poterly you need to first convert your text field in numeric format
mCmd = New OdbcCommand("SELECT MAX(TO_NUMBER(myTextColumn, '99999')) FROM " & myTable, mCon)

Import hex-data from a file with matlab

This is a part of my data.
ªU€ÿ ÿ dô # #›ÿÿ;< …æ ³ 3m ...
It is saved in a file. When I look at it with a hex-editor I can see the hex-values. How can I read this "hex-data" with matlab?
EDIT: I get this error:
??? Error using ==> hex2dec at 38
Input string found with characters other than 0-9, a-f, or A-F.
with this code:
a = fread(fid,1,'uint32','l');
b = hex2dec(a);
hex2dec() expects a hexadecimal number string as input.
>> hex2dec('28')
With your fread statement I suspect that your 'a' variable will be an integer*4 hence the error message, my understanding being that the precision has already converted the hex string to the type you've declared. If you want to pass this value through hex2dec then you'll need to create a string input.
>> hex2dec(num2str(28));
Do you know the format of your binary file? i.e. is the first value of the data an integer*4?
EDIT: added hex output
In response to the comment, as you read the data in, MATLAB is converting the binary data stream into the format you defined. If you want to get the stream of hexadecimal data then the simpliest way is to convert them back into hexadecimal.
'a' will be a list of all the values in hexadecimal format and should match what you see in your hex editor.