From Workspace Data Structure - matlab

I am importing data from Simulink, flip the data and then try to import the data with the Simulink block:
from workspace
This always returns a error. I tried this, but it doesn't work:
simOut = sim('sim1', Simulation_Time);
t = simOut.P.time;
P_tilde = simOut.P.Data; % size: 2x2x3001
P_data = flip(P_tilde); % size: 2x2x3001, but with the data flipped
P_import = P_data; % import block for 'sim2'
simOut2 = sim('sim2', Simulation_Time);
The error returned:
Unsupported input format for From Workspace block 'sim2/From Workspace'. Available formats are double non-complex matrix, a structure with or without time,
or a structure with MATLAB timeseries as leaf nodes. All formats require the data to be finite (not Inf or NaN).
Does anyone has a idea how to solve it? I have tried and read the description for the "from workspace" block, but I am not any smarter. For example, the functions recommended to use; "timeseries(P_data)" or "timetable(P_data)" do not work and just return errors.

The solution is little bit too complicated, but it works.
I flip each element of mx 2x2xn matrix, then I create a timeseries():
simOut = sim('m2_simP', 'StartTime','0','StopTime', num2str(Simulation_Time),'FixedStep',num2str(Time_Step));
t = simOut.P.time;
P_tilde = simOut.P.Data;
p11 = flip(reshape(P_tilde(1,1,:),[],1));
p12 = flip(reshape(P_tilde(1,2,:),[],1));
p22 = flip(reshape(P_tilde(2,2,:),[],1));
for i = 1:size(t,1)
P_data(1,1,i) = p11(i,1);
P_data(1,2,i) = p12(i,1);
P_data(2,1,i) = p12(i,1);
P_data(2,2,i) = p22(i,1);
P_import = timeseries(P_data, t);


Accessing parsim data in Matlab

Good evening, May I please get advice with the following Matlab code? Here it is:
close all
clear all
tic %start the clock
model = 'PG_PN_basic_rev1'; %This is the simulink file you wish to run.
load 'LHC_input.mat' %Call in the file created by LHC_Final.m
LHC = (LHC1_input);
k_dc = LHC((1:5),1);
k_r = LHC((1:5),2);
a_1 = LHC((1:5),3);
b_1 = LHC((1:5),4);
Kg_PG = LHC((1:5),5);
Kg_PN = LHC((1:5),6);
for i = length(k_dc):-1:1
in(i) = Simulink.SimulationInput('PG_PN_basic_rev1');
in(i) = in(i).setVariable('k_dc',k_dc(i));
for j = length(k_r):-1:1
in(j) = in(j).setVariable('k_r',k_r(j));
for k = length(a_1):-1:1
in(k) = in(k).setVariable('a_1',a_1(k));
for l = length(b_1):-1:1
in(l) = in(l).setVariable('b_1',b_1(l));
for m = length(Kg_PG):-1:1
in(m) = in(m).setVariable('Kg_PG',Kg_PG(m));
for n = length(Kg_PN):-1:1
in(n) = in(n).setVariable('Kg_PN',Kg_PN(n));
out = parsim(in, 'ShowProgress', 'on');
% eval(['PN_batch', int2str(idx),' =PN;']);
% data = eval(['PN_batch', int2str(idx)]);
% a{idx} = data;
% idx=idx+1;
% run = idx
timeElapsed = toc %How long did you code run for?
I wish to be able to generate an output file per parsim run (PN_batch1, PN_batch2,...etc.). However, the data often falls under just 1 output, and isn't divided up into readable workspace objects that I can read later with another script. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
out is a vector of length equal to the number of simulations with the data of a simulation stored in each entry. If you have to workspace blocks in your model, you can access that data per simulation using out(10).NameOftoWorkspaceData, in case you want to get the data of the 10th simulation. More info on the out variable can be found here on the Mathworks site.
Tip: run the model and check out the variable out, then you can explore its structure

Undefined function 'minus' for input argument of type 'iddata'

This is a followup to a previous issue I was having.
I want to give an offset to a signal then add some delay in it and calculate RMSE for that but when taking difference I am having the following issue:
I would like to ask the following things:
How can I solve the above problem?
Will anybody please explain in simple words what iddata does - because I have studied different portals including MATLAB but remained unable to get a good concept.
How can I store data of type iddata in cell for subtraction in the last part of my code?
Code with Problem :
t = drv(1).x;
ref = drv(1).y;
angle = drv(1).z;
Fs = 1000;
t1 =t';
ref1= ref';
d_data = iddata(ref1, t1, 1/Fs);
%% Add offset:
x = 1;
afterOffset1= {};
for i = 100:10:130
T = getTrend(d_data);
% <detrend data if needed>
T.InputOffset = i;
T.OutputOffset = i;
afterOffset = retrend(d_data,T);
afterOffset1{x,1}= afterOffset;
x= x+1 ;
%% Add delay:
afterDelay1= {};
for i = 1:1:4
% delaySamples = i; % Must be a non-negative value
% afterDelay = iddata([NaN(delaySamples,1); d_data.OutputData],...
% [d_data.InputData; NaN(delaySamples,1)], 1/Fs);
afterOffset1{i}.Tstart = y;
afterDelay1{i,1}= afterOffset1{i};
y= y+10;
%% Plot:
n = size(afterDelay1,1);
for i=1:1:n
hold all
sig_diff = angle(1)-afterDelay1;
square_error(i,:) = (sig_diff(i)).^2;
mse(i,:)= mean(square_error(i));
rmse(i,:) = sqrt(mse(i));
sig_diff = d_data_1 - afterDelay; % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Problem is here
% square_error = (sig_diff).^2;
% mse= mean(square_error);
% rmse = sqrt(mse);
You most likely want the OutputData attribute from the iddata object which is the output or y signal of your problem:
sig_diff = angle(1)-afterDelay1.OutputData;
Also note that this will give you a column vector, but your code later on assumes it's a row vector. You may want to transpose this data after you perform the above calculation before proceeding:
sig_diff = angle(1)-afterDelay1.OutputData;
sig_diff = sig_diff.';
In general, iddata is a function that creates an object that represents input and output time or frequency domain data. Take note that when you create an iddata object, the input matrix can potentially have multiple sources and so each column dictates a source. The same can be said for the output where each column dictates an output. Therefore, it is very important that you transpose your data prior to using this function to ensure that each signal is in a separate column, or just use a single column to represent one input / output.
Inside the object has a variety of attributes, including the sampling time or sampling frequency, the valid domain and range that the function takes on and finally accessing the input and output data. OutputData is one of these fields. I'd recommend looking at the documentation that talks about all of the attributes that you can access with iddata. OutputData is clearly defined here:

Matlab: Working for-loop breaks in parfor while fitting curves

Hoping you may be able to assist me with this error. I am running some code to fit curves to ages using a cross validation regime. I iterate the curve fitting 1000 times to assess the best fit.
I define my models as:
linear_ft = fittype({'x', '1'});
monotonic_ft= fittype({'-1/x', '1'});
quadratic_ft = fittype('poly2');
I then run the following to iterate through different selections of data splitting, recording the residuals following the curve fit...
Data = randn(4,300,10,10);
Ages = randn(300,1);
for thisDim1 = 1:4
for thisDim2 = 1:10
for thisDim3 = 1:10
for nIts = 1:1000
RandomOrder = randperm(300,300);
Fit_Subs = RandomOrder(1:length(Ages)/2); % Take random subs to fit to
Test_Subs = RandomOrder(length(Ages)/2+1:300); % Take random subs to test fit to
Fit_Data = squeeze(Data(thisDim1,Fit_Subs,thisDim2,thisDim3)); % Take data to fit to
Test_Data = squeeze(Data(thisDim1,Test_Subs,thisDim2,thisDim3)); % Take data to test fit
Fit_Ages = Ages;
Fit_Ages(Fit_Subs) = []; %Take ages of Fit Subs only
Test_Ages = Ages;
Test_Ages(Test_Subs) = []; % Take ages of Test Subs only
Nsubs = (length(Ages)/2);
% Model Data using Curves
fFit_Lin = fit(Fit_Ages,Fit_Data',linear_ft);
fFit_Mon = fit(Fit_Ages,Fit_Data',monotonic_ft);
fFit_Quad = fit(Fit_Ages,Fit_Data',quadratic_ft);
% Fit Modelled Data to Test Data
tFit_Lin = fFit_Lin(Test_Ages);
tFit_Mon = fFit_Mon(Test_Ages);
tFit_Quad = fFit_Quad(Test_Ages);
% Calculate Median Residual
Lin_Med_Resid(nIts) = median(tFit_Lin - Test_Data');
Mon_Med_Resid(nIts) = median(tFit_Mon - Test_Data');
Quad_Med_Resid(nIts) = median(tFit_Quad - Test_Data');
If you run this with the fourth loop (nIts) as a for-loop it will run. If you run it as a parfor-loop it won't stating the error:
Error using fit>iFit (line 264)
The name 'lower' is not an accessible property for an instance of class
Error in fit (line 108) [fitobj, goodness, output, convmsg] = iFit(
xdatain, ydatain, fittypeobj, ...
Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? I would be most grateful for any advice!!
Try restarting MATLAB or typing clear all to see if it clears things up for you.
Your code works for me, but the parallel toolbox can be a bit finicky in my experience.

How to get out a value outside of objective function of multistart (MS) of Matlab

I have a multi-start fmincon code. One variable needs to be determined: u0. Inside ObjectiveFunc there is a variable, Parameter I need to output when running multi-start, so I am trying to output a parameter that changes inside an objective function. I wrote a simple example below.
How can I output the value of the Parameter inside Func(u0) below when running run(ms,Prob,big start)?
ObjectiveFunc = #(u0) Func(u0);
gs = GlobalSearch; ms = MultiStart(gs); opts = optimoptions(#fmincon);
Prob = createOptimProblem('fmincon','x0',1,'objective',ObjectiveFunc,'options',opts);
u0_ini_range = 0.1:1:20;
[u0_iniGrid] = ndgrid(u0_ini_range);
W = u0_iniGrid(:);
bigstart = CustomStartPointSet(W);
[u0_OptVal Delta_u0] = run(ms,Prob,bigstart);
function Delta_u0 = Func(u0)
Parameter = randn(1);
Delta_u0 = u0+Parameter;
There are a variety of ways to solve this issue. None of them are pretty. The problem is confounded due to the use of MultiStart, which runs multiple instances simultaneously, only one of which returns the global optimum. This means that the last evaluation of your objective function (and it's call to randn) isn't necessarily the relevant one.
Here's one way to accomplish this with persistent variables. First, you objective function need to look something like this (here Delta is your Parameter):
function [z,Delta_u0_Opt]=HBM1_SlipSolution02hbm3Fcn(u0)
persistent Delta idx;
if isempty(idx)
idx = 0; % Initialize persistent index
if nargout > 1
% Output Delta history
Delta_u0_Opt = Delta;
z = (u0-Delta).^2;
% Normal operation
idx = idx+1;
Delta(idx) = randn; % Save Delta history
z = (u0-Delta(idx)).^2;
Then run your setup code as before:
ObjectiveFunc = #(u0)HBM1_SlipSolution02hbm3Fcn(u0);
u0_ini0 = 0;
gs = GlobalSearch;
ms = MultiStart(gs);
opts = optimoptions(#fmincon);
Lowbound = 0.1;
Xst_rig = 1;
Upbound = 20*Xst_rig;
Prob = createOptimProblem('fmincon','x0',u0_ini0,'objective',ObjectiveFunc,...
u0_ini_range = 0.1:1:Upbound;
[u0_iniGrid] = ndgrid(u0_ini_range);
W = u0_iniGrid(:);
bigstart = CustomStartPointSet(W);
[u0_OptVal,fval1] = run(ms,Prob,big start);
Then extract your Delta value:
[fval2,Delta_u0_Opt] = HBM1_SlipSolution02hbm3Fcn(u0_OptVal)
Delta_u0_Opt = Delta_u0_Opt(fval1==fval2)
The main problem with this solution is that the entire history of Delta must be retained via constantly appending to a vector. And it requires that the function value of the solution, fval1, uniquely match only one of fval2. The solution could probably be optimized a bit and the last issue resolved by saving more state history and clever use of an output function. I have no idea how or if this would work if you decide to turn on UseParallel. As you can see, this optimization scheme is not at all designed for what you're trying to get it to do.
Finally, are you sure that it's a good idea to use random values in the way that you are for this kind of optimization scheme? At minimum, be sure to specify a seed so results can be replicated. You might consider creating your own global optimization method based on fmincon if you want something more straightforward and efficient.

Parse text file into structure

For some purposes, I wanna give an external text file as input of one of my MATLAB functions.
Generally this text file shows the following layout:
HubHt = 90;
GridWidth = 220;
GridHeight = 220;
Ny = 35;
Nz = 37;
Nfft = 8192;
time = 620;
Uhub = 15;
Coherence = Bladed;
To read it in, I'm currently calling this piece of code:
fid = fopen('test.inp','r+');
A = textscan(fid,'%s','Delimiter',';','commentStyle', '-','CollectOutput',1);
A = A{1};
inputs = regexp(A,' = ','split');
The last variable, inputs results in a <9x1> cell; each element will be a <1x2> cell.
The first element of the <1x2> cell is supposed to be the field of a overall INPUT structure, whereas the second element is the associated parameter.
At the moment, I'm using a quite static and awful way to achieve my goal:
inp = struct(char(inputs{1}(1)),str2double(inputs{1}(2)),char(inputs{2}(1)),str2double(inputs{2}(2)),char(inputs{3}(1)),str2double(inputs{3}(2)),char(inputs{4}(1)),str2double(inputs{4}(2)),char(inputs{5}(1)),str2double(inputs{5}(2)),char(inputs{6}(1)),str2double(inputs{6}(2)),char(inputs{7}(1)),str2double(inputs{7}(2)),char(inputs{8}(1)),str2double(inputs{8}(2)),char(inputs{9}(1)),char(inputs{9}(2)));
I believe that exist quite better ways to do the same: I'd like if you could share one with me.
You can use cell2struct:
% create cell vector where fieldnames and values alternate
tmp = [inputs{:}];
inp = cell2struct(tmp(2:2:end), tmp (1:2:end), 2);
Since what you have written is (nearly) valid Matlab source code why not give it the file extension .m and just run it ? Or call it from inside your function.
This is is an approach which we've used a lot; it's straightforward and simple. Obviously you have to make sure that it is (entirely) valid Matlab source but that's not difficult.