Adding line counter to a text field - flutter

I want to add a line counter to a textfield for a sort of text editor. Looking around, I've seen that a lot of questions on this topic are either unanswered, or do not answer in a satisfactory manner. Something like this How to add prefix widget on every new line in textfield in flutter? asks fundamentally the same question I am, however the only answer there is to create a new widget for each line.
This is one method that could be used, where I add new textfields in a list and build them in a row with their respective line number. However, this means I cannot have those textfields function on more than one line, and I will need to add more textfields each time a user wants to add enough text to make it overflow. The biggest flaw I see with this, though, is that it makes it harder (if not impossible?) to easily select and edit text as you would expect from a text editor, such as using the built in systems for a textfield.
Now, for my solution I am using as a way to gain some functionality that I don't really want to take the time to figure out how to do on my own (embedded onClick callbacks for text), so it would be ideal if I could continue to use that without having to fork or even have to figure out how to write my own version.
The primary issue I'm running into is not necessarily getting the number of lines, which can be found using some solutions from How can I add line numbers to TextField on Flutter?, but rather how and where to show those line numbers.
As above, it's not really ideal to pair some number alongside a textfield and create a new textfield for each expected line. What would be ideal, however, is something like , where each line number is prefixed to the line built by the text field. For example, like this: . Something like the solution proposed in Add a prefix to every line in a multiline Text Input in Flutter? would not work especially well, because the solution there is to literally add string values to the textfield, which would require systems to clean the text, in addition to causing an unexpected ability to actually change the numbers (or other line prefix) by the user.
So -- is there any way to implement a line prefix for each line in a textfield? Would it be possible to override an InputDecoration (which allows creating the individual line prefix, but nothing more) to create a line prefix for each line drawn by the textfield? If not, exactly what would be needed to create this? I am familiar with flutter, but I am not quite as familiar with the lower level API's.


VS Code Refactoring: Change all occurences - but only in block scope

When using "change all occurences" in VS Code, it will just search the whole file for matches and change them. Is there a similar feature doing the same thing, but limiting it to function or block scope?
Let's take an example where I would need that: I'm having a React file with several components and want to refactor a class component to a functional component, so I'm changing all occurences of this.props to props. However, I obviously don't want to change all the other class components as well that are supposed to stay class components. :-)
This seems like such a standard use case, but I'm not able to find it anywhere in VS Code. If it's not possible (yet, or for some good reasons) is there another way to achieve what I'm trying to do?
Check out the 'Add Selection To Next Find Match' functionality. It allows you to highlight the first occurrence you'd like to change, then using a keyboard shortcut, highlight the next occurrence and so on until you've selected all the instances you want to change. When all to-be-changed occurrences are selected, you can edit the selected text normally. Just remember to hit the escape key a couple times after editing to return to a single cursor!
Here are the keybindings for the command, it's Cmd+d on Mac:
I find it very useful when renaming variables, there's also a shortcut to skip occurrences (Cmd+k Cmd+d) in case there is text you don't want to change in between.

How to use TextFlow

I am running netbeans 8.1 and scene builder 2.0 with javaFX 8.0. I have just started messing around with the TextFlow container recently. In my program, I have wrapped a textArea inside the TextFlow container, but I cannot figure out how to use my textflow to count the number of lines being displayed inside the text area. Some people recommend using "flowcomposer", but I do not seem to have the flow composer option for some reason, and I'm not really sure how to import it...
Text wrapping is set to "true" inside my textarea...unfortunately, this means I cannot programmatically count lines "as-is" by counting the number of newlines, since wrapped text does not include a newline character.
Ultimately, not only do I want to be able to get the number of lines being displayed, but I also want to get the current line or position my cursor at a specific line/scroll to a specific line.
What do you guys think? Is textflow and flowcomposer the way to do this, or am I barking up the wrong tree? If this is indeed a viable way to accomplish the goals stated above, why am I not being able to use textflow to get the lines?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!:)

comment out an interval in matlab through command line

I have a very long script in MATLAB (1500 lines) and want to test two different settings. To do so, I need to comment out some codes in a specific interval (e.g. form line 234 to line 255).
Is there a function in MATLAB that takes the intervals and comments/uncomments them automatically?
You can just highlight your code and click on the comment button. Highlight and click on uncomment to remove comment.In windows you may also use shortcut keys cntrl+r and cntrl+t. But yeah, the if else is a better idea but takes more time in the beginning to code in the if else.
I would agree with others that putting your code into a block surrounded by if-else would probably be a better solution than what you originally asked for.
But if you want to do it, you can use the following function:
function commentout(fromline, toline)
currentDoc = matlab.desktop.editor.getActive;
currentDoc.insertTextAtPositionInLine(sprintf('%%{\n'), fromline, 0)
currentDoc.insertTextAtPositionInLine(sprintf('%%}\n'), toline+1, 0)
This will work in most recent versions of MATLAB.
To uncomment, I think you'll need to do something a bit more complex, like getting the entire text from the active document, removing the specified comment lines, then setting the entire text back again (get, modify and set the Text property of the document).

Eclipse-RCP: Hide lines of text permanently, keep correct line numbers

I have text files which contain code inside an Editor. The user can run an analysis on a certain part of his code, which will result in a set of lines which should be hidden. Next I want to present the user with only the remaining lines, but with correct linenumbers, as from the original document. Possible solutions I thought of:
Open a new Editor which does not contain the hidden lines, but *somehow* still has correct line numbers
Hide the lines in the original editor, and offer a button for the user to 'unhide'. Probably a similar solution required as in 1.
I don't really know how to go about this. Folds would be a weird solution, because they can be unfolded individually, and seem to be more semantically tied to things like methods or classes. Also, simply creating a new document without the hidden lines results in wrong linenumbers.
Use a ProjectionViewer and reflection to invoke the private method ProjectionViewer.collapse(int offset int length). This method is only used internally to hide a certain portion of the text, by manipulating the ProjectionDocument (see
After this, folding text in the editor using the annotations(the little +/- icons) WILL break everything, so this solution and regular folding are mutually exclusive.

How to determine the cursor position of a UITextField?

I have a text field that is always of the format "XX0000000XX", X being a letter, 0 being a number. I switch keyboards as the user is typing depending on whether they need to enter a number or letter.
This works fine, until the user positions the cursor in the middle of the text field to make an edit. How do I determine the cursor position within a UITextField?
I know a UITextView has a selectedRange that can be used, but I've read that you can't force a UITextView to be single line entry? i.e. Disable multiple lines of text.
Clever bit with the keyboards. My immediate thought is that perhaps that you shouldn't allow the user to move the cursor in the first place.
This isn't without precedent in the iPhone UI. The telephone keypad view, for example, restricts the user to sequential input. I have also found this technique useful for currency input. Anywhere with input that has a very rigid syntax, basically, seems like a candidate for this kind of treatment. Might work well for your situation.
Not sure if this is the best method, but here's how I do it:
A UITextField to capture input and a UILabel to display the input. The text field is hidden but is sent becomeFirstResponder to trigger the keyboard. As the user types, delegate methods do their thing to format the text, if necessary (as with currency), and update the UILabel, which provides the user feedback on their input.
Depending upon the situation, you may wish to style the UILabel in such a way that makes it clear the user can't use it as they would a selectable text field while reassuring them that it is, in fact, their input.
With 11 characters in play, I can see how curser editing might be useful. Still, phone numbers are often in that same range and I never have a problem with the sequential editor in the Phone app.
There's a UITextDelegate method -textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString: which should be all you need to do what you describe. Implement it to enforce whatever formatting rules you want. You shouldn't care where the cursor is, just the range of the change that's proposed.