Couldn't determine JDBCType for class + Spring data jdbc - spring-data

long countActionByStateIn(ActionState[] states); // works
// throws Couldn't determine JDBCType for class com.example.ActionEnum
#Query("Select * from action WHERE (COALESCE(:states, NULL) IS NULL OR state IN (:states))")
public List<Action> getActionByType(ActionEnum[] types)
public List<Action> getActionByType(List<String> types) // works
I am confused why custom query throwing error ? I also trying adding jdbc convertors for ActionEnum but it didn't work ?
mean while if i change ActionEnum[] to String [] it works

This seems to be an instance of a known bug. We even have a PR for it, so chances are it will get fixed in one of the upcoming versions.


Merging entity with Play! framework and JPA silently failed

I've been looking around and around without finding any topics related to my situation.
I'm using:
Play! framework v2.5.3 in Java
Hibernate EntityManager v5.1.0.Final
Hibernate JPA 2.1 API v1.0.0.Final
PostgreSQL 9.4
Here the route called with AJAX:
PUT /admin/entity/:id
Which is bound to:
controllers.Entity.update(id: Long)
Here how I handle the update request:
public Result update(final long id) {
EntityManager em = _jpa.em("default");
DynamicForm form = _formFactory.form().bindFromRequest();
models.Entity entity;
entity = em.find(models.Entity.class, id);
if (entity == null)
return badRequest();
entity.update(em, form);
return ok();
The method update of Entity change values of the class attributes which are basically String attributes.
My issue: nothing get updated while still executing this piece of code.
I enable SQL log which only display the SELECT query corresponding to em.find() method call. Nothing related to an UPDATE query.
I've been using JPA/EntityManager with Play! for others projects (but with lower version of the framework) without facing this kind of problem.
Any idea why nothing get merged ?
I've been able to fix this issue by writing following piece of code inside
Query query = em.createQuery("UPDATE entity SET value = :v WHERE id = :id");
query.setParameter("value", value);
query.setParameter("id", id);
But even if this is working, that's not the way how thing should be done... It
doesn't make coffee at all!
Edit: this solution do not work anymore....
I really don't know what I'm doing bad, if any body has an idea about this issue, you're help would be much appreciated.

prolems with DB "save" with #LastModifiedDate and #LastModifiedBy

I've setup Spring Data JPA Auditing as it is described in the docs. I think its configured correctly because on insert, i have all 4 fields (created, createdBy, modified, modifiedBy) filled in correctly.
Now the interesting part. On modification of the entity, everything seems to be running well. I debugged through all the Spring Auditing classes up to the point where in this line:
LOGGER.debug("Touched {} - Last modification at {} by {}", new Object[] { target, defaultedNow, defaultedAuditor });
Looks completely ok. The target has the modified Fields set correctly and i cant see any issues BUT in the database, the two fields wont get updated. (value is still the creation date and user). So somehow it wont get saved. Of course all the other fields get updated including the JPA Version field. So everything but the modified* fields.
I am clueless. Anyone who can help me further how to debug that?
I am using Spring-Data-JPA in 1.9.0 and Spring 4.2.1 together with OpenJPA in the persistence backend.
I think i pinpointed the problem but there is a bug either in OpenJPA oder Spring-Data JPA.
The following class from Spring-Data runs this code:
* (non-Javadoc)
* #see, java.lang.Object)
public void setProperty(PersistentProperty<?> property, Object value) {
Assert.notNull(property, "PersistentProperty must not be null!");
try {
if (!property.usePropertyAccess()) {
ReflectionUtils.setField(property.getField(), bean, value);
Method setter = property.getSetter();
if (property.usePropertyAccess() && setter != null) {
ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(setter, bean, value);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
throw new MappingException("Could not set object property!", e);
JpaPersistentPropertyImpl (property) has usePropertyAccess attribute set to false, thus changing the modified field directly via reflection but this wont get the attribute marked dirty in OpenJPA. When modifying the value to true in the debugger, forcing to use the setter(), everything works fine.
So somewhere is a problem with the way OpenJPA <-> Spring Data interaction. Seems that OpenJPA doesnt like reflection attribute changes and insists on setter().
Is there a way to get this usePropertyAccess property to true?
Every journey needs to end. I found out that using #AccessType(AccessType.Type.PROPERTY) on my modified*/created* fields solves the issue. I am not quite sure that the current default -> AccessType.Type.Field is the most sensible one in Spring-Data... at least its not for OpenJPA. IMO this one is pretty hard to to find for non-experienced JPA/Spring developers. Perhaps a note in the documentation would be helpful. I have never used this AccessType property in my life and i am using Spring with OpenJPA for quite some time...

Update on TableController in Azure Mobile Services fails

When I do a Patch (updateasync) on a tablecontroller I get the following error:
iisexpress.exe Error: 0 : Message='The client is attempting to use optimistic concurrency in
connection with updates and inserts but the current 'SimpleMappedEntityDomainManager`2'
implementation does not set the original version required to support this. Please implement the
method 'SetOriginalVersion' and provide the original value.',
Id=00000000-0000-0000-5d00-0080000000ff, Category='App.Controllers.Tables'
I am using the MappedEntityDomainManager as I have a pre-existing DB that I have hooked up.
Lookup and Insert all work fine.
Try updating your SimpleMappedEntityDomainManager<TDTO, TModel> implementation with the following method:
protected override void SetOriginalVersion(TModel model, byte[] version)
this.context.Entry(model).OriginalValues["Version"] = version;
Where "Version" is the name of the property in your model class which stores the version of the item (usually of type timestamp)
If you do not have any property in your database that stores the version (mapped to the Version or __version property in the outgoing DTO), then you can have an empty override:
protected override void SetOriginalVersion(TModel model, byte[] version)
I couldn't find any documentation for this feature, so I'll forward this issue to the product team to have it corrected.

GWT Bean validation does not return all constraint violations in compiled mode

I am experiencing different behavior for client side bean validation when running in gwt development mode than in compiled mode. I have been trying to debug and resolve this issue for hours (days actually) but, although further still did not find the root cause and am currently stuck. Hence my request for help.
In general I have been following the approach advocated here
and was further more inspired by various articles and questions on StackOverlow. So I have the user enter an object on the client. Than I validate it client side via a call to the validator that has been created by the validator factory.
The problem I am experiencing is that when more than one constraint is validated (i.e. the user enters 2 or more "mistakes") the validator does not (always) return all constraint violations when running in compiled mode, while it does return them all when running in gwt development mode.
The object I try to validate is of the class EnvyMonUser
public class EnvyMonUser implements Serializable, Obj<EnvyMonUser> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3L;
private static final String EMAIL_PATTERN = "^[_A-Za-z0-9-\\+]+(\\.[_A-Za-z0-9-]+)*#"
+ "[A-Za-z0-9-]+(\\.[A-Za-z0-9]+)*(\\.[A-Za-z]{2,})$";
private Long id;
#NotNull(message = "company must be selected")
private Key<Company> companyKey;
private String googleUserId;
#NotNull(message = "email address must be set")
#Pattern(regexp = EMAIL_PATTERN, message = "invalid email address")
private String email;
#NotNull(message = "name must be set")
#Size(min = 3, message = "must have a name of minimal 3 characters")
private String nickName;
#NotNull(message = "location must be selected")
private Key<SampleLocation> sampleLocationKey;
#NotNull(message = "result must be set")
private Long value;
Where Company and SampleLocation are two other classes. (The annotations #Entity, #Index, #Id and the class Key are of Objectify. I use the same entity class(es) client and server (gae) side. )
Once the user has entered an EnvyMonUser object I validate it via a validator, i.e.
Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();
EnvyMonUser obj = getView().getEditorDriver().flush();
Set<ConstraintViolation<O>> validate = validator.validate(obj);
where my validation factory is
public final class AppValidatorFactory extends AbstractGwtValidatorFactory {
#GwtValidation(value = { MonitorType.class, Measurement.class,
ProgramMeasurement.class, EnvyMonUser.class, Company.class,
SampleLocation.class })
public interface GwtValidator extends Validator {
public AbstractGwtValidator createValidator() {
return GWT.create(GwtValidator.class);
Am I doing something wrong?
Desperate as I was I tried removing and adding several fields but have not found any logical pattern. Depending on which fields I leave out and also on which of the fields are filled correctly by the user the (missing) constraint(s) in compiled mode change.
I have already tried multiple routes but no success so far. For example at some point I thought this was caused by using objectify. However when I remove sampleLocationKey member it works perfectly fine for companyKey member. I also tried removing the objectify attributes but this also doesn't seem to make a difference.
An interesting thing I did observe (by accident) is that when I remove (comment) some of the members from the hashCode and equals methods the behavior changes. Not sure why this is. Maybe it has something to do with how the validator generator is implemented.
Does anyone have any clue?
Also a pointer in the right direction is appreciated. Does someone for example know where I can find the validator that is generated. Or the sources of the validator generator?
Some versions of libraries I use:
gwt 2.6.0
objectify 4.0.1
Turns out the problem was not in my code but a bug in gwt sources for . See!topic/Google-Web-Toolkit/xRVGnMWfttc for a full description of the problem and solution.
I had the same issue. The validations were working fine on dev mode and all the error messages were showing up on the UI but in the prod mode we could see only one error message at one time. Late on when debugged and found that my DTO has implemented equals and hashcode method and that what causing this issue. The moment is removed these two implementations from my DTO every things worked fine after that.
I am using GWT 2.6.1.

Breeze: cannot execute _executeQueryCore until metadataStore is populated

I was using Breeze v1.1.2 that came with the Hot Towel template which has now been extended to form my project. I made the mistake of updating the NuGet package to the current 1.3.3 (I never learn). Anyway, all was well, and now not so much!
I followed the instructions in the release notes and other docs to change my BreezeWebApiConfig file to:
[assembly: WebActivator.PreApplicationStartMethod(
typeof(BreezeWebApiConfig), "RegisterBreezePreStart")]
namespace MyApp.App_Start {
public static class BreezeWebApiConfig {
public static void RegisterBreezePreStart() {
name: "BreezeApi",
routeTemplate: "breeze/{controller}/{action}"
And the config.js file (which provides the serviceName to the EntityManager constructor) to:
var remoteServiceName = 'breeze/breeze'; // NEW version
//var remoteServiceName = 'api/breeze'; // OLD version
And my BreezeController if you're interested:
public class BreezeController : ApiController
readonly EFContextProvider<MyDbContext> _contextProvider =
new EFContextProvider<MyDbContext>();
public string Metadata()
return _contextProvider.Metadata();
public IQueryable<SomeItem> SomeItems()
// Do stuff here...
Now I get the "cannot execute _executeQueryCore until metadataStore is populated" error.
What am I missing here?
I perhaps left out the part you needed... Above in the SomeItems() method, the stuff that actually gets done is a call to the GetMeSomeData() method in the MyDBContext class. This method makes the following call to a stored procedure to get the data.
public virtual ObjectResult<SomeItem> GetMeSomeData(string inParam)
var p = new object[] { new SqlParameter("#inParam", inParam) };
var retVal = ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.ExecuteStoreQuery<SomeItem>("exec GetData #SN", p);
return retVal;
Now given my limited understanding, the call to Metadata() is not failing, but I don't think it has any idea what the entity model is when coming back, even though somewhere along the line, it should figure that out from the entity model I do have (i.e. SomeItem)? The return string from Metadata() doesn't have any information about the entity. Is there a way to make it aware? Or am I just completely off in left field playing with the daisies?
Hard to say based on this report. Let's see if Breeze is right.
Open the browser debugging tools and look at the network traffic. Do you see an attempt to get metadata from the server before you get that error? If so, did it succeed? Or 404? Or 500? What was the error?
I'm betting it didn't even try. If it didn't, the usual reason is that you tried some Breeze operation before your first query ... and you didn't ask for metadata explicitly either. Did you try to create an entity? That requires metadata.
The point is, you've got to track down the Breeze operation that precipitates the error. Sure everything should just work. The world should be rainbows and unicorns. When it isn't, we heave a sigh, break out the debugger, and start with the information that the error gave us.
And for the rest of you out there ... upgrading to a new Breeze version is a good thing.
Happy coding everyone.
Follow-up to your update
Breeze doesn't know how you get your data on the back-end. If the query result has a recognizable entity in it, Breeze will cache that. It's still up to you in the query callback to ensure that what you deliver to the caller is something meaningful.
You say that you're server-side metadata method doesn't have any idea what SomeItem is? Then it's not much use to the client. If it returns a null string, Breeze may treat that as "no metadata at all" in which case you should be getting the "cannot execute _executeQueryCore until metadataStore is populated" error message. Btw, did you check the network traffic to determine what your server actually returned in response to the metadata request (or if there was such a request)?
There are many ways to create Metadata on the server. The easiest is to use EF ... at least as a modeling tool at design time. What's in that MyDbContext of yours? Why isn't SomeItem in there?
You also can create metadata on the client if you don't want to generate it from the server. You do have to tell the Breeze client that you've made that choice. Much of this is explained in the documentation "Metadata Format".
I get the feeling that you're kind of winging it. You want to stray from the happy path ... and that's cool. But most of us need to learn to walk before we run.