Start one pod at a time when replica is greater than one - kubernetes

Is there a way to ensure that pods are scaled one at a time when setting replica greater than one?
Example: Replica set to 3
Pod 1 - Initializing , pod 2 - Waiting, pod 3 - Waiting
Pod 1 - Running , pod 2 - Initializing, pod 3 - Waiting
Pod 1 - Running , pod 2 - Running, pod 3 - Initializing
Pod 1 - Running , pod 2 - Running, pod 3 - Running

You can acomplish this behavior using StatefulSets. As it goes from Kubernetes docs
For a StatefulSet with N replicas, when Pods are being deployed, they are created sequentially, in order from {0..N-1}.
When Pods are being deleted, they are terminated in reverse order, from {N-1..0}.
Before a scaling operation is applied to a Pod, all of its predecessors must be Running and Ready.
Before a Pod is terminated, all of its successors must be completely shutdown.
So, as you can see here, new pod is not booted up until previous one is initializing.
Note: this behavior is guranteed by Kubernetes when OrderedReady pod management policy is used (which is default).


Why do we need PodDisruptionBudget on AKS?

I am going to implement PDB on AKS. Can someone please tell me why do we need it when we can use node autoscaler.
Also, does PDB allow zero unavailability by creating a node when one of the nodes fails?
PDB allows you to set rules before evicting your pods from a node.
Let's say you have a 2 nodes cluster and a deployment with 1 replica and you want to update your nodes.
kubectl drain will cordon node 1 so no pods can be schedule on that node
kubectl drain will remove the pod schedule on node 1
kubelet will then deploy your pod over node 2
Now if you set a PDB with a minAvailable: 50%, that drain command would fail as it would violates the rule.
The pods is killed and then kubelet tries to schedule it somewhere.
PDB allows you to prevent downtime by budgeting pods before evicting them.
Scenario without PDB
You perform node 1 update and node 2 cannot host the evicted pod :
pod is killed on node 1
kubelet cannot schedule pod anywhere
autoscaling provisions a third node
pod is scheduled on that new node
During that whole time your evicted pod was not running anywhere and your application was down.

What is default behavior of Kubernetes when pod crashes?

In Kubernetes deployment with 4 static pods and no autoscaling, what happens by default if one pod crashes? Will it be re-created automatically with the same ID/different ID or will the application continue running on 3 pods?
When a pod crashes, it will automatically be restarted. You will see this by the incrementing value of the pod's "Restarts" value when you do kubectl get pods
From the documentation:
Only a .spec.template.spec.restartPolicy equal to Always is allowed, which is the default if not specified.
In other words, a deployment will ALWAYS restart your pod, regardless, and you cannot change that behaviour.
A restart will not change the name of the pod (or ID has you have called it)
The only time the pod name will change is if the pod gets deleted. This can happen during autoscaling processes or if the pod gets evicted from a node.
You've specified no autoscaling in your deployment, but if you have specified a value of 4 replicas, as I suspect you have, then the eviction will cause that one pod to change names, as it gets recreated by another node, in order to meet your request for 4 replica.
By "changing names" I just mean the hash at the end of the pod name will change. So your pod named my-test-g4gsv may be renamed to my-test-4dsv4 after it goes to a new node.
There is a backoff policy for restarts. So if Kubernetes detects a pod has been restarted repeatedly, it will start delaying its restart attempts. You will notice this as a CrashLoopBackoff value under the pod status (instead of Running). While in this state, the pod is not started, so during this time, your deployment is essentially running with reduced replicas until Kubernetes starts it.

pod - How to kill or stop only one pod from n replicas of a deployment

I have a testing scenario to check if the API requests are being handled by another pod if one goes down. I know this is the default behaviour, but I want to stimulate the following scenario.
Pod replicas - 2 (pod A and B)
During my API requests, I want to kill/stop only pod A.
During downtime of A, requests should be handled by B.
I am aware that we can restart the deployment and also scale replicas to 0 and again to 2, but this won't work for me.
Is there any way to kill/stop/crash only pod A?
Any help will be appreciated.
If you want to simulate what happens if one of the pods just gets lost, you can scale down the deployment
kubectl scale deployment the-deployment-name --replicas=1
and Kubernetes will terminate all but one of the pods; you should almost immediately see all of the traffic going to the surviving pod.
But if instead you want to simulate what happens if one of the pods crashes and restarts, you can delete the pod
# kubectl scale deployment the-deployment-name --replicas=2
kubectl get pods
kubectl delete pod the-deployment-name-12345-f7h9j
Once the pod starts getting deleted, the Kubernetes Service should route all of the traffic to the surviving pod(s) (those with Running status). However, the pod is managed by a ReplicaSet that wants there to be 2 replicas, so if one of the pods is deleted, the ReplicaSet will immediately create a new one. This is similar to what would happen if the pod crashes and restarts (in this scenario you'd get the same pod and the same node, if you delete the pod it might come back in a different place).
As you mentioned you can manually kill or restart the pod that is the only solution to test the case or else you can try crashing the one single POD but in the end, it will create the same scenario POD will auto restart.
Or else may you can increase the Graceful shutdown period for deployment so this way POD might take time and stay in terminating state for a good amount of time and you can perform the test.
In kubernetes where pods are controlled by the replicaSet, if you kill a pod it will again be recreated. So the only way to do this is to scale down the number of replicas.
Let's say if your deployment had 4 replicas. You can scale down to 3 by running the command below
kubectl scale deployment <deployment-name> --replicas=3
My example is as show below
kubectl scale deployment hello-world --replicas=3
deployment.apps/hello-world scaled

Would Kubernetes bring up the down-ed Pod if only Pod definition file exists?

I have Pod definition file only. Kubernetes will bring up the pod. What happens if it goes down? Would Kubernetes bring it up automatically? Or if we want certain numbers of pods up at all time, we MUST take the help of ReplicationController( or ReplicaSet in new versions)?
Although your question is not clear , but yes , if you have deployed the pod through deployment or replicaSet , then kubernetes will create another one if you or someone else deletes that pod.
If you have just the pod without any controller like ReplicaSet , then it goes forever as there is no one to take care of it.
In case , the app crashes inside pod then:
A CrashloopBackOff means that you have a pod starting, crashing, starting again, and then crashing again.
A PodSpec has a restartPolicy field with possible values Always, OnFailure, and Never which applies to all containers in a pod. The default value is Always and the restartPolicy only refers to restarts of the containers by the kubelet on the same node (so the restart count will reset if the pod is rescheduled in a different node). Failed containers that are restarted by the kubelet are restarted with an exponential back-off delay (10s, 20s, 40s …) capped at five minutes, and is reset after ten minutes of successful execution.
restartPolicy pod only refers to restarts of the Containers by the kubelet on the same node.If there is no replication controller or deployment then if a node goes down kubernetes will not reschedule or restart the pods of that node into any other nodes.This is the reason pods are not recommended to be used directly in production.

Kubernetes monitoring service heapster keeps restarting

I am running a kubernetes cluster using azure's container engine. I have an issue with one of the kubernetes services, the one that does resource monitoring heapster. The pod is relaunched every minute or something like that. I have tried removing the heapster deployment, replicaset and pods, and recreate the deployment. It goes back the the same behaviour instantly.
When I look at the resources with the heapster label it looks a little bit weird:
$ kubectl get deploy,rs,po -l k8s-app=heapster --namespace=kube-system
deploy/heapster 1 1 1 1 17h
rs/heapster-2708163903 1 1 1 17h
rs/heapster-867061013 0 0 0 17h
po/heapster-2708163903-vvs1d 2/2 Running 0 0s
For some reason there is two replica sets. The one called rs/heapster-867061013 keeps reappearing even when I delete all of the resources and redeploy them. The above also shows that the pod just started, and this is the issue it keeps getting created then it runs for some seconds and a new one is created. I am new to running kubernetes so I am unsure which logfiles are relevant to this issue.
Logs from heapster container
heapster.go:72] /heapster source=kubernetes.summary_api:""
heapster.go:73] Heapster version v1.3.0
configs.go:61] Using Kubernetes client with master "" and version v1
configs.go:62] Using kubelet port 10255
heapster.go:196] Starting with Metric Sink
heapster.go:106] Starting heapster on port 8082
Logs from heapster-nanny container
pod_nanny.go:56] Invoked by [/pod_nanny --cpu=80m --extra-cpu=0.5m --memory=140Mi --extra-memory=4Mi --threshold=5 --deployment=heapster --container=heapster --poll-period=300000 --estimator=exponential]
pod_nanny.go:68] Watching namespace: kube-system, pod: heapster-2708163903-mqlsq, container: heapster.
pod_nanny.go:69] cpu: 80m, extra_cpu: 0.5m, memory: 140Mi, extra_memory: 4Mi, storage: MISSING, extra_storage: 0Gi
pod_nanny.go:110] Resources: [{Base:{i:{value:80 scale:-3} d:{Dec:<nil>} s:80m Format:DecimalSI} ExtraPerNode:{i:{value:5 scale:-4} d:{Dec:<nil>} s: Format:DecimalSI} Name:cpu} {Base:{i:{value:146800640 scale:0} d:{Dec:<nil>} s:140Mi Format:BinarySI} ExtraPerNode:{i:{value:4194304 scale:0} d:{Dec:<nil>} s:4Mi Format:BinarySI} Name:memory}]
It is completely normal and important that the Deployment Controller keeps old ReplicaSet resources in order to do fast rollbacks.
A Deployment resource manages ReplicaSet resources. Your heapster Deployment is configured to run 1 pod - this means it will always try to create one ReplicaSet with 1 pod. In case you make an update to the Deployment (say, a new heapster version), then the Deployment resource creates a new ReplicaSet which will schedule a pod with the new version. At the same time, the old ReplicaSet resource sets its desired pods to 0, but the resource itself is still kept for easy rollbacks. As you can see, the old ReplicaSet rs/heapster-867061013 has 0 pods running. In case you make a rollback, the Deployment deploy/heapster will increase the number of pods in rs/heapster-867061013 to 1 and decrease the number in rs/heapster-2708163903 back to 0. You should also checkout the documentation about the Deployment Controller (in case you haven't done it yet).
Still, it seems odd to me why your newly created Deployment Controller would instantly create 2 ReplicaSets. Did you wait a few seconds (say, 20) after deleting the Deployment Controller and before creating a new one? For me it sometimes takes some time before deletions propagate throughout the whole cluster and if I recreate too quickly, then the same resource is reused.
Concerning the heapster pod recreation you mentioned: pods have a restartPolicy. If set to Never, the pod will be recreated by its ReplicaSet in case it exits (this means a new pod resource is created and the old one is being deleted). My guess is that your heapster pod has this Never policy set. It might exit due to some error and reach a Failed state (you need to check that with the logs). Then after a short while the ReplicaSet creates a new pod.
OK, so it happens to be a problem in the azure container service default kubernetes configuration. I got some help from an azure supporter.
The problem is fixed by adding the label EnsureExists to the heapster deployment. Here is the pull request that the supporter referenced: