After parsing a media, libVLC libvlc_media_get_meta does returns libvlc_meta_ArtworkURL as :
Could someone help shed some light on how to extract the image data to let say, export the image data as an external file? I'm simply interested on how to access the image data here.
Thank you,
Is there anyway I can preserve image georeferencing information after processing or converting the image via IrfanView?
I have a couple of .png files with spatial reference and I'm trying to save them as ecw images. Unfortunately this process destroys the spatial reference vital for using the images in GIS software. If there was a way around this problem it would be a great help.
I would recommend using gdal_translate to handle all your geospatial translation needs.
Assuming that you have a PNG with a world file associated then you can easily convert to ecw (providing that the propitiatory ecw driver is compiled in).
I am trying to extract and save a google map image from the internet using a URL so as to try and extract some data out of it.
Appreciate any sort of suggestions or help regarding this matter.
Thanks !
You can pass a URL of an image file into imread. However, you cannot read in an html document as an image into MATLAB directly.
I was asked to create metadata (INSPIRE) for one gdataset extracted from Open Street Map. I downloaded the polygon layer and added basic information but I don't know where to find more information than this :
I have been looking for 2 hours now and I think I will go crazy soon.
So if anyone knows, thank you a lot.
I am especially looking about data quality !
You will not find complete metadata information about the polygon file you downloaded.
The source where you downloaded the OSM data unfortunately does not have any id associated with the polygons. If you download the data for example from Geofabrik the data will have an id associated. This way you can look up the individual lines and might get further information about the way they were created or the author.
Inspire Metadata are in XML format. You probably have to create that from scratch. There are no OSM XML metadata available as far as I know.
I want to take a photo or pick a picture from iphoto library and then upload it to webserver.
Use imagePickerController I can only get a UIImage Object,I can't know it's file path or file type(png,jpg,etc.). I have google for a long time but still can't find a solution. Any one can help me? Thank You!
You need to get the raw data from the image. Take a look at questions like this one.
Then, just set the appropriate MIME type on your http request and shoot the data up to the server.
As per my query from the below link, i've implemented retrieving photo album images from ALAsset Library.
Upload ALAsset URL images to the server
I get the images Asset URL's like below,
I want to store these in a database (or) file [I don't know which is suitable for comparison for later purposes]. Next time(say,after 30 mins), i want to get again all the image URL's from Asset and compare with the previous image URL's which has stored in a DB, to find if any new images has been added in photo album or not. If any new image is been added in photo album, then i get that image in my code.
I want to know, what should i use to store the image URL strings, whether SQLite database (or) file, and next time which one should be sufficient to compare the previous data and the current data? I thought of going with creating sqlite database and store the data and compare the image URL strings with the stored data like that …. Am i thinking right to go? If yes, may i know how to store the data(image URL strings) in a sqlite database and do comparison between new image URL's and stored data?
I created a sqlite database through Firefox sqlite manager plugin and added a table. I'm not getting any samples further to go through to solve my purposes, i.e. store the image URL strings in sqlite database and do comparison between the stored image URL strings and new image URL strings which i got from Asset library.
Please help and advise.
Thank you!
yes you are going right. Use sqlite database to store URLs follow the tutorial
Edit..sorry, i missed the last comment that explains what you want to do..
do that tutorial to learn how to set up the database and core data, you'll see how they save information - and from there just change code to suit your needs
Edit again.. after that you can use predicates to pull out info you need, and/or use string comparisons (Google "iPhone sdk compare strings") to compare to a new string.
or create an array of existing URL's and do something like
if ([myArrayOfURLS containsObject:theNewUrl]) {
[self doSomethingWithMyNewURLIGuess];