TinyMCE Text editor security with HTML - tinymce

I'm using the free JS plugin from tinymce and interested in preventing an HTML injection with the tinymce text editor.
I've added this property to the INIT:
invalid_elements: 'script' (just for this example)
However nothing happens. The editor still "accepts" the script tag and pass it on.
I looked at https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/tinymce/6/content-filtering/#invalid_elements and it should work but I don't see any change once it's added.
Am I doing something wrong?
Is there a way to limit some HTML elements with this editor?
Any other tips on how to use that editor and prevent the malicious HTML..?

TinyMCE certainly has a variety of configuration options to help you control what content is created in the editor but you can never assume that data provided to you client side is "clean" or "safe". Nefarious people can bypass your front end and all of its validation if their goal is to cause harm to your system.
You should always configure your front end appropriately. TinyMCE has a variety of configuration options to assist with content filtering/validation (https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/configure/content-filtering/) to only allow those types of tags you want created, etc including:
However, regardless of the front end design, you should always re-check submitted content on the server to ensure it is safe. There is simply no way around that need. What constitutes "safe" is likely a business decision based on what your application does and who uses it.
There are many different libraries you can use server side to do this sort of validation/cleansing so depending on your specific server side setup you can find libraries that allow you to "sanitize/purify" the submitted HTML.
I would note that TinyMCE (by default) should not allow <script> tags in your content so it is likely that such behavior could be due to your current configuration.


Conditionally include different clientlibs depending on the browser in AEM?

Is it possible to conditionally include different clientlibs based on the user agent of the browser?
<sly data-sly-use.clientLib="/libs/granite/sightly/templates/clientlib.html"
data-sly-call="${clientlib.js # categories='a'}"/>
Modern Browsers
<sly data-sly-use.clientLib="/libs/granite/sightly/templates/clientlib.html"
data-sly-call="${clientlib.js # categories='b'}"/>
AEM version: 6.3
If not, what are the other alternatives to achieve the same?
Note: I tried to get this check done in a sling rewriter server side but the problem is, with the dispatcher on, it will only hit AEM for the furst time and cache the html, any subsequent hit will not invoke any server side logic to render it. Hence, it has to be done client side IMO
For this you have to write custom clientlibs templates as described here : https://github.com/nateyolles/aem-clientlib-async.
And then in the WCMUse class you can check user agent and include clientlibs accordingly.
First of all, as you already pointed out correctly, you need asolution that works with the dispatcher cache. So Sightly is not an option.
Then, regarding the fact, that most AEM templates have paragraph systems with multiple possible components to be added to a page on the one hand and AEM clientlibs are build on a template level (and not on page level) you end up with a clientlib holding lots of unused JS and CSS most of the time, since you have to cover all the possible options of components used in your page and paragraph system.
With that in mind, clientlibs might not be a good option to be used after all.
Having static CSS and JS files in your AEM repo and referencing them client side based on a JS snippet will do the trick and - in most cases - you will not buy any side effects with that approach.
You can either:
Wrap your clientlibs with conditional comments: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11703767
Create a Use-Object that check the User-Agent header and exposes a method isIE that you can use to conditionally include the clientlibs with data-sly-test. Alternatively your Use-Object could just return the proper categiers based on user agent so you can have only one clientlib call.
You could use the <script module> and <script nomodule> to achieve that. The first one is ignored by older browsers and the second one by the modern ones. Similar to Vue's Modern Mode. Check: https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/browser-compatibility.html#modern-mode
More likely you would need some back-end to create your custom clientlib template.

AEM Serving dynamic content (JSPs) from /etc/designs

I would like to implement an extensible templating mechanism in AEM, so as to permit component users to control markup for individual projects (designs) without modifying the components' pre-defined JSPs.
I have extended the <cq:include> tag to permit this, by passing a template name, which is then retrieved from the current design, falling back to the default markup when an override does not exist in the design:
<ct:template name="listNav/prev" />
This should load the jsp script from [1], unless the location does not exist, defaulting to [2]:
When using the extended tag, I'm receiving the exception (yes, the file exists):
Caused by: org.apache.sling.api.SlingException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Could not find script /etc/designs/component_templates/listNav/prev.jsp
This all works when the component_templates is under /apps. Is there any way to make this work? Is there a better approach? I'd prefer to keep the component_templates with the designs, if possible.
I don't think it is a good idea to put application script to etc. They should be under /apps.
But I think it could work, if you add /etc path to the "Resource Search Path" of this service:
you can choose between different "designs" within the advanced page properties tab! afaik you should use this mechanism to declare different designts i.e. stylesheets etc. to your pages and of cause you don't need to modify anything at the jsp's to switch between different styles if implemented properly.
Have a look at this:
Adobe AEM Designs

Plone rich text tile tries to load incorrect js URL for TinyMCE

plone.tiles 1.2
plone.app.tiles 1.0.1
plone.app.blocks 1.0
plone.app.drafts 1.0a2
Products.TinyMCE 1.2.15
I have a Plone site with two rich text tiles on a page, created following Using tiles to provide more flexible Plone layouts.
The problem is that when editing the tiles, TinyMCE will not load.
In Firebug on the Net tab I see a whole slew of 404s that look like this:
By comparison, I know that the correct URLs should look like this:
When I set my portal_javascripts in Development Mode, it works, but when I turn Development Mode off, that's when I see this problem.
So apparently it's due to some kind of javascript conflict, but I don't know where to look for it.
I really need to solve this problem, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Additional information:
When portal_javascripts has development mode turned off, the condition in this line is never true: https://github.com/plone/Products.TinyMCE/blob/1.2.x/Products/TinyMCE/skins/tinymce/tiny_mce_src.js#L47
That's because the tiny_mce.js file is merged with other files and the name is randomized, and so looking it up by name will always fail. Consequently, the baseURL property of the tinymce object will not be set in init.
Instead, baseURL ends up being set here:
This is where the URL http://example.com/my-page/##edit-tile/ is used for baseURL.
I verified this by turning off merging and caching in portal_javascripts, but leaving development mode off. Then it works, because it finds tiny_mce.js by name.
Also, I found that when it fails, all of TinyMCE's plugins are added as explicit <script> elements in the head of the iframe (with the ##edit-tile URLs, which can't be loaded). By contrast, when it works, all the plugins are loaded here:
IOW, they are not added explicitly to the iframe as <script> elements.
(In case I wasn't clear, when I mention iframe, I'm talking about the tile's editing overlay, not TinyMCE's. There is an iframe inside an iframe....)

Is it safe to use only HTML editor instead of Textarea?

I am thinking of converting my forum input textarea exclusively to TinyMCE HTML editor. I already have both options but it is a pain maintaining both and inserting images in textarea needs preview etc...
This is more of a general question. Do you think it is safe to include HTML editor (with all the safety measures like paste only text, filter for html not allowed etc...) as the only kind of editor on a forum? It's 2011 and machines are generally fast, connection are better.
What are the downsides of using HTMl editor instead of text field? I can not imagine a blog CMS to have "normal" textarea for input.
But for some reason on forums I do not see many html editors... Even the TinyMCE site has a textarea for their editor. So is there really something to watch out for and a no go...?
I know it is more of a phylosophical question, but I guess you have experience with forums, blogs, etc...
My site is about cooking and beeing able to insert pictures (and upload them) the easy way seems to be a big plus for our home cooks ;-)
If you don't consider security (you'll need to filter the HTML input on the server side so it won't contain anything dangerous), there's only the user experience left for consideration. On a forum you write text most of the time. There's seldom any use for more functionality than bold, italics and images. The solution used here on Stack Overflow addresses this by having a very limited set of functions, and applying it in the textarea with a sane markup language.
Other forums either use old software or didn't think the improved user experience was worth the effort. The textarea-only solution fits most forums well enough since most of the input is text-only anyway.
I do think you would benefit from HTML input. Make sure that only allowed HTML can be sent though, since the user can circumvent everything on the client side.
TinyMCE uses Javascript to add functionality to an existing textarea. If Javascript is disabled, then the user will be presented with a normal textarea anyway.
I would say it's relatively safe, as long as all input from the user is validated on the server before it's used for anything.

with tinymce, do you have to handle html markup?

If you use tinymce, does that mean you have to handle the parsing of the HTML on the postback (when saving the data to the db)?
i.e. you have to parse the output and make sure no hacky script was posted back or can you have tinymce convert the html into a safe markup?
You can't ever rely on the client to make sure that the content it posts to your server is safe.
Its much too easy for a potential attacker to disable those client-side measures and submit any dangerous content that he wants to.
Therefore you will always have to check your content on the server side, no matter what editor you use in the browser.
Yes, always!!! Just think if they turn off the editor or don't have javascript enabled.
We use the 'valid elements' check to ensure we only get standard HTML out of the editor. No scripts, no events on tags pasted in (e.g anchor tags with onclick events). Just boring, ordinary HTML.