openXml word..mergefield is corrupted - merge

I'm trying to do a mail merge, and having issues at the PRE-merge, as soon as write the .docx.
The xml tag in question is: «customer_name»
In the XML, the tags, and single quotes, behave fine..
..UNTIL a single quote sits DIRECTLY next to the mail merge delimiter..
ie «customer_name»’
Then, when i look at the xml, the tag is split:
Does anyone have any pointers?
Many thanks,


tSendMail - New Line Trouble

I am trying to create an email with the some job status information, which I wish to put across multiple lines. However, whatever I do, I get the output in one line. Have changed the MIME type to HTML, used "\n", "\r", "\r\n", String Objects newline. Nothing seems to work.
Although I noticed that these characters do get processed, even though the outcome isn't as expected. I don't see them in the email body, which suggests that the text processor accepts them. Just doesn't process them they way it should. Do I see a bug in the component?
I am on Talend Open Studio 7.0.1, on Ubutntu 16.04.4 VM, on Windows 10 system (if that helps).
HTML < BR > works.
I tried it earlier but looks like I didn't structure my html tags well so it failed. Did it from start and got it right.
Guess what - The more you try, the more you learn. :)

Word 2010 additional file format

I'm not sure whether this is the best approach for this or whether I perhaps should ask the question more clearer.
What I want to do is to create an additional file output - e.g. if the user uses Word to create a description consisting of known tags, I want to be able to save this as bbcode.
Now I do have an idea of how to do this, but is there a way to say add another file format to the "Save file"-dialog box and have it run a parser and file writer, that'd read the current document and export it using known bbcode-tags (that perhaps would be adjustable from some configuration window)?
The result would be a file containing bbcode as well as the text information that the user has entered.
How would I hook up my addin to the file output dialog? Is there a way to do this? I'm not sure it's custom XML since I won't be using the XML at all.
Thanks in advance and please excuse my poor English.
Edit: after having a look at the Word 2010 AddIn-project, I figured, that I'm looking for a way to define my own "export"-format. I'd like to export the BBCode to a .txt (or even .bbcode) file. The Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdExportFormat seems to have its own fixed enumeration. Is there a way to add an export-format?
There is some code for this here:

Word Open XML Mail Merge

I'm attempting to manually create a mail merge using Word's XML (from Word 2007). I have the following XML which isn't working:
<w:mainDocumentType w:val="catalog" />
<w:linkToQuery />
<w:dataType w:val="native" />
<w:connectString w:val="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=TheServer;Data Source=." />
<w:query w:val="SELECT * FROM `Table` WHERE `id_field` = 7" />
<w:dataSource r:id="rId1" />
<w:activeRecord w:val="0" />
I can't really figure out from the documentation what I'm supposed to do. This is just a mail merge from a database table. It says there's an error on the line <w:mainDocumentType w:val="catalog" />. I've looked up possible values of w:val without any luck. I can't find any decent documentation on it.
Anyone have any ideas?
DII has all of the documentation and you can also look up on this site, like the mainDocumentType is listed as a CT_MailMergeDocType. Upon searching for that, I get which then tells me to look up ST_MailMergeDocType, where it lists the types.
Also, OpenXML Developer has some basic intro articles to MailMerge with WordprocessingML:
Mail merge in WordProcessingML using
System.IO.Packaging API
Mail Merge in WordProcessingML
Can this be of some help?
Mail Merging With Word and Linq-to-Xml in VB
in your sql command you aren't using regular single quotes (') but the kind i see when people have international keyboards ( "`" vs "'" ). i don't know how the SQLOLEDB provider works but i am used to seeing brackets around table and cloumn names rather than quotes.
using microsoft word, set up mail merging in a test document just how you want it. then view the xml that word generated using the Open XML SDK Tool which you can get here:
compare the xml that word generates to your code to see where you may have gone wrong.
note that a w:mailMerge may depend on an external resource, in which case you include a data source reference.

Understanding WordProcessingML tags and avoid unnecessary tags

I am using MS Word API to generate .docx which contains the data fetched from DB, in which i am applying the respective styles, fonts, symbols, etc. If the data fetched from the DB is quite huge, then there is a problem in displaying those data in the .docx file. I found that internally MS Word 2007 will write some content through tags which may not be needed to display the data. Hence i am figuring out what are the necessary MS Word tags needed when converting into a .xml file. So that i can avoid unnecessary tags and build only the respective tags which are needed to display the data. Hence i am planning to write my own .xml with the MS Word tags which are needed, than generating a .XML from .docx file
My queries are:-
1) Whether it is right that the MS Word will generate some tags which may not be needed during the conversion of .docx to document.xml? That makes it heavy? If so what are the tags , so that i can avoid them when write by own .xml file.
2) Please send links to understand about the MS Word tags and its advantages, which tags are needed and which are not ?
3) Whether my approach to write a new .xml similar to document.xml (.docx conversion) is worthy one to go forward so that i can build the .xml with the tags i needed , so that i can improve the performance of the data display?
Please shed some light into it and thanks in advance..
You'll want to learn WordprocessingML in much more detail to do this. It certainly isn't impossible, but it is quite a learning curve to start with. Probably the best place to start is with this eBook. If you go the manual route, you'll need a zip technology. If you're in Visual Studio, you can make the writing of all of this easier by using the Open XML SDK.
As to your questions on 'unnecessary tags', it's hard to believe that there would be much at all in the file that is unnecessary. But that depends on what you consider not needed - for example, if a word is caught as mispelled, there will be "dirty=1" attribute on the Run tag. If you're okay with displaying mispelled words, then that could be considered unnecessary. Really depends on what you're displaying for and in what.

CVS keyword substitution and Microsoft Word file

CVS has the keyword substitution feature: in a text file you write $Header$ and, when you commit the file, CVS substitutes $Header$ with something like $Header: /repo/src.cpp,v 1.6 2009/03/12 14:53:14 luser Exp $
Is it possible to get the same feature when dealing with a binary Microsoft Word file?
Thank you.
The basic problem you have with a Word file is that it is effectively a binary file (as opposed to a plain-text file), so you cannot be sure a key string like "$Header$" doesn't appear somewhere (VB macro code, for example) by accident. CVS would expand that key string, and suddenly something apparently unrelated (VB macro code, for example...) stops working.
Using CVS? Not likely. Even if $Header$ doesn't appear anywhere in your Word document (as DevSolar suggested it might), where do you place that string? Word stores text in its proprietary binary format, but CVS looks for plain text.
On the other hand, I'm sure you can achieve the effect by using either an XML Word format, or a Word macro.
Seems almost impossible with the traditional .doc format. Some creative work might allow you to create a process for making it happen with the newer XML format. I'm not sure CVS can do the job even then, but using a post-commit hook in subversion might make it more reasonable to pull off.