Flutter charts split the overwritten values on X - axis - flutter

Hello I am trying to create a chart that contains some dates on X-axis, but when I add the list same dates are overeaten from the last one. For example in the following picture the is one insertion on 14/04 on insertion on 19/04, two insertion on 20/04 and 6 insertions on 21/04. Is there a way to split them? I dont want to switch to date chart.


How to create a Stacked Column Chart in Tableau using two different calculated fields as measures

Attached is the image of two calculated fields I want to show as one stacked column chart
Two separate column charts
Blue and Orange charts are two different Calculated Fields
I want to add them and show as one column chart - E.g. - For the month of Feb'22 the blue part should show till 25 and on top of it show the orange part till 111
Is there any way to do this?

Cognos Chart with "No Data Available" although list shows data

I am completely new to Cognos, so sorry if I don't state some necessary information. I can't go into specifics about my chart, but here is the background:
I have a SQL code running into my Query
My chart and list use the same Query and have the exact same fields
My chart is a basic line graph
When I change my aggregate function to total for my y-axis, then I can see the data points
I do not want to use an aggregate function (I need to see all the points for my x and y-axis)
My x-axis is only one object, but it has multiple y-axis values within a year (which is my series). Ex:product-cost-year list,
where my product is the x-axis, cost is the y-axis, and series is year.
How can I get my chart to appear with all my data points? Eventually, I would like to add an upper and lower confidence interval to this chart.
One way to solve this issue is to create another column that simply counts the number of products (1,2,3,...9). We will call this column count. Keep all your fields the same (product for x-axis, cost for y-axis, and year for series). You will want to add count underneath product on the x-axis. You should see your mouse pointer turn to a horizontal line and it will place it under and to the right of product. Make sure not to place it just to the right of product.

grouped stacked sales column chart

I am trying to produce a sales chart using only the native Excel features, I am trying to group sales data by month and category. I want my sale types to stack for a monthly total so that I can compare not only total volume, but also track where that volume is coming from. I have been able to group by month using a pivot chart, but I can't figure out how group my categories and display them as discrete parts of the monthly sum. Here is a mock-up of what I am trying to produce: http://i.imgur.com/BCFfwQJ.png
I'm helpless in VBA and SQL, and my coworkers are even worse than me at it, so I need to do this with just the built-in Excel 2010 features.
Set up the data so the months are in the first column, type labels in the first row, values in columns under the respective type, and keep the top left cell blank (above months and left of types). Add another column with the quota label next to the type labels and the quota values next to the type values. Make a stacked column chart from this data, right click on the quota series (which is another stacked column), choose Change Series Chart Type from the pop=up menu, and choose a line chart type.

GANTT Chart with Shapes

I'm trying to create something like a GANTT Chart where I would have start dates and end dates designated by a shape like a diamond and then the period of time in between connecting the start and end date shown as a line connecting the shapes. Does anyone have any tips on how to do that in tableau?
For data I have an identifier column, an event column, a date column, a start date column, and an end date column.
To make a basic Ghantt chart in Tableau, put the start date on the column shelf, convert it to continuous exact date. Put the identifier on the row shelf and change the mark type to Ghantt. This should get a short bar at the start date of each task, with a row per task (assuming the ids are unique per task).
Now you need to specify how long the bars should be by putting a field showing the number of days for each task on the size shelf. You can create a calculated field to compute those durations as datediff('day', contract_start, contract_end). Place that on the size shelf and you should be off to a decent start.
You can add more info to the tool tips and use color to show contract type or something else. add some reference lines by right clicking on the axis. You will need some tweaks in the calculated field to deal with things like null (unknown) end dates, maybe recurring tasks ...
If you want a few milestone markers, you can use reference lines or point annotations to add them by hand easily.
Or if you want to include milestones as shapes with your data, you can use a dual axis chart.
Here is an example showing how to combine shapes and bars into one char. The details vary slightly depending on how your data is organized, but if you examine how the data for this workbook is organized, how the data connection joins the tabs, and how the workbook displays the data, you should be able to adapt the approach to your own data. Just realize sometimes it is easier to revise the way your data is shaped to make the analysis simpler.
Also, you might want to consider if you need both planned and actual dates.
See also
Gantt over time with summed bar

Gantt over time with summed bar

I'm having trouble creating the following chart in Tableau.
I have data that looks like this:
name date count
a 11/10/2012 2
a 12/10/2012 3
a 13/10/2012 2
b 12/10/2012 6
b 13/10/2012 2
b 14/10/2012 3
c 14/10/2012 2
c 15/10/2012 2
And I want to create a bar chart that has the sum of the count on the y axis and time on the x axis. The width of the bar should be the length of the time, like a Gantt chart. Each name has its own bar. Here is an image that shows what I am after.
The bars should overlap if the times overlap.
I have tried various things in Tableau but haven't really got close.
Is this kind of chart possible in Tableau? If not in 7, will it be in 8? I have heard it makes it possible to create some more complex chart types.
A workbook with data can be found at http://community.tableausoftware.com/servlet/JiveServlet/download/188799-12362/Gantt%20over%20time%20with%20summed%20bar.twbx.zip
Thanks for your help,
The trick with Gantt charts in Tableau is to put a calculation on the size shelf that calculates the duration of each bar in units of days. See the example screenshot at Tableau example
You also need a continuous date field on the columns shelf to get a horizontal time axis.
In this example, I also did a few more optional things, such as, turned off aggegation under the analysis menu to get a mark per data row, rather than aggegating them, added a discrete date to the rows shelf to make each bar go on a different line (as long as each bar starts on a different date) and hid the column for that start date.