STM32 I2C interrupt method requires a blocking while loop? - stm32

I have a Nucleo-F446RE, and I'm trying to get the I2C working with an IMU I have (LSM6DS33). I am using STM32CubeMX and checked out all the example code for my board which is related to I2C. Specifically I'll be talking about their 'I2C_TwoBoards_ComIT' example, but all their examples which use the interrupt method have this same quirk. Here is a snipped of their code from main.c:
/* The board sends the message and expects to receive it back */
/*##-2- Start the transmission process #####################################*/
/* While the I2C in reception process, user can transmit data through
"aTxBuffer" buffer */
if(HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit_IT(&I2cHandle, (uint16_t)I2C_ADDRESS, (uint8_t*)aTxBuffer, TXBUFFERSIZE)!= HAL_OK)
/* Error_Handler() function is called in case of error. */
/*##-3- Wait for the end of the transfer ###################################*/
/* Before starting a new communication transfer, you need to check the current
state of the peripheral; if it’s busy you need to wait for the end of current
transfer before starting a new one.
For simplicity reasons, this example is just waiting till the end of the
transfer, but application may perform other tasks while transfer operation
is ongoing. */
while (HAL_I2C_GetState(&I2cHandle) != HAL_I2C_STATE_READY)
/* When Acknowledge failure occurs (Slave don't acknowledge its address)
Master restarts communication */
while(HAL_I2C_GetError(&I2cHandle) == HAL_I2C_ERROR_AF);
Under comment ##-3- they explain that unless we wait for the I2C state to be ready again, after sending a command, the next command will overwrite the previous one, so they use a while loop which waits for the I2C state to be 'ready' before continuing.
Isn't this a very inefficient way to use an interrupt, and no different from using the standard polling method? Both block the main code, so what's the purpose of the interrupt?
In my personal example, I want to collect the accelerometer/gyroscope data at the 1.66 kHz rate which the IMU is capable of. I use a 2kHz timer to send an I2C command to read the acc/gyr data-ready register, and if the data is ready for either sensor I read their 6 bytes to get the x/y/z plane information. Using the polling method is too slow as blocking the code at a rate of 2kHz is not inefficient, but the interrupt method doesn't seem to be any faster as I still need to hang the system during the aforementioned while loop to check if I2C is ready for another command. What am I missing here?

Is this (the example you provided) an efficient way of doing things? No. Can blocking part be avoided? Yes. It's only a small example, a proof of concept, so there is some blocking in there. You should look deeper at why it is there and how can you implement what it does without blocking.
The point of that blocking part is to not start an I2C communication while another I2C communication is in progress. The problem is that while your line of code to send something over I2C has already been executed, the data is still being physically sent over the line, just because your MCU is much faster than I2C. You need to wait until I2C line is idle and available for transmission.
How to achieve that with interrupts and not waste cycles and processing time? Given in your case you can easily estimate the amount of data per each transmission, there is no probem to estimate how much time every transmission will take given your I2C speed. Since you're smartly and correctly using timer to schedule regular transmissions, you should be able to set the timer in such a way that by the next timer interrupt, which will send data, your previous communication has already ended.
For example, if you set the timer to 1Hz to start transmission, you can obviously be sure that by the next interrupt all the communication has happened. You don't need to poll anything at all.
I don't see much point in I2C-polling the IC at 2kHz if it produces data at 1.6kHz. You will have uneven time periods between samples, some data will be very fresh, while some data will come with little delay, plus there will be communication without data ready. It would be better to poll it at something like 1.5-1.6kHz and just expect data to always be there. Of course, given the communication fits into 1.5kHz period, which requires some napkin math.


STM32MP157F dmaengine: dmaengine_prep_dma_memcpy works, dmaengine_prep_dma_cyclic does not

We have implemented our custom driver that uses DMA to copy a large amount of data from the FMC interface (an FPGA mapped to it) to the RAM using the STM32 mdma engine with 32 dma channels. The FPGA contains a small FIFO we want to copy the data from.
For very fast data acquisition the setup time for new DMA transactions becomes critical!
The first implementation used a workqueue to create the next DMA transaction. It could not be done directly from the "dma_completed" atomic context though some necessary IO that has to wait. This lead to pauses between DMA transaction up to 5ms and buffer overflows in the FPGAs FIFO.
As I am copying from a memory mapped region to RAM, I am using dmaengine_prep_dma_memcpy.
I implemented a number of improvements that reduced the pause betweens DMAs:
I am fusing dma mapped pages so that less dma transaction entries have to be created so less dma engine programming is necessary.
I am preparing the next dma pages upfront. So the next DMA transaction can be directly started from the "dma_completed" routine.
I am using a second dma channel and toggle between them when dma_completed is called. This allows to setup a second DMA with the first one still running. Though linux dma api allows this with one channel, the MDMA engine does not and ignores the added transactions.
Usually the pause is now lower than 1ms. But there a spikes were the FIFO nearly overflowing.
Finally I tried to use dmaengine_prep_dma_cyclic. This would be perfect. A continuously running DMA with no need for a setup time between interrupts.
​But this does not work. Or better: I do not get it to work...
The transaction created with dmaengine_prep_dma_cyclic does not want to start!
I am getting a new dma_cookie and any status request to the channel returns "DMA_IN_PROGRESS". It never completes and the completetion callback is also never called.
Though dmaengine_prep_dma_memcpy works fine...
I think this is because of the difference between software vs hardware triggered DMA transactions.
Looking into stm32-mdma.c is see that dmaengine_prep_dma_memcpy has its own setup routine whereas dmaengine_prep_dma_cyclic use stm32_mdma_set_xfer_param() that always configures a HW request.
My very big big questions:
Is there a way to use dmaengine_prep_dma_cyclic for a MEMORY to MEMORY DMA transaction (software triggered)? This would be the perfect solution to my performance problem...
​Are we missing some signals to connect the FPGA to the SOC? My FPGA programming collegue suspects some missing TSEL (trigger selection) setting. He suspects dmaengine_prep_dma_cyclic will work then.
If a minimum driver module source code example would help in getting better answers, I can provide one in short time. Please note that this is highly hardware specific. Other SOCs than STM32MP157F may have different behaviour.
Thanks for every feedback!
Bye Gunther

SPI DMA CIRCULAR Mode - stm32f4

Does anyone have a sample code of transfering data with SPI in DMA CIRCULAR mode for stm32?(16 bit)
With my code, master sends 16 bit data and in the next cycle receives the answer. But this transaction done with one cycle delay.
SPI is supposed to work that way.
When the SPI data register is written the first time, it starts sending the data, and immediately signals the DMA controller that it's ready for the next data word. Now there are two data words down in the transmitter, when it has barely started receiving the first one. When the first outgoing word is completely transmitted, and the first incoming word is completely received (these happen almost simultaneously), SPI starts sending the second word already in the data register, signals the transmit DMA channel that it's ready for the third data word, about the same time it also signals the receiving channel that the first incoming data word is ready.

STM32F302 Adc with DMA for different size and channel

I'm using STM32F302 QFN32 and unfortunately, it has only one ADC module. One channel must get around 500 samples in one period and it must be sync with and PWM (thinking using a timer and this i/o will be toggled in callback, because while reading its ADC channel, I must know the i/o whether high or low, so that according to this value, will decide value). Furthermore, there are 4 more channels which must be read.(More samples doesn't need there like before, 8 or 16 samples will be enough.) However, it has only one ADC module. Consequently, Can I do this? If yes, how? Thank you.
ST ADC have two conversion modes. Regular and Injected.
Regular mode is like all ADC's have. You start it, either by software or trigger (timer/gpio) and it does one or a sequence of conversions. The result is written to a common register, that the DMA takes care of.
Injected mode is a high priority preemption conversion. Once you start an injected conversion sequence by software or trigger. The ADC injects the conversion between the regular conversions. As a higher priority one. The result is stored in one of the injected result channel for the interrupt.
Only regular mode supports DMA. See AN4195 for more info.
I suggest you use a timer to trigger a regular sequence for your fast channel, with a circular DMA setup to move the data. And use another timer to trigger the injected sequence. There is a maximum of 4 injected channels, so you are in luck!
Obviously, you can do this the other way around. Have fast injections and slow regular. But you'll need another timer synchronized to the injected start trigger to get the DMA to move the data.
That is, if your samplerate does not allow immediate processing. Otherwise you can just use the ISR.

What are the differences between Clock and I/O interrupts?

What are the differences between clock and I/O interrupts?
As I understand it a clock interrupt uses the system clock for interrupting the CPU and an I/O interrupt is sent to the CPU based off of program input or output completion. This was helpful in understanding interrupts in general, but I'm trying to compare these two kinds.
In a multiprogramming context, using a uniprocessor (to make things simple)
Timer/clock interrupts are often used for scheduling. These interrupts invoke the scheduler and it may switch the currently executing thread/process to another by saving the current context and loading another one.
Other than the purpose, an interrupt is an interrupt.
The main purpose of clock interrupt is to help out in what we call it "Multitasking". It deceives us and make us to think that internally parallel working is going on (Means many applications are running at the same time).But in reality it's not.Clock sends interrupt after a specified fraction of second,depends on system speed, to the processor to terminate it's current thread, save its address and data to stake and hold the application of which interrupt is sent.
i hope this will help you.

Polling vs Interrupt

I have a basic doubt regarding interrupts. Imagine a computer that does not have any interrupts, so in order for it to do I/O the CPU will have to poll* the keyboard for a key press, the mouse for a click etc at regular intervals. Now if it has interrupts the CPU will keep checking whether the interrupt line got high( or low) at regular intervals. So how is CPU cycles getting saved by using interrupts. As per my understanding instead of checking the device now we are checking the interrupt line. Can someone explain what basic logic I am getting wrong.
*Here by polling I don't mean that the CPU is in a busy-wait. To quote Wikipedia "Polling also refers to the situation where a device is repeatedly checked for readiness, and if it is not the computer returns to a different task"
#David Schwartz and #RKT are right, it doesn't take any CPU cycles to check the interrupt line.
Basically, the processor has a set of interrupt wires which are connected to a bunch of devices. When one of the devices has something to say, it turns its interrupt wire on, which triggers the processor (without the help of any software) to pause the execution of current instructions and start running a handler function.
Here's how it works. When the operating system boots, it registers a set of callbacks (a table of function pointers, actually) with the processor using a special instruction which takes the address of the first entry of the table. When interrupt N is triggered, the processor pulls the Nth entry from the table and runs the code at the location in memory it refers to. The code inside the function is written by the OS authors in assembly, but typically all it does is save the state of the stack and registers so that the current task can be resumed after the interrupt handler has been called and then call a higher-level common interrupt handler which is written in C and that handles the logic of "If this a page fault, do X", "If this is a keyboard interrupt, do Y", "If this is a system call, do Z", etc. Of course there are variations on this with different architectures and languages, but the gist of it is the same.
The idea with software interrupts ("signals", in Unix parlance) is the same, except that the OS does the work of setting up the stack for the signal handler to run. The basic procedure is that the userland process registers signal handlers one at a time to the OS via a system call which takes the address of the handler function as an argument, then some time in the future the OS recognizes that it should send that process a signal. The next time that process is run, the OS will set its instruction pointer to the beginning of the handler function and save all its registers to somewhere the process can restore them from before resuming the execution of that process. Usually, the handler will have some sort of routing logic to alert the relevant bit of code that it received a signal. When the process finishes executing the signal handler, it restores the register state that existed previous to the signal handler running, and resumes execution where it left off. Hence, software interrupts are also more efficient than polling for learning about events coming from the kernel to this process (however this is not really a general-use mechanism since most of the signals have specific uses).
It doesn't take any CPU cycles to check the interrupt line. It's done by dedicated hardware, not CPU instructions. The reason it's called an interrupt is because if the interrupt line is asserted, the CPU is interrupted.
"CPU is interrupted" : It will leave (put on hold) the normal program execution and then execute the ISR( interrupt subroutine) and again get back to execution of suspended program.
CPU come to know about interrupts through IRQ(interrupt request) and IF(interrupt flag)
Interrupt: An event generated by a device in a computer to get attention of the CPU.
Provided to improve processor utilization.
To handle an interrupt, there is an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) associated with it.
To interrupt the processor, the device sends a signal on its IRQ line and continue doing so until the processor acknowledges the interrupt.
CPU then performs a context switch by pushing the Program Status Word (PSW) and PC onto the control stack.
CPU executes the ISR.
whereas Pooling is the process where the computer waits for an external device to check for it readiness.
The computer does not do anything else than check the status of the device
Polling is often used with low-level hardware
Example: when a printer connected via a Parrnell port the computer waits until the next character has been received by the printer.
These process can be as minute as only reading 1 Byte
There are two different methods(Polling & interrupt) to serve I/O of a computer system. In polling, CPU continuously remain busy, either an input data is given to an I/O device and if so, then checks the source port of corresponding device and the priority of that input to serve it.
In Interrupt driven approach, when a data is given to an I/O device, an interrupt is generated and CPU checks the priority of that input to serve it.