How do I fix this navigation bar formatting issue on iPhone? Button moves opposite side - iphone

I am having issue with the contact button moving to the opposite side of my navigation bar on iPhone. For some reaosn the positioning is opposite and I don't get why. The website can be viewed at
Any idea on whats going on here?
Navigation button


Xcode back button missing

I appear to have a problem in Xcode. On my storyboard it shows a back button, but when run in the simulator, not only does the back button not appear, the entire navigation bar is missing.
Can anyone offer any common issues which may cause this?
It could very possibly we that you do not have your constraints properly set. This can be done in the view controller editor menu. It is in the bottom right hand corner.

iOS7 Vs iOS8 auto layout and webview issue

I have a view controller that is composed of a web view and a toolbar with some basic controls. The toolbar is pinned to the bottom of the screen using auto layout. It has four constraints, to pin it to the left side of the screen, the right side of the screen, the bottom of the screen and another that pins the bottom of the web view to the top of the toolbar.
I am having too issues with this. The first is that the web view when loading a URL has a black bar running across the bottom of the screen for a second or two while the page loads, see attached screen shot. This occurs on both iOS7 & iOS8.
This bug and the one below are related I think. I just discovered that the horizontal indicator when scrolling displays not at the bottom of the screen but higher up, where it would appear if the tabbar where present.
The second issue I am having with iOS7. The screen that calls this screen is the typical navigation bar inside a tab bar setup. The user presses a button to go to a particular page, the browser gets created and pushed onto the navigation bar stack. It hides the tab bar when created. In iOS8 this works perfectly, the toolbar is pinned to the bottom of the screen. In iOS7 the tab bar is removed but the toolbar is placed as if the tab bar was still present?! Any ideas how to fix these two issues? Many thanks.
FYI - Xcode 6.1.1
The "black bar" is most likely your app window background. At the time of loading the web view is still under the navigation bar. Perhaps the constraints are being overridden. Check your storyboard settings:
If this is it, it might solve the second issue as well.
The reason iOS 8 works is because from Apple talks I gleaned they realise many dev had issues with their views being under the nav bars by default. Introduced with iOS 7. They likely changed this in iOS 8 but found no written evidence. If someone can confirm or deny this, I'll update the answer.

Implement UIToolBar so it acts like a UITabBar and UIToolBar at the same time

I have an interesting problem. I have an app that I'm developing that involves photos so screen space is at a premium. Also, using disappearing and reappearing nav / tool bar controllers (like in the camera app) doesn't make sense for me. In a perfect world, I'd use a UITabBar to switch between the 4 main navigational view controllers that my program implements, however I also am going to need space for a toolbar right on top of the tab bar most of the time. These two components take up too much space between the two of them so I need a way to save some space.
That's where I came up with the idea of using a toolbar to implement the functionality of both the TabBar and ToolBar. On the left side of the ToolBar would be the 4 buttons that allow access to my 4 main navigational view controllers. The one that is currently on the window would have it's button depressed. Then there would be a divider, and on the right side of the tool bar would be buttons specific to whatever view is currently on the window.
Anyhow, I'm just wondering if anyone has any clever ideas on how they'd implement this?
wat do u mean by left and right of toolbar??? adding a tab bar will not affect ur view size. when adding a toolbar, well yes it does affect ur view size.
my idea wolud be add a toolbar to the top of ur view and u can make it visible only when the user taps on the screen. until then keep the toolbar hidden. when the user clicks for the second time on the screen hide ur toolbar. this way u can have the whole view for ur pics and also have a toolbar for giving options.

Navigation Bar at Bottom

Can we have NavigationBar at the bottom of the screen.As i have to display a image at the top of the screen.
You can put one anywhere but the system will not manage it for you.
If you want to put a nav bar at the bottom of the screen though, the chances are great you really want to have a toolbar, or a tab bar... navigation controllers are just not good on the bottom and users will think it's really wierd.
Can't you just make the nav bar transparent and have the image go behind it?
Try using UINavigationBar's initWithFrame: to position it how you would like. You could also put it inside a view which is located below your image.
It might be worth using a toolbar instead. Users are used to seeing the navigation bar at the top. The interface guidelines might "require" this too which could lead to fun when you submit your application to Apple.

How to present a modal view controller with fixed UIToolbar?

I am trying to set up a Modal View Controller, that that lies below a fixed toolbar. therefore the toolbar is supposed to stay on top while the modal view rolls in.
the Safari-App does that for example, when hitting the bookmarks-button. the toolbar stays, the buttons change..
I tried a couple of things like pushing the toolbar to the front and ended up not using the presentModalViewController method at all, and animating the new View manually into a subview instead. but that brought a couple of other issues along.
I'm not sure what you are saying, when you press add bookmark in safari, a new modal view shows with no tool bar. The navigation bar at the top is not a tool bar if that is what you mean. They are UIToolbarItem set into self.navigationItem.
All modal views I've seen are animated until they take up the whole of the screen. Those modal-like views that only scroll up to a certain point in some apps, are done by hand. Maybe you can cover those issues encountered when doing this by hand in another post?