I need some way to test vr games without a headset because I do not have it at the moment, I just want to make a simple game that will be just on vr.
Yes you can try
Using the Windows Mixed Reality simulator
but it has few issues with Unreal Engine, But work perfect in other
My goal is to have my image-tracking AR app useable with a headset. My friends and I play a game on our game nights that could really be advanced with AR - problem is, our hands need to be free, so using AR with a headset (something affordable for us all - like Google Cardboard) is needed.
I've looked around and found older videos covering Vuforia, but I've seen in this post that support was deprecated: https://developer.vuforia.com/forum/unity/vuforia-google-cardboard
Vuforia is very expensive for just simple game-night fun... so I'd rather use ARCore and ARKit, if possible.
Is implementation for this even possible today with Unity + Cardboard + ARCore? (If I need to cut a hole in the cardboard for my camera, that's no problem)
I usually using firebase for syncing every player for my multiplayer game but this time I can't because this time I want create a desktop game and firebase only support mobile.
can I use Gundb as alternative to store the player position and animation. and every client automatically syncing the data
#alucard555 yes, there is a very very simple example of a browser-based game (Asteroids in 250LOC!) that could work in a desktop app via Electron or something:
You can play the game (arrow keys to move, space to fire a shockwave, doesn't work on mobile or small screens) here:
With regards to Unity3D specifically, you would need a JavaScript bridge. I myself have not done Unity3D development myself, but I have (?) heard (?) it supports JavaScript? Or some variant of it?
GUN by itself is plain vanilla JS, the only porting UnityScript may need is changing the default localStorage and WebSocket adapters (these are modular and can easily be switched out for something Unity supports).
However I do not have enough Unity3D experience to speak on this matter. (I just looked up Firebase's Unity support, and noticed that it is not JS based, it is C++. This may mean JS is incompatible with Unity?)
i'm developing VR using google cardboard SDK..
i want to move on virtual environment when i walk on real world, like this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZG5__Z9pzs&feature=youtu.be&t=48
is it possible to make VR application like that for android...? maybe using accelerometer sensor ? how can i implement this using unity...?
i try to record accelerometer sensor while i walk with smartphone, here are the result : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltPwS7-3nOI [i think the accelerometer value is so random -___- ]
Actually it is not possible with only mobile:
You're up against a fundamental limitation of the humble IMU (the primary motion sensor in a smartphone).
I won't go into detail, but basically you need an external reference frame when trying to extract positional data from acceleration data. This is the topic of a lot of research right now, and it's why VR headsets that track position like the Oculus Rift have external tracking cameras.
Unfortunately, what you're trying to do is impossible without using the camera on your phone to track visual features in the scene and use those as the external reference point, which is a hell of a task better suited to a lab full of computer vision experts.
One another possible but difficult way is:
This may be possible if you connect device to internet then watch it's position from satelite(google maps or something like that)but that is a very hard thing to do.
I am looking to extend an iPhone game by adding support for networked multiplayer capabilities (preferably over WiFi). How would you suggest I add this functionality to this application?
Game Kit can be used to add match making and network communications to your game.
Start with the Game Kit Programming Guide which has step-by-step instructions for many scenarios and lots of sample code.
I have an idea for a 3d game for the iPhone and I'm wanting to get a feel for what is used mostly for iPhone 3d game programming. Are 3d games being developed in opengl es only or are 3d models being used as well?
I'm just trying to get an idea of some of the technologies being used for iPhone 3d game programming.
For instance, I think the following game will be really cool and would like to know what is being used to create it.
Also, are people using any 3d modeling tools like maya, 3ds max, or blender with this 3d game engines?
There's a good overview on this blog, but it may be a bit out of date.
Unity is a popular 3d engine that supports iPhone
SIO2 is an open source 3D engine for iPhone development.
There are lots of different ways to make 3D games. As the two above answers, you can use things like Unity and SI02. However, the vast, vast majority of games are developed with OpenGL, mainly because there's already so much existing material on game development with OpenGL. If the game's not too graphically intense, you can even try using core animation -- but don't expect the same performance as other things.