GA4 Data Stream URL - tags

Does the Stream URL matter with a GA4 data stream? It seems not but trying to understand why both Stream Name and Stream URL are available fields. With cross-domain tracking you can specify additional domains with no relation to the Stream URL.
Asking due to building web connected desktop applications without a URL.


Facebook Graph API and Live Streaming using a Persistent Streaming Key

I have integrated an existing streaming application with Facebook, but am facing a final hurdle. My software doesn't have an API to change the streaming key. So I use a Persistent Key for Youtube, and also for Facebook.
However, I want to automate the whole system and I cannot find how to use the Persistent Streaming Key (PSK) with Facebook icm the Graph API.
I schedule an event, but when I start streaming to the PSK the connection is rejected. It does work however if I go to the Facebook Page and open the Live Producer for the scheduled stream. Straight away the stream is accepted and seems to be connected to the stream originally assigned to the LiveVideo (or at least that is how is seems).
Is there a way to allow the PSK to be accepted without the manual intervention of opening the Live Producer page? I don't seem to be able to find anything.
Is there a way to allow the PSK to be accepted without the manual intervention of opening the Live Producer page?
Unfortunately, no.
Your automation really needs to tie into the rest of the Facebook Live API so that you can create/start streams. It isn't possible to use RTMP alone, even with the persistent stream key.
Recently, usage of PERSISTENT STREAMING KEYS has been enabled by Facebook. Here is the detail:
There is no documentation anywhere, but it looks the LiveVideo object's stream key can be updated to PERSISTENT STREAMING KEY via POST endpoint on LiveVideo object
checkout this link on Facebook developer - the return value of LiveVideo object has PERSISTENT STREAMING KEY -

AMSv3 Multiple track files as inputs to an Asset

Goal: Use a single streaming locator to several tracks of mp3s where the client can get one token with the streaming locator's claim and play each track during its lifetime.
I modified my output asset job process to use the List<string> files, but the job fails saying the input asset does not have a primary file.
Is my approach wrong, or is there a way to say track1.mp3 is the primary?
I am trying to configure a situation like this:
1 stream locator (1 claim required for access)
several tracks in that locator (1.mp3, 2.mp3, ... 50.mp3)
customer buys 1 sku, gets that stream locator's claim
This would be my expected approach. However, my fallback (and fear) is that AMS wants me to have a 1:1 with and maintain that list in a backend, then use this sequence flow:
Client requests token from a lookup endpoint
Endpoint compares their ownership vs the requested 1.mp3
If they have access to the sku 1.mp3 belongs to in the backend, issue signed token with the the content key id associated from
If they dont have access, 401 the token request back the client app to handle
Let's take a step back and modify the scenario a bit: suppose it is a (single bitrate or multi-bitrate) video with 3 audio streams. And you want a 1:1 mapping for streaming_locator : content_key_id : media_asset. With a token containing the right claims you can get the decryption key/license and play any of the 3 audio streams (with video) with a video player. This scenario is supported by AMS and I don't see any problem with this.
However, your scenario is MP3 (without video). My concern is whether there is a binding between MP3 and AES-128 encryption or any DRM, and using such binding in AMS dynamic packaging. Without such encryption, how do you enforce the protection or what is the purpose of token?

Send existing geolocation data from cloud server to Live Objects

I currently have a running instance in Google Cloud which stores geolocation data from an IoT device. I wanted to connect my Google Cloud server to Live Objects so that these geolocation data can be used. Is there a way to connect Google Cloud and Live Objects together, to share data? Or is there a way to send a post request from an external server script (Node.js) to Live Objects without using MQTT? The post request is just a normal HTTP post. The HTTP post will be sent using REST API.
Thanks in advance.
Yes you can push data in Live Objects by using HTTPS REST API
and example here:

how to fetch new messages without overloading server in php?

which technology is being used in Google or Facebook chat applications to fetch new messages from server without overloading server with continuous servers queries using Ajax calls ?
Facebook and Gmail might be using Real time messaging protocol for instant messaging.
Please refer this page to read more about RTMP

Is it possible to send a Facebook request without a dialog?

I need to send a request to a user using my custom dialog (which user has other options). After this, I have 'users_ids' to send requests.
Is it possible do this using Graph API?
(I did not find any way to do this at Requests Dialog.)
There are two types of requests as mentioned in the Social Channels documentation (section Requests): User-generated and App-generated.
You can send App-generated requests to the user both from the server and client side with out the need of using a dialog.
How ever you can send these requests only for a user who authorized your app, as it described in the connection in the user object.
The User-generated requests can only be sent using the dialogs, as the name implies.
The best source for this issue is the Requests documentation.