Twilio Studio Flows working with one number and not the other - iphone

I created two Flows in Studio. One is a simple call forward, the second is a split to forward call or leave a voice mail.
I have two cell phones/numbers with separate companies(in Canada - Rogers/Shaw) If I use the first phone number(Rogers) the flows do not work. I get an automated message that says "The person you are calling isn't accepting calls at the moment." or "The number you are calling is not in service."
If i change the forward to number in Flows to my second cell phone number(shaw) then both the flows work. I even tried forwarding to my work phone and it works.
Basically forwarding numbers in Flow to my ONE cell number only does not work. Would anyone know what may be causing this? Could it be an issue with my cell phone or cell phone provider somehow blocking the calls?
Both of my cell phones are iphone 12s
Thank you


What does a "unselected carrier" error message mean?

The message goes like this:
We're sorry this is an unselected carrier. This call cannot be completed as dialed. You may designate a carrier to handle this type of call by calling that company or your Verizon business office during regular business hours. To place this call in an emergency, just dial zero.
Any help understanding the underlying process that creates this error would be appreciated.
It is a telephone service message for the end user.
It could be provided when multiple carriers are necessary to complete the call.
You always have at least the local carrier directly managing the phone.
For long-distance calls, it is possible to select another carrier where both carriers cooperate for the call completion.
In your instance, I guess an automatic selection is used but has been disabled.
Or it could be also that a wrong carrier code has been dialed for this particular call.

How to tell the difference between an offline and online mobile phone via sip?

For a toy project I want to find out if a mobile phone is connected to gsm or not. So I thought "Okay, let's use my local sip provider and see".
But in both cases, the thing goes like this:
I send an INVITE
0 s: I get a 100 Trying
5 s: I get a 183 Session description
I get an audio stream, in the one case with the ringing, in the other case with a "The person you are calling is…"
If I wait long enough (~ 40 s), I get a more appropiate status code like 180 Ringing.
Audio analysis is not an option, really.
Any hints on where to go now?
(I used twinkle for testing and a local german sip-provider.)
This issue is endemic in the way telephone networks work, and is not specific to SIP or IP. It's why, when you place a call to another country and the number is busy, you might sometimes hear your local country's busy tone, or you might hear a different busy tone that comes from the other country. In the latter case you cannot detect except by audio analysis, what the problem is. In SS7 and ISDN we speak of Q.931 cause codes instead of SIP error codes, but the principle is the same.
There's an argument to be made for configuring telephone systems to emit status codes instead of audio error messages. For callers using normal phones, the originating switch (the one closest to the caller) can then map that code to the appropriate spoken error message or audio tone. That way, when the call is being placed by software rather than by a person, the software can have access to the actual error code right away.
On the other hand you can also argue for having the remote switch (the one nearest the destination or the one that encounters the problem) speak its own error message. That switch knows best what the actual problem is. For example, a mobile operator can emit a spoken error message saying that the mobile phone you are trying to call is currently out of range. There is no Q.931 code (or SIP error code for that matter) with that meaning. It could return 27=Destination out of order?? Or 35=Destination unattainable?? Both of those codes are so esoteric, who knows what error message the local switch would translate them to (in practice: probably just a reorder tone, which is really user-unfriendly to a human caller). And when you try to map Q.931 cause codes to SIP error codes back and forth, even more information is lost because the codes really don't match up well at all. It's likely to be a much better user experience for the caller if the remote switch just plays back an informative, appropriate, recording which describes the problem.
Since there is this dilemma (arguments on both sides), we can conclude that this will not likely be resolved by completely standardizing on one way or ther other way anytime soon.
Anyway, sometimes this is configurable: your SIP provider may be able to configure your trunk for coded errors instead of recorded messages. If they offer this (some do), it's worth a try to set this option. But results will vary: this option only affects its local behaviour. In general if you want immediately call clearing with cause code and are instead getting a recorded error message from the other end, you will not be able to do anything about it, because the switch that makes the decision on which way it's going to respond is the remote one.
When using the audio message method, a proper Q.931 cause code or SIP error code usually comes eventually (after the recording is finished), but as you point out, it's probably too late by then.

Handling Invitations for Programmatic Turn-Based Game

Thanks to the updates to GameKit API in iOS 6, I am finally able to implement my turn-based board game the way it should be, complete with turn timeouts and better programmatic creation of matches. However, I am running into an issue that I cannot seem to solve. My desire is to have Game Center running entirely invisible to the end-user, so that everything is programmatic and uses my own custom interfaces.
Therefore, I use my own custom table view to display matches, not the default GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController. Right now, I have no problem displaying open matches using the -loadMatchesWithCompletionHandler: method. I also use a custom screen to create a match, with a direct creation for auto-match (not a problem) and a table view that loads Game Center friends of the localPlayer for invitation. Since the playersToInvite attribute can now be filled with playerID's, this is possible in iOS 6.
My main problem is handling the invitation on the recipient's side. Lets say I invite Bob to play my game in a two-player match. Right now I can't seem to find a notification for a new invite on Bob's end. The -handleTurnEvent: only gets called for existing matches or if the banner notification is touched (which I can't guarantee the user will do), and -handleInviteFromGameCenter: does nothing for me in this case.
The only way I have come up with to detect new invites and thus update my custom game view controller is to call the -loadMatchesWithCompletionHandler: method and check for new matches in which lastTurnDate of the invited participant is nil and against an existing array of open matches. I run this check about every 10 seconds in the background since I can't find a notification in GKTurnBasedEventHandler that is called when a new invite is received. Please help!
EDIT: In the end, I have just implemented a pull-to-refresh functionality. There is no way without implementing polling or some other method that would just waste the user's data on their phone, so on demand refreshing is the most ideal solution in my opinion.
Please see this : GKInvite Reference and more specifically inviteHandler.
You just need to register an inviteHandler which will be called after Bob accepts the invite in GK/GC.

Send notification each day with different information

i want to send a notification each day at the same time with different information. I got no problem with showing the alert when i want to. The problem is what to show. First i tried to schedule one alert every day with different information in them, but that seems really inefficient. Then i tried with
-(void)application(UIApplication*)app didReceiveLocalNotification:(UILocalNotification *)Notif{}
but found out that it runs when the application is running in foreground only.
Is there any way to provide an array or something like it with the alert and tell the alert to get its body from the array with different index for different days?
Or should i do it with some notification that can run when the app is in background mode and the alert show and make a new alert?
All information must be provided when you schedule a local notification, so no, a notification's body cannot be sourced from an array as you described. If users are likely to open your app often and you know notification content in advance, perhaps you could ensure that x notifications are always scheduled (could be achieved by inspecting UIApplication's scheduledLocalNotifications).
This solution isn't ideal though, as it relies on users opening your app on a (somewhat) regular basis. I think push notifications are probably your best bet, but that requires access to a server, etc.
Yeah push could prob be the solution. But i dont have a server for that. The users will most likeley not open it any more after they have opened it the first time to activite the local-messages. So then this isnt really possible to do without push. when i tried a for-loop to schedule 250 days with different text each day it took about 2 minutes on iphone 4 so its not duable.

How would I get SMS/Phone events, and act on them before they're sent to the system apps?

I'm trying to develop an application for a jailbroken iPhone similar to Mcleaner or iBlacklist.
What I want my app to be able to do is intercept SMS or Phone events and handle them before they're sent to the appropriate receiver. So for example, I want the application to get an SMS event, compare the sender to an array of numbers, and either process the data or ignore it and pass it off to the SMS app.
In MCleaner, you can define a blacklist of numbers, and if a text message is received that matches the blacklist the user won't get an alert from the phone and the data is instead handled by MCleaner.
How would I go about getting these events, and further, how would I get these before the appropriate apps receive them? From what I understand, I'd need to become a first responder for these things, but I really have no clue where to start. I can't seem to find any hints on how I'd go about this as this app will not be calling apple classes to get the data..
I can only guide in with this, sorry, the code isn't mine to give.
In memory, all the action calls are all just pointers. What you have to do is over ride the pointer to make it point to your own function. Once you do that, you do w/e you want in your function, and then call the default function call. This ensures the integrity of the action calls and allows you to intercept the actions.
You need to use the CKMessage class.
Check this out:
and this: