bg-url in tailwindcss is not working for me - background-image

i get some problem that when i use add to extend / use as arbitary values ->> bg-url is not working
\Arbirtary Values
-- Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../../images/product/model-s.jpg' in '....\MAIN PROJECT\0.PORTOFOLIO\tesla-clone\client\src' --
backgroundImage: {"model-s": "url('./src/images/product/model-s.jpg')", },
-- Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './src/images/product/model-s.jpg' in ''....\MAIN PROJECT\0.PORTOFOLIO\tesla-clone\client\src' --
### BUT.......
when i import it i can use it as <img />
import models from "../../images/product/model-s.jpg";
<img src={models} alt="model S" className="w-full h-full object-cover bg-center bg-no-repeat" />
Can you help me ? please....

Here you have making the mistake while using the image in component. Since you already defined the image in tailwind.config.js like
extend: {
backgroundImage: {
'model_s': "url('./src/images/product/model-s.jpg')"
You can simply use it like
<div className="bg-model_s" ></div>
Note : I had change the name from model-s to model_s


can't use css file zf2 (Zend\View\HelperPluginManager::get was unable to fetch or create an instance for inlineStyle)

I have a css and js files, i want to use it and call it from controller, for js these lines work perfectly:
$serverUrl = $this->baseUrl();
$headScript = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('viewhelpermanager')->get('inlineScript');
$headScript->appendFile($serverUrl . '/assets/js/file.js');
But for css when i use these lines :
$serverUrl = $this->baseUrl();
$headScript = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('viewhelpermanager')->get('inlineStyle');
$headScript->appendFile($serverUrl . '/assets/js/file.css');
i have this error:
Zend\View\HelperPluginManager::get was unable to fetch or create an instance for inlineStyle
Try to use “headLink” instead of “inlineStyle”.

How do I pass Variants as props to React Components in ReasonML?

I have tried the following approach to be able to send variants as props.
type ipAddr =
| IPV4
| IPV8;
let make = () => {
let appData = Data.tileData;
<div className="App">
<header className="flex outline justify-between" />
<Content selected={ipAddr.IPV4} appData />
But it throws the error,
ninja: error: rebuilding '': subcommand failed
I have tried sending variants directly to Component as well.
<div className="App">
<header className="flex outline justify-between" />
<Content selected=IPV4 appData />
But it ended up returning another error
Start compiling ninja: error: dependency cycle: src/App-ReactHooksTemplate.cmj -> src/Content-ReactHooksTemplate.cmj
-> src/App-ReactHooksTemplate.cmj
Finish compiling(exit: 1)
Where am I going wrong?
DISCLAIMER: I don't know ReasonML, however
If it was OCaml, you'd just write IPV4, no need to qualify it like ipAddr.IPV4.
Perhaps this is the same in Reason?
I have solved this another way. Instead of passing the variant as prop, I simply rendered different components based on variant value.
let make = () => {
let appData = Data.tileData;
switch (selected) {
| IPV4 =>
<IPV4Renderer appData />
| IPV6 =>
<IPV6Renderer appData />

Any way to set PrimaryHeader from codebehind in ShieldUi BarChart

I am using the version of shieldui for charts and have a barchart and would like to set the primaryHeader or secondaryHeader with data from the database. I searched the documentation page of shieldui website and could not find anything.
What I tried is something like this:
<shield:ShieldChart ID="ShieldChart1" Width="100%" Height="200px" runat="server"
<PrimaryHeader Text=" ">
<Style Bold="true" FontSize="30px" />
<SecondaryHeader Text="<asp:Label id="CardInvoiced" runat="server"/> ">
<ExportOptions AllowExportToImage="false" AllowPrint="false" />
<shield:ChartBarSeries DataFieldY="Sales" CollectionAlias="signups">
<shield:ChartBarSeries DataFieldY="Starts" CollectionAlias="starts">
<shield:ChartBarSeries DataFieldY="bis" CollectionAlias="bis">
<shield:ChartBarSeries DataFieldY="comps" CollectionAlias="comps">
ShieldUI error is:
Type 'Shield.Web.UI.ShieldChart' does not have a public property named 'Label'.
Any suggestion on how to accomplish this?
I solved this and here is how you set both PrimaryHeader and SecondaryHeader in ShieldUi graphs:
ShieldChartFSS7R.PrimaryHeader.Text = "Test Primary Header";
ShieldChartFSS7R.SecondaryHeader.Text = "Test Secondary Header";
Which shows the headers like this:

Protractor css locator for md-select

I'm new to protractor and need to know how can i get the text i.e. Connections in the below code block. I need to click this "Connections". Anyhelp would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance
<md-option ng-repeat="worksite in vmSplashController.worksites track by $index" id="option_worksite_TRANSFER" ng-value="worksite" tabindex="0" class="ng-scope" role="option" aria-selected="false" value="[object Object]">
<div class="md-text ng-binding">
Full code
<md-dialog ng-cloak aria-span="" id="splashDialog" class="asui-popup-container splashContainer">
<form name="splash">
<md-dialog-content class="agentDetails" flex>
<md-dialog-content class="agentOptions" flex layout="row">
<md-input-container class="md-input-has-placeholder" id="nav_worksite" ng-if="vmSplashController.worksites.length >= 1" flex="50" layout="column">
<label class="select-lable">Worksite</label>
<md-select md-no-ink name="nav_worksite" required ng-model="vmSplashController.worksites.selected" ng-model-options="{trackBy: '$value.locationCode'}" aria-label="Select Worksite" md-container-class="md-select-custom nav-worksite-selectbox" ng-change="vmSplashController.onWorksiteChange(vmSplashController.worksites.selected)">
<md-option ng-repeat="worksite in vmSplashController.worksites track by $index" id="option_worksite_{{worksite.locationCode}}" ng-value="worksite">
{{**Here that Div is being created i.e. Connections along with other two options**}}
<md-dialog-actions layout="row">
<md-button md-no-ink class="md-primary nobg-btn" ng-click="vmSplashController.onConfirm()" ng-disabled="splash.$invalid">
I treid this
element(by.cssContainingText('.option_worksite_TRANSFER >', 'Connections')).click();
but getting the below error.
Failed: No element found using locator: by.cssContainingText(".option_worksite_TRANSFER >", "Connections")
First - I'm a bit confused. In example you are trying to select class option_worksite_TRANSFER, but in error message it has an id.
If you are trying to select value from dropdown, try this solution:
Try this using xpath:
Try using the below code:
element(by.cssContainingText('[id^="option_worksite"] >', 'Connections')).click();
Adding waits:
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var ele = element(by.cssContainingText('[id^="option_worksite"] >', 'Connections'));
browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(ele), 5000).then(function(){;

Selecting a field in Protractor

<hs-text-box ng-class="{'disabled': isAmenityPosting }" class="required" input-control="{title:'Location', okCallback:setJobSite, value:jobSiteName,
autocomplete:{ values:getJobSiteList, reload: true }, ss:'location'}">
<i class="icon-room"></i><span hs-placeholder="Select Location" class="ng-binding"></span>
<!-- ngIf: isBarcodeShow() --><hs-button ng-class="{'disabled': soCreating }" class="barcode-special-btn smaller ng-scope" ng-if="isBarcodeShow()" hs-gesture="{handler:startScan, param: onBarcodeScanCompleted}"><i class="icon-br-code"></i></hs-button><!-- end ngIf: isBarcodeShow() -->
Scenario: click on “Location” field...
What would be the best way to come up with a command in Protractor to select "location" field from the above Snippet Code?
Can it be done by not using Xpath?
Multiple options here. A sort of a non-welcomed, but short and readable way, would be to use an XPath expression and check the preceding label:
var locationTextBox = element(by.xpath("//hs-label[. = 'Location']/following::hs-text-box"));;