Wildfly 26.1.0 final + elytron-oidc-client + wont propagate user to EJB + user become anonymous - wildfly

I am trying to upgrade from WF24 to WF26.1.0 final and migrate from the jboss:domain:keycloak module to elytron-oidc-client.
I have installed WF26.1.0 and configured elytron-oidc-client with secure-deployment to use our Keycloak server for authentication. I can log into my webpages and rest services provided by the WAR deployment, and I get the correct roles listed for my keycloak users.
Here is the log that shows when elytron-oidc-client retrieves the authenticated user and adds it to a generic security domain with the 'virtual' realm:
2022-05-01 06:46:10,652 TRACE [org.wildfly.security] (default task-4) Handling SecurityIdentityCallback: identity = SecurityIdentity{principal=testuser, securityDomain=org.wildfly.security.auth.server.SecurityDomain#3e51905b, authorizationIdentity=EMPTY, realmInfo=RealmInfo{name='virtual', securityRealm=org.wildfly.security.http.oidc.OidcSecurityRealm#796ef014}, creationTime=2022-05-01T04:46:10.651489Z}
The secure deployment look like this in stanalone-full.xml:
<subsystem xmlns="urn:wildfly:elytron-oidc-client:1.0">
<realm name="MyRealm">
<secure-deployment name="farm-application-fleet-jsweb.war">
When a REST service deployed in the WAR tries to connect to a EJB deployed in a different EAR then the user become "anonymous" and access is not allowed.
Here are some of my Wildfly log that shows the authenticated user become anonymous when I am calling the EJB method getAllMvaCodes declared like this:
#RolesAllowed({ "user","appuser" })
public GeneralResponse getAllMvaCodes () {....}
Instead of an correct result because my authenticated user has the correct roles, I get "is not allowed":
2022-05-01 06:46:10,651 TRACE [org.wildfly.security] (default task-4) Role mapping: principal [testuser] -> decoded roles [appuser, workshop, car_booking, plowing, superadmin, triplog, admin, transport, user] -> domain decoded roles [] -> realm mapped roles [appuser, workshop, car_booking, plowing, superadmin, triplog, admin, transport, user] -> domain mapped roles [appuser, workshop, car_booking, plowing, superadmin, triplog, admin, transport, user]
2022-05-01 06:46:10,651 TRACE [org.xnio.nio.selector] (default I/O-19) Selected key channel=java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connected local=/ remote=/], selector=sun.nio.ch.KQueueSelectorImpl#db86f05, interestOps=1, readyOps=1 for java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connected local=/ remote=/]
2022-05-01 06:46:10,651 TRACE [org.wildfly.security] (default task-4) Authorizing principal testuser.
2022-05-01 06:46:10,651 TRACE [org.xnio.nio.selector] (default I/O-19) Calling handleReady key 1 for java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connected local=/ remote=/]
2022-05-01 06:46:10,651 TRACE [org.wildfly.security] (default task-4) Authorizing against the following attributes: [Roles] => [appuser, workshop, car_booking, plowing, superadmin, triplog, admin, transport, user]
2022-05-01 06:46:10,651 TRACE [org.xnio.listener] (default I/O-19) Invoking listener io.undertow.server.protocol.framed.AbstractFramedChannel$FrameReadListener#6a65085c on channel org.xnio.conduits.ConduitStreamSourceChannel#734aed38
2022-05-01 06:46:10,651 TRACE [org.wildfly.security] (default task-4) Authorizing against the following runtime attributes: [] => []
2022-05-01 06:46:10,651 TRACE [io.undertow.request.io] (default I/O-19) Invoking receive listener: io.undertow.server.protocol.http2.Http2ReceiveListener#226d75b6 - receiver: null
2022-05-01 06:46:10,651 TRACE [org.wildfly.security] (default task-4) Permission mapping: identity [testuser] with roles [appuser, workshop, car_booking, plowing, superadmin, triplog, admin, transport, user] implies ("org.wildfly.security.auth.permission.LoginPermission" "") = true
2022-05-01 06:46:10,651 TRACE [org.wildfly.security] (default task-4) Authorization succeed
2022-05-01 06:46:10,651 TRACE [org.xnio.listener] (default I/O-19) Invoking listener io.undertow.server.protocol.http2.Http2ReceiveListener#226d75b6 on channel Http2Channel peer / local /[ No Receiver [] -- [] -- []
2022-05-01 06:46:10,651 ERROR [org.jboss.as.ejb3.invocation] (default task-6) WFLYEJB0034: Jakarta Enterprise Beans Invocation failed on component InvoiceBean for method public abstract no.farm.service.fleet.dto.GeneralResponse no.farm.service.fleet.ejb.InvoiceRemote.getAllMvaCodes(): javax.ejb.EJBAccessException: WFLYEJB0364: Invocation on method: public abstract no.farm.service.fleet.dto.GeneralResponse no.farm.service.fleet.ejb.InvoiceRemote.getAllMvaCodes() of bean: InvoiceBean is not allowed
Is there a way that I can configure Wildfly to propagate the user correctly from the WEB to the EJB?

The elytron-oidc-client subsystem makes use of a virtual security domain. Currently, this virtual security domain can't be referenced from other deployments.
However, the identity would get propagated to EJBs within the same deployment.


Classes inside persistence.xml will be ignored

I have here a wildfly 24.0.1 (on OpenJDK 11) and a ear with following structure:
|- MyPrj_EJB.jar
`- MyPrj_Web.war
My persistence.xml is placed in MyPrj.ear/MyPrj_EJB.jar/META-INF/persistence.xml. I'm sure the persistence.xml isn't anywhere else.
The persistence.xml has following contents:
<persistence xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="1.0" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_1_0.xsd">
<persistence-unit name="myPrj">
<property name="eclipselink.query-results-cache" value="true"/>
<property name="eclipselink.cache.shared.default" value="true"/>
<property name="eclipselink.target-server" value="JBoss"/>
<property name="eclipselink.weaving" value="false"/>
<property name="jboss.as.jpa.providerModule" value="org.eclipse.persistence"/>
<!-- property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINE" / -->
I'm sure that the persistence.xml can be readed, because if I put an invalid character into the persistence-unit name (like an "/": <persistence-unit name="/myPrj">) I get the following error while deploying the application:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: WFLYJPA0043: Persistence unit name (/myPrj) contains illegal '/' character
So I'm assuming that my persistence.xml is put in the right place and can be read successfully.
But its seems that my <class>-definition will be ignored. Every time if I deploy the ear, I get in the wildfly log file:
2022-07-04 18:51:15,694 INFO [org.jboss.as.jpa] (MSC service thread 1-4) WFLYJPA0002: Read persistence.xml for myPrj
2022-07-04 18:52:48,400 INFO [org.jboss.as.jpa] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 141) WFLYJPA0003: Starting Persistence Unit Service 'MyPrj.ear/MyPrj_EJB.jar#myPrj'
2022-07-04 18:53:16,182 WARN [org.eclipse.persistence] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 184) session_manager_no_partition
If I start the application (open the web site) I get:
2022-07-04 18:57:45,366 INFO [org.eclipse.persistence] (default task-1) EclipseLink, version: Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.6.0.v20150309-bf26070
2022-07-04 18:57:45,444 INFO [org.eclipse.persistence.connection] (default task-1)
user name=> ""
connector=>JNDIConnector datasource name=>null
2022-07-04 18:57:45,444 INFO [org.eclipse.persistence.connection] (default task-1)
Connected: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/myDB
User: myUser
Database: PostgreSQL Version: 9.2.24
Driver: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver Version: 42.2.23
2022-07-04 18:57:45,444 INFO [org.eclipse.persistence.connection] (default task-1)
user name=> ""
connector=>JNDIConnector datasource name=>null
2022-07-04 18:57:45,444 INFO [org.eclipse.persistence.connection] (default task-1)
Connected: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/myDB
User: myUser
Database: PostgreSQL Version: 9.2.24
Driver: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver Version: 42.2.23
2022-07-04 18:57:45,446 INFO [org.eclipse.persistence.connection] (default task-1)
/vfs:/content/MyPrj.ear/MyPrj_EJB.jar/_myPrj login successful
2022-07-04 18:57:45,509 WARN [org.eclipse.persistence.metamodel] (default task-1) The
collection of metamodel types is empty. Model classes may not have been found
during entity search for Java SE and some Java EE container managed persistence
units. Please verify that your entity classes are referenced in persistence.xml
using either <class> elements or a global <exclude-unlisted-
classes>false</exclude-unlisted-classes> element
2022-07-04 18:57:45,606 ERROR [org.jboss.as.ejb3.invocation] (default task-1)
WFLYEJB0034: Jakarta Enterprise Beans Invocation failed on component ConfigDAO for
method public my.prj.cfg.Config
javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: An exception occurred while creating
a query in EntityManager:
Exception Description: Problem compiling [SELECT obj FROM Config obj WHERE
[16, 22] The abstract schema type 'Config' is unknown.
[33, 40] The state field path 'obj.key' cannot be resolved to a valid type.
at org.jboss.as.ejb3#24.0.1.Final//org.jboss.as.ejb3.tx.CMTTxInterceptor.invokeInCallerTx(CMTTxInterceptor.java:219)
Take also note of the warning 2022-07-04 18:57:45,509 WARN org.eclipse.persistence.metamodel] (default task-1) The collection of metamodel types is empty. Model classes may not have been found during entity search for Java SE and some Java EE container managed persistence units. Please verify that your entity classes are referenced in persistence.xml using either <class> elements or a global <exclude-unlisted- classes>false</exclude-unlisted-classes> element.
Also to use <exclude-unlisted-classes>false</exclude-unlisted-classes> instead of the <class>-definition makes no difference.
Here the #Resource annotation of the EntityManager:
private EntityManager em = null;
And the annotation of the Config entity:
#Table(name = "Cfg")
public class Config implements Serializable {
private String key = null;
On the same wildfly I have another EAR running (in a separate standalone instance) which also have JPA access to a database (also eclipselink via persistence.xml) which works without any problems.
What can be wrong here?
Found it! After upgrading eclipselink to V2.7.10 (store eclipselink.jar into .../wildfly-24.0.1.Final/modules/system/layers/base/org/eclipse/persistence/main/) I can deploy and start the application. Not sure which version of eclipselink was used before that (the jar file name don't contains the version information ...)
Switching to eclipselink 3.0.2 don't works because of this problem: Wildfly 21 with eclipselink 3.0 getting error as Persistence Provider not found

missing mechanism database entry "TLS_RSA_FIPS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA"

While updating some encryption methods in standalone.xml i am getting missing mechanism database entry 13:45:23,793 WARN [org.wildfly.security] (MSC service thread 1-8) ELY01077: Invalid alias "TLS_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA" for missing mechanism database entry "TLS_RSA_FIPS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA"

java.lang.Exception: Insufficient roles/credentials for operation

I'm using ActiveMQ Artemis 2.16.0 and the management console is based on Hawtio. I've successfully integrated it with Keycloak (OpenID Connect) using this instructions.
Now I've upgraded to ActiveMQ Artemis 2.17.0 and it stop working. Hawtio version seems the same:
[io.hawt.jmx.JmxTreeWatcher] Welcome to Hawtio 2.11.0
Since ActiveMQ Artemis is quite easy to upgrade I can easily switch from one version to another. I did it and the logs seems to output the same:
[org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221001: Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Message Broker version 2.17.0 [node1.some.domain, nodeID=bcf5b788-c0fd-11ea-9c54-0050568bf82b]
[org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ221053: Disallowing use of vulnerable protocol 'SSLv2Hello' on acceptor 'artemis'. See http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/security/poodlecve-2014-3566-2339408.html for more details.
[io.hawt.web.plugin.HawtioPlugin] Registering plugin hawtio:type=plugin,name=activemq-branding
[org.apache.activemq.hawtio.branding.PluginContextListener] Initialized activemq-branding plugin
[io.hawt.web.plugin.HawtioPlugin] Registering plugin hawtio:type=plugin,name=artemis-plugin
[org.apache.activemq.hawtio.plugin.PluginContextListener] Initialized artemis-plugin plugin
[io.hawt.HawtioContextListener] Initialising hawtio services
[io.hawt.system.ConfigManager] Failed to look up environment context: null
[io.hawt.system.ConfigManager] Configuration will be discovered via system properties
[io.hawt.jmx.JmxTreeWatcher] Welcome to Hawtio 2.11.0
[io.hawt.system.ConfigManager] Property realm is set to value hawtio
[io.hawt.system.ConfigManager] Property role is set to value null
[io.hawt.system.ConfigManager] Property roles is set to value amq,artemis_admin,artemis_manager,artemis_viewer
[io.hawt.system.ConfigManager] Property rolePrincipalClasses is set to value org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.RolePrincipal
[io.hawt.system.ConfigManager] Property authenticationEnabled is set to value true
[io.hawt.system.ConfigManager] Property noCredentials401 is set to value false
[io.hawt.system.ConfigManager] Property keycloakEnabled is set to value true
[io.hawt.system.ConfigManager] Property authenticationContainerDiscoveryClasses is set to value io.hawt.web.tomcat.TomcatAuthenticationContainerDiscovery
[io.hawt.web.tomcat.TomcatAuthenticationContainerDiscovery] Realm explicit configured hawtio. Apache Tomcat userdata authentication integration not in use.
[io.hawt.web.auth.AuthenticationConfiguration] Starting hawtio authentication filter, JAAS realm: "hawtio" authorized role(s): "amq,artemis_admin,artemis_manager,artemis_viewer" role principal classes: "org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.RolePrincipal"
[io.hawt.system.ConfigManager] Property keycloakClientConfig is set to value file:/opt/artemis-broker/etc/keycloak-client-hawtio.json
[io.hawt.web.filters.ContentSecurityPolicyFilter] Found Keycloak URL: https://auth.some.domain/auth
[io.hawt.system.ConfigManager] Property http.strictTransportSecurity is set to value null
[io.hawt.web.filters.PublicKeyPinningFilter] HTTP Strict Transport Security is disabled
[io.hawt.system.ConfigManager] Property http.publicKeyPins is set to value null
[io.hawt.web.filters.PublicKeyPinningFilter] Public Key Pinning is disabled
[io.hawt.system.ConfigManager] Property sessionTimeout is set to value 1800
[io.hawt.system.ConfigManager] Property disableProxy is set to value false
[io.hawt.system.ConfigManager] Property proxyAllowlist is set to value localhost,
[io.hawt.system.ConfigManager] Property localAddressProbing is set to value true
[io.hawt.system.ProxyAllowlist] Probing local addresses ...
[io.hawt.system.ProxyAllowlist] Initial proxy allowlist: [localhost,,, node01.some.domain]
[io.hawt.web.servlets.JolokiaConfiguredAgentServlet] Jolokia overridden property: [key=policyLocation, value=file:/opt/artemis-broker/etc/jolokia-access.xml]
[org.apache.activemq.artemis] AMQ241001: HTTP Server started at
[org.apache.activemq.artemis] AMQ241002: Artemis Jolokia REST API available at
[org.apache.activemq.artemis] AMQ241004: Artemis Console available at
[io.hawt.web.auth.SessionExpiryFilter] Accessing [/console/jolokia/], hawtio path is [jolokia]
[io.hawt.web.auth.AuthenticationFilter] Handling request for path /jolokia
[io.hawt.web.auth.AuthenticationFilter] Doing authentication and authorization for path /jolokia
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] doAuthenticate[realm=hawtio, role=amq,artemis_admin,artemis_manager,artemis_viewer, rolePrincipalClasses=org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.RolePrincipal, configuration=null, username=myuser, password=******]
[org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.BearerTokenLoginModule] Declared options: keycloak-config-file=/export/opt/artemis-broker/etc/keycloak-server-bearer.json, role-principal-class=org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.RolePrincipal
[org.keycloak.adapters.authentication.ClientCredentialsProviderUtils] Using provider 'secret' for authentication of client 'artemis'
[org.keycloak.adapters.authentication.ClientCredentialsProviderUtils] Loaded clientCredentialsProvider secret
[org.keycloak.adapters.authentication.ClientCredentialsProviderUtils] Loaded clientCredentialsProvider jwt
[org.keycloak.adapters.authentication.ClientCredentialsProviderUtils] Loaded clientCredentialsProvider secret-jwt
[org.keycloak.adapters.authentication.ClientCredentialsProviderUtils] Loaded clientCredentialsProvider secret
[org.keycloak.adapters.authentication.ClientCredentialsProviderUtils] Loaded clientCredentialsProvider jwt
[org.keycloak.adapters.authentication.ClientCredentialsProviderUtils] Loaded clientCredentialsProvider secret-jwt
[org.keycloak.adapters.KeycloakDeployment] Resolving URLs from https://auth.some.domain/auth/realms/myrealm/.well-known/openid-configuration
[org.keycloak.adapters.KeycloakDeployment] Loaded URLs from https://auth.some.domain/auth/realms/myrealm/.well-known/openid-configuration
[org.keycloak.adapters.rotation.JWKPublicKeyLocator] Realm public keys successfully retrieved for client artemis. New kids: [kkFaKnnudVd5UxaVISthQL6VgTRIKYCUGanBKIiGGZg, kyipLFJfqsg9TxC94XAXy4VahWRbDRD0F_spMHJzhzk]
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] Looking for rolePrincipalClass: org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.RolePrincipal
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] Checking principal, classname: org.keycloak.KeycloakPrincipal toString: 771b46db-5e22-4318-8ef3-0ffd4b10d223
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] principal class org.keycloak.KeycloakPrincipal doesn't match org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.RolePrincipal, continuing
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] Checking principal, classname: org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.RolePrincipal toString: amq
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] Matched role and role principal class
[io.hawt.web.auth.SessionExpiryFilter] Accessing [/console/jolokia/], hawtio path is [jolokia]
[io.hawt.web.auth.AuthenticationFilter] Handling request for path /jolokia
[io.hawt.web.auth.AuthenticationFilter] Doing authentication and authorization for path /jolokia
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] doAuthenticate[realm=hawtio, role=amq,artemis_admin,artemis_manager,artemis_viewer, rolePrincipalClasses=org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.RolePrincipal, configuration=null, username=myuser, password=******]
[org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.BearerTokenLoginModule] Declared options: keycloak-config-file=/export/opt/artemis-broker/etc/keycloak-server-bearer.json, role-principal-class=org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.RolePrincipal
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] Looking for rolePrincipalClass: org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.RolePrincipal
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] Checking principal, classname: org.keycloak.KeycloakPrincipal toString: 771b46db-5e22-4318-8ef3-0ffd4b10d223
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] principal class org.keycloak.KeycloakPrincipal doesn't match org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.RolePrincipal, continuing
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] Checking principal, classname: org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.RolePrincipal toString: amq
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] Matched role and role principal class
[io.hawt.web.auth.SessionExpiryFilter] Accessing [/console/jolokia/], hawtio path is [jolokia]
[io.hawt.web.auth.AuthenticationFilter] Handling request for path /jolokia
[io.hawt.web.auth.AuthenticationFilter] Doing authentication and authorization for path /jolokia
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] doAuthenticate[realm=hawtio, role=amq,artemis_admin,artemis_manager,artemis_viewer, rolePrincipalClasses=org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.RolePrincipal, configuration=null, username=myuser, password=******]
[org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.BearerTokenLoginModule] Declared options: keycloak-config-file=/export/opt/artemis-broker/etc/keycloak-server-bearer.json, role-principal-class=org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.RolePrincipal
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] Looking for rolePrincipalClass: org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.RolePrincipal
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] Checking principal, classname: org.keycloak.KeycloakPrincipal toString: 771b46db-5e22-4318-8ef3-0ffd4b10d223
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] principal class org.keycloak.KeycloakPrincipal doesn't match org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.RolePrincipal, continuing
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] Checking principal, classname: org.keycloak.adapters.jaas.RolePrincipal toString: amq
[io.hawt.system.Authenticator] Matched role and role principal class
and I'm using these parameters:
-Dhawtio.offline=true -Dhawtio.realm=hawtio
-Dhawtio.keycloakEnabled=true -Dhawtio.roles=amq,artemis_admin,artemis_manager,artemis_viewer
and the management.xml is:
<match domain="org.apache.activemq.artemis">
<access method="list*" roles="amq,artemis_admin"/>
<access method="get*" roles="amq,artemis_admin"/>
<access method="is*" roles="amq,artemis_admin"/>
<access method="set*" roles="amq,artemis_admin"/>
<access method="*" roles="amq,artemis_admin"/>
But seems the role that comes from OpenID Connect doesn't match it.
Any ideas? If you need more config details I can add here.
Since ActiveMQ Artemis 2.18 the integration with third-party login modules has improved, see ARTEMIS-3168.
A good example is available at https://github.com/apache/activemq-artemis/tree/2.20.0/examples/features/standard/security-keycloak

How to get cluster nodes information on Wildfly 21?

I am trying to get the cluster information (esp nodes list) with the below Application code.
MBeanServer server = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
String clusterMembers = (String) (server.getAttribute(new ObjectName("jboss.infinispan:type=CacheManager,name=\"ejb\",component=CacheManager"), "clusterMembers"));
Object obj = server.getAttribute(ObjectName.getInstance("jgroups:type=channel,cluster=\"web\""), "View");
Both are throwing InstanceNotFoundExceptions.
javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: jgroups:type=channel,cluster="web"
2021-02-08 15:39:59,046 ERROR [stderr:71] (default task-1) javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: jgroups:type=channel,cluster="web"
2021-02-08 15:39:59,047 ERROR [stderr:71] (default task-1) at org.jboss.as.jmx.PluggableMBeanServerImpl.findDelegate(PluggableMBeanServerImpl.java:1113)
2021-02-08 15:39:59,047 ERROR [stderr:71] (default task-1) at org.jboss.as.jmx.PluggableMBeanServerImpl.getAttribute(PluggableMBeanServerImpl.java:389)
There are a number of ways to do this. Programmatically, perhaps the simplest way is to use WildFly's clustering API. For details, see: https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly/blob/master/docs/src/main/asciidoc/_high-availability/Clustering_API.adoc#group-membership
Alternatively, you can also use WildFly's CLI to obtain cluster information.
[standalone#embedded /] /subsystem=jgroups/channel=ee:read-attribute(name=view)
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => "[localhost|0] (1) [localhost]"
Alternatively, you can obtain cluster information using Infinispan or JGroups APIs directly.
#Resource(lookup = "java:jboss/infinispan/cache-container/web")
private EmbeddedCacheManager manager;
#Resource(lookup = "java:jboss/jgroups/channel/default")
private JChannel channel;
public void foo() {
Lastly, if you prefer to go the JMX route, ensure that your WildFly configuration defines a JMX subsystem, otherwise no mbeans will be registered.
Infinispan mbeans are registered using the domain: "org.wildfly.clustering.infinispan". Make sure you are using 22.0.1.Final which includes a fix for https://issues.redhat.com/browse/WFLY-14286
Your jgroups jmx code name is almost correct - using the default configuration, each Infinispan cache manager uses a distinct ForkChannel based on a common JChannel, named "ee".

How can I implement Picketlink Authenticator in the war layer

As the title say, I created a class in the war layer that is annotated with #Picketlink. Note that I have an ear deployment structure (ejb, war).
The custom authenticator:
public class PicketlinkAuthenticator extends BaseAuthenticator { }
If I put that class in the ejb layer, the authentication is ok but when I put it to the war layer it seems like it's not found by the project as it's throwing:
20:49:46,027 INFO [org.picketlink.common] (default task-10) Using logger implementation: org.picketlink.common.DefaultPicketLinkLogger
20:49:46,043 INFO [org.picketlink.idm] (default task-10) PLIDM001000: Bootstrapping PicketLink Identity Manager
20:49:46,068 WARN [org.picketlink.idm] (default task-10) PLIDM001101: Working directory [\tmp\pl-idm] is marked to be always created. All your existing data will be lost.
20:49:46,111 INFO [org.picketlink.idm] (default task-10) PLIDM001100: Using working directory [\tmp\pl-idm].
20:49:46,127 DEBUG [org.picketlink.idm] (default task-10) No partitions to load from \tmp\pl-idm\pl-idm-partitions.db
20:49:46,152 DEBUG [org.picketlink.idm] (default task-10) Initializing Partition [6a373282-0173-4b7d-bd6a-ff0e5dc43436] with id [6a373282-0173-4b7d-bd6a-ff0e5dc43436].
20:49:46,153 DEBUG [org.picketlink.idm] (default task-10) Loaded Agents for Partition [6a373282-0173-4b7d-bd6a-ff0e5dc43436].
20:49:46,154 DEBUG [org.picketlink.idm] (default task-10) Loaded Credentials for Partition [6a373282-0173-4b7d-bd6a-ff0e5dc43436].
Why not just move the authenticator to the ejb side?
->Because I'm throwing custom error like user expired, etc. I need jsf to post these error messages.
Why not move the picketlink dependency in the web layer?
->Because my account that extended the picketlink account is binded to my services.
As suggested here I already added the picketlink module in the war project:
<module name="org.picketlink" />
Anyway around this? I just want to show some custom errors :-(
I was not able to solve this problem but I have a work-around solution and that is to move the picketlink module to the web layer and just pass the identity instance to the services that need it.
I have been missing around with the same problem as well for a while now (it's 2016 now ...). What seems to make it work is to add the following CDI annotations:
public class PicketlinkAuthenticator extends BaseAuthenticator { }
I would have expected the core Authentication Manager to pick this up just based on the #PicketLink Annotation, but without the CDI Annotations, the custom Authenticator class is never even loaded. Maybe there is an other way that will require us to bootstrap PicketLink - but I could not find any references.