Can I get full address with OSRM Backend - osrm

I want to find one what can inteads of google api with cheap cost so that I can get city , postal code, lat long, neighborhood from address string.
I researhed and found osrm backend.
I built it in my local.
But It not support to get full address.
Can I get full address with OSRM Backend?


Can I use the place ID to get just the geolocation? - minimise cost in google maps platform

I want to use markers in a map for a start point and endpoint. By searching I found that the way to do that is to use autocomplete, get some suggestions, and based on the place ID of the selected suggestion to return the longitude and latitude of the place by calling the places details API by ID. So I would like to know if there is any better way to avoid using the places details API which is one of the most expensive Places details table cost. Is there any way to get the just geolocation of a place based on the place ID?
You can use the Geocoding API (or the Geocoding Service in the Maps JavaScript API) to fetch a place from its Place ID, simply use the place_id parameter in the web service, or include (only) the placeId field in the JavaScript request. While the Geocoding API returns only a subset of the fields provided by Place Details, it should lower the cost by about 70%.
However, when using this approach there will be an additional cost for Place Autocomplete billed by request, because the Geocoding API does not support the session token that enables billing per session.

For Uber Development API, Is it possible to pass source and destination address as parameters to get cost estimation response

For Uber ride requests, it requires start location(start Geo Location), end location(end Geo Location) and fair Id.
As from user perspective, i can pass source and destination address.
Is it possible to pass start and end location as address which is given by the user or needs to manually convert the address as geo location using any google api's.
the third parameter fair Id, where should i find the fair id?
I have read the document, for start location and end location, geo locations are mandatory and start and end address are optional.
Kindly assist to solve the issue.
For version v1.2, you must pass the latitude and longitude of the place. The best solution is to use another api to get the latitude/longitude of a place then send the lat/longitude to thje uber api. There are a few free lat/longitude apis out there, such as google location api.
Answering this for others who may look for this in the future, since I had same question a few weeks ago.

bing map soap service geocode by only postal code

I am using Bing Soap services and looking to Geocode using only postal code. When I run below URL in browser it gives coordinates of CA, USA.
00951 is postal code of Puerto Rico.
Any help?
Just for clarity, the search you are referencing is the Bing Maps REST service, not the SOAP services. The SOAP services are a very old legacy service which is nearing end of life. The REST services are the primary service used in Bing Maps.
As for your issue, zip codes are currently not supported for Puerto Rico. The reason you are getting a result for California is that the "951" is a telephone area code in California which is the closest match in the system.

Bing maps javascript api license

i have an online ordering website. The users can enter their address in the site.
The address needs to be geocoded and the nearest stores are to be displayed to the user. Basically i need to get the lat and lng of the address entered by user.
Can i use bing maps javascript api for this purpose?
Does this have any licensing issue? I am thinking of a geocoding api which is free.
Any help would be appreciated.
Yes, you can use Bing Maps for this. Since this is a public facing website, this would be licensed using a transactional licensing option. Bing Maps does offer free usage of the service for these types of apps as well. I recommend generating a Bing Maps key to use with the service through Azure: This will allow you to move to a paid license if needed very easily and in much smaller increments and prices than what you will normally come across.

Get street address at lat/long pair

I've seen that it's possible to get the latitude and longitude (geocoding, like in Google Maps API) from a street address, but is it possible to do the reverse and get the street address when you know what the lat/long already is?
The application would be an iPhone app (and why the app already knows lat/long), so anything from a web service to an iPhone API would work.
Google again
Google now supports reverse geocoding in both JavaScript API and webservice over HTTP. Request looks like this:,LON&key=API_KEY
Note, you must change LAT to latitude, LON to longitude and API_KEY to be you Google Maps API key. Service return results on on countries which geocoding marked as YES in following spreadsheet:
More info should be found soon from official documentation:
This is called "reverse geocoding", and there do exist web services that will provide this functionality.
I'd urge being wary of the quality, scaling, and reliability of free services, but here's a place to start:
iPhone OS 3.0 now has the MKReverseGeocoder class for precisely this purpose.
You can also use LINK REMOVED library for that purpose. MKReverseGeocoder is nice but it requires you to use it with a Google map. From MKReverseGeocoder reference documentation:
The Google terms of service require that the reverse geocoding service be used in conjunction with a Google map; take this into account when designing your application’s user interface.
SSLocationManager might be an alternative in the case your application does not use a Google Map but just needs to access detailed information about the current location having only latitude and longitude data at hand. It uses Yahoo! PlaceFinder API. Hope this helps.