Opening VSCode project from terminal displays blank folder structure - visual-studio-code

I'm using ZSH and installed the code command in path for VSCode, I have also made the settings to inherit the env in the integrated terminal. However, when I type in code . from my terminal it launches an empty VSCode folder structure, despite having a bunch of files and folders in it.
What am I missing?


Start the wsl terminal to the same path as of VSCode project folder

I work on various projects located in different directories. So I can't be specific to CWD settings in
VSCode using
"terminal.integrated.cwd": ""
Whenever I open a folder in VSCode with remote-wsl I want my terminal to be also open at the same location as of folder. I have trouble figuring it how to achieve this actually or have I missed something in VSCode settings.

Pressing F5 is not working in VS code to open new window for debugging my custom theme

I have created a new custom theme using the Yoeman theme generated and now when I pressed on F5 to open a new Host Extension window of the custom theme it is actually showing me to select environment?
I have managed to open a new Extension development window by the following step which is not the ideal way to do it but helped me to run it.
I have selected the chrome (preview) option which will create a .vscode folder in your workspace and will have one file launch.json.
In your project directory, you will also have a .vscode folder and launch.json file inside it. So, I have copied the content of launch.json and pasted it in the workspace launch.json file.
I don't know the reason how it is get solved with that but happily, I managed to open the new Extension Development Host window.
The reason for not showing up the Extension Development Host window by pressing F5 in the first place is because my VS code workspace is not inside the project directory. The project directory contains the setup for launching the Extension Development Host window in launch.json. So, If I want to suggest then I would say that VS code workspace needs to be inside the project folder directory.
You must open the project root directory not the directory that wraps project root.
In my case, test1 was the root directory.

VSCode hides folder contents when certain files are opened

I have an angular project open in VSCode, but whenever I activate certain file tabs it hides every file & folder inside my src/ directory!
Here's a screen recording of what happens:
No other folders are affected, and nothing is actually chnaged in the src/ folder. I can seect a *.ts file, close VSCode, and then re-open it with that *.ts file active and the folder contents shows again until I activate a tab that does this again.
This is extremely annoying and I've never seen this happen before. let me know if you need any other information to help diagnose this issue.
Edit: My installed extensions are as follows:
Angular Language Service 0.1.11
AutoHotkey 0.2.2
C# 1.18.0
Code Spell Checker v1.6.10
Hosts Language v1.1.1
npm v0.3.5
npm Intellisense v1.3.0
Prettify JSON v0.0.3
stylelint v0.48.0
TSLint v1.0.0

visual studio code working directory for subfolders

I opened a project directory using ^K^O
inside the project directory is a subdirectory (named 'code') with my python source files.
When I run the files using VS Code's debug session or Code-Runner the current working returned by python's os.getcwd() directory is the top-level project directory and not the actual directory of the code file.
Naturally, when running the code from the command line I get a different behavior.
How can I change the working directory of all the files in this project?
Can this be changed globally, so that the default behavior is that files are debugged from their actual directory?

Use PowerShell as the WebStorm terminal and open in current project folder

I am using WebStorm 2016.1 and have configured PowerShell as the terminal by using powershell.exe as the shell path in WebStorm's terminal settings:
When I open the terminal it does not open in the current project folder, but in my home folder.
How do I make it open in the current project folder?
Works fine for me. Do you have any PowerShell $PROFILE files? if yes, check if 'Set-Location' is specified there. See also