salesforce lightening Page- Disable Aura popup component - salesforce-lightning

I added one aura component to Opportunity lightening page. when doInit method start then That aura component will display popup component. I added some visibility filter conditions to that aura component so when conditions are met then component will display.
if i open opportunity record page in edit page mode then aura popup component is displaying.
Question : what is the best way to disable popup in page edit mode only.
<aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,force:lightningQuickAction"
<aura:attribute name="isOpen" type="boolean" default="false" />
<aura:attribute name="areThereCPReqs" type="boolean" default="false" />
<aura:attribute name="disablebutton" type="boolean" default="false" />
<aura:attribute name="toggleSpinner" type="boolean" default="false"/>
<!--aura:attribute name="test" type="string" default="nothing"/-->
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}"/>
<!--h1>info-{!v.test} </h1-->
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.isOpen}" >
<div style="height:640px">
<section role="dialog" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="modal-heading-01" aria-modal="true" aria-describedby="modal-content-id-1" class="slds-modal slds-fade-in-open">
<div class="slds-modal__container">
<div class="slds-modal__content slds-p-around_medium" style="width:80%" id="modal-content-id-1">
<span class="slds-m-left_xx-large"><b>Are there customer product requirements? </b></span>
<lightning:button label="Yes" class="slds-button slds-button_brand slds-m-left_medium" onclick="{!c.handleYesORNoAction}" name="YES" disabled="{!v.disablebutton}"/>
<lightning:button label="No" class="slds-button slds-button_brand slds-m-left_small" onclick="{!c.handleYesORNoAction}" name="NO" disabled="{!v.disablebutton}"/>
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.toggleSpinner}">
<div class="slds-spinner slds-spinner_xx-small " role="alert" style="position:absolute;top:50%;left:5%;" aura:id="toggleSpinner" >
<lightning:spinner alternativeText="Loading" size="small" />
<div class="slds-backdrop slds-backdrop_open"></div>
**controller.js **
doInit: function(component, event, helper) {
component.set("v.isOpen", true);
handleYesORNoAction: function(component, event, helper) {
component.set("v.toggleSpinner", true);


How to display One2many field's view in my custom view?

My ticket has many comments and I created a view for my comment and make a One2Many field in ticket model. But it is not displaying my desired view. Here is my model
class Ticket(model.Model):
_name = 'Tickets'
comment_ids = fields.One2many('comments', 'comment_id')
Here my second model
class Comments(models.Model):
_name = 'comments'
comment = fields.Text(string="Comment")
comment_id = fields.Char(string='Comment Id')
Here is my Ticket's View:
<page name="body" string="Body">
<field name="comment_ids" />
Here is my Comment's Form View:
<div class="form-group">
<label name="comment">Comment:</label>
<textarea class="form-control" rows="5" />
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
Here is my Comment's Tree View:
<field name = 'comment_id'/>
<field name = 'comment'/>
If your comment model have more than one tree view or form view, if you don't specify
witch view you want to display Odoo will compute the one with the highest priority:
so just specify the id of the tree view in your one2many field
<field name="comment_ids" context="{'tree_view_ref': 'your_app.tree_view_xml_id', 'form_view_ref': 'your_app.form_view_xml_id'}"/>
Or you can use embedded view:
<field name="comment_ids">
<field name = 'comment_id'/>
<field name = 'comment'/>
<div class="form-group">
<label name="comment">Comment:</label>
<textarea class="form-control" rows="5" />
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
Note: if you have only this two views this means that Odoo didn't load this views so check if the XML file is in the manifest file and make sure you upgrade your module.

ZK framework getting value of a component on zul page

I am trying to get the value of a textbox on a zul page by using some kind of getValue method. I should handle this on the zul page, not on a controller. I need to assign a listbox cell (which is the first cell of the list box below) with a value coming from the textbox.
<label value="" />
<toolbarbutton visible="true"
image="/resources/images/icons/1616/page_text.gif" />
<label value="#{}" />
<toolbarbutton forward="onClick=onRemoveMultipleFiles"
visible="true" id="newFileAndCommentRemove" image="/resources/images/icons/1616/delete.png" />
If what you want is that after the textbox is filled then the first cell will fill with its value you can do it like this:
put an id into the label in the cell
put an onChange operation in the textbox so when the textbox change you can put its value into the cell
like this:
<textbox id="textbox" onChange="label.setValue(self.getValue())"/>
<listbox id="newFileAndComment">
<listheader label="1" width="30px" />
<listitem self="#{each=file}">
<label id="label"/>

Orbeon + jsf -> submit in selectonemenu

I have a problem with xforms, how refresh only rich:panel when I choose value from h:selectOneMenu :
<!--<h:form> call bean but--> <form><!--open start page-->
<h:selectOneMenu id="add" onchange="submit()" <!-- can't find context , error orbeon/java--> >
<!-- is not working <a4j:support event="onchange" actionListener="#{bean.action}"/> -->
<s:selectItems value="#{bean.List()}" var="message" itemValue="#{message}" label="#{message}" />
more Code JSF :
<rich:panel styleClass="DocumentBody" id="documentPanel"
name="panell" style="margin-top:10px; height:90px;">
<f:facet styleClass="documentHeader" name="header"></f:facet>
<div id="documentTest" class="actionButtons">
<div style="clear: both; height: 15px; width: 60px" />
<s:button id="addButton" value="#{messages['']}"
action="#{actionBean.generateNewName()}" reRender="confirm"
onclick="#{actionBean.generateNewName()};#{rich:component('confirm')}.show();return false;">
<s:button id="loadButton" value="#{messages['operation.load.button']}"
action="#{actionBean.loadDraft()}" reRender="documentTests,documentPanel,loadButton" />
<s:button id="deleteButton" value="#{messages['operation.delete.button']}"
action="#{actionBean.deleteDraft()}" reRender="documentTests,documentPanel,deleteButton" />
<h:form style="margin: 0;">
<h:selectOneMenu id="messageTypeAdd"
style="margin-right:5px; margin-top:-30px;margin-left:90px;"
enableManualInput="false" selectFirstOnUpdate="true"
directInputSuggestions="true" onchange="submit()">
<!-- submit() rerender all page, but i try refresh only modalPanel id="confirm" -->
<s:selectItems value="#{actionBean.getdocumentTestList()}"
var="message" itemValue="#{message}" label="#{message}" />
<!--a4j and f:ajax is not work, i try update JSF 1.2 to 2.0 -->
<rich:modalPanel id="confirm" autosized="true" width="300">
<f:facet name="header"></f:facet>
<rich:messages style="color:red;" globalOnly="true" />
<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">
<h:panelGrid columns="2">
<h:outputText value="#{messages['']}" />
<h:inputText id="newDraftNameInput" value="#{actionBean.newDraftName}"

How to change grid default status in a ZK theme?

I have a page built with ZK. In this page there is a button that start a search. If there are some data them appear in a grid view.
Every data are built in this way:
v Date1 (dd/mm/yyyy)
- item
- item
- item
v Date2 (dd/mm/yyyy)
- item
- item
Lecter V means an arrow but I can't post an image so I use a "v" that have similar image to undestand.
It works correctely but there is a problem.
I would have this situation:
Date1 (dd/mm/yyyy)
Date2 (dd/mm/yyyy)
When I click on a date I want that the arrow became "v" and all data appear.
If in the first case I click on date it became close.
How to change the default view of grid items?
This is my code
<grid id="demoGrid" width="50%" height="400px" style ="float:left"
model="#bind(vm.value)" emptyMessage="No data">
<columns menupopup="auto">
<column sort="auto(Hour)" label="Hour" width="150px"/>
<column sort="auto(Value)" label="Value(bpm)" hflex="1" />
<!-- template for group -->
<template name="model:group">
<group label="#load(each)" />
<!-- template for each element in model -->
<template name="model" >
<label value="#load(each.hour)" />
<label value="#load(each.value)" />
<!-- template for footer -->
<template name="model:groupfoot">
<cell colspan="5" style="text-align: right; padding-right: 15px">
<label value="#load(each)" style="font-weight:bold;" />
I try to use tag details in this subcode:
<template name="model">
<details open="false">
<label value="#load(each.hour)" />
<label value="#load(each.value)" />
Try the details like this :
<template name="model">
<detail open="false">
<label value="#load(each.hour)" />
<label value="#load(each.value)" />
<label value="second column"/>
Explication :
Detail can have only 1 root element so that's why we set the the hlayout.
Of course you can change this to div or whatever you want.
The row tag has to be outside the detail tag.
The detail take a column so for this example you need to provide 2 columns.
Edit :
I created a fiddle.

how to populate a drop down(<s:select) in struts2 from json response

i am unable to populate my Struts2 select drop down in my jsp page.
Note: My jsp page loads through json response.
I have a select box inside a form. But i don't t know how to populate it when my jsp page loads.
And in the same page i have a select dropdown in my Struts2 jquery grid,which i am able to populage but i don't know how to populate a drop down for my form which are out side of the grid.
Please help me regarding this issue.
my jsp page
<s:url id="selecturl" action="selectaction"/>
<s:url id="bookediturl" action="bookeditt"/>
<s:url id="bookremoteurl" action="booksetups"/>
caption="List of Cover Details"
filterOptions="{stringResult :false,searchOnEnter : false,enableClear : true,gridModel : true}"
width= "1550"
<sjg:gridColumn name="id" index="locationId" title="ID" formatter="integer" sortable="false" key="true"
search="false" editable="true" hidden="true" />
<sjg:gridColumn name="authLastname" index="authLastname" title="AuthorLastname" sortable="true" search="true" editrules="{required: true}"
editable="true" edittype="text" />
<sjg:gridColumn name="subjectId" title="Subject Name" editable="true" sortable="false" align="center" search="false" searchtype="select"
searchoptions="{dataUrl:'%{selecturl}'}" edittype="select" editoptions="{dataUrl:'%{selecturl}'}" />
<div id="myDivBox" style="display:none; width :300px;position: relative;top: -30px;left: 299px;button:0px;">
<s:form action="searchkeywordss" id="form2" theme="simple" cssClass="yform">
<sj:textfield placeholder="Enter keyword to search" cssClass="txtbox" size="42" maxLength="255" name="keywordsearch"/>
<sj:select href="%{selecturl}" name="countryselect" list="%{lstsub}" listKey="id" listValue="subjectName" theme="jquery" cssStyle="margin-top:4px;"/>
<sj:a button="true" id="btnid" cssStyle="position: relative;top: 0px;left: 09px;" onClickTopics="reloadMyGrid">Find</sj:a>
<action name="booksetups" class="v.esoft.actions.bookdetails.BookdetailsAction" >
<result name="success" type="json"/>
<result name="login" type="redirect"> /index.jsp </result>
<action name="selectaction" class="v.esoft.actions.bookdetails.SelectAction">
<result name="success">/select.jsp</result>
You should only use the sj:select like below
<sj:select href="%{selecturl}" name="countryselect" list="subjectList" listKey="id" listValue="subjectName" theme="jquery" cssStyle="margin-top:4px;"/>
where selecturl returns a json response, subjectList is name of list in the json reponse which contains the options
Your selectaction should have a json response, but what you have now is an action returning a jsp so it would not work. If you cannot change it, you should create another action which returns json.