flutterfire configure not working even after installing via npm, and relogging - flutter

I keep getting this error no matter what I attempt to do,
I've already tried using "npm install -g firebase-tools",
and "firebase projects:list" displays a correct list of my current projects.
Looking for help as I have sunk countless hours into this problem without being able to move a step forward.
FirebaseCommandException: An error occured on the
Firebase CLI when attempting to run a command.
COMMAND: firebase --version
ERROR: The FlutterFire CLI currently requires the official Firebase CLI to also be installed, see https://firebase.google.com/docs/cli#install_the_firebase_cli for how to install it. ```

In case you have installed (and renamed) firebase.exe from the windows installer, remove that first.
The installation of npm install -g firebase-tools and the windows installer are conflicting with each other.
Then go through firebase logout and firebase login again before running flutterfire configure.

I added the firebase-tools file downloaded from https://firebase.tools/bin/win/instant/latest in the root of the directory of my project and it works for me. I changed the name to firebase only.


TNS command not found after installing NativeScript

I updated NPM and Node before installing NativeScript, without errors I might add, but when I attempt to create a new project using tns create MyProjectName, I get the error tns command not found.
After much reading, I'm getting the feeling it has something to do with my PATH.
This is what is outputted in terminal during the NativeScript install regarding TNS:
sudo npm install -g nativescript --unsafe-perm
/Users/martingeldart/.npm-global/bin/tns -> /Users/martingeldart/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/nativescript/bin/tns
/Users/martingeldart/.npm-global/bin/nativescript -> /Users/martingeldart/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/nativescript/bin/tns
If I run echo $PATH, this is what outputs:
echo $PATH
Which looks really odd to me but I'm no command line expert by any means. In fact, I'm incredibly inexperienced with the whole command line system.
Why am I not able to access the tns command? What is going on with that PATH I echoed?
Between version of npm the location of the global package moved location in the OS. Since the installation has moved the terminal does not know where to find the command. The PATH variable is used to tell the terminal where all the command may be located. In this case this seems a standard.
Now the best way to access command from an installed package is to use npx which is included by default with the new installation of npm.
npx tns
# In your case
npx tns create MyProjectName
There 2 other ways to resolve this.
Either your global package folder is not set up correctly.
Add the bin folder where nativescript was install to your path manually (usually in .bash_profile), open a new terminal.
I use nativescript for various project and I have a suggestion for package management. Usually I avoid installing global package because in case of multiple project there may be conflict between version if some project are updated and other not.
I usually create a folder with the version I am installing. Go to the folder, npm init and install locally the package.
mkdir nativescript-project-6-0
cd nativescript-project-6-0
npm init
npm i --save nativescript
Now I have a fix version to work with and can create other project with the same version even if I have other project with newer version of the tool or lib. Now in nativescript-project-6-0 I create my project.
npx tns create MyProjectName
This should create a folder nativescript-project-6-0/MyProjectName. All set and ready to go. Remember that is is always a good idea to use npx in this case since we want to use the local package.

Unable to add filesystem permission denied

Using node v 8.9.0 and this tutorial
When I try and debug my http google cloud function in dev tools:
I get filesystem permission denied error, how can I debug my cloud functions:
I also got the filesystem permission denied error, and the issue was that you need to accept the premissions from chrome to be able to access that filesystem. initially I didn't see the premissions prompt, but then I found it on a different tab (which was kinda weird behavior). I guess just look for that permissions prompt, it should be right below your address bar.
I see that you are referring to a C directory, which means that you are trying this on Windows OS. I will put the steps below with documentation links on how to properly setup the configuration. Those steps worked for me well without giving me any issues, so I suggest you to follow them one by one and see if that helps you.
Run Google Cloud Functions Emulator on Windows OS:
Install and set up Google Cloud SDK for Windows. Link and documentation here
Install Node.js and npm for Windows. Tutorial here
Right click on Google Cloud SDK Shell and select Run as administrator.
Execute $ node --version you should get the version of Node.js without any additional errors
Execute $ npm --version you should get the version of npm without any additional errors
The tutorial that you are referring to is part of Google Cloud Functions Tutorial Series
First install and set up npm functions emulator by running $ npm install -g #google-cloud/functions-emulator as mentioned in Google Cloud Functions Tutorial : Setting up a Local Development Environment
Setup the project for the functions $ functions config set projectId PROJECT_ID as mentioned in Start and Stop the Emulator documentation.
Start the emulator by executing $ functions start. Same documentation as above.
Download the source code as mentioned in the documentation you are referring to. The GitHub repository is here.
Clone the project locally. $ git clone https://github.com/rominirani/googlecloudfunctions-training.git
Navigate to the folder $ cd googlecloudfunctions-training/helloworld-http
Follow the rest of the Google Cloud Functions Tutorial : Debugging Local Functions documentation.
NOTE: Whenever you run / execute / call the Cloud Function the Node.js
blank window will pop up. Keep it open as it is the executable that
executes your code.
I have tested the tutorial with the above set up that I described and it worked for me. You have to be the administrator of your account, since the Functions Emulator and the code is running locally, so you have to have all the permissions of the directories that are going to be used and execute all the software as administrator.

Deploying Mean stack webapp on AWS

I have created a webapp based on the the Mean Stack( MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, NodeJS). I had followed this tutorial on setting up AWS: https://scotch.io/tutorials/deploying-a-mean-app-to-amazon-ec2-part-1
I got to the point where they started their server.js file by just calling node server.js. I do not have a server.js though. In webstorm I run grunt serve and it launches everything. On aws I run grunt serve and it just says cannot find bower components. I also try to run bower install and it fails saying I do not have permission but when I run sudo bower install it says bower cannot be run with sudo.
I am not sure how to solve this issue. Should I figure out how to use a server.js?
Any help wold be greatly appreciated
You can use npm start instead of node server.js, if you have initialized the app using npm init.

jenkins EnvInject plugin does not install

I have jenkins 1.532.1.
When I want to install the EnvInject Plugin, it shows a warning:
This plugin makes it possible to have an isolated environment for your
jobs. Warning: This plugin is built for Jenkins 1.445 or newer. It may
or may not work in your Jenkins.
I go ahead and install it. It says successful but then I can see that it is not installed.
I've already tried restarting jenkins.
Does anyone know whether this plugin was discontinued or whether I will have to downgrade jenkins or any other suggestions?
I got it.
Downloaded the latest jenkins.war and replaced the current one with it.
On ubuntu, here are the steps:
sudo /usr/local/etc/rc.d/jenkins stop
cp jenkins.war /usr/share/jenkins/
sudo /usr/local/etc/rc.d/jenkins start

Can't run cloned repository

How do I download my old code from github? I made a mistake on my app, and when I try to download the old zip file from github and run it I get an error.
I think I'm doing it right, don't I just need to clone the repository? When I do, i get this error when I try to run the server:
An error occurred while installing pg (0.17.0), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install pg -v '0.17.0'` succeeds before bundling.
and when I run bundel install I still get the error.
I also get this error:
bundle install doesn't work and I still get the error along with this one:Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension
It ssems to me that you do not have install Postgres. Install it and try bundle install again.
How install Postgres on Ubuntu (of course you can have another system :) ) - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostgreSQL
If you have installed Mavericks, that is the source of your problem. I had to install another gem with native dependencies that needed to be compiled after I installed Mavericks, and some changes as to which compiler Mavericks uses to compile gem dependencies creates problems. In your case, I would suggest you pick one of the solutions in this answer to resolve your PG installation problems.