Caused by: ERROR: Query (659514) cancelled on user's request - amazon-redshift

I am trying to save data in redshift using java code through multirow insert and getting below error.
Caused by: ERROR: Query (659514) cancelled on user's request.
As per the official documentation of AWS it is mentioned
The statement_timeout value is the maximum amount of time that a query can run before Amazon Redshift terminates it. When a statement timeout is exceeded, then queries submitted during the session are aborted with the following error message:
ERROR: Query (150) cancelled on user's request
To verify whether a query was aborted because of a statement timeout, run following query:
select * from SVL_STATEMENTTEXT where text ilike '%set%statement_timeout%to%' and pid in (select pid from STL_QUERY where query = <queryid>);
I tried to run the above query with queryid but it doesn't give any result. Also statement timeout is 0 which turn off limitation of timeout.
what might be the problem?

Checking for statement timeouts is a good path to look down. The query you provided only looks for a statement_timeout set by the user with a SET command. This is not the only way this parameter can be set nor is it the only timeout. This parameter can be for all connections by a user through the ALTER USER command. If you think this is the parameter causing the issue you can "SET STATEMENT_TIMEOUT TO 0;" early in your session to remove this limit.
If this doesn't fix the issue then the problem may be elsewhere. WLM settings can timeout queries so check STL_WLM_RULE_ACTION system table to see if any were applied to your query.
Statement timeouts can also be set at the cluster level through the parameter group. So you may want to check the parameter group for a statement_timeout setting.


kill the long running queries automatically

I want to kill the queries which are running more then 2 hours in automatic way.
I tried creating trigger like below
create or replace function stop_query()
RETURNS trigger
language plpgsql
as $$
with pid_tbl as
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE (now() - pg_stat_activity.query_start) > interval '120 minutes';
select * from pid_tbl;
SELECT pg_cancel_backend(var_pid);
please advice me how can i achieve this. is there any way I can achieve it without writing functions trigger
You don't need this trigger at all. As I mentioned in the comment, it should be enough for you to run one of these queries:
SET LOCAL statement_timeout='2 h';--applies only until the end of the current transaction within the current session
SET SESSION statement_timeout='2 h';--only in the current session/connection
ALTER ROLE your_user_name SET statement_timeout='2 h';--all new sessions of this user
ALTER DATABASE your_db_name SET statement_timeout='2 h';--all new sessions on this db
ALTER SYSTEM SET statement_timeout='2 h';--all new sessions on all dbs on this system
They all set the statement_timeout setting that's by default 0 (meaning "no limit") to '2 h' (which simply stand for "2 hours"). It's best to apply this only to the specific context where it's required, i.e. for a specific user that tends to run queries you don't want hanging for too long.
statement_timeout (integer)
Abort any statement that takes more than the specified amount of time. If log_min_error_statement is set to ERROR or lower, the statement that timed out will also be logged. If this value is specified without units, it is taken as milliseconds. A value of zero (the default) disables the timeout.
The timeout is measured from the time a command arrives at the server until it is completed by the server. If multiple SQL statements appear in a single simple-Query message, the timeout is applied to each statement separately. (PostgreSQL versions before 13 usually treated the timeout as applying to the whole query string.) In extended query protocol, the timeout starts running when any query-related message (Parse, Bind, Execute, Describe) arrives, and it is canceled by completion of an Execute or Sync message.
Setting statement_timeout in postgresql.conf is not recommended because it would affect all sessions.
If you try to use unsupported units, you'll get a hint with your error:
ERROR: invalid value for parameter "statement_timeout": "2 hours"
HINT: Valid units for this parameter are "us", "ms", "s", "min", "h", and "d".
Which are microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours and days respectively.

Postgres statement_timeout does not work as expected

I am working on a use case where in my current api application I need to kill any query that has been running more than 30 sec (as my server has a timeout of 30 sec but the query keeps running on Postgres).
So after some finding i came across the statement_timeout configuration in postgres. and implemented it in my sqlAlchemy code like this:
def db_session():
"""Executes the query."""
import os
from my_aws import secretsmanager
secret_name = f'<my_secrey_key>'
secret = secretsmanager.get_secret(secret_name)
conn = f'{secret["dbname"]}://{secret["username"]}:{secret["password"]}#' \
eng = create_engine(
connect_args={'options': '-c statement_timeout=30s'})
connection = eng.connect()
db_session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=True, bind=eng))
yield db_session
So my expectation here was that any query whcih cannot complete within 30s should timeout and return an error.
So when testing this.
I place a lock in one of my tables to delay my queries by doing this:
LOCK TABLE <schema>.<table_name> IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE mode;
then i trigger an API call which queries the locked table (from above). this api does not repond as expected becuase the query is unable to execute witin 30 sec.
however the query does not terminate and i can still see it running in the pg_stat_activity
SELECT pid, age(clock_timestamp(), query_start), usename, query
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE query != '<IDLE>' AND query NOT ILIKE '%pg_stat_activity%' and usename='api_user'
ORDER BY query_start desc;
So the above query gives the reponse:
pid |age |usename |query
3334|00:05:17.962059|api_user|SELECT count(*) AS count_1 ¶FRO
3270|00:05:22.791417|api_user|SELECT count(*) AS count_1 ¶FRO
1689|00:05:24.149163|api_user|SELECT count(*) AS count_1 ¶FRO
1759|00:05:24.579171|api_user|SELECT DISTINCT sum(public.dema
1760|00:05:24.631371|api_user|SELECT count(*) AS count_1 ¶FRO
As you can see that the query on the locked tables are still waiting from more than 5 min.
Is there something wrong with my understanding of statement_timeout here.
FYI: I can see that the timeout is set on the postgres as the result of this query:
show statement_timeout;
30s |
I recommend that you set the parameter in postgresql.conf (then it is valid for the whole PostgreSQL server) or with ALTER DATABASE (then it is valid only for new connections to that database).
If that does not do the trick, the setting must be overridden somewhere. To debug, run the following SQL statement using SQLAlchemy:
SELECT current_setting('statement_timeout');
However, when I look at your query, perhaps everything is working anyway: add the state column to the pg_stat_activity query and check if the state is indeed active. Perhaps the query has already been canceled, and the state is idle or idle in transaction (aborted) (note that query shows the last query on that connection, which need not be active any more).
I think The statement_timeout should be a value in milliseconds. If you are really passing in 30s, that might be the wrong parameter value. Try using 30000 for 30 seconds.
eng = create_engine(
connect_args={'options': '-c statement_timeout=30000'})

Getting SQL state: 25P02 while trying to update a table with data from another

I am using a PostgreSQL DB. I have two tables, namely company and bl_location. I have a field location_id in both tables. Now I am trying to copy the value of location_id from bl_location to company. The primary key of company is company_id and it is stored in bl_location too. I am trying the following query:
UPDATE company
SET location_id = bl_location.location_id
from bl_location
where company.company_id = bl_location.company_id;
using the syntax I found online:
update table1
set col1 = . . .
from table2
where = table2.table1_id
But I am getting the following in the console of the pgAdmin tool:
ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
********** Error **********
ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
SQL state: 25P02
I cannot figure out what is wrong with my query.
RCA : This issue happens when last transitions ended up with error and not rolled back
if you're using PGAdmin click on rollback & enable auto rollback option
Whether you are aware of it or not, your statement is running inside an explicit transaction, and one of the preceeding statements is the same transaction must have caused an error.
To debug this, consider setting log_statement = 'all' so that all statments get logged. By tracing all statements from the same backend PID you will be able to identify the culprit.

How can I log `PREPARE` statements in PostgreSQL?

I'm using a database tool (Elixir's Ecto) which uses prepared statements for most PostgreSQL queries. I want to see exactly how and when it does that.
I found the correct Postgres config file, postgresql.conf, by running SHOW config_file; in psql. I edited it to include
log_statement = 'all'
as Dogbert suggested here.
According to the PostgreSQL 9.6 docs, this setting should cause PREPARE statements to be logged.
After restarting PostgreSQL, I can tail -f its log file (the one specified by the -r flag when running the postgres executable) and I do see entries like this:
LOG: execute ecto_728: SELECT i0."id", i0."store_id", i0."title", i0."description"
FROM "items" AS i0 WHERE (i0."description" LIKE $1)
DETAIL: parameters: $1 = '%foo%'
This corresponds to a query (albeit done over binary protocol, I think) like
EXECUTE ecto_728('%foo%');
However, I don't see the original PREPARE that created ecto_728.
I tried dropping and recreating the database. Afterwards, the same query is executed as ecto_578, so it seems that the original prepared statement was dropped with the database and a new one was created.
But when I search the PostgreSQL log for ecto_578, I only see it being executed, not created.
How can I see PREPARE statements in the PostgreSQL log?
As you mentioned, your queries are being prepared via the extended query protocol, which is distinct from a PREPARE statement. And according to the docs for log_statement:
For clients using extended query protocol, logging occurs when an
Execute message is received
(Which is to say that logging does not occur when a Parse or Bind message is received.)
However, if you set log_min_duration_statement = 0, then:
For clients using extended query protocol, durations of the Parse,
Bind, and Execute steps are logged independently
Enabling both of these settings together will give you two log entries per Execute (one from log_statement when the message is received, and another from log_min_duration_statement once execution is complete).
Nick's answer was correct; I'm just answering to add what I learned by trying it.
First, I was able to see three separate actions in the log: a parse to create the prepared statement, a bind to give the parameters for it, and an execute to have the database actually carry it out and return results. This is described in the PostgreSQL docs for the "extended query protocol".
LOG: duration: 0.170 ms parse ecto_918: SELECT i0."id", i0."store_id",
i0."title", i0."description"
FROM "items" AS i0 WHERE (i0."description" LIKE $1)
LOG: duration: 0.094 ms bind ecto_918: SELECT i0."id", i0."store_id",
i0."title", i0."description"
FROM "items" AS i0 WHERE (i0."description" LIKE $1)
DETAIL: parameters: $1 = '%priceless%'
LOG: execute ecto_918: SELECT i0."id", i0."store_id",
i0."title", i0."description"
FROM "items" AS i0 WHERE (i0."description" LIKE $1)
DETAIL: parameters: $1 = '%priceless%'
This output was generated during a run of some automated tests. On subsequent runs, I saw the same query with a different name - eg, ecto_1573. This was without dropping the database or even restarting the PostgreSQL process. The docs say that
If successfully created, a named prepared-statement object lasts till
the end of the current session, unless explicitly destroyed.
So these statements have to be recreated on each session, and probably my test suite has a new session on each run.

DB2 deadlock timeout Sqlstate: 40001, reason code 68 due to update statements called from servlet using SQL

I am calling update statements one after the other from a servlet to DB2. I am getting error sqlstate 40001, reason code 68 which i found it is due to deadlock timeout.
How can I resolve this issue?
Can it be resolved by setting query timeout?
If yes then how to use it with update statements in servlet or where to use it?
The reason code 68 already tells you this is due to a lock timeout (deadlock is reason code 2) It could be due to other users running queries at the same time that use the same data you are accessing, or your own multiple updates.
Begin by running db2pd -db locktest -locks show detail from a db2 command line to see where the locks are. You'll then need to run something like:
select tabschema, tabname, tableid, tbspaceid
from syscat.tables where tbspaceid = # and tableid = #
filling in the # symbols with the ID number you get from the db2pd command output.
Once you see where the locks are, here are some tips:
◦Deadlock frequency can sometimes be reduced by ensuring that all applications access their common data in the same order – meaning, for example, that they access (and therefore lock) rows in Table A, followed by Table B, followed by Table C, and so on.
taken from:
recommended reading:
Addendum: if your servlet or another guilty application is using select statements found to be involved in the deadlock, you can try appending with ur to the select statements if accuracy of the newly updated (or inserted) data isn't important.
For me, the solution was adding FOR READ ONLY WITH UR at the end of all my SELECT statements. (Apparently my select statements were returning so much data, it locked the tables long enough to interfere with other SQL statements)