How to make navbar functional - toggle

Why isn't enter image description heremy bootstrap toggle functional?


how to remove the black border in the toggle button when appeared in it is clicked?

enter image description here
I tried to remove that black border that appear when I clicked the toggle button, but I cant find the solution, Im using bootstrap5, please give me a solution
Just use "shadow-none" class on button and it will remove it.

Material UI Tooltip title text content has a button that opens a dialog, dialog disappear after opening

I am trying to use the tooltip which has a title text content, say:
Some text
<Button onClick={onOpen}>Click Me!</Button>
and that button's onClick will set the state to open a mui dialog, i've also set the Tooltip's interactive prop to be true. When the button inside the Tooltip's title content is click, the dialog pops up briefly then goes away. I believe that is also due to Tooltip fading away using the interactive prop.
Is there anyway to get the dialog to stay meanwhile having the tooltip title content disappear? Is material ui's tooltip component meant to be use this way?
Thanks for the help.

How to remove the white box around the NSButton checkbox when disabled?

I have added a demo on my Github to demonstrate the problem:
Build and start the app, then click on the menu symbol as shown below.
There is not much code to this. Adding a NSButton with Style Check and Type Switch into IB.
In IB it looks fine. But starting the app there is a white box appearing around the disabled checkbox. The background is obviously grey hence it shows.
Is there a way to remove/override that?

Styling button with dynamic text in iOS app

I am not a iOS developer. I am working on designing GUI for an iOS application to be developed using Appcelerator Titanium.
As far as all the other buttons are concerned, they can be provided with a .png image to style them. But this one type of button which has dynamic text, and thus can have width of various sizes as shown in the image below.
The screenshot is from Instagram iOS app. It shows the button in navigation bar named Camera which is the name of the folder from which image being cropped resides. In the app I'm designing for has a button with same functionality.
I just want to know whether it is possible to add custom styling for this particular type of button.
yes you can create a button and set the backgroundImage for the button to be whatever you want!/api/Titanium.UI.Button
third paragraph
You can specify background images for each state, as well as button text and a button icon. On iOS, there are button styles which define appearance for each state, even if no button images are set.
backgroundLeftCap Property
Simple answer: yes you can add custom styling to this button. As for the varying width, the background image will stretch to fill it.

IPhone: Custom Button - Why is title not showing?

So I basically dragged a button from interface builder's library, turned it into a Custom button. Then I added one png for the "default state configuration" and another png for the "highlighted state configuration". Let's just assume these png's are a red box and a blue box.
Now, I'd like the Title to display for the button i.e., "Press Me" or something. But the Title doesn't show. Am I missing something?? (I also tried to have that text in different colors but no dice...)
Thanks in advance.
Are you setting imageForState or backGroundImageForState? :)