Powershell Select-String Problem with variable - powershell

I have a CSV list of numbers that I would like to use Select-String to return the name of the file that the string is in.
When I do this
$InvoiceList = Import-CSV "C:\invoiceList.csv"
Foreach ($invoice in $InvoiceList)
$orderFilename = $FileList | Select-String -Pattern "3505343956" | Select Filename,Pattern
It gives me a response, I realize it is in a loop, but it gives me a response (albeit many times). This is what I would like.
Order# 199450619.pdf.txt 3505343956
Order# 199450619.pdf.txt 3505343956
But, when I run this:
$InvoiceList = Import-CSV "C:\invoiceList.csv"
Foreach ($invoice in $InvoiceList)
$orderFilename = $FileList | Select-String -Pattern "$invoice" | Select Filename,Pattern
or this
$InvoiceList = Import-CSV "C:\invoiceList.csv"
Foreach ($invoice in $InvoiceList)
$orderFilename = $FileList | Select-String -Pattern $invoice | Select Filename,Pattern
I get nothing in return.
I know there is data in $invoice because if I just ouput $invoice, I get all the invoice numbers that are in the CSV.
What am I doing wrong?

Since $InvoiceList contains the output from a Import-Csv call, it contains custom objects with properties named for the CSV columns, not strings.
Therefore, you must explicitly access the property that contains the invoice number (as a string) in order to use it as search pattern with Select-String.
Assuming that the property / column name of interest is InvoiceNum (adjust as needed):
Foreach ($invoice in $InvoiceList.InvoiceNum) { # Note the .InvoiceNum
$FileList | Select-String -Pattern $invoice | Select Filename,Pattern
Even though $InvoiceList contains an array of objects, PowerShell allows you to access a property that only exists on the elements of the array (.InvoiceNum here), and get the elements' property values as a result - this convenient feature is called member-access enumeration.
However, note that Select-String's -Pattern parameter accepts an array of search patterns, so you can shorten your command as follows, which also improves performance:
$FileList |
Select-String -Pattern (Import-Csv C:\invoiceList.csv).InvoiceNum |
Select-Object Filename,Pattern


Powershell - Finding the output of get-contents and searching for all occurrences in another file using wild cards

I'm trying to get the output of two separate files although I'm stuck on the wild card or contains select-string search from file A (Names) in file B (name-rank).
The contents of file A is:
The contents of file B is:
And I need to match on every occurrence of the names after the '-' so my ordered output should look like this which is a combination of both files as the output:
So far I only have the following and I'd be grateful for any pointers or assistance please.
import-csv (c:\temp\names.csv) |
select-string -simplematch (import-csv c:\temp\names-rank.csv -header "Date", "RankedName" | select RankedName) |
set-content c:\temp\names-and-ranks.csv
I imagine the select-string isn't going to be enough and I need to write a loop instead.
The data you give in the example does not give you much to work with, and the desired output is not that intuitive, most of the time with Powershell you would like to combine the data in to a much richer output at the end.
But anyway, with what is given here and what you want, the code bellow will get what you need, I have left comments in the code for you
$nameImport = Import-Csv -Path $names -Header names
$nameRankImport= Import-Csv -Path $namesRank -Header date,rankName
#create an empty array to collect the result
foreach($name in $nameImport){
#get all the match names
$match=$nameRankImport.RankName -like "$($name.names)*"
#add the name from the First list
#if there are any matches, add them too
#Because its a one column string, Export-CSV will now show us what we want
$list | Set-Content -Path "$pathDir\names-and-ranks.csv" -Force
For this I would use a combination of Group-Object and Where-Object to first group all "RankedName" items by the name before the dash, then filter on those names to be part of the names we got from the 'names.csv' file and output the properties you need.
# read the names from the file as string array
$names = Get-Content -Path 'c:\temp\names.csv' # just a list of names, so really not a CSV
# import the CSV file and loop through
Import-Csv -Path 'c:\temp\names-rank.csv' -Header "Date", "RankedName" |
Group-Object { ($_.RankedName -split '-')[0] } | # group on the name before the dash in the 'RankedName' property
Where-Object { $_.Name -in $names } | # use only the groups that have a name that can be found in the $names array
ForEach-Object {
$_.Name # output the group name (which is one of the $names)
$_.Group.RankedName -join [environment]::NewLine # output the group's 'RankedName' property joined with a newline
} |
Set-Content -Path 'c:\temp\names-and-ranks.csv'

Powershell: delete duplicate entry in arraylist

In my Powershellscript I read some data from a csv-File in an Arraylist.
In the second step I eliminate every line without the specific char: (.
At the third step I want to eliminate every double entries.
Example for my list:
Klein, Jürgen (Klein01); salesmanagement national
Klein, Jürgen (Klein01); salesmanagement national
Meyer, Gerlinde (Meyer02); accounting
Müller, Kai (Muell04); support international
I use the following script:
$Arrayusername = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$NewArraylistuser = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$Arrayusername = Get-Content -Path "C:\Temp\User\Userlist.csv"
for ($i=0; $i -le $Arrayusername.length; $i++)
if ($Arrayusername[$i] -like "*(*")
$Array_sorted = $NewArraylistuser | sort
$Array_sorted | Get-Unique
But the variable $Array_sorted still has double entries.
I don´t find the mistake.
Some Ideas how you could change your code:
Use the existing Command to import .csv files with the Delimiter ;.
Filter the output with Where-Object to only include Names with (.
Select only unique objects with Select-Object, or if you want to sort the Object, use the Sort-Object with the same paramets.
Something like this should work:
Import-csv -Delimiter ';' -Header "Name","Position" -Path "C:\Temp\User\Userlist.csv" | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*(*"} | Sort-Object -Unique -Property Name,Position

Count unique numbers in CSV (PowerShell or Notepad++)

How to find the count of unique numbers in a CSV file? When I use the following command in PowerShell ISE
1,2,3,4,2 | Sort-Object | Get-Unique
I can get the unique numbers but I'm not able to get this to work with CSV files. If for example I use
$A = Import-Csv C:\test.csv | Sort-Object | Get-Unique
it returns 0. I would like to count unique numbers for all the files in a given folder.
My data looks similar to this:
And the result should be 6 unique values (preferably written inside the same CSV file).
Or would it be easier to do it with Notepad++? So far I have found examples only on how to count the unique rows.
You can try the following (PSv3+):
PS> (Import-CSV C:\test.csv |
ForEach-Object { $_.psobject.properties.value -ne '' } |
Sort-Object -Unique).Count
The key is to extract all property (column) values from each input object (CSV row), which is what $_.psobject.properties.value does;
-ne '' filters out empty values.
Note that, given that Sort-Object has a -Unique switch, you don't need Get-Unique (you need Get-Unique only if your input already is sorted).
That said, if your CSV file is structured as simply as yours, you can speed up processing by reading it as a text file (PSv2+):
PS> (Get-Content C:\test.csv | Select-Object -Skip 1 |
ForEach-Object { $_ -split ',' -ne '' } |
Sort-Object -Unique).Count
Get-Content reads the CSV file as a line of strings.
Select-Object -Skip 1 skips the header line.
$_ -split ',' -ne '' splits each line into values by commas and weeds out empty values.
As for what you tried:
Import-CSV C:\test.csv | Sort-Object | Get-Unique:
Fundamentally, Sort-Object emits the input objects as a whole (just in sorted order), it doesn't extract property values, yet that is what you need.
Because no -Property argument is passed to Sort-Object to base the sorting on, it compares the custom objects that Import-Csv emits as a whole, by their .ToString() values, which happen to be empty[1]
, so they all compare the same, and in effect no sorting happens.
Similarly, Get-Unique also determines uniqueness by .ToString() here, so that, again, all objects are considered the same and only the very first one is output.
[1] This may be surprising, given that using a custom object in an expandable string does yield a value: compare $obj = [pscustomobject] #{ foo ='bar' }; $obj.ToString(); '---'; "$obj". This inconsistency is discussed in this GitHub issue.

Display Multiple pipeline Values Of Same Get-Content

I am trying to get the string value in csv file.
$path = "product.csv"
Get-Content $path | Select-String -AllMatches -Pattern "[^\x00-\x79]"
I successfully grab the string, however I wish display the line numbers then the string values.
Example Output:
LineNo String
1 a
2 b
3 c
I did successfully grab the linenumber using below command. How should I combine the command with the first command so the output will be alike the example output?
Get-Content $path | Select-String -AllMatches -Pattern "[^\x00-\x79]" | Select-Object LineNumber
If you want the entire line, select the Line property:
... |Select-Object LineNumber,Line
If you only want the part of the line that was matched by the pattern, you'll need a calculated property to grab the Value from the Matches property:
... |Select-Object LineNumber,#{Name='String';Expression={$_.Matches.Value}}

Use Import-Csv to read changable column Titles by location

I'm trying to see if there is a way to read the column values in a csv file based on the column location. The reason for this is the file I'm being handed always has it's titles being changed...
For example, lets say csv file column A (via excel) looks like the following:
Now the user changes the title:
Column 1
Now I want to create an array of the first column. Normally what I do is the following:
$arrayFirstColumn = Import-Csv 'C:\test\test1.csv' | where-object {$_.ColumnOne} | select-object -expand 'ColumnOne'
However, as we can see if ColumnOne is changed to Column 1, it breaks this code. How can I create this array to allow an interchangeable column title, but the column location will always be the same?
You can specify headers of your own on import:
Import-Csv 'C:\path\to\your.csv' -Header 'MyHeaderA','MyHeaderB',...
As long as you don't export the data back to a CSV (or don't require the original headers to be in the output CSV as well) you can use whatever names you like. You can also specify as many header names as you like. If their number is less than the number of the columns in the CSV the additional columns will be omitted, if it's greater then the columns for the additional headers will be empty.
If you need to preserve the original headers you could get the header name(s) you need to work with in variable(s) like this:
$csv = Import-Csv 'C:\test\test1.csv'
$firstCol = $csv | Select-Object -First 1 | ForEach-Object {
$_.PSObject.Properties | Select-Object -First 1 -Expand Name
$arrayFirstColumn = $csv | Where-Object {$_.$firstCol} |
Select-Object -Expand $firstCol
Or you could simply read the first line from the CSV and split it to get an array with the headers:
$headers = (Get-Content 'C:\test\test1.csv' -TotalCount 1) -split ','
$firstCol = $headers[0]
One option:
$ImportFile = 'C:\test\test1.csv'
$FirstColumn = ((Get-Content $ImportFile -TotalCount 2 | ConvertFrom-Csv).psobject.properties.name)[0]
$arrayFirstColumn = Import-Csv $ImportFile | where-object {$_.$FirstColumn} | select-object -expand $FirstColumn
If you are using PowerShell v2.0 then the expression for $FirstColumn in $mjolinor's answer would be:
$FirstColumn = ((Get-Content $ImportFile -TotalCount 2 | ConvertFrom-Csv).psobject.properties | ForEach-Object {$_.name})[0]
(Apologies for starting a new answer; I do not yet have enough reputation to add a comment to mjolinor's post)