Is it possible to easily edit the maps to that the values in the scales are equal? With the pictures of the two maps produces with the code you can see that although there has been an increase in the values between the maps, the colors indicate otherwise without reading the numbers. Therefore, I want to have the same scale on the map. For instance, using a scale from 0-1 or 0.3-1 for both maps.
My code
tm_shape(EU_and_educ0713, bbox = euro) +
tm_polygons("Education 07-13", id = "NUTS_ID", palette = "Reds") +
tm_text("NUTS_ID", remove.overlap = TRUE, size = 0.3)
tm_shape(EU_and_educ1319, bbox = euro) +
tm_polygons("Education 13-19", id = "NUTS_ID", palette = "Reds") +
tm_text("NUTS_ID", remove.overlap = TRUE, size = 0.3)
Following a frequent issue in Altair:
merging legends 1
merging legends 2
combining color and shape
I want to plot several point series with line plots and point marks visualized both with different colors, shapes, and stroke dashes:
This works as expected when using resolve_scale
x = np.arange(0, 5, 0.1)
mask = np.ones_like(x)
mask[::2] = 0
df = pd.DataFrame({
"x": x,
"y": np.sin(x)*mask + np.cos(x)*(1-mask),
"y2": np.sin(2*x)*mask + np.cos(2*x)*(1-mask) ,
"col": mask
base= alt.Chart(df).mark_line(point=True, size=1).encode(
color = alt.Color("col:N"),
shape = alt.Shape("col:N"),
strokeDash = alt.StrokeDash("col:N")
).resolve_scale(color="independent", shape="independent", strokeDash="independent")
But when concatenated with other charts with a different y-value multiple identical legends appear:
base.encode(alt.Y("y:Q")) | base.encode(alt.Y("y2:Q"))
I understand this is the purpose of "resolve_scale", would really appreciate a workaround.
not using the resolve_scale method or using it on the concatenated chart would get me a legend with every visualized property (color, shape, etc) set apart.
You have set the color, shape, and strokeDash to one thing: "col:N". If you want them to be independent, then define them as different things.
base= alt.Chart(df).mark_line(point=True, size=1).encode(
color = alt.Color("col:N"),
shape = alt.Shape("col:N"),
strokeDash = alt.StrokeDash("col:N")
h = base.encode(alt.Y("y:Q"), color=alt.value('red')) | base.encode(alt.Y("y2:Q"), color=alt.value('blue')).resolve_scale(color="independent", shape="independent", strokeDash="independent")
as for a workaround, you could go into the h.hconcat[0].encoding and h.hconcat[1].encoding and change the map to be whatever you want for vega-lite to read. At that point I'd just use a different library.
Hopefully this helps.
I'm trying to use Mapbox Terrain RGB to get elevation for specific points in space. I used mercantile.tile to get the coordinates of the tile containing my point at zoom level 15, which for -43º, -22º (for simplicity sake) is 12454, 18527, then mercantile.xy to get the corresponding world coordinates: -4806237.7150042495, -2621281.2257876047.
Shouldn't the integer part of -4806237.7150042495 / 256 (tile size) equal the x coordinate of the tile containing the point, that is, 12454? If this calculation checked out I'd figure that I'm looking for the pixel column (x axis) corresponding to the decimal part of the result, like column 127(256 * 0,5) for 12454,5. However, the division results in -18774.366, (which is curiously close to the tile y coordinate, but it looks like a coincidence). What am I missing here?
As an alternative, I thought of using mercantile.bounds, assigning the first and last pixel columns to the westmost and eastmost longitudes, and finding my position with interpolation, but I wanted to check if I'm doing this the right/recommended way. I'm interested in point elevations, so everything said here goes for the Y axis as well.
Here's what I got so far:
def correct_altitude_mode(kml):
with open(kml, "r+") as f:
txt =
if"(?<=<altitudeMode>)relative(?=<\/altitudeMode>)", txt):
lat = round(float(find_with_re("latitude", txt)), 5)
lng = round(float(find_with_re("longitude", txt)), 5)
alt = round(float(find_with_re("altitude", txt)), 5)
z = 15
tile = mercantile.tile(lng, lat, z)
westmost, southmost, eastmost, northmost = mercantile.bounds(tile)
pixel_column = np.interp(lng, [westmost, eastmost], [0,256])
pixel_row = np.interp(lat, [southmost, northmost], [256, 0])
response = requests.get(f"{z}/{tile.x}/{tile.y}.pngraw?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoibWFydGltcGFzc29zIiwiYSI6ImNra3pmN2QxajBiYWUycW55N3E1dG1tcTEifQ.JFKSI85oP7M2gbeUTaUfQQ")
buffer = BytesIO(response.content)
tile_img = png.read_png_int(buffer)
_,R,G,B = (tile_img[int(pixel_row), int(pixel_column)])
print(tile_img[int(pixel_row), int(pixel_column)])
height = -10000 + ((R * 256 * 256 + G * 256 + B) * 0.1)
plt.hlines(pixel_row, 0.0, 256.0, colors="r")
plt.vlines(pixel_column, 0.0, 256.0, colors="r")
I am pretty new to GIS as a whole. I have a simple flat file in a csv format, as an example:
name, detail, long, lat, value
a, 123, 103, 22, 5000
b, 356, 103, 45, 6000
What I am trying to achieve is to assign a 3d polygon in Mapbox such as in this example. While the settings might be quite straight forward in Mapbox where you assign a height and color value based on a data range, it obviously does not work in my case.
I think I am missing out other files such as mentioned in the blog post, like shapefiles or some other file that is required to assign 3d layouts to the 3d extrusion.
I need to know what I am missing out in configuring a 3d polygon, say a cube in Mapbox based on the val data column in my csv.
So I figured what I was missing was the coordinates that make up the polygons I want to display. This can easily be defined in a geojson file format, if you are interested in the standards, refer here. For the visual I need, I would require:
Points (typically your long and lat coordinates)
Polygon (a square would require 5 vertices, the lines connecting and
defining your polygon)
Features (your data points)
FeatureCollection (a collection of features)
This are all parts of the geojson format, I used Python and its geojson module which comes with everything I need to do the job.
Using a helper function below, I am able to compute square/rectangular boundaries based on a single point. The height and width defines how big the square/rectangle appears.
def create_rec(pnt, width = 0.00005, height = 0.00005):
pt1 = (pnt[0] - width, pnt[1] - height)
pt2 = (pnt[0] - width, pnt[1] + height)
pt3 = (pnt[0] + width, pnt[1] + height)
pt4 = (pnt[0] + width, pnt[1] - height)
pt5 = (pnt[0] - width, pnt[1] - height)
return Polygon([[pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4,pt5]]) #assign to a Polygon class from geojson
From there it is pretty straight forward to append them into list of features, FeatureCollection and output as a geojson file:
with open('path/coordinates.csv', 'r') as f:
headers = next(f)
reader = csv.reader(f)
data = list(reader)
transform = []
for i in data:
#3rd last value is x and 2nd last is the y
point = Point([float(i[-3]), float(i[-2])])
polygon = create_rec(point['coordinates'])
#in my case I used a collection to store both points and polygons
col = GeometryCollection([point, polygon])
properties = {'Name':i[0]}
feature = Feature(geometry = col, properties = properties)
fc = FeatureCollection(transform)
with open('target_doc_u.geojson', 'w') as f:
dump(fc, f)
The output file target_doc_u would contain all the listed items above that allows me to plot my point, as well as continue of the blog post in Mapbox to assign my filled extrusion
I use the py-faster-rcnn demo to build further of my project with 20 classes.
However, I am trying to gain the softmax, last layer probability of my classes.
For example:
# Load the demo image
im_file = os.path.join(cfg.DATA_DIR, 'demo', image_name)
im = cv2.imread(im_file)
# Detect all object classes and regress object bounds
timer = Timer()
scores, boxes = im_detect(net, im)
print ('Detection took {:.3f}s for '
'{:d} object proposals').format(timer.total_time, boxes.shape[0])
# Visualize detections for each class
for cls_ind, cls in enumerate(CLASSES[1:]):
cls_ind += 1 # because we skipped background
cls_boxes = boxes[:, 4*cls_ind:4*(cls_ind + 1)]
cls_scores = scores[:, cls_ind]
dets = np.hstack((cls_boxes,
cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])).astype(np.float32)
keep = nms(dets, NMS_THRESH)
dets = dets[keep, :]
vis_detections(im, cls, dets, thresh=CONF_THRESH)
print scores
While I do the print scores, it gives me a very large matrix output,
instead of 1 x 20 . I am not sure why, and how can I get the last probability matrix?
The raw scores the detector outputs include overlapping detections and very low score detections as well.
Note that only after applying non-maximal suppression (aka "nms") with NMS_THRESH=0.3 the function vis_detection only displays detections with confidence larger than CONF_THRESH=0.8.
So, if you want to look at the "true" objects, you need to check inside vis_detection and check only the detections it renders on the image.
Hi all I have a stack of images of fluorescent labeled particles that are moving through time. The imagestack is gray scaled.
I computed a maximum intensity projection by taking the maximum of the image stack in the 3rd dimension.
ImageStack(x,y,N) where N = 31 image frames.
2DProjection = max(ImageStack,[],3)
Now, since the 2D projection image is black and white, I was hoping to assign a color gradient so that I can get a sense of the flow of particles through time. Is there a way that I can overlay this image with color, so that I will know where a particle started, and where it ended up?
You could use the second output of max to get which frame the particular maximum came from. max returns an index matrix which indicates the index of each maximal value, which in your case will be the particular frame in which it occurred. If you use this with the imagesc function, you will be able to plot how the particles move with time. For instance:
ImageStack(x,y,N) where N = 31 image frames.
[2DProjection,FrameInfo] = max(ImageStack,[],3);
set(gca,'ydir','normal'); % Otherwise the y-axis would be flipped
You can sum up bright pixels of each image with one another after coloring each image. This way you will have mixed colors on overlapped areas which you will miss using max function. Although I like the previous answer more than mine.
hStep = 1/N;
currentH = 0;
resultImage = uint8(zeros(x,y,3));
for i = 1 : N
rgbColor = hsv2rgb(currentH,1,0.5);
resultImage(:,:,1) = resultImage(:,:,1) + im(:,:,i) * rgbColor(1);
resultImage(:,:,2) = resultImage(:,:,2) + im(:,:,i) * rgbColor(2);
resultImage(:,:,3) = resultImage(:,:,3) + im(:,:,i) * rgbColor(3);
currentH = currentH + hStep;