Difference between NoAutoUpdate key and NoWindowsUpdate Registry keys to disable updates - windows-update

What is the difference between two registry keys NoWindowsUpdate and NoAutoUpdate? Is there a difference in location also?
I don't want the windows update to not get downloaded also but when I used NoWindowUpdate set to 1 the updates were getting downloaded.(could be the ones pushed by the IT team)
so what can I use ?


Is there anyway to check duplicate the message control id (MSH:10) in MSH segment using Mirth connect?

Is there anyway to check duplicate the message control id (MSH:10) in MSH segment using Mirth connect?
MSH|^~&|sss|xxx|INSTANCE2|KKLIU 0063/2021|20190905162034||ADT^A28^ADT_A05|Zx20190905162034|P|2.4|||NE|NE|||||
whenever message enters it needs to be validated whether duplicate of control id Zx20190905162034 is already processed or not?
Mirth will not do this for you, but you can write your own JavaScript transformer to check a database or your own set of previously encountered control ids.
Your JavaScript can make use of any appropriate Java classes.
The database check (you can implement this using code template) is the easier way out. You might want to designate the column storing MSH:10 values as a primary key or define an index on it. Queries against unique entries would be faster. Other alternatives include periodically redeploying the Channel while reading all MSH:10 values already in the database and placing them in a global map variable or maintained in an API that you can make a GET request to when processing every message. Any of the options depends on the number of records we are speaking about.

How to read public and private keys from key storage inside a job?

I have three differents keys inside my Key Storage : private, public, and password.
When editing a job and adding a parameter ("option") and marks it as secure, I can navigate through the key storage to select the password key.
But I can't see nor use the private and public keys.
Writing the full path doesn't work as Rundeck says on job execution that the key "couldn't be read", even if the path is the same shown on key storage page.
Can you tell me how is it possible to add these keys in my job ?
By design and for security reasons isn't possible to use private/public keys on options. Alternatively, you can create a plugin to retrieve those keys. Here you can see an example to get keys using a workflow step custom plugin.
Here a general plugin development guide. And here are some examples.

UUID for a page content in AEM across author and it's associated publish servers are different

A page in author with UUID(jcr:uuid) is activated and its content is replicated onto the 3 associated publish servers.
The content available in all the 3 publish servers has different UUIDs. So, considering the same content across all the 4 instances on AEM (1 author + 3 publish), how to associate with something unique?
I'm implementing a solution where I need to associate a unique id that can be mapped to the individual content across all the instances.
Approaches that I've tried till now:
Used the content path - to generate a unique id - by removing the '/' & '-' in the path.
The issue faced - For some paths this can be more than 128 chars which is the limit for the service to accept a unique id.
If I generate a unique id programmatically it will work, but how can I try to use that to track the back content? As I cannot store this programmatically created id on the jcr:content and activate the page.
Issues - If I replicate the page, it will change the activation date as well- which is also important metadata for the content.
What can be the most feasible solution for the use case? Kindly help with suggestions and possible solutions.
You could use a hash of the content path. Easiest way to get a hash is using hashCode(). For compactness, use the Base64 representation of the hash bytes and truncate after a predetermined number of chars.

How can I delete all values from SFHFKeychainUtils?

For deleting a value from keychain following code is available:
[SFHFKeychainUtils deleteItemForUsername:XYZ andServiceName:#"known" error:&err]
Is there any way to remove all stored values in keychain using only service name ?
My problem is that my key value is dynamic in nature. It's truly possible that I don't know XYZ value when I will run App second time. There is a case where I have to remove all values stored in known service.
How can i remove all value if I don't know XYZ ?
In my honest opinion there is no api call provided by SFHFKeychainUtils by which you can delete all entries at once and as you might be knowing that iOS keychain only allows you to delete those entries which belong to your applications (sandbox rule coming in play here) , so if you wish to delete all entries for your application then I would suggest you keep track of all the usernames in a file in documents directory or NSUserDefaults so that you can delete them one by one.. hope this helps.

Can Primary-Keys be re-used once deleted?

0x80040237 Cannot insert duplicate key.
I'm trying to write an import routine for MSCRM4.0 through the CrmService.
This has been successful up until this point. Initially I was just letting CRM generate the primary keys of the records. But my client wanted the ability to set the key of a our custom entity to predefined values. Potentially this enables us to know what data was created by our installer, and what data was created post-install.
I tested to ensure that the Guids can be set when calling the CrmService.Update() method and the results indicated that records were created with our desired values. I ran my import and everything seemed successful. In modifying my validation code of the import files, I deleted the data (through the crm browser interface) and tried to re-import. Unfortunately now it throws and a duplicate key error.
Why is this error being thrown? Does the Crm interface delete the record, or does it still exist but hidden from user's eyes? Is there a way to ensure that a deleted record is permanently deleted and the Guid becomes free? In a live environment, these Guids would never have existed, but during my development I need these imports to be successful.
By the way, considering I'm having this issue, does this imply that statically setting Guids is not a recommended practice?
As far I can tell entities are soft-deleted so it would not be possible to reuse that Guid unless you (or the deletion service) deleted the entity out of the database.
For example in the LeadBase table you will find a field called DeletionStateCode, a value of 0 implies the record has not been deleted.
A value of 2 marks the record for deletion. There's a deletion service that runs every 2(?) hours to physically delete those records from the table.
I think Zahir is right, try running the deletion service and try again. There's some info here: http://blogs.msdn.com/crm/archive/2006/10/24/purging-old-instances-of-workflow-in-microsoft-crm.aspx
Zahir is correct.
After you import and delete the records, you can kick off the deletion service at a time you choose with this tool. That will make it easier to test imports and reimports.