AWS DocDB $project Requires Outputs, doesnt match mongo API - mongodb

I am using the $project stage in an aggregation pipeline using Pymongo on AWS DocumentDB, like so:
{ '$project': { 'foo': 0 } }
This results in the following error:
$projection requires at least one output field
As far as I can tell, the mongo docs state that as of Mongo version 3.4 you can use $project to specify exclusions of fields (see: The example they provide looks like:
db.books.aggregate( [ { $project : { "lastModified": 0 } } ] )
Does docdb not match this part of the API spec? or am I missing something?
EDIT: I'm also unable to use the _id filter specifically, which is also highlighted in mongo docs.
{'$project': {'_id': 0}}

Excluding just _id is not currently supported, i.e. { '$project': { '_id': 0 } }
But, projecting a non existing field can enforce exclusion: { '$project': { '_id': 0, 'foo_field': 0 } }


MongoDB Aggregation: Unable to reference fields using $cond

I'm performing an aggregation on a MongoDB collection. The steps preceeding the topical $cond are not important, so I'll redact them for brevity:
{ $match: ... },
{ $project: ... },
{ /* this is the problem step */ }
The documents that are being generated by step 2, $project, are shaped like this:
"blueTeam": true,
"redTeam": false,
"winner": true
Now assuming I add an additional projection which utilizes $cond - I'm not permitted to address the fields from the projected document. Here's a naive example:
$project: {
blueTeam: "$blueTeam",
winnerAsInteger: {
$cond: [ { "$winner": true }, 1, 0 ]
Expectation: The pipeline emits documents in which winning documents have field winnerAsInteger equal to 1, otherwise 0.
Reality: This pipeline step produces an error.
In Node's MongoDB client, the error is as follows:
(node:34380) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: MongoError: Unrecognized expression '$winner'
In MongoDB Compass's aggregation GUI, the error is:
Field must not begin with '$' or '.', field path was: $winner
This seems to directly contradict the documentation regarding this, which references document fields with the $ syntax.
I'm on MongoDB 4.0.5, for what it's worth.
{$eq:[ "$winner", true ]} instead of { "$winner": true }
Courtesy of #s7vr in comments, just added it here so that people don't think it's an unanswered question!

SELECT avg(rate) FROM ratings WHERE sid=1 in MongoDB

How to implement equivalent of this SQL command in MongoDB?
SELECT avg(rate) FROM ratings WHERE sid=1
No need to grouping.
Yes there is aggregation framework in mongodb where you can make a pipeline of stages you want for query.
$match: {
"sid": 1
$project: avg(rate): {
$avg: "$rate"
As you know in sql query where part is applied first that's why we've place $match pipeline at first. $match in mongodb is somehow equivalent to where i SQL and there is $avg in mongodb which works the same as AVG in SQL
To solve this, use $avg within the $group aggregation pipeline element. Basic pipeline flow:
match on sid=1 (your WHERE clause)
group by sid (there's only one sid to group by at this point, because the others are filtered out via match), and generate an average within the group'd content
Your pipeline would look something like:
{ $match: {"sid":1}},
{ $group: { _id: "$sid", rateAvg: {$avg: "$rate" } }}

MongoDB, right projection subfield [duplicate]

Is it possible to rename the name of fields returned in a find query? I would like to use something like $rename, however I wouldn't like to change the documents I'm accessing. I want just to retrieve them differently, something that works like SELECT COORINATES AS COORDS in SQL.
What I do now:
db.tweets.findOne({}, {'level1.level2.coordinates': 1, _id:0})
{'level1': {'level2': {'coordinates': [10, 20]}}}
What I would like to be returned is:
{'coords': [10, 20]}
So basically using .aggregate() instead of .find():
{ "$project": {
"_id": 0,
"coords": "$level1.level2.coordinates"
And that gives you the result that you want.
MongoDB 2.6 and above versions return a "cursor" just like find does.
See $project and other aggregation framework operators for more details.
For most cases you should simply rename the fields as returned from .find() when processing the cursor. For JavaScript as an example, you can use .map() to do this.
From the shell:
db.tweets.find({},{'level1.level2.coordinates': 1, _id:0}).map( doc => {
doc.coords = doc['level1']['level2'].coordinates;
delete doc['level1'];
return doc;
Or more inline:
db.tweets.find({},{'level1.level2.coordinates': 1, _id:0}).map( doc =>
({ coords: doc['level1']['level2'].coordinates })
This avoids any additional overhead on the server and should be used in such cases where the additional processing overhead would outweigh the gain of actual reduction in size of the data retrieved. In this case ( and most ) it would be minimal and therefore better to re-process the cursor result to restructure.
As mentioned by #Neil Lunn this can be achieved with an aggregation pipeline:
And starting Mongo 4.2, the $replaceWith aggregation operator can be used to replace a document by a sub-document:
// { level1: { level2: { coordinates: [10, 20] }, b: 4 }, a: 3 }
{ $replaceWith: { coords: "$level1.level2.coordinates" } }
// { "coords" : [ 10, 20 ] }
Since you mention findOne, you can also limit the number of resulting documents to 1 as such:
{ $replaceWith: { coords: "$level1.level2.coordinates" } },
{ $limit: 1 }
Prior to Mongo 4.2 and starting Mongo 3.4, $replaceRoot can be used in place of $replaceWith:
{ $replaceRoot: { newRoot: { coords: "$level1.level2.coordinates" } } }
As we know, in general, $project stage takes the field names and specifies 1 or 0/true or false to include the fields in the output or not, we also can specify the value against a field instead of true or false to rename the field. Below is the syntax
{$group: {
_id: '$field_to_group',
totalCount: {$sum: 1}
{$project: {
_id: false,
renamed_field: '$_id', // here assigning a value instead of 0 or 1 / true or false effectively renames the field.
totalCount: true
Stages (>= 4.2)
$addFields : {"New": "$Old"}
$unset : {"$Old": 1}

Get first element in array and return using Aggregate?

How can I get and return the first element in an array using a Mongo aggregation?
I tried using this code:
{ $project: {
resp : { my_field: { $slice: 1 } }
but I get the following error:
uncaught exception: aggregate failed: {
"errmsg" : "exception: invalid operator '$slice'",
"code" : 15999,
"ok" : 0
Note that 'my_field' is an array of 4 elements, and I only need to return the first element.
Since 3.2, we can use $arrayElemAt to get the first element in an array
{ $project: {
resp : { $arrayElemAt: ['$my_field',0] }
Currently, the $slice operator is unavailable in the the $project operation, of the aggregation pipeline.
So what you could do is,
First $unwind, the my_field array, and then group them together and take the $first element of the group.
Or using the find() command, where you could make use of the $slice operator in the projection part.
Update: based on your comments, Say you want only the second item in an array, for the record with an id, id.
var field = 2;
var id = ObjectId("...");
Then, the below aggregation command gives you the 2nd item in the my_field array of the record with the _id, id.
The above logic cannot be applied for more a record, since it would involve a $group, operator after $unwind. The $group operator produces a single record for all the records in that particular group making the $limit or $skip operators applied in the later stages to be ineffective.
A small variation on the find() query above would yield you the expected result as well.
Apart from these, there is always a way to do it in the client side, though a bit costly if the number of records is very large:
var field = 2;
return doc.my_field[field-1];
Choosing from the above options depends upon your data size and app design.
Starting Mongo 4.4, the aggregation operator $first can be used to access the first element of an array:
// { "my_field": ["A", "B", "C"] }
// { "my_field": ["D"] }
{ $project: { resp: { $first: "$my_field" } } }
// { "resp" : "A" }
// { "resp" : "D" }
The $slice operator is scheduled to be made available in the $project operation in Mongo 3.1.4, according to this ticket:
This will make the problem go away.
This version is currently only a developer release and is not yet stable (as of July 2015). Expect this around October/November time.
Mongo 3.1.6 onwards,
"$project": {
"newArray" : { "$slice" : [ "$oldarray" , 0, 1 ] }
where 0 is the start index and 1 is the number of elements to slice

Getting first and last element of array in MongoDB

Mongo DB: I'm looking to make one query to return both the first and last element of an array. I realize that I can do this multiple queries, but I would really like to do it with one.
Assume a collection "test" where each objects has an array "arr" of numbers:
db.test.find({},{arr:{$slice: -1},arr:{$slice: 1}});
This will result in the following:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("xxx"), "arr" : [ 1 ] } <-- 1 is the first element
Is there a way to maybe alias the results? Similar to what the mysql AS keyword would allow in a query?
This is not possible at the moment but will be with the Aggregation Framework that's in development now if I understand your functional requirement correctly.
You have to wonder about your schema if you have this requirement in the first place though. Are you sure there isn't a more elegant way to get this to work by changing your schema accordingly?
This can be done with the aggregation framework using the operators $first and $last as follows:
{ '$addFields': {
'firstElem': { '$first': '$arr' },
'lastElem': { '$last': '$arr' }
} }
or using $slice as
{ '$addFields': {
'firstElem': { '$slice': [ '$arr', 1 ] },
'lastElem': { '$slice': [ '$arr', -1 ] }
} }