Messenger bot with dialogflow does not respond to user - facebook

I have a messenger bot built with google's dialogflow engine, to respond the user I have a webhook. when I send a message with a "hello", the default welcome intent its triggered and the webhook it its called and it responds to me.
After that I need the products of my business so I write "Comprar" (Buy), the Products intent it is triggered and the webhook responds with a fulfillment message with a list of available products.
In the history section in google dialogflow, I can see the json respond of the wekhook with the message that the user will receive.
But facebook does not show the message. I use the same webhook for many intents, and it is not working in this case.
this is the respond I got in the History section for this case:
"id": "f75002cd-2f8a-422a-960d-dd2c9e00b490-74fe87bc",
"fulfillmentText": "",
"language_code": "es",
"queryText": "Comprar",
"webhookPayload": {},
"intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
"action": "GET_CATEGORIES",
"webhookSource": "",
"parameters": {},
"fulfillmentMessages": [
"quickReplies": {
"title": "Escoge alguna de estas Categorías:",
"quickReplies": [
"diagnosticInfo": {
"webhook_latency_ms": "732.0"
"webhookStatus": {
"webhookStatus": {
"message": "Webhook execution successful"
"webhookUsed": true
"outputContexts": [
"lifespanCount": 1,
"name": "vercatalogo-followup",
"parameters": {}
"intent": {
"isFallback": false,
"displayName": "ver.catalogo",
"id": "41dcecf2-11b6-4e50-8294-b86d849093e1"

I solved lol
Apparently quickReplies must not contain a empty string ("") as a quick reply, that option is not valid. So I removed it and it worked.


WhatsApp Business - Cloud API 'Single Product message API' giving error as a product not found, even product is existing in catalogue

I am testing the Single Product Message API endpoint in Whatsapp-Business Cloud.
It is working for some of the products in the catalogue, but for some other products in the same catalogue giving error as 'product not found for product_retailer_id, XX, in catalog_id, XXXXXXXXX'
I can't see any Issue / Policy violations for those products.
This is the Sample Request Payload
"messaging_product": "whatsapp",
"recipient_type": "individual",
"to": "XXXX",
"type": "interactive",
"interactive": {
"type": "product",
"body": {
"text": "Hello 111111"
"footer": {
"text": "Hello1 1111111"
"action": {
"catalog_id": "XXXX",
"product_retailer_id": "XX"
can you please help me to resolve this issue
I had the same issue. My catalog_id and product_retailer_id is valid, but somehow still do not work. Then I submit a ticket to FB direct support, and after a couple of seconds suddenly it works. I haven't gotten any response from direct support yet. Maybe after registering the catalog and connecting the catalog to a WhatsApp number, we need to wait for some time.
Here is my json payload
"messaging_product": "whatsapp",
"recipient_type": "individual",
"to": "6289XXX055XXX",
"type": "interactive",
"interactive": {
"type": "product",
"body": {
"text": "Indomie"
"footer": {
"text": "Indomie rasa soto"
"action": {
"catalog_id": "553992496785XXX",
"product_retailer_id": "indomie-soto"

No token in request - Account Linking with new Actions SDK

I am building an action with the new Actions Builder and everything is going pretty smoothly. I just setup account linking and can successfully link my account, however, once I do link my account there is no token included in the subsequent requests for me to use, even though the account linking status is in the request as "LINKED". Can anyone shed any light on why I am not seeing a token?
For reference, here is a version of one of my requests.
"requestJson": {
"handler": {
"name": "main"
"intent": {
"name": "actions.intent.MAIN",
"params": {},
"query": "Talk to my new app"
"scene": {
"name": "actions.scene.START_CONVERSATION",
"slotFillingStatus": "UNSPECIFIED",
"slots": {},
"next": {
"name": "ListPrompt"
"session": {
"id": "ABwppHE7M6NS8KdyjljEptrtZZ5GkE3qDdaiwjYbL9ehrA-t_c-ZsCrZ_WhN0ZTG5lXXXXXXhU6Im5vgeSwow",
"params": {},
"typeOverrides": [],
"languageCode": ""
"user": {
"locale": "en-US",
"params": {},
"accountLinkingStatus": "LINKED",
"verificationStatus": "VERIFIED",
"packageEntitlements": [],
"lastSeenTime": "2020-07-13T12:02:42Z"
"home": {
"params": {}
"device": {
"capabilities": [
The Google docs for the Account Linking with the new Actions Builder have now been updated with additional information. The token is now provided within the headers of the incoming request. Details of how to find and decode this can be found at

How can I trigger a `action.intent.INTENT_NAME` intent from my webhook?

I want to create a chatbot with Dialogflow and Google Assistant along with Google Transactions API for enabling a user to order a chocolate box. For now my agent contains the following four intents:
Default Welcome Intent (text response: Hello, do you want to buy a chocolate box?)
Default Fallback Intent
Int1 (training phrase: Yes, I want, fulfilment: enabled webhook call)
Int2 (event: actions_intent_TRANSACTION_REQUIREMENTS_CHECK )
I am using Dialogflow Json instead of Node.js to connect my agent with Transactions API. I want to test that the user meets the transaction requirements (when ordering the chocolate box) by using the actions.intent.TRANSACTION_REQUIREMENTS_CHECK action of Google actions. For this reason, following Google docs, when Int1 is triggered I am using a webhook which connect Google Assistant to the following python script (back-end):
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, jsonify
from flask_cors import CORS
import requests
app = Flask(__name__)
#app.route("/", methods=['POST'])
def index():
data = request.get_json()
intent = data["queryResult"]["intent"]["displayName"]
if (intent == 'Int1'):
return jsonify({ "data": {
"google": {
"expectUserResponse": True,
"isSsml": False,
"noInputPrompts": [],
"systemIntent": {
"data": {
"#type": "",
"paymentOptions": {
"actionProvidedOptions": {
"displayName": "VISA-1234",
"paymentType": "PAYMENT_CARD"
"intent": "actions.intent.TRANSACTION_REQUIREMENTS_CHECK"
return jsonify({'message': 'HERE'})
if __name__== "__main__":
The json which I return above when intent = 'Int1' is the one specified at Google docs for "Checking requirements with your own payment method".
According to Google docs, this must be done next:
Receiving the result of a requirements check
After the Assistant fulfills the intent, it sends your fulfillment a
request with the actions.intent.TRANSACTION_REQUIREMENTS_CHECK intent
with the result of the check.
To properly handle this request, declare a Dialogflow intent that's
triggered by the actions_intent_TRANSACTION_REQUIREMENTS_CHECK event.
For this reason, I defined Int2 and as its event the actions_intent_TRANSACTION_REQUIREMENTS_CHECK.
However, I do not receive anything at my back-end like a result of the check and therefore I do not know if the action actions.intent.TRANSACTION_REQUIREMENTS_CHECK is really triggered. Why is this happening?
In general, how can I trigger one actions.intent.INTENT_NAME intent from my webhook/back-end?
When I am using the v2 version of Dialogflow, I am getting the following info/message about the webhook on Dialogflow when Int1 is triggered:
"webhookStatus": {
"code": 3,
"message": "Webhook call failed. Error: Failed to parse webhook JSON response: Cannot find field: data in message"
In the same case, I am getting the following info/message about the webhook on Google Assistant simulator when Int1 is triggered:
"responseMetadata": {
"status": {
"code": 14,
"message": "Webhook error (206)"
Finally, let me mention that I am testing all this with Python and ngrok at my local computer so perhaps this poses a problem because at the beginning of Google docs the following is mentioned:
Warning: The Actions Web Simulator should not be used to test an app
with transactions. Please use an Assistant-enabled Android or iOS
device to accurately test your app during development.
I finally solved this problem.
I had to replace the key "data" in the json which I was sending back when Int1 was triggered with the key "payload". In other words, I had to adjust my fulfilment response to the v2 version of Dialogflow.
Therefore, now I do get a second post request at my back-end which is sent because of the trigger of actions.intent.TRANSACTION_REQUIREMENTS_CHECK and of Int2.
Specifically, I get the following:
"responseId": "*****************************",
"queryResult": {
"queryText": "actions_intent_TRANSACTION_REQUIREMENTS_CHECK",
"parameters": {},
"allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
"fulfillmentText": "HERE",
"fulfillmentMessages": [
"text": {
"text": [
"outputContexts": [
"name": "*****************************"
"name": "*****************************"
"name": "*****************************"
"name": "*****************************"
"name": "*****************************"
"name": "*****************************",
"parameters": {
"#type": "",
"resultType": "OK"
"intent": {
"name": "*****************************",
"displayName": "Int2"
"intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
"diagnosticInfo": {},
"languageCode": "en-us"
"originalDetectIntentRequest": {
"source": "google",
"version": "2",
"payload": {
"isInSandbox": true,
"surface": {
"capabilities": [
"name": "actions.capability.WEB_BROWSER"
"name": "actions.capability.MEDIA_RESPONSE_AUDIO"
"name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
"inputs": [
"rawInputs": [
"inputType": "KEYBOARD"
"arguments": [
"extension": {
"#type": "",
"resultType": "OK"
"intent": "actions.intent.TRANSACTION_REQUIREMENTS_CHECK"
"user": {
"lastSeen": "2018-05-16T11:15:14Z",
"locale": "en-US",
"userId": "*****************************"
"conversation": {
"conversationId": "1526470000479",
"type": "ACTIVE",
"conversationToken": "[]"
"availableSurfaces": [
"capabilities": [
"name": "actions.capability.SCREEN_OUTPUT"
"name": "actions.capability.AUDIO_OUTPUT"
"session": "*****************************"
I think your response object is incorrect. the intent attribute should be inside the systemIntent object
"data": {
"google": {
"expectUserResponse": true,
"isSsml": false,
"noInputPrompts": [],
"systemIntent": {
"intent": "actions.intent.TRANSACTION_REQUIREMENTS_CHECK",
"data": {
"#type": "",
"paymentOptions": {
"actionProvidedOptions": {
"displayName": "VISA-1234",
"paymentType": "PAYMENT_CARD"

Actions-On-Google[Permission Intent] Get User Location / Name

const agent = new WebhookClient({request, response});
const {WebhookClient} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
const {Text, Card, Image, Suggestion, Payload} = require('dialogflow-fulfillment');
let payload = {
"systemIntent": {
"intent": "actions.intent.PERMISSION",
"data": {
"#type": "",
"optContext": "To deliver your order",
"permissions": [
agent.add(new Payload(PLATFORMS.ACTIONS_ON_GOOGLE, payload));
Simple payload to get UserLocation and Name using the PERMISSION intent
The response to the above I get it
To deliver your order, I'll need to get your name and street address
from Google. Is that ok?
Follow intent to this intent is also set up with event actions_intent_PERMISSION in it
I have been trying to solve this for 2 days by trying to fire actions_intent_PERMISSION using suggestion chips etc but nothing happens post this ?
Where am I going wrong I am not able to comprehend. There is some silly mistake somewhere - please if someone can point it out - would help a lot.
===========EDIT============IMAGES ATTACHED FOR THE INTENTS============
permissions intent
permissions response with event actions_intent_PERMISSION
edit: cant embed images because of points. above links are there. thanks
=================================request-response json===================
when the intent permissions is triggered below is the request
"responseId": "54a4be35-3d0b-4cc8-b036-46fab0d09361",
"queryResult": {
"queryText": "permissions",
"action": "permissions",
"parameters": {},
"allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
"fulfillmentMessages": [
"text": {
"text": [
"intent": {
"name": "projects/projectid/agent/intents/95237653-0af0-4d0c-9101-0cd8ee0db186",
"displayName": "permissions"
"intentDetectionConfidence": 1,
"diagnosticInfo": {},
"languageCode": "en"
"originalDetectIntentRequest": {
"payload": {}
"session": "projects/projectid/agent/sessions/13213e7f-dba5-4d0c-979a-f626f7ac4691"
fulfillment response
"conversationToken": "[]",
"expectUserResponse": true,
"expectedInputs": [
"inputPrompt": {},
"possibleIntents": [
"intent": "actions.intent.PERMISSION",
"inputValueData": {
"#type": "",
"permissions": [
"optContext": "To locate you"
"speechBiasingHints": [
"responseMetadata": {
"status": {
"message": "Success (200)"
"queryMatchInfo": {
"queryMatched": true,
"intent": "95237653-0af0-4d0c-9101-0cd8ee0db186"
The response from simulator for permissions intent
Issue has been resolved
Points to note:
Actions-on-Google simulator works very weirdly to be trusted upon
whether your webhook is working or not
Promise resolution was an
issue - agent was waiting for a promise to be resolved before that
it was getting passed to next time
Correct way to test your bot
is to publish your bot in ALPHA on the assistant directory rather
than testing on the Simulator because it is very unstable in terms
of you can never predict its behavior. Will never tell you the
correct error to be debugged and will abruptly stop working for no
reason whatsoever

Sending a button response to fb messenger via

I have started playing with diaglofFlow a.k.a with fb messenger integration.
I defined an intent which current returns 3 responses. 2 text responses and 1 custom payload.
the 2 text responses comes just fine but the custom payload which is suppose to return a button is not.
the custom payload looks like
"recipient": {
"id": "1234"
"message": {
"attachment": {
"type": "template",
"payload": {
"template_type": "button",
"text": "What do you want to do next?",
"buttons": [
"type": "web_url",
"url": "",
"title": "Visit Messenger"
Also, please note that the recipient id is something i am not sure how it should be provided. the fb documentation says it should be number of the recipient. I do not know how i am going to get that?
actually this works
"facebook": {
"attachment": {
"type": "template",
"payload": {
"template_type": "button",
"text": "What do you want to do next?",
"buttons": [
"type": "web_url",
"url": "",
"title": "Visit Messenger"
} is the user's Page-scoped ID. You receive it in the prop of webhook events when the user initiates a conversation.