Issue with facebook social login : 'Invalid value for: query parameter state' - facebook

i'm encountering an issue with Facebook login, short context:
We have our auth service in scala
We use a in vuejs to call our auth service
Facebook login was working like 6 month before
i noticed that Facebook removed our API access due to lack of privacy policy link
i changed the privacy link and clicked on " restore access"
I checked AP ID and Secretkey on our env and it's correct
When i try to login with facebook, i get this message issue on click
Then when i click on "okay" i have more info about error : Invalid value for: query parameter state.
I don't know what i should do to make it works again.
Thanks in advance for your friendly help.


Facebook API error code 190, subcode 460 in Meteor app even after refreshing login

I use accounts-facebook in Meteor to allow my app's users to log in via Facebook. The app also makes other Facebook API calls using the Facebook token accounts-facebook stores in the user document.
Sometimes, when I try to make a call, I get an error:
message: 'Error validating access token: Session does not match current stored session. This may be because the user changed the password since the time the session was created or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.',
type: 'OAuthException',
code: 190,
error_subcode: 460,
fbtrace_id: '...'
Facebook says users will need to log in again. I built a flow to fix this problem. When we get a 190/460, we set the services.facebook.accessToken property in their user document to false and email them a link to a page with a "Refresh Facebook Login" button which simply logs them in to the app again via Facebook.
The flow appears to work. I can see the accessToken gets set to false. When I click through on the link in the email and then click the "Refresh" button, I get a token that is different from the previous token. However, when the app tries to make another FB API request, it gets the same 190/460 error with the new token.
If the fix for 190/460 is to have the user log in again, why do I continue to get the error after the user has refreshed the token?
I had a similar issue and solved it going to Facebook developer page
-> Messenger option from the left menu
-> Configuration
then scroll to "access tokens", click "generate token" button and copy that token to your code.
For example in php looks like
$accessToken = 'EAAKHOkhtsDABAJgyp....';

PayPal API login error - "Sorry, we can't log you in.."

I am using the paypal api login with this:
paypal.use( ['login'], function (login) {
login.render ({
"authend": "sandbox",
when I click on lippButton paypal opens with forms for email and password. When they are filled in I get the error:
Sorry, we can't log you in. If you think there's a problem with your
account, contact us and we'll help resolve it.
Even though If I redirect the user to login/complete payment it is fine. Any ideas as to what the problem is?
Seems like it may just be the sandbox api is down. I went here:
and clicked "Try it" then clicked on the link for step 2, which pops up an identical login form that I am using and the error message persists there as well.
Can anyone explain how I can log in to paypal, but not from their sandbox using my paypal credentials?
I found the problem. For anyone in the future with this same problem (I'm assuming many will because it is directly following their walk through), you seem to not be able to log in via "sandbox" mode (even though their provided code sample has authend: "sandbox" in it).
Simply put in your live credentials INSTEAD of your sandbox credentials. The log in should look like this (There should be no 'authend: "sandbox"' now):
paypal.use( ['login'], function (login) {
login.render ({
"appid":"myAppID", //Use your live client ID, not your sandbox client ID.
//No authend needed.
And the login now works and allows you to login.

(#100) Unknown fields: username facebook

We had built widgets for Facebook in Salesforce (Force.Com) Enterprise Version Environment using their API which has stopped working from some time.
We are getting error of "Unknown field:Username" when we are using username in the endpoint url on the profile search. Although, we know that username is no longer available in the endpoint URL from V2.0. So , anyone kindly suggest any other way to make profile search possible(on username) without using username in the endpoint URL.
Error : (#100) Unknown fields: username
Simply put:
To search for a username is no longer possible. You can try
to search for a user by his real name.

Spring social SignIn with Facebook not working

I work on an application and i want to add ProviderSignIn features. I place a button on my web page so people could connect ( signin) to my application using facebook. As documentation says (, the oAuth dance :
1. POST is made to signin/facebook work(seen in firebug)
2. GET is made to signin/facebook?code="somecode" work(seen in firebug)
3. GET is made to signin but this just displays my view signin.
The documentation says :
If any error occurs while fetching the access token or while fetching the user's profile data, ProviderSignInController will redirect to the application's sign in URL. The request to the sign in URL will have an "error" query parameter set to "provider" to indicate an error occurred while communicating with the provider. The default sign in URL is "/signin" (relative to the application root), but can be customized by setting the signInUrl property.
At step 3, my url is signin#= and not signin with error query parameter.
I don't understand why i am not getting error in query parameter ?
Just create your own controller which extends ConnectController and implements it's methods. It worked for me.

iphone twitter and sharing

Has anyone encountered the following error message when sending to Twitter?
"Error: Incorrect signature"
And on the debug console:
<0xf14cf80 SHKTwitter.m:(356)> Twitter Send Status Error: {"request":"\/1\/statuses\/update.json","error":"Incorrect signature"}
So far as I can tell I've followed the install instructions on and it is working with Facebook, e-mail etc. just not Twitter.
It would be great if someone has seen this error before and goes "aha!".
All I did to enable twitter Sharing is:
Regitered my App as a Twitter APP (Application Type: Browser)
#define SHKTwitterConsumerKey #"My..."
#define SHKTwitterSecret #"My..."
#define SHKTwitterCallbackUrl #"" // You need to set this if using OAuth, see note above (xAuth users can skip it)
\#define SHKTwitterUseXAuth 0 // To use xAuth, set to 1
\#define SHKTwitterUsername #"" // Enter your app's twitter account if you'dlike to ask the user to follow it when logging in. (Only for xAuth)
Note that for the callback function you can enter any URL you want. even Just make sure it is the same URL in your code.
The issue is that you're signed into your twitter account, and allowed the app to connect to your profile.
However, days go by, the Key and Secret change, and now you're seeing this error. It's because you have to log out and re-log back into Twitter. I spent waaay too much time finding this out when I created a new Twitter App to hook into (and organize my apps) and found this error.
Basically, ShareKit is saving your login info, auto-logging you in, and getting the error when twitter says the app doesn't have permission to connect to your profile.
Follow these steps to log yourself out and test again :
Check this previous SO question, it might be able to help you solve the problem:
Twitter API status update always returns "Incorrect signature"