Fail to rewrite list with app_removelast_last - coq

I have an environment which looks like this:
P: list nat -> Prop
Hnil: P []
xs, xp: list nat
Hex: xp = a :: xs
Hnilcons: xp <> []
P xp
I'd like to rewrite the goal to
P ((removelast xp)++[last xp 0])
As I have in the context a proof that xp in not nil, I try to use app_removelast_last:
Lemma app_removelast_last :
forall l d, l <> [] -> l = removelast l ++ [last l d].
But when I try
rewrite (app_removelast_last xp 0 Hnilcons).
I get an obscure error message :
The term "Hnilcons" has type
"not (#eq (list nat) xp (#nil nat))"
while it is expected to have type
(#eq (list (list nat)) ?l
(#nil (list nat)))"
(cannot unify "list (list nat)" and
"list nat").
Obviously, I don't understand how to use the proof that the list is not [].
Can someone help me clarify how to do this rewrite ?
Thank you !!

The arguments you provided aren't the ones app_removelast_last expects. You can find this with About:
About app_removelast_last.
app_removelast_last :
forall [A : Type] [l : list A] (d : A),
l <> [] -> l = removelast l ++ [last l d]
app_removelast_last is not universe polymorphic
Arguments app_removelast_last [A]%type_scope [l]%list_scope d _
Arguments that appear inside square brackets (or curly braces, although here there are none) are implicit. This means that Coq can infer them from the explicit arguments. So even though app_removelast_last needs four arguments to reach the equality (namely, A, l, d, and a proof of l <> []), it only expects two of them (d and a proof of l <> []), because A and l can be inferred from those. Or in other words, once you provide d and a proof of l <> [], there is only one possible choice for A and l.
Note that d is supposed to be a default value fed to last in case the list is empty. Here we know that the list is non-empty, so it is completely irrelevant which default value we pick, but we still must pick one. When you write app_removelast_last xp Hnilcons, you're saying that you want xp to be the default value (remember, l is implicit!). Then Coq infers that, since your default value has type list nat, the relevant l must have type list (list nat), which is why you get that error message in particular.
The solution is to rewrite with, for example, app_removelast_last 0 Hnilcons, since 0 is an adequate default value.
Edit: You may also avoid implicit arguments with # as follows:
#app_removelast_last nat xp 0 Hnilcons
However, according to your comment you are not using the stdlib's version of this lemma, but Constant AlphaCode1_forward_c.app_removelast_last, which apparently is specific to lists of natural numbers and has no implicit arguments, so this is probably not what's causing the issue.


What are the rules of Coq implicit types deduction in Inductive definitions?

Consider this type that has X as an implicit type.
Inductive list' {X:Type} : Type :=
| nil'
| cons' (x : X) (l : list').
Coq deduced that type of the second argument of cons' is #list' A:
Fail Check cons' a (cons' b nil'). (* "cons' b nil'" expected to have type "#list' A"*)
But how was this type deduced unambiguously?
We can create another type:
Inductive list'' {X:Type} : Type :=
| nil''
| cons'' (x : X) (l : #list'' B).
Check cons'' a (cons'' b nil'').
It shows that l could also be #list' B.
To be precise, Coq inferred the type of cons' to be forall {X}, X -> #list' X -> #list' X. Then when you write cons a, Coq works out that you must be building a #list' A, and fills in X with A, thus constraining the second argument to be again of type #list' A.
However, the choice of X over some other type is not the only possible choice, as you noticed. In your second example, cons'' gets type forall {X}, X -> #list'' B -> #list'' X. However, when it is left unspecified, most people most of the time intend their parameters (things on the left side of the colon) to be uniform, that is, the same in the arguments as in the conclusion, which heuristic leads to the choice of X here. In general, Coq doesn't worry too much about making sure it's solutions are unique for things the user left unspecified.
In recent enough versions of Coq, you can use the option Uniform Inductive Parameters to specify that all parameters are uniform, or use a | to separate the uniform from the non-uniform parameters. In the case of lists, that would look like
Inductive list' (X:Type) | : Type :=
| nil'
| cons' (x : X) (l : list').
Note that with the |, in the declaration of constructors list' has type Type, while without the |, list' has type Type -> Type, and there is a constraint that the conclusion of the constructor has to be list X (while the arguments can use list other_type freely).

How do I code algebraic cpos as an Isabelle locale

I am trying to prove the known fact that there is a standard way to build an algebriac_cpo from a partial_order. My problem is I keep getting the error
Type unification failed: No type arity set :: partial_order
and I can not understand what this means.
I think I have tracked down my problem to the definition of cpo. The definition works and I have proven various results for it but the working interpretation of a partial_order fails with cpo.
theory LocaleProblem imports "HOL-Lattice.Bounds"
definition directed:: "'a::partial_order set ⇒ bool" where
" directed a ≡
¬a={} ∧ ( ∀ a1 a2. a1∈a∧ a2∈a ⟶ (∃ ub . (is_Sup {a1,a2} ub))) "
class cpo = partial_order +
fixes bot :: "'a::partial_order" ("⊥")
assumes bottom: " ∀ x::'a. ⊥ ⊑ x "
assumes dlub: "directed (d::'a::partial_order set) ⟶ (∃ lub . is_Inf d lub) "
print_locale cpo
interpretation "idl" : partial_order
"(⊆)::( ('b set) ⇒ ('b set) ⇒ bool) "
by (unfold_locales , auto) (* works *)
interpretation "idl" : cpo
"(⊆)::( ('b set) ⇒ ('b set) ⇒ bool) "
"{}" (* gives error
Type unification failed: No type arity set :: partial_order
Failed to meet type constraint:
Term: (⊆) :: 'b set ⇒ 'b set ⇒ bool
Type: ??'a ⇒ ??'a ⇒ bool *)
Any help much appreciated. david
You offered two solutions.
Following the work of Hennessy in Algebraic Theory of Processes" I am trying to prove (where I(A) are the Ideal which are sets) "If a is_a partial_order then I(A) is an algebraic_cpo" I will then want to apply the result to a number of semantics, give as sets. Dose your comment mean that the second solution is not a good idea?
Initially I had a proven lemma that started
lemma directed_ran: "directed (d::('a::partial_order×'b::partial_order) set) ⟹ directed (Range d)"
proof (unfold directed_def)
With the First solution started well:
context partial_order begin (* type 'a is now a partial_order *)
is_Sup :: "'a set ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" where
"is_Sup A sup = ((∀x ∈ A. x ⊑ sup) ∧ (∀z. (∀x ∈ A. x ⊑ z) ⟶ sup ⊑ z))"
definition directed:: "'a set ⇒ bool" where
" directed a ≡
¬a={} ∧ ( ∀ a1 a2. a1∈a∧ a2∈a ⟶ (∃ ub . (is_Sup {a1,a2} ub))) "
lemma directed_ran: "directed (d::('c::partial_order×'b::partial_order) set) ⟹ directed (Range d)"
proof - assume a:"directed d"
from a local.directed_def[of "d"] (* Fail with message below *)
show "directed (Range d)"
Alas the working lemma now fails: I rewrote
proof (unfold local.directed_def)
so I explored and found that although the fact local.directed_def exists is can not be unified
Failed to meet type constraint:
Term: d :: ('c × 'b) set
Type: 'a set
I changed the type successfully in the lemma statement but now can find no way to unfold the definition in the proof. Is there some way to do this?
Second solution again starts well:
instantiation set:: (type) partial_order
definition setpoDef: "a⊑(b:: 'a set) = subset_eq a b"
instance proof
fix x::"'a set" show " x ⊑ x" by (auto simp: setpoDef)
fix x y z::"'a set" show "x ⊑ y ⟹ y ⊑ z ⟹ x ⊑ z" by(auto simp: setpoDef)
fix x y::"'a set" show "x ⊑ y ⟹ y ⊑ x ⟹ x = y" by (auto simp: setpoDef)
but next step fails
instance proof
fix d show "directed d ⟶ (∃lub. is_Sup d (lub::'a set))"
proof assume "directed d " with directed_def[of "d"] show "∃lub. is_Sup d lub"
by (metis Sup_least Sup_upper is_SupI setpoDef)
from class.cpo_axioms_def[of "bot"] show "∀x . ⊥ ⊑ x " (* Fails *)
the first subgoal is proven but show "∀x . ⊥ ⊑ x " although cut an paste from the subgaol in the output does not match the subgoal. Normally at this point is need to add type constraints. But I cannot find any that work.
Do you know what is going wrong?
Do you know if I can force the Output to reveal the type information in the sugoal.
The interpretation command acts on the locale that a type class definition implicitly declares. In particular, it does not register the type constructor as an instance of the type class. That's what the command instantiation is good for. Therefore, in the second interpretation, Isabelle complains about set not having been registered as a instance of partial_order.
Since directed only needs the ordering for one type instance (namely 'a), I recommend to move the definition of directed into the locale context of the partial_order type class and remove the sort constraint on 'a:
context partial_order begin
definition directed:: "'a set ⇒ bool" where
"directed a ≡ ¬a={} ∧ ( ∀ a1 a2. a1∈a∧ a2∈a ⟶ (∃ ub . (is_Sup {a1,a2} ub))) "
(This only works if is_Sup is also defined in the locale context. If not, I recommend to replace the is_Sup condition with a1 <= ub and a2 <= ub.)
Then, you don't need to constrain 'a in the cpo type class definition, either:
class cpo = partial_order +
fixes bot :: "'a" ("⊥")
assumes bottom: " ∀ x::'a. ⊥ ⊑ x "
assumes dlub: "directed (d::'a set) ⟶ (∃ lub . is_Inf d lub)"
And consequently, your interpretation should not fail due to sort constraints.
Alternatively, you could declare set as an instance of partial_order instead of interpreting the type class. The advantage is that you can then also use constants and theorems that need partial_order as a sort constraint, i.e., that have not been defined or proven inside the locale context of partial_order. The disadvantage is that you'd have to define the type class operation inside the instantiation block. So you can't just say that the subset relation should be used; this has to be a new constant. Depending on what you intend to do with the instantiation, this might not matter or be very annoying.

Surprising implicit assumptions in intuitionistic definitions

I'm trying to make sense of something that surprised me. Consider the following two definitions.
Require Import List.
Variable A:Type.
Inductive NoDup : list A -> Prop :=
NoDup_nil : NoDup nil
| NoDup_cons : forall x l, ~ In x l -> NoDup l -> NoDup (x :: l).
Inductive Dup : list A -> Prop :=
Dup_hd : forall x l, In x l -> Dup (x :: l)
| Dup_tl : forall x l, Dup l -> Dup (x :: l).
My first intuition was that they say the same thing (but negated). However, #Arthur Azevedo De Amorim showed that they are not exactly equivalent (or see here). If ~ NoDup l -> Dup l then it must be the case that forall (a b:A), ~ a <> b -> a = b. Thus, an extra assumption on the type A sneaks in if one uses ~ NoDup rather than Dup when stating one's proof goal.
I tried to spot where this extra assumption is introduced, to get a mental model of what happened, so I will see it myself next time. My current explanation is that
it is the ~ In x l argument to NoDup_cons that is responsible, because
~ In x l terms can only be created if one can prove that a certain x is different from the first element in the list, the second element in the list, etc.
So when I destruct a term om type NoDup (_::_) I get a term ~ In _ _ that can only have been created for a type A for which ~ a <> b -> a = b must hold.
Q: is that an ok 'informal' way to think about it, or is there a better way to understand it, so I don't fall into that trap again?
Also, I found that the Coq library contains NoDup and not Dup, so perhaps some lemmas are weaker than they need to be, because they were formulated using NoDup instead of Dup. However, they could be formulated with Dup because ~Dup l -> NoDup l.
I think the lesson to take out of this example is that you need to be more careful when thinking about negations in intuitionistic logic. In particular, your statement "they say the same thing (but negated)" makes sense in classical logic: it means either of the equivalent statements P <-> ~Q or ~P <-> Q. However, in intuitionistic logic these two statements are not equivalent, so you would have to be more specific about which of these two (if either) is actually true.
In this case, it is true that NoDup l is equivalent to ~ Dup l. What is not true in general is that Dup l is a normal proposition (recall that a proposition P is called normal if ~~P -> P, in which case it's easy to conclude that P <-> ~~P). Therefore, ~ NoDup l is equivalent to ~~ Dup l, which in general is a strictly weaker statement than Dup l.
One possible way to think about the difference between the two is: from a concrete proof of Dup l, it would be possible to extract a pair of indices such that the corresponding entries of l are equal (not literally as a function in Coq due to the restrictions on eliminating from Prop to Type, but you could definitely prove a lemma that there exists such a pair of indices). On the other hand, a concrete proof of ~ NoDup l simply gives a way to take a purported proof of NoDup l and derive a contradiction from it - from which you can't necessarily extract any particular pair of indices.
(I do agree it's somewhat odd that the standard library has only NoDup and not Dup.)

how to figure out what "=" means in different types in coq

Given a type (like List) in Coq, how do I figure out what the equality symbol "=" mean in that type? What commands should I type to figure out the definition?
The equality symbol is just special infix syntax for the eq predicate. Perhaps surprisingly, it is defined the same way for every type, and we can even ask Coq to print it for us:
Print eq.
(* Answer: *)
Inductive eq (A : Type) (x : A) : Prop :=
| eq_refl : eq x x.
This definition is so minimal that it might be hard to understand what is going on. Roughly speaking, it says that the most basic way to show that two expressions are equal is by reflexivity -- that is, when they are exactly the same. For instance, we can use eq_refl to prove that 5 = 5 or [4] = [4]:
Check eq_refl : 5 = 5.
Check eq_refl : [4] = [4].
There is more to this definition than meets the eye. First, Coq considers any two expressions that are equalivalent up to simplification to be equal. In these cases, we can use eq_refl to show that they are equal as well. For instance:
Check eq_refl : 2 + 2 = 4.
This works because Coq knows the definition of addition on the natural numbers and is able to mechanically simplify the expression 2 + 2 until it arrives at 4.
Furthermore, the above definition tells us how to use an equality to prove other facts. Because of the way inductive types work in Coq, we can show the following result:
eq_elim :
forall (A : Type) (x y : A),
x = y ->
forall (P : A -> Prop), P x -> P y
Paraphrasing, when two things are equal, any fact that holds of the first one also holds of the second one. This principle is roughly what Coq uses under the hood when you invoke the rewrite tactic.
Finally, equality interacts with other types in interesting ways. You asked what the definition of equality for list was. We can show that the following lemmas are valid:
forall A (x1 x2 : A) (l1 l2 : list A),
x1 :: l1 = x2 :: l2 -> x1 = x2 /\ l1 = l2
forall A (x : A) (l : list A),
x :: l <> nil.
In words:
if two nonempty lists are equal, then their heads and tails are equal;
a nonempty list is different from nil.
More generally, if T is an inductive type, we can show that:
if two expressions starting with the same constructor are equal, then their arguments are equal (that is, constructors are injective); and
two expressions starting with different constructors are always different (that is, different constructors are disjoint).
These facts are not, strictly speaking, part of the definition of equality, but rather consequences of the way inductive types work in Coq. Unfortunately, it doesn't work as well for other kinds of types in Coq; in particular, the notion of equality for functions in Coq is not very useful, unless you are willing to add extra axioms into the theory.

What is difference between `destruct` and `case_eq` tactics in Coq?

I understood destruct as it breaks an inductive definition into its constructors. I recently saw case_eq and I couldn't understand what it does differently?
1 subgoals
n : nat
k : nat
m : M.t nat
H : match M.find (elt:=nat) n m with
| Some _ => true
| None => false
end = true
cc n (M.add k k m) = true
In the above context, if I do destruct M.find n m it breaks H into true and false whereas case_eq (M.find n m) leaves H intact and adds separate proposition M.find (elt:=nat) n m = Some v, which I can rewrite to get same effect as destruct.
Can someone please explain me the difference between the two tactics and when which one should be used?
The first basic tactic in the family of destruct and case_eq is called case. This tactic modifies only the conclusion. When you type case A and A has a type T which is inductive, the system replaces A in the goal's conclusion by instances of all the constructors of type T, adding universal quantifications for the arguments of these constructors, if needed. This creates as many goals as there are constructors in type T. The formula A disappears from the goal and if there is any information about A in an hypothesis, the link between this information and all the new constructors that replace it in the conclusion gets lost. In spite of this, case is an important primitive tactic.
Loosing the link between information in the hypotheses and instances of A in the conclusion is a big problem in practice, so developers came up with two solutions: case_eq and destruct.
Personnally, when writing the Coq'Art book, I proposed that we write a simple tactic on top of case that keeps a link between A and the various constructor instances in the form of an equality. This is the tactic now called case_eq. It does the same thing as case but adds an extra implication in the goal, where the premise of the implication is an equality of the form A = ... and where ... is an instance of each constructor.
At about the same time, the tactic destruct was proposed. Instead of limiting the effect of replacement in the goal's conclusion, destruct replaces all instances of A appearing in the hypotheses with instances of constructors of type T. In a sense, this is cleaner because it avoids relying on the extra concept of equality, but it is still incomplete because the expression A may be a compound expression f B, and if B appears in the hypothesis but not f B the link between A and B will still be lost.
Definition my_pred (n : nat) := match n with 0 => 0 | S p => p end.
Lemma example n : n <= 1 -> my_pred n <= 0.
case_eq (my_pred n).
Gives the two goals
n <= 1 -> my_pred n = 0 -> 0 <= 0
forall p, my_pred n = S p -> n <= 1 -> S p <= 0
the extra equality is very useful here.
In this question I suggested that the developer use case_eq (a == b) when (a == b) has type bool because this type is inductive and not very informative (constructors have no argument). But when (a == b) has type {a = b}+{a <> b} (which is the case for the string_dec function) the constructors have arguments that are proofs of interesting properties and the extra universal quantification for the arguments of the constructors are enough to give the relevant information, in this case a = b in a first goal and a <> b in a second goal.