Keycloak most basic installation giving 401 Status Code on AKS - keycloak

Installing keycloak on minikube works fine after following
But when I try on Azure Kubernetes Service; I am getting following response on browser for URL OR
"kind": "Status",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"status": "Failure",
"message": "Unauthorized",
"reason": "Unauthorized",
"code": 401
I am not even getting screen to put in username and password. Help is appreciated. Also, when I was accessing from browser it was giving SSL error; so I proceed with Not secure. I am using IP of AKS "API server address"

I was finally able to solve it to great extent.
Use helm chart. Good part of using helm charts is that it also creates postgres which takes care of persistence layer. Otherwise whenever pod is deleted all users will go away.
helm repo add azure-marketplace
helm install keycloak-helm azure-marketplace/keycloak
Now check the Service ( Load Balancer ) external IP and use it to access on browser. This was the key part. as we don't have minikube so we cannot use $ minikube ip
On browser you can login using following credentials:
Username: user
echo Password: $(kubectl get secret --namespace default keycloak-helm -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode)


Google Cloud Storage permission denied

I set up a Cloud Run which uses a Bucket on Cloud Storage. Locally I run it in a Docker Container, the credentials are passed using a json file, created and downloaded from IAM & Admin, and it works. When deployed, writing to the bucket throws an error:
500 unable to sign bytes: googleapi: Error 403: Permission 'iam.serviceAccounts.signBlob' denied on resource (or it may not exist).
"#type": "",
"domain": "",
"metadata": {
"permission": "iam.serviceAccounts.signBlob"
Any idea?
I had to add the Service Account Token Creator to the service account. I did it, but it did not work anyway because there is the need to deploy a new version of the service, so:
Add the role Service Account Token Creator
Deploy new version of the service

Authentication with Openshift API running on IBM cloud failed with 401 unauthorized error

I'm trying to build some application to manage my OpenShift cluster on IBM cloud and the first step is to authenticate against both IBM cloud and the OpenShift cluster.
I followed the steps describe in the above link, and successfully obtained all the tokens including 'access_token', 'id_token' and 'refresh_token'. Among them the 'id_token' is supposed to be used to authenticate against the OpenShift API.
With the access_token I can visit IBM cloud API successfully, like obtaining account, cluster information.
However, when I use the id_token to call OpenShift API, it failed with the following error. It happened even for the '/version' api, which can be accessed without providing a bearer token.
"kind": "Status",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {},
"status": "Failure",
"message": "Unauthorized",
"reason": "Unauthorized",
"code": 401
I can verify that my account have correct service roles assigned as described here, and I can see corresponding roles with 'ibm' prefix assigned in OpenShift web portal as well.
Can anyone please verify that the instructions in the first link above is still valid or have any clue about what might have been wrong?
To help troubleshooting, I paste a sample of tokens here, this is what I get for the step3 in the 'Working with your cluster by using the Kubernetes API' section in the link, it is a bit lengthy:
"access_token": "eyJraWQiOiIyMDIxMDIxOTE4MzUiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYW1faWQiOiJJQk1pZC0yNzAwMDU1WERHIiwiaWQiOiJJQk1pZC0yNzAwMDU1WERHIiwicmVhbG1pZCI6IklCTWlkIiwianRpIjoiMDY1OWI5MjktMDE1Zi00MDg0LTgwZWMtYmFhZjBhYTBkNDQ4IiwiaWRlbnRpZmllciI6IjI3MDAwNTVYREciLCJnaXZlbl9uYW1lIjoi6Iic5a2QIiwiZmFtaWx5X25hbWUiOiLpmYgiLCJuYW1lIjoi6Iic5a2QIOmZiCIsImVtYWlsIjoicmFmb3VsQDE2My5jb20iLCJzdWIiOiJjaHN6Y2hlbkBjbi5pYm0uY29tIiwiYXV0aG4iOnsic3ViIjoiY2hzemNoZW5AY24uaWJtLmNvbSIsImlhbV9pZCI6IklCTWlkLTI3MDAwNTVYREciLCJuYW1lIjoi6Iic5a2QIOmZiCIsImdpdmVuX25hbWUiOiLoiJzlrZAiLCJmYW1pbHlfbmFtZSI6IumZiCIsImVtYWlsIjoicmFmb3VsQDE2My5jb20ifSwiYWNjb3VudCI6eyJ2YWxpZCI6dHJ1ZSwiYnNzIjoiOWM5NzI1YmQxM2VhNDU2Nzg4YWMwZWU3OGQ4NjQ2ZTEiLCJpbXNfdXNlcl9pZCI6Ijg4NzM1NzYiLCJmcm96ZW4iOnRydWUsImltcyI6IjM0NjU1MiJ9LCJpYXQiOjE2MTQyNTU5ODYsImV4cCI6MTYxNDI1OTU4NiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9pYW0uY2xvdWQuaWJtLmNvbS9pZGVudGl0eSIsImdyYW50X3R5cGUiOiJ1cm46aWJtOnBhcmFtczpvYXV0aDpncmFudC10eXBlOmFwaWtleSIsInNjb3BlIjoiaWJtIG9wZW5pZCBjb250YWluZXJzLWt1YmVybmV0ZXMiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJrdWJlIiwiYWNyIjoxLCJhbXIiOlsicHdkIl0sInN1Yl85Yzk3MjViZDEzZWE0NTY3ODhhYzBlZTc4ZDg2NDZlMSI6ImNoc3pjaGVuQGNuLmlibS5jb20iLCJpYW1faWRfOWM5NzI1YmQxM2VhNDU2Nzg4YWMwZWU3OGQ4NjQ2ZTEiOiJJQk1pZC0yNzAwMDU1WERHIiwicmVhbG1lZF9zdWJfOWM5NzI1YmQxM2VhNDU2Nzg4YWMwZWU3OGQ4NjQ2ZTEiOiJJQk1pZC1jaHN6Y2hlbkBjbi5pYm0uY29tIn0.Rm3F0UKz9Aq3-1xXMmkFi0UkENIvQUkRo6qhtWaG3LKBH5HHsZbAQeJUhKqXYbI643nj2ssDP2U50BVv-6zbpfmyVncP5Z5Dmi620mi2QesduRQaH1XlC-l7KuF3uT0hJ_9FSD-0Wqi5ph0pkKxHJ-BmLkHC-4F0NByiUtwIpwyTpthuzwC251XZsQ9Ya8gzCxHB9DFb3tzOF3cupVVZmc2mMJbv4JuTSnP00H5rOT4yIzeI0Lqm6LhDpMRJ4P8glmIxmU6fag42P94pFNf3jEzIZGl49NINiWXlKbAleij3vSouobtYvrBmxWQF4KpuwKPEI-bMf1zpsHPYBHWidg",
"id_token": "eyJraWQiOiIyMDIxMDIxOTE4MzUiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.Y42KUJRGgZA9OV164GAKSF0W5rRNGf3x32YXrAo5UvKhpOK0k4r_hwZU5BZhI2y3t-UqM7lNOIxexpft2Zmc9ApQ6BlVN-iN1jcfBzxmrUPMObpc1-vDrAc9Sq84J8nYzy1Rk32ydFHeb3V2iDhJn14_NOnXwhuz9EFkSg0uUZHugTAPx5A-VcdrehceX0yOqAOfX5EzTtmHoI8-JQbfNt8pyBSJs8Eoag7_mtfNgx13bP_-M8W7tltCSHhPEO46gUurPFkvasHggConPQ_oBw3ANAvY8tDfivrGmdiR2Q-uc4SnFAjOgC77YskDLskBcOeehhBvxwDkyufztzqM6w",
"refresh_token": "OKDsw87zCujUXCmb4LZ3-DFQN7lUa0ejdqau_fL3Voms7M7DaKYgO07gZW29VQbcwdGc3z8jrQjjf_4gOutKyRCZ6LyEiSEKTZQ6Kovwqji02Puxu3fzIFB9f8-a1hMlkTtP4u32_FTCmOZA6ARvzxEyRX36CtQEzSVz-zVMsvPxdgyztUEWPTtvbr7aPn4eq209OzTGzTyPCBFR-N0gVp2tKLbIrGmyi_vgC-6xLRvR2nWGJsUwaaBjXwvICeCBY3qRJ90VyP1krBSHa72f1XJWpvLnBWHN8qo1dfPknHvknlEZ3kMUA87KZkynkgiVifhRq90oNAKYHhKJ4XRs2tyz05zW5a8qEhgoIVsslUzDLLNU1btRF_3g587dKckPzEav3BgQlCik4im8gIC74HFGZOz4P7z9QKLJHQY7ElDillH8pLRjW8Dx0yZvn8Yo5rSqJSj0zUmJxNZMUNEpF_DTQhHCePNOWu1_1q4o5cIb_Mv-mGMMVwrVUsJYUyaeV9O5cWl58eWlHQxS3SbuAjsBrzfSdcrIyFe5aQViyL_sL1-o54xFrMJPC3prPD25TS4vUOwAy7tc9r1AGZG00YUGaxPwzKcOWBI4DqksIiEKPOtcm3k0y24TuwRPa0AK-9jfYAzkx3rciBYGKbq1WOFjX-p6LH67ayxVUJcQcjSMe-35LZnsHQtc0VOxNHjJKdJiHsKOYEDY1Nz0k4zGZr1EZ6j7w4tLpBXP9ThC8hReiihWDmld9lzFdLwKZPF7jl4u03a2WQZ6j-wMHvLtOBcLDiKwEaeWaGp8v_YS3j4iGqkcAytf7z_-toD1O3ZHtIUlbe6H64IAVPKadN1Y1SD49Ouk1fk8xDFr7HQ4RuDTLfZnLGzC4vvzysCmJEX837Wjf2f9WdirEaKxoSlDDJKilt--20Ota-5CTimD8u0SttC6CD1Glj8bbAS8ddCAfVirDJty7FW3eyALvAHifKqzRa1kBDPHb305q91oSWYdzBKIlTinN9BAXDc3ZccVkWM6Y3VgUzh2iQwM0lKadts7OMwqhLDk7rukAXHRUpKxy-85rUf-a0oz41s69PXdQteoh559vEb0uyrq0kOnI1RnuJ7MaEGDC25Kfezumo0snwYRmQhXMPMeKkxBKxs9ZydKxxcp1qtLwFyHA6MhZuXRpZM9Qse9mqovNdHHOhAQIZu3J7HJusuVdg3SJhZkTH__gXpCc2hBeOpR0rPc6qZm7z2nU5pJQ2XgzH2TUm6psA",
"ims_user_id": 8873576,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600,
"expiration": 1614259586,
"refresh_token_expiration": 1616847976,
"scope": "ibm openid containers-kubernetes"
In addition, the following approach works but the token is obtained through the OpenShift web console, and thus cannot be obtained programmatically(at least I don't see how),
"Authorization: Bearer sha256~6V_OvZ5OoV8vnHF33Es5qsloAY-iXkLQ8dfl_Nsyn94"
You can not and should not send the ID-Token to get access to APIs, its only meant to be used by the client who did the initial authentication. It also typically have a very short lifetime (like 5 minutes in some implementation).
The only purpose of the ID-token is basically o create the local user session.
On the page you refer to it says at the end:
ID token: Every IAM ID token that is issued via the CLI expires after
one hour. When the ID token expires, the refresh token is sent to the
token provider to refresh the ID token. Your authentication is
refreshed, and you can continue to run commands against your cluster.
It sounds like they mean the access token. In openID connect you don't renew your ID-token (what I am aware of)
Have been busy in the past few days, I will share how I solved this problem here. In fact it didn't address the original issue, but is another way to achieve the goal.
So it turned out that there was another doc regarding how the access token can be obtained(Yes, as mentioned by #Tore Nestenius it should be an access token instead of an id token). The token described here is actually the same as what one would get through the Openshift web console. And basically it has nothing to do with the previous link I shared in the question.

How to reach openapi interface for minikube?

According to Kubernetes documentation, you can ping an http endpoint for a K8s cluster to operate it instead of using e.g. kubectl. It also says that there is an openApi interface available at /openapi/v2. I'm running minikube on MacOS and would like to check it out. Does anyone know if that is possible?
I tried:
minikube list service # Shows 'kubernetes' as a name
minikube list kubernetes
... which opens the browser to However, when I try going to I get the message:
"kind": "Status",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {},
"status": "Failure",
"message": "forbidden: User \"system:anonymous\" cannot get path \"/openapi/v2\"",
"reason": "Forbidden",
"details": {},
"code": 403
... suggesting that I need some sort of authorization solution. Suggestions?
This worked for me:
# Proxy minikube to localhost on arbitrary port:
kubectl proxy --port=12345
# Now swagger.json is available at localhost:12345/openapi/v2
# Save to /tmp/temp/json and serve with e.g. docker swagger-ui container
curl localhost:12345/openapi/v2 > /tmp/temp.json
docker run -it -p 9999:8080 -e SWAGGER_JSON=/var/specs/temp.json -v /tmp/temp.json:/var/specs/temp.json swaggerapi/swagger-ui
# Open browser to localhost:9999

Forbidden error while retrieving details of cluster using <publicServiceEndpointURL> with REST kubernetes API

Trying to retrieve details of the kubernetes cluster like namespaces and pod details using kubernetes API
following doc
Authorization: bearer <id_token>
<id_token> - An IAM token generated.
will get an certificate error on postman with SSL certificate enabled else throwing 403 Forbidden error
Error: unable to verify the first certificate
Result with disabling SSL certificate verification.
"kind": "Status",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {},
"status": "Failure",
"message": "namespaces is forbidden: User \"system:anonymous\" cannot list resource \"namespaces\" in API group \"\" at the cluster scope",
"reason": "Forbidden",
"details": {
"kind": "namespaces"
"code": 403
Tried with curl and will result in same error
curl -k <publicServiceEndpointURL>/api/v1/namespaces -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
Error on chrome with API call
How will i able to access this API?
Do you have the right permissions to list namespaces in the cluster? If you log in as the same user via the CLI, for example, can you run kubectl get namespaces? It looks like a permissions error. The user would need IBM Cloud IAM Reader service role (which gives you RBAC view role) for all namespaces in the cluster.

kubectl access to Google Cloud Container Engine fails

In Google Cloud Platform I have a Container-Cluster with three running instances. I now want to connect from my terminal to be able to run kubectl commands. For this I ran the command
gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster-1 --zone europe-west1-b --project project-id
I am using the real project name of course. This is the command shown by the dashboard when clicking on 'connect with the cluster'. The output of this command is:
Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
kubeconfig entry generated for cluster-1.
But when I run kubectlcommands afterwards like kubectl cluster-info I always get:
Unable to connect to the server: oauth2: cannot fetch token: 400 Bad Request
Response: {
"error" : "invalid_grant",
"error_description" : "Token has been revoked."
What am I missing here? gcloud commands like gcloud container clusters list work
I tried from a different machine at home, and there it was working after installing and setting up gcloud. I think that on my work machine there is still an oauth token stored with which I authenticated to a different google account I used for a test.
Edit: I got it running now. the problem was that I missed the second of the necessary calls:
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login