OR-Tools CP-SAT solver: count successive NewBoolVar occurrences - or-tools

In a simple range I try to get the amount of successive assignments for a variable. The values should be between 6-12 or should be 0. For example in the case a hospital has 24 shifts and an employee should work between 6 and 12 hours or not at all.
# Build shifts
shifts = {}
for n in all_nurses:
for d in all_days:
for s in all_shifts:
shifts[(n, d, s)] = model.NewBoolVar('shift_n%id%is%i' % (n, d, s))
# Count successive occurrences
for e_count in all_nurses:
s_count = 0
while s_count < len(all_shifts):
model.Add(sum(shifts[e_count, s_count] for s in range(e_count, e_count + 6 == 6) #min
model.Add(sum(shifts[e_count, s_count] for s in range(e_count, e_count + 12 <= 12) #min
Unfortunately this doesn't work since it increases the value with only one, what would be the best approach to check if how many hours have been assigned and increase s_count with that value?

If you just want to constrain the sum, you should use this method
model.AddLinearExpressionInDomain(sum(bool_vars), cp_model.Domain.FromIntervals([0, 0], [6, 12]))
If you want to constrain the length of a sequence, you should look at the shift_scheduling example
In particular, the soft sequence constraint.
The idea is the following, for every starting point, you want to forbid 010, 0110, 01110, ..., 0111110 and 01111111111110 (0110 means work[start] is false, work[start + 1] is true, work[start + 2] is true, work[start + 3] is false.
To forbid a sequence, just add a nogood, that is a clause (or AddBoolOr containing the negation of the pattern.
in my example bool_or(work[start], work[start + 1].Not(), work[start + 2].Not(), work[start + 3]).
Loop over all starting points and all patterns. And pay attention to the boundary conditions.


Hashing functions and Universal Hashing Family

I need to determine whether the following Hash Functions Set is universal or not:
Let U be the set of the keys - {000, 001, 002, 003, ... ,999} - all the numbers between 0 and 999 padded with 0 in the beginning where needed. Let n = 10 and 1 < a < 9 ,an integer between 1 and 9. We denote by ha(x) the rightmost digit of the number a*x.
For example, h2(123) = 6, because, 2 * 123 = 246.
We also denote H = {h1, h2, h3, ... ,h9} as our set of hash functions.
Is H is universal? prove.
I know I need to calculate the probability for collision of 2 different keys and check if it's smaller or equal to 1/n (which is 1/10), so I tried to separate into cases - if a is odd or even, because when a is even the last digit of a*x will be 0/2/4/6/8, else it could be anything. But it didn't help me so much as I'm stuck on it.
Would be very glad for some help here.

Efficient method to query percentile in a list

I've come across the requirement to collect the percentiles from a list a few times:
Within what percentile is a certain number?
What is the nth percentile in a list?
I have written these methods to solve the issue:
/for 1:
percentileWithinThreshold:{[threshold;list] (100 * count where list <= threshold) % count list};
/for 2:
thresholdForPercentile:{[percentile;list] (asc list)[-1 + "j"$((percentile % 100) * count list)]};
They work well for both use cases, but I was thinking this is a too common use case, so probably Q offers already something out of the box that does the same. Any idea if there already exists something else?
'100 xrank' generates percentiles.
q) 100 xrank 1 2 3 4
q) 0 25 50 75
Solution for your second requirement:
q) f:{ y (100 xrank y:asc y) bin x}
Also, note that your second function result will not be always same as xrank. Reason for that is 'xrank' uses floor for fractional index output which is the normal scenario with calculating percentiles and your function round up the value and subtracts -1 which ensures that output will always be lesser-equal to input percentile. For example:
q) thresholdForPercentile[63;til 21] / output 12
q) f[63;til 21] / output 13
For first requirement, there is no inbuilt function. However you could improve your function if you keep your input list sorted because in that case you could use 'bin' function which runs faster on big lists.
q) percentileWithinThreshold:{[threshold;list] (100 * 1+list bin threshold) % count list};
Remember that 'bin' will throw type error if one argument is of float type and other is an integer. So make sure to cast them correctly inside the function.
qtln:{[x;y;z]cf:(0 1;1%2 2;0 0;1 1;1%3 3;3%8 8) z-4;n:count y:asc y;?[hf<1;first y;last y]^y[hf-1]+(h-hf)*y[hf]-y -1+hf:floor h:cf[0]+x*n+1f-sum cf}

Selecting random values in a set in mathematica

I have a set which has {0} and other 8 elements, total 9 elements. I want to choose random 3 value in this set and create a 3x1 column matrix. This will repeat all possible choices in the set. How can I do?
As #Picket said in comment,
The way RandomSample works will ensure it will not output the same choice twice in a single call
If your list is small, you can generate all subsets and sample it.
RandomSample[Subsets[{a, b, c, d, e, f}, {3}], 7]
will generate all (20) subsets with 3 (distinct) elements and then pick 7 different uniformly (there are options to weight each member differently, chose the random generator, etc.).
RandomSample[Flatten[Permutations /# Subsets[{a, b, c, d, e, f}, {3}], 1], 13]
will generate all (120) possible ordered selections of 3 distinct elements among a set of 6 elements and give a sample of 13 distinct elements of this list.
If what you want is a random ordering of all possible subsets of size 3, or of all ordered selections without duplicate of size 3 just ask the same way but with the exact number of such sets.
myset = { foo, foo2, foo3, foo5 };
RandomSample[Subsets[myset, {3}], Binomial[Length[myset],3 ]]
RandomSample[Flatten[Permutations /# Subsets[myset, {3}], 1], 3!*Binomial[Length[myset],3 ] ]
(if you ask more than the exact number of possibilities, RandomSample will complain)
Now if your initial set is large so that the set of subsets is impractical for generation time and memory, take advantage of representing set composition by numbers, even if it is not perfect in term of uniform distribution. Say that your initial set has 20 distinct elements. A three digit number in base 20 can represent any selection of 3. If you account for the need to filter out the few with one digit appearing more than once
20^3/(3!*Binomial[20, 3]) // N
You are probably safe by generating 25% more numbers than what you need and filtering the ones with repetition:
Cases[IntegerDigits[RandomSample[0 ;; 20^3-1, Ceiling[31*(1 + 1/4)] ], 20, 3], _?(Length[Union[#]] == 3 &), 1, 31]
This generates a random sample of 39 distinct 3-digit numbers in base 20 and select the first 31 with no duplicates in the form of a list of 3-coordinates vectors.

Calculating prime numbers in Scala: how does this code work?

So I've spent hours trying to work out exactly how this code produces prime numbers.
lazy val ps: Stream[Int] = 2 #:: Stream.from(3).filter(i =>
ps.takeWhile{j => j * j <= i}.forall{ k => i % k > 0});
I've used a number of printlns etc, but nothings making it clearer.
This is what I think the code does:
* [2,3]
* takeWhile 2*2 <= 3
* takeWhile 2*2 <= 4 found match
* (4 % [2,3] > 1) return false.
* takeWhile 2*2 <= 5 found match
* (5 % [2,3] > 1) return true
* Add 5 to the list
* takeWhile 2*2 <= 6 found match
* (6 % [2,3,5] > 1) return false
* takeWhile 2*2 <= 7
* (7 % [2,3,5] > 1) return true
* Add 7 to the list
But If I change j*j in the list to be 2*2 which I assumed would work exactly the same, it causes a stackoverflow error.
I'm obviously missing something fundamental here, and could really use someone explaining this to me like I was a five year old.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure that seeking a procedural/imperative explanation is the best way to gain understanding here. Streams come from functional programming and they're best understood from that perspective. The key aspects of the definition you've given are:
It's lazy. Other than the first element in the stream, nothing is computed until you ask for it. If you never ask for the 5th prime, it will never be computed.
It's recursive. The list of prime numbers is defined in terms of itself.
It's infinite. Streams have the interesting property (because they're lazy) that they can represent a sequence with an infinite number of elements. Stream.from(3) is an example of this: it represents the list [3, 4, 5, ...].
Let's see if we can understand why your definition computes the sequence of prime numbers.
The definition starts out with 2 #:: .... This just says that the first number in the sequence is 2 - simple enough so far.
The next part defines the rest of the prime numbers. We can start with all the counting numbers starting at 3 (Stream.from(3)), but we obviously need to filter a bunch of these numbers out (i.e., all the composites). So let's consider each number i. If i is not a multiple of a lesser prime number, then i is prime. That is, i is prime if, for all primes k less than i, i % k > 0. In Scala, we could express this as
nums.filter(i => ps.takeWhile(k => k < i).forall(k => i % k > 0))
However, it isn't actually necessary to check all lesser prime numbers -- we really only need to check the prime numbers whose square is less than or equal to i (this is a fact from number theory*). So we could instead write
nums.filter(i => ps.takeWhile(k => k * k <= i).forall(k => i % k > 0))
So we've derived your definition.
Now, if you happened to try the first definition (with k < i), you would have found that it didn't work. Why not? It has to do with the fact that this is a recursive definition.
Suppose we're trying to decide what comes after 2 in the sequence. The definition tells us to first determine whether 3 belongs. To do so, we consider the list of primes up to the first one greater than or equal to 3 (takeWhile(k => k < i)). The first prime is 2, which is less than 3 -- so far so good. But we don't yet know the second prime, so we need to compute it. Fine, so we need to first see whether 3 belongs ... BOOM!
* It's pretty easy to see that if a number n is composite then the square of one of its factors must be less than or equal to n. If n is composite, then by definition n == a * b, where 1 < a <= b < n (we can guarantee a <= b just by labeling the two factors appropriately). From a <= b it follows that a^2 <= a * b, so it follows that a^2 <= n.
Your explanations are mostly correct, you made only two mistakes:
takeWhile doesn't include the last checked element:
scala> List(1,2,3).takeWhile(_<2)
res1: List[Int] = List(1)
You assume that ps always contains only a two and a three but because Stream is lazy it is possible to add new elements to it. In fact each time a new prime is found it is added to ps and in the next step takeWhile will consider this new added element. Here, it is important to remember that the tail of a Stream is computed only when it is needed, thus takeWhile can't see it before forall is evaluated to true.
Keep these two things in mind and you should came up with this:
ps = [2]
i = 3
2*2 <= 3 -> false
forall on []
-> true
ps = [2,3]
i = 4
2*2 <= 4 -> true
3*3 <= 4 -> false
forall on [2]
4%2 > 0 -> false
ps = [2,3]
i = 5
2*2 <= 5 -> true
3*3 <= 5 -> false
forall on [2]
5%2 > 0 -> true
ps = [2,3,5]
i = 6
While these steps describe the behavior of the code, it is not fully correct because not only adding elements to the Stream is lazy but every operation on it. This means that when you call xs.takeWhile(f) not all values until the point when f is false are computed at once - they are computed when forall wants to see them (because it is the only function here that needs to look at all elements before it definitely can result to true, for false it can abort earlier). Here the computation order when laziness is considered everywhere (example only looking at 9):
ps = [2,3,5,7]
i = 9
takeWhile on 2
2*2 <= 9 -> true
forall on 2
9%2 > 0 -> true
takeWhile on 3
3*3 <= 9 -> true
forall on 3
9%3 > 0 -> false
ps = [2,3,5,7]
i = 10
Because forall is aborted when it evaluates to false, takeWhile doesn't calculate the remaining possible elements.
That code is easier (for me, at least) to read with some variables renamed suggestively, as
lazy val ps: Stream[Int] = 2 #:: Stream.from(3).filter(i =>
ps.takeWhile{p => p * p <= i}.forall{ p => i % p > 0});
This reads left-to-right quite naturally, as
primes are 2, and those numbers i from 3 up, that all of the primes p whose square does not exceed the i, do not divide i evenly (i.e. without some non-zero remainder).
In a true recursive fashion, to understand this definition as defining the ever increasing stream of primes, we assume that it is so, and from that assumption we see that no contradiction arises, i.e. the truth of the definition holds.
The only potential problem after that, is the timing of accessing the stream ps as it is being defined. As the first step, imagine we just have another stream of primes provided to us from somewhere, magically. Then, after seeing the truth of the definition, check that the timing of the access is okay, i.e. we never try to access the areas of ps before they are defined; that would make the definition stuck, unproductive.
I remember reading somewhere (don't recall where) something like the following -- a conversation between a student and a wizard,
student: which numbers are prime?
wizard: well, do you know what number is the first prime?
s: yes, it's 2.
w: okay (quickly writes down 2 on a piece of paper). And what about the next one?
s: well, next candidate is 3. we need to check whether it is divided by any prime whose square does not exceed it, but I don't yet know what the primes are!
w: don't worry, I'l give them to you. It's a magic I know; I'm a wizard after all.
s: okay, so what is the first prime number?
w: (glances over the piece of paper) 2.
s: great, so its square is already greater than 3... HEY, you've cheated! .....
Here's a pseudocode1 translation of your code, read partially right-to-left, with some variables again renamed for clarity (using p for "prime"):
ps = 2 : filter (\i-> all (\p->rem i p > 0) (takeWhile (\p->p^2 <= i) ps)) [3..]
which is also
ps = 2 : [i | i <- [3..], and [rem i p > 0 | p <- takeWhile (\p->p^2 <= i) ps]]
which is a bit more visually apparent, using list comprehensions. and checks that all entries in a list of Booleans are True (read | as "for", <- as "drawn from", , as "such that" and (\p-> ...) as "lambda of p").
So you see, ps is a lazy list of 2, and then of numbers i drawn from a stream [3,4,5,...] such that for all p drawn from ps such that p^2 <= i, it is true that i % p > 0. Which is actually an optimal trial division algorithm. :)
There's a subtlety here of course: the list ps is open-ended. We use it as it is being "fleshed-out" (that of course, because it is lazy). When ps are taken from ps, it could potentially be a case that we run past its end, in which case we'd have a non-terminating calculation on our hands (a "black hole"). It just so happens :) (and needs to ⁄ can be proved mathematically) that this is impossible with the above definition. So 2 is put into ps unconditionally, so there's something in it to begin with.
But if we try to "simplify",
bad = 2 : [i | i <- [3..], and [rem i p > 0 | p <- takeWhile (\p->p < i) bad]]
it stops working after producing just one number, 2: when considering 3 as the candidate, takeWhile (\p->p < 3) bad demands the next number in bad after 2, but there aren't yet any more numbers there. It "jumps ahead of itself".
This is "fixed" with
bad = 2 : [i | i <- [3..], and [rem i p > 0 | p <- [2..(i-1)] ]]
but that is a much much slower trial division algorithm, very far from the optimal one.
1 (Haskell actually, it's just easier for me that way :) )

how to create unique integer number from 3 different integers numbers(1 Oracle Long, 1 Date Field, 1 Short)

the thing is that, the 1st number is already ORACLE LONG,
second one a Date (SQL DATE, no timestamp info extra), the last one being a Short value in the range 1000-100'000.
how can I create sort of hash value that will be unique for each combination optimally?
string concatenation and converting to long later:
I don't want this, for example.
Day Month
12 1 --> 121
1 12 --> 121
When you have a few numeric values and need to have a single "unique" (that is, statistically improbable duplicate) value out of them you can usually use a formula like:
h = (a*P1 + b)*P2 + c
where P1 and P2 are either well-chosen numbers (e.g. if you know 'a' is always in the 1-31 range, you can use P1=32) or, when you know nothing particular about the allowable ranges of a,b,c best approach is to have P1 and P2 as big prime numbers (they have the least chance to generate values that collide).
For an optimal solution the math is a bit more complex than that, but using prime numbers you can usually have a decent solution.
For example, Java implementation for .hashCode() for an array (or a String) is something like:
h = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i)
h = h * 31 + a[i];
Even though personally, I would have chosen a prime bigger than 31 as values inside a String can easily collide, since a delta of 31 places can be quite common, e.g.:
"BB".hashCode() == "Aa".hashCode() == 2122
12 1 --> 121
1 12 --> 121
problem is easily fixed by zero-padding your input numbers to the maximum width expected for each input field.
For example, if the first field can range from 0 to 10000 and the second field can range from 0 to 100, your example becomes:
00012 001 --> 00012001
00001 012 --> 00001012
In python, you can use this:
#pip install pairing
import pairing as pf
n = [12,6,20,19]
key = pf.pair(pf.pair(n[0],n[1]),
pf.pair(n[2], n[3]))
m = [pf.depair(pf.depair(key)[0]),
Output is:
[12, 6, 20, 19]
[(12, 6), (20, 19)]