Linker script notation for handling unspecified sections - ld

I have an object file that has a bunch of compiler-generated sections I don't care about. When I link together a flat binary using a linker script, I can sometimes see these sections placed at the start or end of my binary. For example, if I have the linker script:
__START = .;
.text : { *(.text) } /* I want all .text to go at the very start. */
.data : { *(.data) } /* Followed by .data. */
/* Every other section can go somewhere here. */
__END = ;.
Then it's possible for a section like .interp or to be placed at the start of the binary when I really want .text to be at the start. I can work around this by placing these sections at the end via:
__START = .;
.text : { *(.text) } /* I want all .text to go at the very start. */
.data : { *(.data) } /* Followed by .data. */
/* Every other section can go somewhere here. */
.interp : { *(.interp) }
__END = ;.
or somehow getting the compiler to just not emit that section at all, but I don't want to manually do this for every section I don't knowingly account for. Is there a way to kinda just "glob" all sections I don't specify at the end of the binary?


getting "undefined reference to ledc_cb_register" error

I'm trying to use a callback function with the led controller of esp32, however I'm unable to compile the code. I'm not sure if something is missing or the code has errors, as I have a limited understanding of pointers or coding in general.
I'm using the Arduino framework, however when I hover over the ledc_cb_register text, VSCode will popup some more details/definition of this function, so I would expect that it does see the reference to it.
relevant esp32 documentation:
I'm trying to copy the following example, but make it a bit simpler (using only one channel):
It seems this example can be compiled on my side too, but this uses espidf framework.
trying the following code (many lines are not shown here for simplicity)
static bool cb_ledc_fade_end_event(const ledc_cb_param_t *param, void *user_arg)
portBASE_TYPE taskAwoken = pdFALSE;
if (param->event == LEDC_FADE_END_EVT) {
isFading = false;
return (taskAwoken == pdTRUE);
void setup() {
ledc_timer_config_t ledc_timer = {
.speed_mode = LEDC_HIGH_SPEED_MODE, // timer mode
.duty_resolution = LEDC_TIMER_13_BIT, // resolution of PWM duty
.timer_num = LEDC_TIMER_0, // timer index
.freq_hz = LED_frequency, // frequency of PWM signal
.clk_cfg = LEDC_AUTO_CLK, // Auto select the source clock
ledc_channel_config_t ledc_channel = {
.gpio_num = LED_PIN,
.speed_mode = LEDC_HIGH_SPEED_MODE,
.channel = LEDC_CHANNEL_0,
.timer_sel = LEDC_TIMER_0,
.duty = 4000,
.hpoint = 0,
//.flags.output_invert = 0
ledc_cbs_t callbacks = {
.fade_cb = cb_ledc_fade_end_event
ledc_cb_register(LEDC_HIGH_SPEED_MODE, LEDC_CHANNEL_0, &callbacks, 0);
and getting the following error message:
[..]/.platformio/packages/toolchain-xtensa-esp32#8.4.0+2021r2-patch3/bin/../lib/gcc/xtensa-esp32-elf/8.4.0/../../../../xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/ld.exe: .pio\build\esp32dev\src\main.cpp.o:(.literal._Z5setupv+0x78): undefined reference to 'ledc_cb_register(ledc_mode_t, ledc_channel_t, ledc_cbs_t*, void*)'
[..]/.platformio/packages/toolchain-xtensa-esp32#8.4.0+2021r2-patch3/bin/../lib/gcc/xtensa-esp32-elf/8.4.0/../../../../xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/ld.exe: .pio\build\esp32dev\src\main.cpp.o: in function 'setup()':
[..]\PlatformIO\Projects\asdf/src/main.cpp:272: undefined reference to 'ledc_cb_register(ledc_mode_t, ledc_channel_t, ledc_cbs_t*, void*)'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
*** [.pio\build\esp32dev\firmware.elf] Error 1
According to the docs, it seems to be a feature that was added in v4.4.4
but the latest Arduino core (2.0.6) is build on v4.4.3.
If you are not on the latest Arduino core, try updating that first and see if it works. If not, then you just have to wait until the Arduino core is updated to use ESP IDF v4.4.4.
Of course, you can use ledc_isr_register(...) to register an ISR handler for the interrupt.
Best of luck!
I realized that the problem (at least on my side when testing it) was that there is an error in the ledc.h file, where they forgot to add ledc_cb_register in an extern "C" block.
I manually patched it by moving the
#ifdef __cplusplus
part, which was located after the ledc_set_fade_step_and_start function, below ledc_cb_register instead.
So, the end of my ledc.h file looks like this now:
esp_err_t ledc_set_fade_step_and_start(ledc_mode_t speed_mode, ledc_channel_t channel, uint32_t target_duty, uint32_t scale, uint32_t cycle_num, ledc_fade_mode_t fade_mode);
* #brief LEDC callback registration function
* ...
esp_err_t ledc_cb_register(ledc_mode_t speed_mode, ledc_channel_t channel, ledc_cbs_t *cbs, void *user_arg);
#ifdef __cplusplus

Can the equivalent of Tcl "chan push" be implemented in C code?

I have an imbedded Tcl interpreter and want to redirect its stderr and stdout to a console widget in the application.
Using a chan push command for stderr seems to work (not much testing yet), like explained here:
TCL: Redirect output of proc to a file
I could have a file with the required tcl namespace definition, etc, and do a Tcl_Eval to source that script after creating an interp with Tcl_CreateInterp.
Can I do the same thing using Tcl C library calls instead of running the Tcl commands via a Tcl_Eval?
To implement a channel transformation in C, you first have to define a Tcl_ChannelType structure. Such a structure specifies a name for the transformation and pointers to functions for the different operations that may be done on a channel. Next, you implement the functions that perform those operations. The most important ones are inputProc and outputProc. You also have to implement a watchProc. The pointers for other operations can be set to NULL, if you don't need them.
For your example it may look something like:
static const Tcl_ChannelType colorChannelType = {
NULL, /* seekProc */
NULL, /* setOptionProc */
NULL, /* getOptionProc */
NULL, /* getHandleProc */
NULL, /* close2Proc */
NULL, /* blockModeProc */
NULL, /* flushProc */
NULL, /* handlerProc */
NULL, /* wideSeekProc */
Then, when you want to push the transformation onto a channel:
chan = Tcl_StackChannel(interp, &colorChannelType, clientData,
Tcl_GetChannelMode(channel), channel);
For a complete example from the Tcl sources, see tclZlib.c
Not really an answer to my question, but maybe it will help someone to see what works by using a Tcl_Eval to show the tcl code that does the redirection.
proc redir_stdout {whichChan args} {
switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
initialize {
return {initialize write finalize}
write {
::HT_puts $whichChan [lindex $args 2]
finalize {
chan push stderr [list redir_stdout 1]
chan push stdout [list redir_stdout 2]
Both the chan push commands use the same proc, but pass an different identifier (1 or 2) to indicate whether stdout or stderr was the originator of the output.
HT_puts is an extension provided by the C code:
Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp,"HT_puts",putsCmd,(ClientData) NULL,NULL);
int TclInterp::putsCmd(ClientData ,Tcl_Interp *,int objcnt,Tcl_Obj * CONST *objv)
if (objcnt != 3)
return TCL_ERROR;
int length;
int whichChan;
//qDebug() << "Channel is $whichChan";
QString out =Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[2],&length);
QColor textColor;
if (whichChan==1)
textColor = QColor(Qt::red);
textColor = QColor(Qt::white);
//qDebug() << out;
return TCL_OK;
Text forwarded from stderr gets colored red and text from stdout gets colored white.
And, as I mentioned above, each subsequent command that gets executed via Tcl_Eval needs to have the Tcl_Eval return value processed something like this:
if (rtn != TCL_OK)
QString output = Tcl_GetVar(interp, "errorInfo", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY);
//qDebug("Failed Tcl_Eval: %d \n%s\n", rtn,
To get what's normally printed to stderr by tclsh on a TCL_ERROR into the console (instead of the app's stderr).
I was planning to do the equivalent in C to eliminate the need to run Tcl code in the interpreter for the redirect. But, really there's no need for that.
The Tcl_Eval that does the redirection is done right after doing the Tcl_CreateInterp. Any subsequent Tcl_Evals using that interp will have stdout and stderr redirected to my application's console.
Besides, I'm having trouble understanding how to use Tcl_StackChannel and can't find an example I can follow.
Honestly, can't say that I completely understand the Tcl implementation. I made some assumptions on what gets passed to the proc used in the "chan push" command based on the referenced thread.
It looks like the proc is called with the list specified in the chan push command AND an args list. The first element of the args list is a name like "write" or "initialize". The third element looks like the string to be printed.
Still trying to find a definition of what's passed without having to dig into something like namespace ensemble.
So, it's likely that this Tcl code isn't the best implementation but it's working so far (with limited testing).

As to the GPIOTE function(External Interrupt) of nRF52832

I have some trouble to control GPIOTE function with nRF52832 sdk,
when using 14.01 version(SDK), it seems that the GPIOTE function can't be used with BLE function, I used the code below, it made hang-up issue of system, why?
I wonder whether GPIOTE function can't be used with BLE function or not,
and another method to use the function with BLE function,
thankful for your support and kindness in advance,
#define PIN_IN BUTTON_4
//#define PIN_OUT BSP_LED_3
void in_pin_handler(nrf_drv_gpiote_pin_t pin, nrf_gpiote_polarity_t action)
printf("love %d: %d\n", (int)pin, (int)action);
// nrf_drv_gpiote_out_toggle(PIN_OUT);
* #brief Function for configuring: PIN_IN pin for input, PIN_OUT pin for output,
* and configures GPIOTE to give an interrupt on pin change.
void gpio_external_int_init(void)//love_1108
uint32_t err_code;
err_code = nrf_drv_ppi_init();
err_code = nrf_drv_gpiote_init();
// (void)nrf_drv_gpiote_init();
// nrf_drv_gpiote_out_config_t out_config = GPIOTE_CONFIG_OUT_SIMPLE(false);
// err_code = nrf_drv_gpiote_out_init(PIN_OUT, &out_config);
// APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
nrf_drv_gpiote_in_config_t in_config = GPIOTE_CONFIG_IN_SENSE_TOGGLE(false);
in_config.pull = NRF_GPIO_PIN_PULLUP;
err_code = nrf_drv_gpiote_in_init(PIN_IN, &in_config, in_pin_handler);
nrf_drv_gpiote_in_event_enable(PIN_IN, true);
While you don't provide much detail, such as what is meant by "used with BLE function", I have found an issue with the SDK example ble_app_template. In my case the cause was that the file bsp_btn_ble.c demands that there are more buttons than my board_custom.h defines. So the function startup_event_extract() wants to check the state of BTN_ID_WAKEUP_BOND_DELETE, which does not exist on my hardware, causes an assertion. It is disturbing that BTN_ID_WAKEUP_BOND_DELETE and other buttons are defined in the c file, rather than being derived from custom_board.h.
So, trace the board initialization and you may find something like ASSERT(button_idx < BUTTONS_NUMBER), which caused a hang in my case.

STM32F446 DFU : Hard fault with free() function

I currently try to upgrade my firmware by using Dfuse from ST. In application mode USB HS in VCP mode allow a communication between computer and µC and I use this communication and a non initialized variable for reset device and configure DFU interface with the followed code.
*/void MX_USB_DEVICE_Init(void)
if (DFU_OR_CDC==1)
/* Otherwise enters DFU mode to allow user programing his application */
/* Init Device Library */
USBD_Init(&USBD_Device, &DFU_Desc, 0);
/* Add Supported Class */
USBD_RegisterClass(&USBD_Device, USBD_DFU_CLASS);
/* Add DFU Media interface */
USBD_DFU_RegisterMedia(&USBD_Device, &USBD_DFU_Flash_fops);
/* Start Device Process */
/* Set led1 for indicate that device that device works as CDC/VCP interface */
/* If CDC is selected configure and start USB CDC interface*/
else if (DFU_OR_CDC==2)
/* Init Device Library */
USBD_Init(&hUSBDDevice, &VCP_Desc, 0);
/* Add Supported Class */
USBD_RegisterClass(&hUSBDDevice, USBD_CDC_CLASS);
/* Add CDC Interface Class */
USBD_CDC_RegisterInterface(&hUSBDDevice, &USBD_CDC_fops);
/* Start Device Process */
/* Set led2 for indicate that device that device works as DFU interface */
/*Auto select of CDC usb interface for the next plug, Reset after use of DFU mode*/
When I use only DFU by set manually the variable DFU_OR_CDC to DFU that's works fine, but if I use VCP and then DFU by using my command I have de HardFault which occur on DFU_DeInit (from example from ST), especially in free() function.
* #brief USBD_DFU_Init
* De-Initialize the DFU layer
* #param pdev: device instance
* #param cfgidx: Configuration index
* #retval status
static uint8_t USBD_DFU_DeInit (USBD_HandleTypeDef *pdev,
uint8_t cfgidx)
USBD_DFU_HandleTypeDef *hdfu;
hdfu = (USBD_DFU_HandleTypeDef*) pdev->pClassData;
hdfu->wblock_num = 0;
hdfu->wlength = 0;
hdfu->dev_state = DFU_STATE_IDLE;
hdfu->dev_status[0] = DFU_ERROR_NONE;
hdfu->dev_status[4] = DFU_STATE_IDLE;
/* DeInit physical Interface components */
if(pdev->pClassData != NULL)
/* De-Initialize Hardware layer */
((USBD_DFU_MediaTypeDef *)pdev->pUserData)->DeInit();
pdev->pClassData = NULL;
return USBD_OK;
The debugger indicate a UNDEFINSTR (Keil V5)with an address of 0x080089A8 for free function. UNDEFINSTR indicate that I try to branch to an address where no code is located, but I unable to understand why.
Any Help will be kind.
Its a known bug in ST's library.
Several of its versions mixes dynamic and static memory management.
Look closely to USBD_malloc / USBD_free.
Most likely, USBD_malloc simply return pointer to global variable, and USBD_free calls standart memory manager:
/* Memory management macros */
#define USBD_malloc (uint32_t *)USBD_static_malloc
#define USBD_free USBD_static_free
void *USBD_static_malloc(uint32_t size)
static uint8_t mem[sizeof(USBD_CDC_HandleTypeDef)];
return mem;
void USBD_static_free(void *p)
To fix this, just remove call of free().
For resolve this I have used the method explained by FLIP in the following post.
StackOverFlow Jump to bootloader
I program my µC in two steps :
-DFU firmware. Programming start: beginning of Flash memory address, End : position on application firmware in flash memory.This firmware read a GPIO pin and according to this one will jump on my application or start DFU mode.
-Application firmware. Programming start: beginning of Flash memory address, End : position on application firmware in flash memory. Then I reconfigure HAL library,clocks and vector table offset then I enter in my infinity loop where my application run.

Doxygen #code line numbers

Is there a way to display code line numbers inside a #code ... #endcode block? From the screenshots in the doxygen manual it would seem that there is, but I was unable to find an option for doxygen itself, or a tag syntax to accomplish this.
I need this to be able to write something like "In the above code, line 3" after a code block.
Tested also for fenced code blocks, still getting no numbers.
Short Answer
It seems that at least in the current version (1.8.9) line numbers are added:
to C code only when using \includelineno tag
to any Python code
Python code formatter
Python code formatter includes line numbers if g_sourceFileDef evaluates as TRUE:
/*! start a new line of code, inserting a line number if g_sourceFileDef
* is TRUE. If a definition starts at the current line, then the line
* number is linked to the documentation of that definition.
static void startCodeLine()
//if (g_currentFontClass) { g_code->endFontClass(); }
if (g_sourceFileDef)
It's initialized from FileDef *fd passed into parseCode/parsePythonCode if it was provided (non-zero) or from new FileDef(<...>) otherwise:
g_sourceFileDef = fd;
if (fd==0)
// create a dummy filedef for the example
g_sourceFileDef = new FileDef("",(exName?exName:"generated"));
cleanupSourceDef = TRUE;
( )
so it seems all Python code is having line numbers included
C code formatter
C code formatter has an additional variable g_lineNumbers and includes line numbers if both g_sourceFileDef and g_lineNumbers evaluate as TRUE:
/*! start a new line of code, inserting a line number if g_sourceFileDef
* is TRUE. If a definition starts at the current line, then the line
* number is linked to the documentation of that definition.
static void startCodeLine()
//if (g_currentFontClass) { g_code->endFontClass(); }
if (g_sourceFileDef && g_lineNumbers)
( )
They are initialized in the following way:
g_sourceFileDef = fd;
g_lineNumbers = fd!=0 && showLineNumbers;
if (fd==0)
// create a dummy filedef for the example
g_sourceFileDef = new FileDef("",(exName?exName:"generated"));
cleanupSourceDef = TRUE;
( )
Note that g_lineNumbers remains FALSE if provided fd value was 0
Among parseCode calls in HtmlDocVisitor::visit there is only one (for DocInclude::IncWithLines, what corresponds to \includelineno) which passes non-zero fd:
so this seems to be the only command which will result in line numbers included into C code listing