In providing a treeview to VSCode, it seems to get all the parent elements but fail to get the children of these parent elements, I've added a debug point into it and saw that it was only ever called with undefined, is there something improper with my implementation?
export class GalleryTreeItem extends vscode.TreeItem {
private extensionUri: vscode.Uri,
public collapsibleState: vscode.TreeItemCollapsibleState,
public readonly name: string,
public readonly project?: Project
) {
super(name, collapsibleState);
if (this.project) {
this.contextValue = "gallery";
this.description = `v${this.project.config.userContentVersion}`;
this.tooltip = this.project.config.repositoryUrl;
this.command = {
title: "Plywood Gallery: Open a gallery webview.",
command: "plywood-gallery.Open",
arguments: [this.label],
this.iconPath = vscode.Uri.joinPath(
} else {
this.contextValue = "chapter";
getChapters() {
if (this.project) {
return Object.keys(this.project.parameters).map(
(name) =>
new GalleryTreeItem(
} else {
return [];
export class InstalledGalleriesExplorerProvider
implements vscode.TreeDataProvider<GalleryTreeItem>
constructor(private extensionUri: vscode.Uri) {}
private _onDidChangeTreeData: vscode.EventEmitter<
GalleryTreeItem | undefined | void
> = new vscode.EventEmitter<GalleryTreeItem | undefined | void>();
readonly onDidChangeTreeData: vscode.Event<
GalleryTreeItem | undefined | void
> = this._onDidChangeTreeData.event;
getTreeItem(element: GalleryTreeItem): vscode.TreeItem {
return element;
refresh(): void {;
async getChildren(element?: GalleryTreeItem): Promise<GalleryTreeItem[]> {
if (element) {
return Promise.resolve(element.getChapters());
} else {
return getLocalProjects(this.extensionUri).then((projects) =>
(prj) =>
new GalleryTreeItem(
I found the exact passage of interest here: TreeView guide: Tree Data Provider which is a good resource for anyone building TeeViews.
Leaving the collapsibleState as its default of
TreeItemCollapsibleState.None indicates that the tree item has no
children. getChildren will not be called for tree items with a
collapsibleState of TreeItemCollapsibleState.None.
Emphasis added, the default is TreeItemCollapsibleState.None so if you do not explicitly set the state to something else, the children of those nodes will never be retrieved.
As I mentioned in the comments you gave your parent nodes a vscode.TreeItemCollapsibleState.None property. Apparently, vscode is smart enough to not bother looking for children of such nodes - as they can't be opened anyway.
The solution is simply to choose another collapsibleState like TreeItemCollapsibleState.Collapsed or TreeItemCollapsibleState.Expanded.
"If I am seeing it right you are creating GalleryTreeItems which are your parent nodes, but they have vscode.TreeItemCollapsibleState.None which means they act like they are leaf nodes."
Changing it to vscode.TreeItemCollapsibleState.Collapsed fixes it.
I'm reverse engineering a file format that stores each field as TLV blocks (type, length, value).
The fields do not have to be in order, or even present at all. Their presence is denoted with a sentinel, which is a 16-bit type identifier and a 32-bit end offset. There are hundreds of unique identifiers, but a decent chunk of those are just single primitive values. aside from denoting the type, they can also identify what field the data should be stored in.
It is also worth noting that there will never be a duplicate id on a parent structure. The only time is can occur is if there are multiple of the same object type in an array/list.
I have successfully written a Kaitai definition for one of them:
id: struct_02ea
endian: le
- id: unk_00
type: s4
- id: fields
type: field_block
repeat: eos
- id: id
type: u2
- id: end_offset
type: u4
- id: sentinel
type: sentinel
- id: value
0xF0: u1
0xF1: u1
0xF2: u1
0xF3: u1
0xF4: u4
0xF5: u4
size: sentinel.end_offset - _root._io.pos
Handling things this way does work, and I could likely map out the entire format like this. However, when it comes time to compiling this definition into another format, things get nasty.
Since I am wrapping each field in a field_block, the generated code stores these values in that type of object. This is incredibly inefficient when half of the generated field_block objects store a single integer. It would also require the consuming code to iterate through a list of each field block in order to get the actual field's value.
Ideally, I would like to define this structure so that the sentinels are only parsed while Kaitai is reading the data, and each value would be mapped to a field on the parent structure.
Is this possible? This technology is really cool, and I'd love to use it in my project, but I feel like the overhead that this is generating is a lot more trouble than it's worth.
Here's an example of the definition when compiled into C#:
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Kaitai
public partial class Struct02ea : KaitaiStruct
public static Struct02ea FromFile(string fileName)
return new Struct02ea(new KaitaiStream(fileName));
public Struct02ea(KaitaiStream p__io, KaitaiStruct p__parent = null, Struct02ea p__root = null) : base(p__io)
m_parent = p__parent;
m_root = p__root ?? this;
private void _read()
_unk00 = m_io.ReadS4le();
_fields = new List<FieldBlock>();
var i = 0;
while (!m_io.IsEof) {
_fields.Add(new FieldBlock(m_io, this, m_root));
public partial class Sentinel : KaitaiStruct
public static Sentinel FromFile(string fileName)
return new Sentinel(new KaitaiStream(fileName));
public Sentinel(KaitaiStream p__io, Struct02ea.FieldBlock p__parent = null, Struct02ea p__root = null) : base(p__io)
m_parent = p__parent;
m_root = p__root;
private void _read()
_id = m_io.ReadU2le();
_endOffset = m_io.ReadU4le();
private ushort _id;
private uint _endOffset;
private Struct02ea m_root;
private Struct02ea.FieldBlock m_parent;
public ushort Id { get { return _id; } }
public uint EndOffset { get { return _endOffset; } }
public Struct02ea M_Root { get { return m_root; } }
public Struct02ea.FieldBlock M_Parent { get { return m_parent; } }
public partial class FieldBlock : KaitaiStruct
public static FieldBlock FromFile(string fileName)
return new FieldBlock(new KaitaiStream(fileName));
public FieldBlock(KaitaiStream p__io, Struct02ea p__parent = null, Struct02ea p__root = null) : base(p__io)
m_parent = p__parent;
m_root = p__root;
private void _read()
_sentinel = new Sentinel(m_io, this, m_root);
switch (Sentinel.Id) {
case 243: {
_value = m_io.ReadU1();
case 244: {
_value = m_io.ReadU4le();
case 245: {
_value = m_io.ReadU4le();
case 241: {
_value = m_io.ReadU1();
case 240: {
_value = m_io.ReadU1();
case 242: {
_value = m_io.ReadU1();
default: {
_value = m_io.ReadBytes((Sentinel.EndOffset - M_Root.M_Io.Pos));
private Sentinel _sentinel;
private object _value;
private Struct02ea m_root;
private Struct02ea m_parent;
public Sentinel Sentinel { get { return _sentinel; } }
public object Value { get { return _value; } }
public Struct02ea M_Root { get { return m_root; } }
public Struct02ea M_Parent { get { return m_parent; } }
private int _unk00;
private List<FieldBlock> _fields;
private Struct02ea m_root;
private KaitaiStruct m_parent;
public int Unk00 { get { return _unk00; } }
public List<FieldBlock> Fields { get { return _fields; } }
public Struct02ea M_Root { get { return m_root; } }
public KaitaiStruct M_Parent { get { return m_parent; } }
Affiliate disclaimer: I'm a Kaitai Struct maintainer (see my GitHub profile).
Since I am wrapping each field in a field_block, the generated code stores these values in that type of object. This is incredibly inefficient when half of the generated field_block objects store a single integer. It would also require the consuming code to iterate through a list of each field block in order to get the actual field's value.
I think that rather than trying to describe the entire format with an ultimate Kaitai Struct specification, it's better for you not to let the generated code parse all the fields automatically. Move the parsing control to your application code, where you use the type Struct02ea.FieldBlock that represents the individual field and basically replicate the "repeat until end of stream" loop that the generated code that you posted was doing:
_fields = new List<FieldBlock>();
var i = 0;
while (!m_io.IsEof) {
_fields.Add(new FieldBlock(m_io, this, m_root));
The advantage of doing so is that you can adjust the loop to fit your needs. To avoid the overhead you describe, you'll probably want to keep the Struct02ea.FieldBlock object in a local variable inside the loop body, pull only the values you care about (save them in your compact, consumer-friendly output structures) and let it leave the scope after the loop iteration ends. This will allow each original FieldBlock object to get garbage-collected once you process it, so the overhead they have will be limited to a single instance and not multiplied by the number of fields in the file.
The most straightforward and seamless way to prevent the Kaitai Struct-generated code parse fields (but otherwise keep everything the same) is to add if: false in the KSY specification, as #webbnh suggested in a GitHub issue:
- id: unk_00
type: s4
- id: fields
type: field_block
repeat: eos
if: false # add this
The if: false works better than omitting it from seq entirely, because the kaitai-struct-compiler has occasional troubles with unused types (when compiling the KSY spec with unused types, you may get an error "Unable to derive _parent type in ..." due to a compiler bug). But with this if: false trick, you can't run into them because the field_block type is no longer unused.
I use Liferay 7.2 and Liferay IDE (eclipse). I created two separate Liferay admin portlet to creating a view for the database entries. I added in the first portlet "Teachers" a new panel called school with this generated code in application.list Package.
here is the code of -
immediate = true,
property = {
"panel.category.key=" + TeachersPanelCategoryKeys.CONTROL_PANEL_CATEGORY
service = PanelApp.class
public class TeachersPanelApp extends BasePanelApp {
public String getPortletId() {
return TeachersPortletKeys.TEACHERS;
target = "(" + TeachersPortletKeys.TEACHERS+ ")",
unbind = "-"
public void setPortlet(Portlet portlet) {
public class TeachersPanelCategoryKeys {
public static final String CONTROL_PANEL_CATEGORY = "Teachers";
And here is the code of -
immediate = true,
property = {
"panel.category.key=" + PanelCategoryKeys.SITE_ADMINISTRATION,
service = PanelCategory.class)
public class TeachersPanelCategory extends BasePanelCategory {
public String getKey() {
return TeachersPanelCategoryKeys.CONTROL_PANEL_CATEGORY;
public String getLabel(Locale locale) {
return LanguageUtil.get(locale, "School");
And here is the code of
immediate = true,
property = {
"" + TeachersPortletKeys.TEACHERS,
service = Portlet.class
public class TeachersPortlet extends MVCPortlet {
// some code to get entries from db
public void doView(final RenderRequest renderRequest, final RenderResponse renderResponse)
throws IOException, PortletException {
// some code
Now I want to add the second created portlet "Students" under the same Panel "School". I created it in the same way as "Teachers" but now I have two school panel. As it is shown in the image below.
I just want to display one panel category called school that contain both Teachers and Students in the list.
I do not know how I can think to do that.
As you're implementing a TeachersPanelCategory, I'm assuming you're also implementing a StudentsPanelCategory. From a naming perspective, I'd have expected a SchoolPanelCategory.
I'm currently at a loss of how the ControlPanel portlets actually declare their associated panel, but that place would be where you pick the common "school" panel and use the same spelling for both.
In other words: If you deploy two panels with the same name, I'd expect exactly what you document here. Make sure you're only deploying one of them
Edit: I'd like to know what TeachersPanelCategoryKeys.CONTROL_PANEL_CATEGORY is defined as, and the corresponding (assumed, not shown) StudentsPanelCategoryKeys.CONTROL_PANEL_CATEGORY. Both categories have the same label, but if they have different keys, they'll be different. I'm not sure what happens when you deploy two components with the same key: You should deploy only one.
Edit2: I've missed the code before: You're producing the key to your first category as "Teachers", and the label as "School". I'm assuming that the key for your other category is "Students". Liferay organizes the categories by key - and if the keys are different, then you'll end up with two different categories. Make their key more similar to their name (e.g. create a single SchoolCategory and associate your portlets/panelApps with that:
immediate = true,
property = {
"panel.category.key=" + PanelCategoryKeys.SITE_ADMINISTRATION,
service = PanelCategory.class)
public class SchoolPanelCategory extends BasePanelCategory {
public String getKey() {
return "school"; // this is the category that you want to associate with
public String getLabel(Locale locale) {
return LanguageUtil.get(locale, "School");
immediate = true,
property = {
"panel.category.key=school" // referencing the category created above
// (use the same for your StudentsPanelApp)
service = PanelApp.class
public class TeachersPanelApp extends BasePanelApp {
public String getPortletId() {
return TeachersPortletKeys.TEACHERS;
target = "(" + TeachersPortletKeys.TEACHERS+ ")",
unbind = "-"
public void setPortlet(Portlet portlet) {
(See the one-line comments within the code for the critical lines. Replace with proper constants if you like)
The code examples for TreeDataProviders on github sometimes show a refresh method but I'm not sure how to use it. Do I just call refresh() and pass in the data to be used by getChildren() and just update the class property that getChildren uses?
The refresh() function usually triggers the onDidChangeTreeData even, to which the base class (TreeDataProvider) is listening. It will then call getChildren again to re-fill the tree. See also the description of that event:
* An optional event to signal that an element or root has changed.
* This will trigger the view to update the changed element/root and its children recursively (if shown).
* To signal that root has changed, do not pass any argument or pass `undefined` or `null`.
onDidChangeTreeData?: Event<T | undefined | null>;
You can design the refresh function as you like, e.g. passing in new data, or you keep a reference to an applicationm data provider in the tree provider (e.g. passed to it in the c-tor). Up to you.
There are a few methods on the TreeDataProvider that are important to know about...
getChildren - method to obtain the data for items that will be displayed in the tree. This should return an array -- don't worry about turning the data into a TreeItem yet, this is just raw data.
getTreeItem - called on each item in the array returned by getChildren. Should return a single TreeItem using the data provided..
onDidChangeTreeData - a vscode.Event that, when changed, will trigger getChildren to be re-evaluated. This can be done by creating a vscode.EventEmitter(let's call it eventEmitter) and calling the fire method on the eventEmitter. This will cause the eventEmitter.event to be updated/triggered.
Here is an example of how to set up a TreeDataProvider, that I hope will help illustrate how to create the EventEmitter, set the TreeDataProvider's onDidChangeTreeData property to the event of the EventEmitter, and create/export a refresh method that can be called to trigger an update of the data.
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
export class AccountsProvider implements vscode.TreeDataProvider<Account> {
private accounts: Array<Account>;
constructor() {
this.accounts = getAccounts();
_onDidChangeTreeData: vscode.EventEmitter<undefined> =
new vscode.EventEmitter<undefined>();
onDidChangeTreeData: vscode.Event<undefined> =
refresh(): void {;
getTreeItem(a: Account): vscode.TreeItem {
return new AccountTreeItem(,,
getChildren(): Thenable<Account[] | undefined> {
this.accounts = getAccounts();
if (this.accounts) {
return Promise.resolve(this.accounts);
return Promise.resolve([]);
export class AccountTreeItem extends vscode.TreeItem {
public readonly name: string,
public readonly id: string,
public readonly accountData: Account,
public readonly collapsibleState: vscode.TreeItemCollapsibleState,
public readonly iconPath: string = new vscode.ThemeIcon('account'),
public readonly contextValue: string = 'accountTreeItem'
) {
super(name, collapsibleState);
this.tooltip = `Active Account: ${}`;
Importing and triggering refresh method
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { AccountsProvider } from 'accountsProvider'; // The TreeDataProvider
const accountProvider = new AccountsProvider();
vscode.commands.registerCommand('ext.accounts.refresh', () => {
I have a GWT Cell Tree that I use to display a file structure from a CMS. I am using a AsyncDataProvider that loads data from a custom RPC class I created. I also have a Web Socket system that will broadcast events (File create, renamed, moved, deleted etc) from other clients also working in the system.
What I am trying to wrap my head around is when I recieve one of these events, how I correctly update my Cell Tree?
I suppose this problem would be analogus to having two instances of my Cell Tree on the page, which are presenting the same server-side data and wanting to ensure that when the user updated one, that the other updated as well, via using the EventBus.
I feel this should be pretty simple but I have spent about 6 hours on it now with no headway. My code is included below:
NOTE: I am not using RequestFactory even though it may look like I am it is my custom RPC framework. Also, FileEntity is just a simple representation of a file which has a name accessible by getName().
private void drawTree() {
// fileService is injected earlier on and is my own custom rpc service
TreeViewModel model = new CustomTreeModel(new FileDataProvider(fileService));
CellTree tree = new CellTree(model, "Root");
private static class CustomTreeModel implements TreeViewModel {
// I am trying to use a single AsyncDataProvider so I have a single point of loading data which I can manipulate (Not sure if this is the correct way to go)
public CustomTreeModel(FileDataProvider dataProvider) {
this.provider = provider;
public <T> NodeInfo<?> getNodeInfo(final T value) {
if (!(value instanceof FileEntity)) {
// I already have the root File loaded in my presenter, if we are at the root of the tree, I just add it via a list here
ListDataProvider<FileEntity> dataProvider = new ListDataProvider<FileEntity>();
return new DefaultNodeInfo<FileEntity>(dataProvider,
new FileCell());
} else {
// Otherwise I know that we are loading some tree child data, and I invoke the AsyncProvider to load it from the server
return new DefaultNodeInfo<FileEntity>(provider,
new FileCell());
public boolean isLeaf(Object value) {
if(value == null || value instanceof Folder)
return false;
return true;
public class FileDataProvider extends AsyncDataProvider<FileEntity> {
private FileEntity focusFile;
private FileService service;
public FileDataProvider(FileService service){
this.service = service;
public void setFocusFile(FileEntity focusFile){
this.focusFile = focusFile;
protected void onRangeChanged(HasData<FileEntity> display) {
service.getChildren(((Folder) focusFile),
new Reciever<List<FileEntity>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<FileEntity> files) {
updateRowData(0, files);
public void onFailure(Throwable error) {
* The cell used to render Files.
public static class FileCell extends AbstractCell<FileEntity> {
private FileEntity file;
public FileEntity getFile() {
return file;
public void render(Context context, FileEntity file, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
if (file != null) {
this.file = file;
Currently there is no direct support for individual tree item refresh even in the latest gwt version.
But there is a workaround for this. Each tree item is associated with an value. Using this value you can get the corresponding tree item.
In your case, i assume, you know which item to update/refresh ie you know which File Entity has changed. Use this file entity to search for the corresponding tree item. Once you get the tree item you just need to expand and collapse or collapse and expand its parent item. This makes parent item to re-render its children. Your changed file entity is one among the children. So it get refreshed.
public void refreshFileEntity(FileEntity fileEntity)
TreeNode fileEntityNode = getFileEntityNode(fileEntity, cellTree.getRootTreeNode()
// For expnad and collapse run this for loop
for ( int i = 0; i < fileEntityNode.getParent().getChildCount(); i++ )
if ( !fileEntityNode.getParent().isChildLeaf( i ) )
fileEntityNode.getParent().setChildOpen( i, true );
public TreeNode getFileEntityNode(FileEntity fileEntity, TreeNode treeNode)
if(treeNode.getChildren == null)
return null;
for(TreeNode node : treeNode.getChildren())
if(fileEntity.getId().equals( node.getValue.getId() ))
return node;
getEntityNode(fileEntity, node);
You can use the dataprovider to update the celltree.
You can update the complete cell tree with:
If you want to update only a special cell you can get the listwrapper from the dataprovider and only set one element.
provider.getList().set(12, element);
let's say that I have a table TabA
namespace MyProject.Models.Database //<-- the same namespace as the EF's dbmx file
public partial class TabA
public void Foo()
Inside the Foo method, I need to perform some operations on the other table which isn't asosiated with the TabA In the other words, I need to access to the Entity Framework adapter inside that method. Is it possible ?
the answer is here
If I understand the problem correctly, I assume you have your reasons for wanting to work on another entity from the TabA entity. If this is true, I can see two ways of doing this.
A) If you want your changes to be applied at the same time as other potential changes to the TabA Entity, then you can always pass in the context as a parameter:
namespace MyProject.Models.Database //<-- the same namespace as the EF's dbmx file
public partial class TabA
public void Foo(YourDbContext context)
var otherTableQuery = from x in context.SecondTable
where ...
select x;
foreach (var item in otherTableQuery)
item.Column1 = "A certain value";
Your calling method might look like:
public void DoChangesToTabA()
using ( YourDbContext context = new YourDbContext())
var tabAquery = from x in context.TabA
where ...
select x;
foreach( var item in tabAQuery)
item.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
Now your changes will be applied the next time you call context.SaveChanges() from the calling method.